Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga

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Daily reflections on all the major philosophical themes of yoga, with some great quotes.

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Looking for More Great Reads? I went to an evening yoga seminar last year that was led by Rolf Gates. Oct 27, Pages. It is for anyone who wishes simply to get better at doing yoga and who is curious about some of the basic concepts—in other words, an essential guide. This book sits next to "my" chair in the living room, and I pick it up daily for contemplation and inspiration.

Sometimes if feels like the author is just trying to fill up space, but other times his insights are profound. A good source for readings.

Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga

This book is great for yoga teachers or students. You can read it in order or just open it at random to find a new story that will spark inspiration.

Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga. The meditations incluided in this book offer a way to integrate the mindfulness that yoga teaches into everyday life.

Yoga in Everyday Life with Rolf Gates

In he received a degree in American history and his commission in the U. Army Infantry from Georgetown University.

Meditations from the Mat Reviews:

Deeply personal essays and daily prompts for self-reflection while healing from addiction and walking the road of recovery from the author of Meditations from the Mat and Meditations on Intention and Being. This is a wonderful and inexpensive book for people who are unhappy in their lives and are looking for a healthy way to find peace and a sense of coming home, day by day.

This book reflects the deepening and expansive effect of a dedicated yoga practice.

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Meditations from the Mat: Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga [Rolf Gates, Katrina Kenison] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. daily. Meditations from the Mat Daily Reflections on the Path of Yoga: Everything Else.

A must for yoga teachers and students alike, Meditations from the Mat brings yoga theory into the 21st century and into our daily lives. I keep one copy on my desk at work and one near my yoga mat. Rolf is a heartfelt, wise and inspiring companion for the yogic journey.

This book is a true gift to those who would love a very down to earth perspective on these timeless truths of yoga. With quotes from the great minds, to everyday people, the short daily readings give you pause, while allowing you to relate your yoga practice more closely to your everyday life.

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It's an amazing book to guide you through your yoga journey. It's meant to be read in days but there were times I would let it sit for a while. When I picked it up to read again it was always pertinent to where I was in my yoga practice and in my life.

I highly re commend it for long time yoga practictioners and beginners too.