Spiritual Emotions: A Psychology of Christian Virtues: Reflections on Some Christian Virtues

Carl Rogers and the Christian Virtues

He declares point blank in his latest book that an emphasis on ethics is incompatible with the gospel.

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How to cite this article. Will power and the virtues. Tips on citation download. Spiritual emotions will help those on the same level to understand emotions, but will have a tough time coping in a rational world. Request Permissions View permissions information for this article. The cult of self worship.

It can only breed self-righteousness. Being saved must be the only focus. Not that these critics are against being good. They talk all the time about love, compassion, forgiveness, humility, and the other qualities Being Good examines and tries to help the reader to develop. What they oppose is just that: They effectively oppose, on the grounds just cited, any concerted moral and intellectual effort on the part of the Christian to actually acquire these qualities and try to live them out in the real world.

Any attempt, in short, to seriously practice what they preach.

Spiritual Emotions A Psychology of Christian Virtues PDF

When being good is said to detract from being saved, you know you have a problem. That problem is of course the wide and persistent gap between what Christians profess to belief and the way they live their lives.

Nor is this disconnect limited to those parts of the church that take issue with the virtues tradition in Christianity. Christian Virtues for Everyday Life, is about practicing what Christianity preaches.

Spiritual Emotions: A Psychology of Christian Virtues

Anyone who seeks spiritual growth and practical help in daily living will find much that is useful in it. A helpful definition of the concept derived from the book describes the virtues as character traits or developed dispositions to think, believe, desire, feel, act, respond, perceive, or be motivated in certain ways in successful pursuit of the good. Ultimately, however, it is only through a growing understanding and practice of specific, individual virtues that the concept can be fully grasped and translated into consistent action. The theological virtues of faith, hope, and love head each of its three sections.

Spirituality and human emotion.

What can I do to prevent this in the future?

Will power and the virtues. The Philosophical Review, 93, — The strengths of a Christian. Westminster Press Google Scholar.

A theory of therapy, personality, and interpersonal relationships, as developed in the client-centered framework. A study of a science.

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The cult of self worship. Request Permissions View permissions information for this article. Roberts Wheaton College Wheaton, Illinois. Remember me Forgotten your password? Subscribe to this journal. Vol 13, Issue 4, The Popularity of Integration Models, — Tips on citation download.

The denial of death. Personality and Christian maturity: A process congruity model. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 2, —