The Battle of Lexington: A Sermon And Eyewitness Narrative

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The Battle of Lexington: A Sermon & Eyewitness Narrative

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There was no better-prepared place to inaugurate the first battle of the War for Independence than the little village of Lexington. For Pastor Clark “discussed from. Editorial Reviews. Review. I appreciate the scholarship of Nordskog Publishing by bringing the April 19, sermon of Patriot Pastor Jonas Clark in the.

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  1. Smashwords – The Battle of Lexington: A Sermon and Eyewitness Narrative – a book by Jonas Clark;
  2. The Battle of Lexington: A Sermon and Eyewitness Narrative - Nordskog Publishing.
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He had six sons and six daughters, all but four living at the time of his death. Four of the daughters married clergymen. Clark graduated from Cambridge in and was ordained in Lexington three years later. In addition to being a fulltime clergyman, he was an industrious, hard-working farmer.

He cultivated sixty acres of land, which he still owned at the end of his life. As the pastor of the church at Lexington, he typically gave four sermons a week, written out and orally presented--nearly sermons in his lifetime. His preaching was vigorous in style, animated in manner, instructive in matter, and delivered with uncommon energy and zeal, with an agreeable and powerful voice. I found this to be extremely interesting. Forced to memorize battle dates, outcomes, and commanders in high school I often sunk into the muck of memorization for the purpose of passing a test.

History so often was just that - an impersonal memorization of dates. I have long been fascinated by the personal side of history - taking to heart God's command for Israel to pass down from generation to generation the works of the Lord their history. I believe hidden behind the dates and outcomes lie i I found this to be extremely interesting.

I believe hidden behind the dates and outcomes lie important and overlooked details of God's provision and love - and lessons that must be taught and learned from. The Battle of Lexington would have meant more to me had I had this book as a high school student. I would have done more than memorize the date and outcome.

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Like the diary of Anne Frank is required reading when studying the horrors of the Holocaust and Hitler's frightening rise to communistic power - so should this book be required reading when studying the American History. Within this sermon and the eyewitness account are hidden deep spiritual truths that are foundational to every persons very life. A young reader is invited to experience firsthand the atrocities of war and the price of liberty.

They are invited to see the Jehovah-Nissi The Lord is my banner shine in battle as His provisional security and grace is accomplished in the midst of innocent bloodshed. One can not but help feel a wave of patriotism well up inside as you read this amazing sermon. It is as applicable today as it was in - Jonas Clark calls his people to repent and acknowledge God's sovereign reign, to accept the Lord's chastisement for wrongs, and to take hope in God's promise of deliverance in the midst of terrible times.

The Battle of Lexington: A Sermon & Eyewitness Narrative - Jonas Clark - Google Книги

I will say that I recommend this highly for high school and maybe junior high. The language and content may be more difficult for a young elementary age student to fully take in and appreciate. I look forward to having my children memorize parts of this sermon and the included poems as part of their history. Thank you Nordskog Publishing for this review copy. This little book was brought to my attention at the IBC for Appleseed. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of it. I've read this little book twice through - once on the way to Waterman and once on the way back. Excellent words from Pastor Jonas Clarke over years ago.

Very appropriate for the times today.

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Neil McKinlay rated it really liked it Apr 20, Mike Mcgrady rated it really liked it Dec 06,