Stilettos & Scoundrels (The Presley Thurman Mysteries Book 1)

Stilettos & Scoundrels

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Product details File Size: June 26, Sold by: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This was my first read in the series and by this author. It held my interest and had me guessing about the actual killer. I will definitely read more in the series. One person found this helpful. Loved it went fast will read more from her. I have never before written a review but feel this is necessary.

Needless to say I download the first free book and if I enjoy it,will download and pay for the remainder of the series. Am currently reading The Presley Thurman Mysteries series, which are interesting enough must point out there are quite a few typographical errors as well as grammatical. One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful.

As I have previously stated, I love these series. I do not know how I have missed them from the beginning, but I am catching up, and will buy the next one! Laina Turner is a great author. Her characters in the book will keep u guessing on what they will do next. I can never put her books down. I loved this series. I read them all. I love mysteries and this series did not disappoint me.

It kept me guessing right up to the very end. Would highly recommend to those who like this type of reading. See all 7 reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway. Set up a giveaway. What other items do customers buy after viewing this item?

Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Feedback If you need help or have a question for Customer Service, contact us. Would you like to report poor quality or formatting in this book? Click here Would you like to report this content as inappropriate? Click here Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? Quickly being offered a job for a newspaper, Presley heads to her small hometown where she is to write an article about a local Senator. Dressed to impress, she sets off on what she expects to be an easy endeavor, only to have the tables turned when the Senator is found murdered.

Presley quickly takes advantage of the situation in hopes of writing the piece of a lifetime. Cooper Sands is not only extremely charming and sexy, but he happens to be in charge of protecting the Senator while he is in town. When his job brings him face to face with Presley, the connection that sparked to life in high school is back and hotter than ever. Cooper must find a way to solve the murder and keep the stubborn Presley out of harms way. There are only a few paragraphs throughout the book that are from the perspective of other characters and I feel as though this prevented me from getting to know what some of the other characters were really about.

Although this did add to the mystery in some ways so it works out well with the story line. And there is plenty of mystery to go around! Just when I was getting comfortable thinking I knew who the murderer was, new scandals and clues were thrown in to throw me off of the trail. I originally was going to tackle these stories separately, but I would be repeating myself too much. Maybe if I hadn't read them all so soon after each other I could have done it successfully.

So, I'll review the Presley Thurman Mysteries as one. All of these stories are centered around one person, Presley Thurman. She is an outspoken woman who acts before she thinks many times. She is not afraid to take a chance and will despite the consequences. She also seems to be a magnet for trouble. Murder I originally was going to tackle these stories separately, but I would be repeating myself too much. Murder follows her everywhere starting a senator from her hometown who gets it right after seeing her.

Through the stories, you follow Presley from one deadly adventure to another and finding a little romance as she goes along. I did enjoy the stories and the plot the author wove. Nothing was black or white or what it appeared to be. There were many twists and turns that kept you reading to find out what was going to happen next. The characters were very unique and lively.

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None of them were boring or bland. A few were over the top, but I've met a few in real life just like that. So, in that sense they were pretty real. I will say that the scene shifts were very confusing at times. The transition from one scene to another was too quick or not there at all. That had me going back to read sections over again to get my bearings. Dialogue would continue and I wouldn't know for a few paragraphs that I was in another scene.

That slowed down my reading. Over all, a good read, but the scene transition really hurt my enjoyment. If you like mysteries, give it a try. The stories are very good. This book was received as part of a book tour with no expectation of a positive review. The main character, Presley, yes her mother had a fondness for Elvis, is a zany type of character.

Stilettos & Scoundrels (Presley Thurman Mysteries #1)

She gets fired from her job in the big city of Chicago where where she lives. She loves the windy city and lives just blocks away from the busy downtown shopping area. She has a passion for shoes, Starbucks and snooping. I think it was a good thing she got fired because she is wasting her talents in my opinion being a HR director.

She takes on a job that requires her to write a piece on a Senator, for a friend of hers who has an online magazine. The Senators wife is from Alkon and they maintain a home in Presley's hometown. What could be better? A paying job and visiting family and friends. In her attempts to the get the goods on the Senator, she becomes embroiled in the investigation of his murder.

Nope, she didn't do it, but his death puts her in the path of old high school flames, town gossips, the police, and some mobsters. Plus she is staying in her childhood home and with her mother drives her crazy with her attempts to find her a mate. As the story goes on it just gets crazier and crazier and she no longer knows who to trust and someone is out to harm her because she will not stop digging to find the truth as to what has happened to the Senator.

Time is running out and the bad , guys are getting closer. I think Presley has a future in being a private investigator. I enjoyed this book and hope to read more about Presley and her shenanagins It has a large cast of characters each one with their own insight into the problems,and their own way of thinking. It is well written with details and style. This is a quirky tale of murder,mystery,fashion,chick lit spin,climbing the corporate ladder,sensual harassment by an employer,scandals,and adventure.

Presley has adventures abound,is fired from her job after refusing to slept with her boss and finds a dead senator. Cooper,is to protect a senator,who of course of found dead,had an attraction to Presley in high school and must find a killer before any harm can come to Presley. Presley and Cooper's high school attraction is still there after all these years. This is a fast paced story with plenty of adventure, action, mystery, suspense,scandals,with a little chick lit spin. Murder by shoe what is there not to enjoy I would recommend this story to any and all chick lit,suspense,romance,and mystery fans it will keep you on your toes.

I couldn't finish this book. I didn't find the main character likable at all, she seemed immature to me. The author chooses to spend a lot of time going into detail about the main character's clothes and accessories that became annoying. I have read other series where this is done but is handled much better. The other thing I was having difficulty with was the change from first to third person at random times which throws off the flow of the story.

Unfortunately, I probably won't be reading any I couldn't finish this book. Unfortunately, I probably won't be reading any more in this series. Yes, I am reading a mental 'junkfood' mystery. I do this a lot when I find the kindle versions free on Amazon. Seriously, I 'spend' more on free books than I do any other kind, heh. At least this one isn't a paranormal mystery, those are like crack to me. ETA Okay, this book blows. I will read some serious trash too, so you know this one had to be pretty ba Yes, I am reading a mental 'junkfood' mystery.

I will read some serious trash too, so you know this one had to be pretty bad. The basis of the story is good. Presley is a bit annoying. The author tells the story from Presley's point of view but strays every now and then she throws in thoughts from Cooper or another character. The editing was bad. Presley mentions Simons parentage before she actually discovers the truth! First in the Presley Thurman Mystery series revolving around an idiot woman I would prefer to see die.

Gee, Kath, tell us what you really think My Take Omigod, the woman is oblivious She's not a woman, she's still an immature girl who has got so much growing up to do yet. Her whining about having to actually listen to Brian is a major indicator. Grow some balls, girl.

She's overly obsessed with accessorizing and, yeah, I know a lot of other books have had characte First in the Presley Thurman Mystery series revolving around an idiot woman I would prefer to see die. She's overly obsessed with accessorizing and, yeah, I know a lot of other books have had characters who are too focused on shallow material things. However they've done it well. I suspect Turner is channeling Sex and the City. Pres sees nothing wrong with pushing, pushing, pushing at everyone else to talk about their issues, but the first two sentences about her own issues has her running for the door.

And being upset that they would have the nerve to push! Presley is truly flexible. And so is any concept of continuity. There weren't even any cute agents, so the entire thing was a waste of my time. Consistency in her character would be a treat. One minute she's thinking she's a lousy lay and the next she thinks she's God's gift.

Then there's the "only the senator and Tobey know about the gambling" when she already knows that other people know. Does she even read her own story? She knows she's smarter than everyone else. Which only proves what an idiot she is. If Turner is trying to be snarky, it ain't workin'. She's got enough savings to last a couple months and now she says the bill collectors will be calling in a week.

Hey, what the heck? Presley already knows how much Helen despised Tom and now she's asking if Helen didn't care for Tom? I swear to God, the woman is not reading what she's writing. I was sure he had to be incredibly busy, or he would have jumped at the chance to spend more time with me. Plus, who wouldn't want me? In fact, he should feel lucky to be this close to me. At her age, why is she still allowing her mother to nag her every single minute of the day? Why not just sit down with her and point it out? Explain that if she cancelled the nagging and guilt tripping, she would be back to visit more often.

What's with the jumping back and forth between points of view? Y'all need to read up on the basic rules about formatting dialog. I do so hope they're at least designer.

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The simple task of interview, however, takes a turn for the worst when the Senator is murdered and the suspect list doesn't get any shorter. This book was received as part of a book tour with no expectation of a positive review. Told in the first person narrative, Presley is a sassy lady with a penchant for fashion shoes and snooping. Do you believe that this item violates a copyright? First, it took forever for the murder to actually happen, Chapter 6. Her blog, The Art Of Living Fabulously, was launched to share the daily fun in the life of a Real Housewife of the Midwest along with the musing of other fabulous ladies.

She moans and groans so much about designer this and designer that, I would have expected her to have better taste than thinking Pottery Barn is the height of sophistication. She barges into Tony's place and then gets pissy because he's not being a good host? I am struggling to read this. Christ, I feel as though we're still in high school with all the self-centered angst. When did we learn that Simon was Palazzo's son? Okay, it's pages later, but we do find out that, yes indeedy, Simon is Palazzo's son. No, actually she's still single because she's too freaking self-absorbed to notice anyone else in the room.

Poor thing, she keeps having to wait, what, five to fourteen minutes for people. I don't how she survives. She actually believes she can tell Cooper that she had a run-in with an employee of his, Katy throws coffee at him and then Cooper'll just be satisfied with that? If she's the epitome of smart, I am desperately worried for the rest of the planet.

Oh, she thinks she's just been threatened? Oh Lord, please see to it that Presley Thurman gets knocked off by the end of this story. If only for purposes of genetic selection and to preserve the rest of us from having to ever read about her again. Omigod, Toby just told them that Chris' life is in danger and Presley wants to know what the hurry is.

Oh, yeah, and then she hits Cooper while he's driving at 90 miles-per-hour. I was going to beg Turner to get herself an editor, but I notice in the preface that she's thanking an editor. I'm not sure if I should be appalled at how it ended up or more appalled to wonder what the editor started with!

This desperately needs a content editor who hopefully will finish cleaning up the spelling and grammar. The Story It's amazing how lighthearted Presley Thurman feels about losing her job. She's always loved writing I can only hope Pres is better than Turner ; maybe losing her job is a sign to pursue the job offer Trevor made her just days ago. It's just that her first assignment sends her back to the hometown she fled all those years ago to interview Senator Daniels.

She'll have to endure her mother! As well as no access to Starbucks and decent shopping. Well, her mother's welcome is as expected, but the senator's fate is not and Presley finds herself caught up in a murder investigation. I'd like to say there was tension and drama, but the only emotions I experienced were how soon can I get out of this!

The Characters Presley Thurman is a vain, self-centered twit who doesn't notice anything happening around her except in relation to herself. Sue and Clark Thurman are her parents. Her mother is a whiny, nagging bitch more concerned with appearances while her dad is a sweetheart. Jesse is her drifting younger brother. Katy Smythe is her best friend through high school and now runs Katy's Klassy Kuts, a beauty salon in town. Rick is her loser ex-boyfriend who is too hardheaded to get the message. Trevor Jameson is a friend and editor of Our World ; he's with Doug.

Senator Tom Daniels is a typical politiciana jerk and a womanizer. It seems he has other problems as well. His long-suffering, rich wife, Helen , has been busy on her own behalf.

Presley Thurman Mystery Series

And what a bitch she is! Turner starts by saying Daniels is an up-and-comer who may run for president in the next election and later on Presley wonders why he needs security. Um, just how out of touch with reality is Turner? Tobey Stone is the senator's assistant; his brother, Chris is very protective of him. Simon Atkins is part of the senator's security team. He's got one heck of a past. Garrison Palazzo is one of the owners of the Blue Royale Casino where the senator has lost a lot of money. Brian Ames is her old high school boyfriend whom her mother insists on inviting around.

Good thing his girlfriend, Barbara George , doesn't find out. Derrick "Dirt" Robinson is the sheriff now and another old schoolfriend. Cooper Sands is the proverbial bad boy from school. Now he heads up his own security company, Sands Security Solutions, and he's currently in charge of the senator's security. He's got a thing for Presley. Must be a masochist. Ruth Johnson is the town librarian, a closet gossip, Helen's friend, and tight with Presley's mother in the Junior League.

Bobby is her loser son whose marriage has broken up. Naturally, it's his wife's fault. Betty runs Betty's Baked Goods and I'd love to visit if only to taste that peach cream cheese muffin! David Ritter is the chauvinistic jerk of a boss at McLaughlin Industries and he switches between being the vice-president of sales and the CEO. Tonya is her best work friend who keeps meaning to quit smoking. Gary is Presley's boss and the vice-president of human resources; he's spoken to Ritter in the past about his sexual harassment.

The Cover The cover is cute with its stiletto shoes in the middle of a pool of blood. Nothing happened for like the first 4 chapters. I don't know why I kept reading. Not for long though because this book just did nothing for me. At first it was just that it didn't grab me but I held on anyway because I've found some books that I really enjoy that started slow. But after the actions of the heroine in the fifth chapter, I gave up.

She didn't really do anything wrong but she just didn't come off very bright for someone who was attempting to be a journalist. Hope I have the Right Shoes An interesting mystery story with several interesting characters. Although the main character sets about to determine who has killed a local Senator, her primary focus through the story is on her clothes and shoes. I had high hopes that the stilettos would become a weapon, but no such luck. The style of writing provides good imagery and much detail about the clothes.

I imagine I might have liked it better if I was more knowledgeable about women's clothing and accessor Hope I have the Right Shoes An interesting mystery story with several interesting characters. I imagine I might have liked it better if I was more knowledgeable about women's clothing and accessories. Apr 14, Sharon M. When the head of HR gets fired, look out! Presley told her boss to keep his hands to himself and he fires her. Where does a newly fired girl go when she is at loose ends, home to Mom and Dad. Within a day she is caught up in the murder of Senator. With several old boyfriends floating around and intrigue around every corner what does a smart nosey girl do?

Why, solve the murder, of course. Aug 22, Thomas rated it it was amazing. Recently fired, and back home to consider her future. Presley Thurman wants to know why a senator was killed in their small community. Well developed characters, a good plot, there are plenty of suspects, including some of the security and law enforcement personnel, along with a few good laughs. A nosey king Presley has been fired. She can't keep her nose out of other people's business, she also has champagne taste on a beer budget. These are some of the things that make her interesting.

Jul 30, S.

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Editorial Reviews. Review. Fashionista meets shopaholic meets amateur sleuth. Stilettos Stilettos & Scoundrels (The Presley Thurman Mysteries Book 1) - Kindle edition by Laina Turner. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device. Stilettos and Scoundrels (Presley Thurman Mysteries) (Volume 1) [Laina Turner] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. When thirty-something.

Really enjoyed reading this book. The humor along with the mystery were fun. Would definitely recommend this to those who enjoy the mix. I will be reading more by Lana Turner! Good book Received a four star because the conclusion was a little confusing but all in all a good story. Fast moving mystery Very fast paced mystery. Some of the characters are a little slow in development of the plot. Small hint of a little love story.

Fashionista meets shopaholic meets amateur sleuth. Presley Thurman thought that she was on the path to her destiny, fulfilling her life and career desires. That is until one day she had enough with her boss's advances and chooses to stand her ground and not let him bully her into staying at her job his ultimatum Fashionista meets shopaholic meets amateur sleuth. That is until one day she had enough with her boss's advances and chooses to stand her ground and not let him bully her into staying at her job his ultimatum of sex or lose her job was an easy choice.

Presley, however, doesn't remain jobless for long and finds herself back in her hometown interviewing the Senator for her newest career. The simple task of interview, however, takes a turn for the worst when the Senator is murdered and the suspect list doesn't get any shorter. Presley decides that if she can solve the murder, her first writing assignment will be a doozy and launch her new career into overdrive.

Little does Presley know, just what she is in for - both keeping her own life intact, as well as fighting off her thumping heart and hormones, whenever the sexy and old high school quickie Cooper is near. I had an absolute blast reading each and every page, as Presley's sassiness ran rampant throughout.

This was a character that I loved - though her endless obsession with clothing and shoes was a bit off the wall, that's what made her the character that is was. Another angle that I thought was wonderful was the way the story took place in Presley's hometown and most of her old high school friends were involved. This added another dimension of fun, for me, as well as a deeper understanding of Presley.

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Presley's exasperation and fear of her Mother was another delightful quirk of the story that brought many laughs throughout. Cozy Mystery fans, as well as Chick Lit fans, will revel in this relaxing, fun and quick-to-escape-from-reality tale that is perfect for a lazy day or after a crazy day, while relaxing before bed. With beach season around the corner, I can honestly say that this is one that would fit wonderfully in the beach bag and taking a trip to the beach for a fun and leisurely day.

I also want to note that this is the first in a new series. Apr 14, Kathleen rated it really liked it. Presley Thurman lost her job in the HR department of a Chicago corporation when she refuses her boss' sexual advances.