A Citizens Guide to Disaster Assistance FEMA Independent Study Course IS-7

Emergency Food and Water Supplies L Explains how to choose food for an emergency kit, emergency cooking, water purification, where to locate emergency water, and how to store emergency food and water supplies in the home.

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The course will introduce you to household hazardous materials and things you can do to protect yourself and your family from injury or death. Eucalyptus Trees in Oakland Sparks Debate. Make a Plan 2. These activities are optional and not content based, however, you are encouraged to view them, as they will reinforce content learned. There are currently no reviews for this resource. It is appropriate for both the general public and those involved in emergency management who need a general introduction to disaster assistance. Free Online Zika Virus Course.

Helping Children Cope with Disaster L Provides information on how to prep children prior to disaster and how to lessen the emotional effects of disaster. Includes a video and presenters guide for use by an adult with children ages Contains information on how to make sure you are financially prepared to deal with a natural disaster. Contains information on how to recover financially from a natural disaster.


Provides information on donations and volunteer organizations. The Adventures of Julia and Robbie: A collection of disaster related stories. Includes information on preparedness and how to mitigate against disasters. The First Steps L Information for homeowners on preparedness, safety and recovery from a flood. Contains guidance for constructing mass shelters for public refuge in schools, hospitals and other places of assembly.

6 Investigates: FEMA denies disaster assistance because home is 'habitable'

A brochure about obtaining information on how to protect your home from flooding. A detailed manual on how to protect your home from flooding.

Knowledge is Power

Independent Study IS-7 September, . The Role of Planning in Disaster Assistance. .. Many of these independent study courses are available at. K IV. A CITIZEN'S GUIDE TO DISASTER ASSISTANCE. These independent study courses are geared toward both the general public and persons who have .

Taking Shelter from the Storm: This brochure provides details about obtaining information on how to build a Wind Safe Room to withstand tornado, hurricane and other high winds. Also included is information on how to assemble a disaster supplies kit that contains the food, water, and other supplies in sufficient quantity for individuals and their families to survive. Communities, families, and individuals should know what to do in the event of a fire and where to seek shelter during a tornado.

They should be ready to evacuate their homes and take refuge in public shelters and know how to care for their basic medical needs. By reading and following the instructions in this guide you and your family can say, Yes, we are ready!

In the 1st unit, you will learn about basic chemical and physical properties, the ways chemicals enter your body, and the effects chemicals have on your body. In the 2nd and 3rd units, you will learn about cleaning products, lead, mercury, gasoline, compressed gases, carbon monoxide, medical supplies, chlorine, pesticides, and much more. In the last two units, you will cover labels, personal protective equipment, proper disposal methods, preventive measures to take before natural disasters, and less toxic alternatives.

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March is Tsunami Preparation Week.