Healed by an Angel: True Stories of Healing Miracles

Amazing Testimonies

Lets just say I did not lead a Christ centered life as a teenager. She told me later that when she saw me that she saw our children, a boy and a girl. She knew that we would be married, and soon enough that came true. After trying to get pregnant with no success and knowing my past we started pursuing adoption because we wished to become parents. Books about adoption often say that couples should mourn the inability to have their own children, but we never wanted to give up hope.

That was part of the reason that we wanted to be prayed over the night we saw you speak at the church. We still plan on adopting. You have inspired us to a new level of faith in Christ. Steve and Lana Snyders. Friday night a woman with MS came forward and Doug Collins prayed over her condition. By the end of his prayers she had regained complete strength and movement in her right arm as well as loosing the burning sensation she had been dealing with. Another woman came forward that night and Doug prayed over a tumor that was in her throat.

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By the end of those prayers the tumor had shrunk to half the size it was. On Saturday Reverend Todd Crawford prayed for a woman who had trouble breathing do to a condition in her lungs that had greatly reduced the amount of oxygen she was getting. After prayer the woman was able to jump up and down without loosing her breath and then even sang a song to those present to prove that the Lord had completely healed her.

As the event progressed and those attending pressed in, the presence of the Lord kept increasing. On saturday night a man came forward who had a tumor the diameter of a quarter in his throat. When Bruce Van Natta touched his finger to the tumor and began praying the tumor instantly vanished! Everyone was praising the Lord and a sense of awe continued to grow. Shortly after that Jay Sandifer started to lead worship and it seemed as though we were at the throne of God for the next few hours.

Various people had visions and encounters with God and many people said that they had never experienced His presence like that in a worship service before. The Lord is looking for those who desire His presence and are hungry for Him!!! I was having problem going to sleep one night two weeks ago and decided to turn the T.

I was completely mesmerized by his story of faith. I knew I had to buy his book. The very next day I went to Barnes and Noble and placed my order. I read it every moment. I would read it during my lunch hour, while making dinner, if we went out — I would ask my husband to drive so that I could read it, in between my homework assignments. If I had free time — I was reading. I have struggled with my walk with God for quite some time now, it always felt superficial. Although I knew about His glory and awesome power — I was still skeptical.

This feeling of worthlessness kept me away from God. Even though I am a sinner, He still loves me and wishes to build a relationship with me. This year has been a time of transformation. I have learned so much about God. I desire to know Him more and to teach my children everything I know about Him. Thank you Bruce for sharing your story with the world!

Juana E Canna P. I truly love your book. Your message was so clear and simple. I love your honesty — how you shared your problem with addiction. It was that honesty that made me realize how much God loves me. I have done things in my life that I am not proud off — but I now know I can find salvation and peace in our Savior. After speaking Bruce invited people forward for prayer and began to minister to the needs of those present.

The Holy Spirit instructed Bruce to quit praying for people himself and begin to have other people pray for those who had come forward. As one person would receive healing, they would be the one to pray for the next person, and so on. As each miracle happened those present got more and more excited until almost all of the people who were still at the church were crowded in the front, at the alter, watching the miracles happen. Between the piano and the wall of that small room was a pew. When Bruce came into the area he saw a vision of Jesus sitting at the pew and Bruce immediately got on his knees and bowed his head.

Jesus then told him to come and sit next to Him. When he did they were both now looking across the top of the piano in the direction of the people who were praying for each other and yelling out their praises to God as the miracles were happening. He has all the power and gets all the credit and yet wants to use each of us to be Holy-Spirit arsonists for Him! While at Cross-Roads Church, Forrest Lake Mn , in October of Bruce Van Natta and other members of this church got to wittness the Lord do an amazing miracle in the life of one woman, among others.

She came forward with a prayer request for the severe pain in her back. After prayer the pain left her body.

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At the pre-op appointment she told the Dr. They re-did some tests and found that the back was now in perfect condition. The surgery was canceled and the Lord gets all the credit. This is not the first time that we have seen the Lord heal someone and a surgery get canceled because of it.

We know that many times the Lord uses Dr. To God be all the Glory no matter how He chooses to heal his children! There were a number of people who were healed from many different types of problems. There were people who received spiritual healing by coming to and receiving Jesus as their Lord and Savior. We saw emotional healing from things like depression and anxiety, etc. There were physical healings from many things including hearing loss, aches, pains and the like.

These people were hungry for God and the church had prepared the ground through fervent prayer. They delighted themselves in the Lord and He gave them the desires of their hearts, Psalm After speaking at a small church in a mountain village the leader of the group asked Bruce if he would pray for a local prostitute who had been confined to her bed for the last 4 months because of some type of paralysis.

The leader told Bruce that this woman had caused many problems there for the ministry and had even gone so far as interrupting the services and giving death threats to the leaders of the church group. They hoped that if the Lord healed the woman she would be changed and quit fighting against this ministry. After following a narrow path that led to her shack, they found her lying on her bed, her head twisted to one side and a 5 gallon bucket next to the bed so that she could use it to urinate and pass waste into.

Bruce Van Natta spoke to the woman through the interpreter and she agreed to accept Jesus as her Lord and Savior and renounce her former life including the witch craft. At that point the group of people prayed for her and she was completely healed and could walk once again. After that they prayed for her again and the power of God hit her and she went down on the dirt floor for a while. When she got up this time she was weeping and asking for forgiveness for all that she had done.

There was then a time of reconciliation between her and the church leader. The book of Acts is still being played out today!!! On this short trip we saw many people healed and several people delivered from demonic forces!!! God is still doing miracles and His love is enough to not only forgive, but change even the hardest of hearts!!! After 3 days of teaching and miracles the faith level had risen to the point that many people were able to receive what the Lord had for them. On the last night a large man walked up front for prayer over an addiction to cigarettes.

By the way that he was standing there, his posture, clenched fists, etc. Before praying for the addiction the Lord gave Bruce a Word of Knowledge about the man. When Bruce asked the man which one of his parents never loved him, he was shocked at this knowledge. The man visibly slumped and then said it was his mom. Bruce then told the man what the Holy Spirit had just spoken and when the man had hands laid on him, he went to the floor, knocked out by the redeeming power of God.

Oh Lord, minister to each of as we need! After the service, where aproximately 1, people attended , Bruce made an anouncement that he would be available to pray with people in a designated area. While moving to that area a small boy came up and asked if Bruce would say a prayer for his mother. Bruce encouraged the boy to have his mother come forward for prayer.

Later, the boy and his mother made their way through the line and stepped forward when it was their turn. At that point the Holy Spirit gave Bruce a Word of Knowledge that the boy was to pray for his mother and that she was going to be healed. When the child prayed for his mother the pain immediately left her body and she was healed. The boy and his mother both began to cry. The Holy Spirit then gave another Word of Knowledge that the Lord was showing this young boy the reality of God, the power of prayer and that he was being called into ministry.

God is sooo good!!! At the end of the 3rd day of taping The Lord gave Bruce a vision of a gray haired woman that had pain in her left leg from the hip to the knee. God is good and He not only knows the things that each one of us are going through, but He wants to help us through them. I want to thank you for comming to Sr. High Alive June 23, , becasue God has blessed me in so many ways. After my feet were prayed for I was born with flat feet , and then they were healed, I felt amazing.

I experienced God in a way like I never had before. It blew my mind that the creator of the universe would care about my feet! In fact, just last night, my mother had been having problems with her leg after she had broken it a year ago, so I prayed for her in the way we were taught, and praise God it did not hurt again that night, or today either. Give him the praises, Forrest Garrett P. My feet have been great! There have been testimonies by a few people who have contacted us, who after hearing my testimony of when Jesus hugged me as a small child, have prayed to the Lord and asked Jesus to hug them also, because of some very difficult circumstance they are facing in their life.

These people have described a simialar experience to what happened to me, such as an extreme presence of love and peace overcoming them. One man said that it was like getting hit with a lightning bolt of love from God! This proves that when we trully seek the Lord and His face, He is there for us. God knows what we need and when we need it. Darlene had come to one of the meetings we held in May in Ironwood Michigan. She had come forward to be prayed over for a small list of things that night. I spoke with her a few weeks after the event on the phone and she had a couple of praise reports to share.

She had struggled with IBS, irritable bowel syndrome for years, but since being prayed for it was gone completely. Anyone who has had to deal with this condition can tell you just how miserable it is. She also had been diagnosed with bursitis in her shoulders, back, and hips several years ago. It was something that caused her pain on a constant basis.

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But, since being prayed for, she was completely pain free! At this point her husband Gary got on the phone and asked for prayer for his left eye. He had glaucoma in it and his vision had deteriorated gradually. After praying the vision in his eye has continued to improve. This is the reason we like to post some of the things we see the Lord doing. We hope that it builds your faith also, so that you too can receive what the Lord has to offer for you! In April , Rose came forward for prayer at one of the meetings we held in Honolulu Hawaii.

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Healed by an Angel: True Stories of Healing Miracles [Jacky Newcomb] on donnsboatshop.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Healed by an Angel is an. Remarkable, unexplained stories of little miracles, answered prayers, and angelic encounters that lend comfort, strengthen faith - and even.

She had a few different prayer requests, with one of them being a deaf left ear. After praying for her for a while I moved to the next person and was about to start praying for them, when the Holy Spirit reminded me that I had not prayed for her ear issue. I came back to her and quickly prayed for her ear. She began to tap on both of her ears , first one and then the other, several times. There was a strange look on her face, so I asked what was happening.

She excitedly told me that she could hear perfectly out of both of her ears now. God had healed her deaf ear on the spot! God is a good and loving God that we can pray to with expectation! He not only hears us, but cares about us as well. Bruce, In March I attended a church service at which you gave your testimony. I also knew that because of your testimony that you also believe that God heals so I knew that the power of agreement would be present. Because of all this, I came to church that night expecting healing in my body.

After you shared your testimony, there was an alter call for anyone wanting hands laid on them and prayer for healing. Many people came forward so there was a wait. I knew then I was to ask for my hearing to be restored. Both you and my Pastor prayed over me and spoke into my right ear. I did not sense immediately that my hearing was restored but I do know that my ear continued to make crackling noises the rest of the night.

I continued to thank and praise God until bed time. The next morning after showering, I had my hair wrapped in a towel and I found myself swinging to my right side to see what was there. I then realized I had heard the crinkle of my towel. I immediately ran to the telephone to see if I could hear the dial tone. Praise God, I could hear! God made our bodies to function so wonderfully. Since my hearing in the right ear was lost, my hearing in the left ear has been more sensitive.

My left ear heard noise at a much higher level that normal as a result of the workings of the brain. I may have had my hearing restored that night at the healing service and it just took my brain some time to adjust. Since my hearing has been restored I do have to exercise my hearing in the right ear only so that the brain can readjust.

This seems to improve my hearing to make it sharper and clearer. I thank God for what He did for us at the Cross and I also thank you for being obedient to God and sharing your testimony. A sister in Jesus Christ, Maribeth C. As the weeks went by she began to feel led to call him and have him pray for her. She had severe pain and constant swelling in her right hip that caused her to have to use a cane to walk. She believed that if the Lord would send angels to save Bruce, and then send someone to pray for his intestine, the Lord could and would heal her too.

She contacted Bruce Van Natta and they prayed together for the Lord to heal her hip. Within a few days the pain and swelling was completely gone and she is now able to walk without a cane! In February , the pain of my gout had become increasingly worse, after several doctor visits their only help was with pain medicine. I had the pain for several months, since before Thanksgiving , but it had got progressively worse.

My feet have been a problem for a long time, racked with pain do to this. I truly believe that God can heal the sick but sometimes my faith wanes. This time the pain was the worst than it had ever been, with the pain shooting up my leg now. At this point my wife was really wanting me to go to the hospital so she called my mom to have her try to talk me in to it. After being in the hospital for my kidney problem, I hate going there, it has to be the worst place in the world. I know they do good work there and there are people that really help and care but I hate it, so I was against going there.

From the moment I started talking to Bruce, I knew that God was at work. His testimony is almost unbelievable, God did several miracles in his life. One of the first questions he asked me was did I blame God for the problem? He asked if I believed that God could heal me?

Not a quick prayer to get off the phone, but a truly in-depth prayer, asking God to heal everything wrong, gout, kidney, everything. By the end of the phone call my foot began to feel a lot better. A month later I went to the kidney doctor and my protein level had dropped points for 2. I thank God for Bruce and his family. I pray for them and everytime I do I pray that God would continue to use him to help the sick and the lost. I had been suffering with depression for approximately 18 years and had been on medication for a good part of that. I had very strong negative feelings about myself.

I blamed myself for things that were not my fault. I went to hear Bruce Van Natta speak January 09 on the miracle that happened to him. It was very inspirational. God moved me to contact him and ask him to pray with me about my depression. I was able to contact Bruce and we talked about depression. He explained to me that all the negative thoughts I had about myself were all lies from the devil.

I had doubts that the medication I was taking was helping me. Bruce prayed with me, that the negative, evil thoughts would leave. I was trembling and shaking and I knew God was helping me. This will be forever my motto. How wonderful it is. Since that day that we prayed, I am myself again. I have my emotion back and not a numbness.

I am not just going through the motions anymore. I am sincerely thankful to God. I feel his love. I love to read the Bible now. Before I would read the Bible, but there was a block there for me, like no emotion could get in. I know a miracle happened that day, my depression is gone! It is a sadness about a situation but not about who I am. By putting my hope, joy, and confidence in the Lord, I know I will continue to be fine. Somewhere along my Christian walk I was subtlety becoming more like a religious Pharisee than the joy filled Spirit led Christian I started out as.

After reading Saved by Angels my faith in and love for our tender, merciful, miracle working God was strengthened and renewed. Bruce brings home in real life situations both fantastic and mundane that we have a God who in spite of our many failures and weaknesses never stops loving us never gives up on us and is intimately involved in every detail of our lives speaking to us blessings and answering prayer. Thank you Bruce for having the courage to share some your most painful memories along with your real life struggles.

This really gave me hope that I too could be forgiven and healed and that in spite of these God has not and never will give up on me. Truly God is still working miracles and speaks to everyday ordinary people like you and me. On January 3rd, , her 50th birthday , Terri Jennings was diagnoised with adenocarcinoma lung cancer. She went through an aggressive treatment plan and surgery before the cancer was eventually eradicated from her lungs. Some time later the cancer started to develop in a lymph node in her neck and she was told that she now had stage 4 cancer.

Again the Doctors started a treatment plan while family and friends lifted her up in prayer. After a PET scan and biopsy on March 17th, the Doctors told her that the cancer had metastisised in the lymph nodes in her back. Although the Doctors were still performing radiation treatment, Terri knew that this most recent prognosis could mean death. A few months later while in prayer, Bruce Van Natta felt led by the Lord to call Terri and give her some encouragement along with a specific message. He called but was not able to connect with her for a week or two.

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When they did talk, Terri knew what the message was even before Bruce said it, because the Lord had been telling her the same thing. A few days later on June 15th, Bruce and 2 other members from their church anointed Terri with oil and prayed over her in the name of Jesus. When they commanded the cancer to leave her body in the name of Jesus she trembled momentarily and then began to feel heat in her body.

On June 17th, Terri went in for a prescheduled PET scan that would show the Doctors the current progresion of the cancer. To the Doctors amazement the cancer was completely gone! Although only a few people had actually laid hands on Terri in prayer, several people had been praying for her for a long time.

Therman Billman had been feeling tired and was having some stomach pain, so he made an appointment to go see a Doctor. The Doctor ran some tests and On October 12th, Therman was told he might have cancer. The Doctors told him that he only had a few months to live unless they were able to make some type of aggressive treatment work. Sixty year old Therman had been a long-time believer in God and had seen him do mighty miracles before in his life, so he knew that God had the power to help him.

Therman had a prison ministry and also was active at his church leading small group Bible studies. Good Samaritan Forgives Reckless Driver. Trading Toxic Ego for True Satisfaction. The Club - August 7, Woman's Suicide Thwarted by a Loving God. Trafficked Woman Escapes Miserable Existence.

Cancer Diagnosis Inspires Fight for Survival. The Club - September 18, The Club - September 17, The Club - September 14, The Club - September 13, The Club - September 19, The Club - September 20, The Club - September 21, Your Questions, Honest Answers: Child Loses Daddy, Then Home. Dying From a Broken Heart. The Christian Broadcasting Network. Today's Scripture Proverbs Finally, one night she was breathing so abnormally, that I brought her to the emergency room.

I thought she had pneumonia. But the ER doctor knew something was really wrong. I was later told had I not gone to the emergency room she would have died in her sleep that night. We soon learned she had high-risk stage four cancer. We were in the hospital 78 days straight, she had a chest tube for weeks and kept getting infections. I prayed for her like I have never prayed before. She was on every prayer list you could imagine.

My daughter is now a thriving year-old. Find out the valuable parenting lessons we can all learn from kids with cancer. When she was 76, my mom suffered a severe stroke that paralyzed her entire right side.

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My mom was raised Catholic and prayed daily, so I knew she would appreciate it. She believed everyone has a guardian angel that watches over and protects them. Despite her physical losses, my mom thanked God every day she was alive. Every night before she went to sleep, she prayed and rubbed her right thumb and hand with her left hand believing it would bring back the circulation and move again.

After four months, her thumb moved. I asked her to show me and she did. She moved her thumb up and down. Being a witness to this miracle gave me a deeper connection to God and the angels. Despite being in good shape, I was constantly feeling fatigued and foggy. I tried many frustrating treatments with tough side effects.

As I administered my own antibiotics each day, I began to spiral downward. I developed a severe intestinal infection, strong headaches, and paralyzing depression. I felt like a walking zombie and began to feel detached from the world. I continued to do research online and during my travels, I stumbled upon a video featuring a healer from Brazil named John of God on an episode of Oprah.

I was drawn to the fact that thousands of people traveled to meet this man who healed them through energy, love, and faith. I was intrigued enough to book the hour plane flight and take the pilgrimage. On the day I arrived, two counselors sat down with me to find out why I had made the journey and to translate my healing intention to John of God, who only speaks Portuguese. We all went before him silently, while a few hundred people meditated in nearby benches that reminded me of church pews. When I did, I met a few dozen others also seeking healing in a private meditation room where we were asked to meditate and keep our eyes closed.

After sitting in silence for about 15 minutes, we could hear John of God enter the room and offer a blessing in a booming voice. I felt electrical sensations all over my body. When the session ended, I went back to the hotel and was instructed to immediately go to bed even though it was in the early afternoon.