An Unsuitable Wife

Right now she is getting curious and curiouser about Mike. She suspects he isn't the temporary boat mover sailor he claims to be. The boat has a fancy schmancy new GPS system and Mike teaches a very interested Sid on how to use it. He also has a very good knowledge of wind and weather patterns and all kinds of srsly mechanical things.

Sidonie thinks Mike might have been an Air Force Pilot, but respecting Mike's inner space while trying to figure out her own, she doesn't ask him about it. By now Sidonie is in love, but for her it is kind of a friendly adoring from afar love, cause Mike is way, way above Sidonie's lurve mojo pay grade. She is in the kiddie pool and Mike is the kinda man who makes his own ocean. Sidonie just resolves to be in love and enjoy it, she knows nothing is ever going to come of it, Mike wouldn't be interested in someone like her.

In fact, when Mike and Sid run into some other yachters who are Mike friends, Sidonie is sure the tanned and elegant ladies sunning themselves topless on the upper deck are much more Mike's style. That soon proves to be the case when Mike and Sid and Mike's friend and his girlfriend all end up at the same port and go out one night. We learn that Mike used to be engaged to the friend's sister, but she couldn't handle Mike's job as a test plane pilot and married someone else.

The boat Mike and Sid are sailing is really Mike's, he flipped a couple of other boats and traded up and sailing around is his release from being a test pilot on jets with huge engines.

Sidonie isn't frightened by Mike's job, she is pretty familiar with a hi-test engine. But Sidonie does have to share a frown of disapproval when the friend's girlfriend makes a move on Mike and he spends the night with her. Mike almost sends Sidonie on to Melbourne, but at the last minute he changes his mind and drags Sid away from the plane. His friend eventually forgives him too. Mike and Sidonie sail on and Sidonie buys herself an awesomely fashionable hat. She wears it around for adventures like giving Mike more hissy fits when she helps a new pen pal haul her laundry and her baby home in one port and Mike is afraid she has been sold to pirates or something.

Then there is the Big Storm Sequence and the Fight for Ocean Survival to a Safe Harbor, which is one of the iron clad inclusion laws of writing any kind of book about sailing around - even if it is little boats in a bathtub. Then Sidonie hits her head and Mike is really concerned, this leads to Mike finally giving into his need to get Sidonie really close to him and unicorn grooming licenses are revoked. It takes a few times to get to the Transcendent Golden Shores of Passionate Bliss, but eventually Mike charts the right course and the whole thing is a great bang of deelite.

As we near the end of our voyage, Sidonie is fathoms deeps in love and keeping a mental Dear Diary monologue going. She has a heartbreaking moment of angst when Mike's friend shows up in his boat again, this time he is sailing with his sister - Mike's former fiancee. The ex fiance is almost divorced and when Sid looks at her, she sees everything that Sid is not. The ex-fiancee is svelte and sophisticated and assured and knows exactly where she wants to be. Unfortunately she is really nice too and Sidonie can't help but feel that Mike will be anxious to get her back.

Mike says he isn't interested in the ex anymore, she had serious issues with his job as as a test pilot and she seriously put the pressure on him to give up his dream job and Mike knows that kind of behavior doesn't change. Sidonie doesn't believe him, so she packs up her fabulous hat and her bikinis and Mike's red bandanna and stows away on a barge while singing the goodbye blues. Sidonie has her own unique Dover Sole theory of relationships. There is the fish and chip kinda relationship, which is quite tasty and comforting for a good fry up.

Then there is the Dover Sole kinda relationship, which is all kinds of elegant and exquisite and probably what Mike should hold out for. She thinks she is on the mass fry up end of the spectrum. Sidonie leaves Mike a note and then goes to Melbourne to get a teaching job, a grotty flat and have some mopey moments. As she is pondering her fate and tripping over the curb as she gets off the bus, a pair of tanned arms sweep her off her feet.

It is Mike and he has been challenging police officers everywhere to find his Sidonie. He delayed returning to his job in England to track her down and got lucky when his phone bill had her Melbourne friend's phone number on it. In a hugely sweet and epic declaration of True Love Forever, Mike painstakingly enumerates all the reasons why Sweet Sidonie is the only one for him and how he will love her and adore her forever and she is the Exquisite Exclusive Lobster of Love Relationships, so will she please put on her fabulous fashionable hat and her special dress and marry him?

Sidonie tosses Mike his red bandanna and leaves off singing the blues. She loves Mike just as much as he loves her and Mike assures her that she will get the hang of kids too--eventually--she just needs to think of them as little combustion engines and she will be totally set.

But that won't be for some years yet, there are big, fast engines for Mike to test and Sidonie to work on. In the meantime, with Sidonie in her fabulous hat and Mike in his bespoke suit and red bandanna, the two of them pledge their vows to each other and we leave them ready to sail the shores of love together in a very pink sparkly and engine revving truly excellent HPlandia HEA.

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View all 13 comments. Jan 13, StMargarets rated it liked it Shelves: Heroine is a mechanical genius who can't swim, cook, or dress fashionably. She hires on to crew for the hero as he takes a pleasure trip island hoping off the coast of Australia. He is a cynical man-about-town who somehow finds himself intrigued this manic pixie- type girl. This was a different kind of story that fits with the HP formula when the heroine is jealous of the hero's previous and current? Hero is the last one to the party realizing h Heroine is a mechanical genius who can't swim, cook, or dress fashionably.

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Sidonie thinks Mike might have been an Air Force Pilot, but respecting Mike's inner space while trying to figure out her own, she doesn't ask him about it. I really ain't sure about Sid's feelings as she might have been looking for a father figure or it cud have been a burst of gratitude. The Australian's Convenient Bride. Add to Your books. An Unsuitable Wife 3.

Hero is the last one to the party realizing his own feelings. It's different in the setting, the heroine's character and how the author uses her hat and his bandanna for a bit of symbolism. A note of warning if cheating bothers you: Aug 19, Vanessa rated it really liked it.

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Sidonie Hill was hoping to get a job as a teacher, but she was told she was overqualified. Sitting and pondering her future Mike Brennan stumbles across the distraught young woman. He offers her a position as a crew member on the yacht that he is sailing. She agrees after careful consideration and they embark on a tour of many locations as the sail towards their destination. Sidonie is a very smart girl, but she is not a typical one either. I truly believed Mike started caring about her before he even realized it too. Then he does another stupid thing. He seems to change from the man that she had gotten to know then in that moment in time.

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He justifies it to his friend as doing him a favor — still bothered me a little — but his friend soon forgives him. Mike seemed to genuinely feel bad about it. Perhaps he was saving himself from her taking his heart? Push her away before she wormed in too deep. And I thoroughly enjoyed the uniqueness that was Sidonie Hill. But she could learn and he would teach her! Oct 11, Roub rated it liked it. LA has the knack for writing about plain heroines! Sid fell for Mike rather quickly while with Mike it was something dat happened slowly. I really ain't sure about Sid's feelings as she might have been looking for a father figure or it cud have been a burst of gratitude.

Neway I found the end terribly sweet as she gave him back his red band LA has the knack for writing about plain heroines! Neway I found the end terribly sweet as she gave him back his red bandana and admitted this was the only thing she took when she left him; and he actually wore it for their wedding! Several people have done a plot review, StMargarets for one , so I just want to focus on my reaction. This was originally published in and re-issued as part of a set of s books.

I had to check to see who the author was, because at first it resembled a Betty Neels book with the internal monologues the h Sidone constantly went through. Out of the blue about half way through the book, Sid starts mentally composing diary entries. The story was all over the p Several people have done a plot review, StMargarets for one , so I just want to focus on my reaction. The story was all over the place for me, with Mike pushing her away, making fun of her, then getting close to her, then "fraternizing" with the OW.

Sometimes it just didn't make sense to me. Dec 26, Usagi Tsukino rated it did not like it Shelves: Not even 1 star.

An Unsuitable Wife by Mary Kingsley

Rappaccini's Daughter rated it did not like it Mar 05, Amy Dance rated it it was ok Apr 29, Deborah Cade rated it really liked it Aug 19, Aptumulak rated it it was amazing Jun 08, Rachel rated it it was ok Dec 09, Shwetha rated it really liked it Apr 02, Treva rated it liked it Oct 05, Tricia Murphy rated it it was ok Apr 17, Margo rated it did not like it Jul 08, The Maiden At Midnight. The Suitor Short Story.

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An Unsuitable Wife

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An Unsuitable Wife has 35 ratings and 7 reviews. boogenhagen said: Re An Unsuitable Wife - Lindsay Armstrong brings us a true Bildungsroman, or coming of. An Unsuitable Wife has 76 ratings and 7 reviews. Kathy said: I liked this one. I started out a little apprehensive, Melissa and Justin meet under unusual.

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