Farmacist Desk Reference Ebook 10, Whole Foods and topics that start with the letters M thru O: Farm

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Some died young like some do today and some lived well into old age. The article makes broad, borderline paranoid claims with little mention of the studies to back it up. Why not do it the old fashioned way? Living the human life has always been dangerous regardless of the time period. Striving for so called perfection is impossible and leads to emotional illnesses. This is the way it has been done for 1,s of years. It shows potential risks in foods, everybody has to figure out what is good for him or not.

The food we ate as kids is not available anymore. Although I only eat bread occasionally at special events I can tell you something:. Growing up in the European alps I had lots of contact with farmers. It was always a bit different, the body got automatically variation. Nowadays there is one single kind across the western world Monsanto…. Mono culture par excellence.

Reward Yourself

The cofounders have been recognized as experts in the use of web and mobile software to provide new tools to help healthcare professionals in their daily practice IMD IMD is a top-ranked business school, expert in developing leaders, transforming organizations and creating immediate and long-term positive impact. Sounds like you need to do a bit more research: Thanks for putting the info out there. Down from 75 grams a day, to about , sometimes 40 grams of fat a day. After further experimentation, I know for me gluten is the biggest culprit. Celiac disease CD — a condition of severe gluten intolerance — has been well known for decades. I would hope that there is a basic if unwritten caveat in order to post to these blogs, which is to take few minutes and research an issue via the Internet BEFORE asking questions that mean that no research was done.

The corn farmers plant today are blue!! And please forget the studies to back up a claim. Before the internet scare tactics there was less cancer, less behavioral problems, less autism, less food allergies. The human body is not built to process chemicals. Some sort of butter tasting oily goo with no nutritional value, I had a Diet Coke habit — like 3 cans a day or 2 large ones from a fast food place.

After quitting cold turkey and not having it for months — I was out to eat and this place had some of the worst tasting water on the planet. So I ordered a Diet Coke — took one drink and it was horrible. Nothing but the taste of chemicals. Gone was my beloved Diet Coke. Other than that, I drink water. I have since eliminated grains, added sugar, processed foods, artifical whatever, soy, alcohol, and I limit dairy. No more nagging cough. No arthritis pains in my hands. Watery eyes have cleared up. Sleeping like a rock — and 8 hours straight.

I just want to point out, sickness has been around since the beginning of time. You make great points about staying healthy, but like I said, sickness has been around forever, and there is no way to stop it. You have to think about things like this, how would yo be free of sickness for 84 centuries? You have flu from pigs, aids from monkeys and all other sorts of sicknesses came from animals.

Evolution is not real, as long as there is people and animals on this earth, sickness will follow with them. Bill, Thanks for the compliment! Your comment was very revealing of your own character. All the best to you. Thanx Chris wonderful work and insightful info. The Harvard study you quote has some major flaws. There was no association found between soy products and sperm count and ejaculate volume.

I agree that processed food products containing soy should be avoided, but there is little evidence for soy beans and tofu. In fact, many studies have found that consumption of these healthy soy products are correlated with reduced cancer risk. I really wanted to take a look at them. Hope you get a change to fix it since it is a great article. Have adopted my own mostly vegan version of the Paleo diet following various elimination diets that allowed me to reverse several debilitating health conditions including neurological problems with concentration and depression.

I strongly believe our bodies are designed to be self healing — if you are truly desperate to be well then no food should get in your way. And they eat predominantly homegrown corn, potatoes and rice…So these weeds can be healthy — if they are homegrown in clean environment. Technically all seeds are grains right? Plus hemp is also a grass seed — which is what most commenly refered to grains are. The only thing I disagree with is fructose in fruit.

I have been wondering this but not sure where to find the answer. I was born and grew up in an East Asia country by East Asian parents whose parents were from the same origin, etc. Then I went to live in the U. Now there can be different factors contributing to them BUT I wonder if the changes in diet was too dramatic and my system did not keep up. I may need to look into whether Western and Eastern paleolithich people ate significantly differently….

I cut down my sat. My cholesterol is dropping. Used to be , 7 years later, ………. Anyway, thanks for the advice! I appreciate the replies. I see the difference in myself. I am terribly lean, almost too much. Every time I cut out rice and beans, which provided me with a significant amount of extra calories, I lose weight, and dip to too low fat levels. My stats have changed too, I now , and 5 ft 7…too low. Does anyone else have this problem? You mention olive oil Extra Virgin preferably and nuts….

Finally, why do you need to exercise everyday? Nuts are just hard for me to digest, even after soaking them and dehydrating them in my oven, so I cut them out just recently. I may have to cut down my exercise time. You ever seen this before? Like, really lean types losing too much fat when going Paleo? You need more saturated fat…the books I recommended before will help you. However the main recommendations are: Ghee, butter, coconut oil, lard. Lorraine, sounds like a little more energy in the forrm carbs is what you need.

Your exercisee is fine, many ectomorphs need lots of exercise, ooften more than other types. The average American iis now recomeended to do an hour of some cardiovascular workout every day. I too need to exercise daily to feelwell and sleep well, and know quite a few people who are also very lean and need more calories particularly carbs, than moost.

Granted most of them are young men, not women in their forties. You are lucky indeed. Most women are overweight or obese. Buut try more carbs and more calorries in general. I have read all of the comments down to this one and nothing, regardless of my opinion has prompted me to reply. Why do you say exercising every day is wrong?

Everything in [healthy] human life require exercise. Martial art means the art of war and if you train in it then you dedicate a lifestyle to it, without frequent training you will not be prepared for combat and without partaking in more than just the self-defense training there is no art. He does need more saturated fat. The low saturated fat diet replaced with vegetable oil is killing people. I got veBody needs saturated fat.

My personal experience when I shifted from a vegetarian diet to Paleo, was similar regarding weight loss. Actually, I was happy with this result, as my body looked like it did 20 years earlier, with a nice flat stomach. In your case, it seems that is too low for your height. Given the exercising you are doing, I would add more calories. The mix you reported is not bad, — maybe more fat could be tried like avocados, butter, nuts, coconut, etc. Maybe try adding another light meal cals? I would stay away from the pasta, breads, and grains except buckwheat, which is not a true grain but, I admit, I do slip in some organic red potatoes into my chicken cacciatori or beef stew.

Regarding cholesterol, there is a lot of new info about how to measure it properly, and you should read this article on Dr. Certain ratios and particle size are more important than the usual numbers given by the labs. Regarding your body fat, that also seems way too low for a woman. Mercola, found in this article: Soaking buckwheat is mostly for reducing phytic acid, another plant toxin implicated in digestive problems. I mean, I feel good but………. I tried that soaking of buckwheat flour for cakes lemon one time, acv one time …..

But, OH, what is your opinion on anti-nutrients of white rice? I boil it straight at high heat for 15 min. Tonight is a nice Paleo Mediterranean meal! Ha, when need glucose infusion, might do white rice ahhaha! So disappointing to see people still look to charts to tell people how much fat they should have. This is NOT what most women will do……most would have to starve to get where my body wants to go to, naturally. I eat vegetables starchy and non starchy, fish, poultry, fresh fruit and olive oil. I mean there is only so much fat, protein and vegetables one can eat.

Sounds like you need to do a bit more research: Carbs no more g a day, however, again depending on individual need you can higher than that but usually opt for more fat first. Perhaps four meals a day might help too. I am generally eating starchy carbs 2 meals a day…. I think you are right, maybe 4 times a day feedings would help. And anti-nutrients and hard to digest sugars, as well. Does soaking buckwheat flour in lemon, probiotic, apple cider vinegar get rid of lectins? Does pressure cooking legumes get rid of lectins? Paleo people tend to avoid grains and legumes.

As to soaking etc. Cholesterol needs to be measured correctly.

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Try cutting back on carbs and maintaining saturated fat consumption. Sign up to this: To lose fat think about using MCT like coconut oil. In Obesity Research and in the International Journal of Obesity and Related Metabolic Disorders, researchers demonstrated that by simply adding MCT oil into the diet, it increased fatty acid oxidation. Also, what foods would work? Molly, your problem may be due to the way you are processing your food. See this article in Smithsonian magazine: It appears that only a fraction of the calories and nutritive ingredients of raw foods and other similar foods eaten by vegetarians are able to be utilized by the body.

Cooking is important, as well as mechanically processing the food, and chewing properly, in order to maximize how much can be absorbed in the digestive process. A vegetarian or raw food diet can be especially dangerous for young people, especially children, if not managed properly. Human beings evolved to eat cooked food. In the wild, people typically survive only a few months without cooking, even if they can obtain meat.

Wrangham cites evidence that urban raw-foodists, despite year-round access to bananas, nuts and other high-quality agricultural products, as well as juicers, blenders and dehydrators, are often underweight. Of course, they may consider this desirable, but Wrangham considers it alarming that in one study half the women were malnourished to the point they stopped menstruating. They presumably are eating all they want, and may even be consuming what appears to be an adequate number of calories, based on standard USDA tables.

There is growing evidence that these overstate, sometimes to a considerable degree, the energy that the body extracts from whole raw foods. Carmody explains that only a fraction of the calories in raw starch and protein are absorbed by the body directly via the small intestine. Cooked food, by contrast, is mostly digested by the time it enters the colon; for the same amount of calories ingested, the body gets roughly 30 percent more energy from cooked oat, wheat or potato starch as compared to raw, and as much as 78 percent from the protein in an egg.

Little or no grains, seeds, breads, pasta, rice, etc. I feel very good on this diet, but actually lost about 5 pounds due to eliminating the carbs, which are usually a big part of most of the veg prepared foods. My wife has stayed on the veg diet, and struggles to keep her weight down, even after eating only to calories a day and being always hungry.

She also runs about 12 miles a week. This may not be a big deal for you now, but in 10 years, it might be beneficial due to you becoming less active, or having children, etc. Best wishes for your health……. Healthy fats are good sources of energy and calories, such as avocados, nuts not peanuts , coconut and coconut oil, olive oil, etc. Also, you could try some organic whey protein powder Source Naturals is a good brand and mix a heaping spoonful with water or in a smoothie, especially right after playing sports or doing any cardio or strength workouts.

This will enable you to build muscle mass, which will add weight without adding to your body size very much, and keep you strong. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables and good quality organic meats. Boiled foods are better than fried. Raw vegetables are better than cooked. Plain foods are better than processed so that you can control the amount of salt etc. Herbs and spices for taste. Mushrooms, Onions, Berries and Beans.

Apples, cores and all. A variety of colors. Paul, not good advice to eat apple seeds, or several other types of seed as well, because of cyanide. Bitter cyanogentic glycosides are contained in kernels of almonds, lemons, limes, apples, pears, cherries, apricots, prunes, and plums. Some of these compounds are purported to have a use in chemoprevention. Not to say I oppose the information presented here, but how about a few suggestions on what we can actually eat?

One diet says I can eat Quinoa and brown rice, and another says to avoid them. How about providing a few helpful options on what we CAN? Also check out wild foods, especially bitter tasting ones like weeds. What about organic soybeans, steamed, in the pod as edamame? I am interested more in the people who visit this website than in diets and nutritional theories.

I am considering writing a book on the people who follow this kind of information, how they became interested in it, and the impact of this information on their lives. I am also interested in their backgrounds and want to develop a questionnaire based on that and on some other views that seem unrelated to foods. I am particularly interested in cancer patients. I request that the webmaster here write me privately if he is willing to help me gather with permission, of course this sort of data from respondents.

I am 71 and sleep well, eat most things, no pains, no illenesses. Gym 5 times a week. I quetion the most written about subject i. I do understand that some form is control is needed, but what and with whom is the problem. I would say that there are thousands of so called experts out there and there are only 24 hours in a day — who has the time for this when there are so many other issues out there effecting us all.

Thank you so much for the information Chris, it is what I have been needing to hear for some time now! I was just wondering what are your thoughts on drinking alcohol? Should I be avoiding it as well due to the sugar content? I am trying to heal from leaky gut and want to avoid all that I can. Thank you for all of the great information, I am very grateful I stumbled upon it! I run a personal training and boot camp business in a gym where I encounter kids daily. It get so upset seeing what they eat.

What about sugar alcohols, in particular erythritol which has not calories and no affect on tooth decay or insulin? It is made from natural substances. It seems that it is a staple in the Japanese diet, yet overall they have relative few health issues compared to those of us in the U. Although, with the importation of our fast food chains, they are catching up with regards to heart disease and obesity.

My son is on 1 Cup of rawmilk mixed with a raw egg daily. If dairy is on the list what does that mean for him. I just found this article and read all the comments, and I have my doubts about some of the things I read. I really like a lot of the articles on this website, but like most logs that promote the pales diet, there does seem to be a very strong bias towards it.

Our diet should be focused on micronutrients which are only found in plant sources more than animal sources. I have a couple of questions, for the very occasion where I would need a sweetener should I use pure glucose as opposed to sucrose? Could it be a better option to use pure stevia? Clearly, the old ways of raising your own food and hunting were definitely better than today.

Farmers probably use ingredients like steroids, pesticides, plant enhancers, and cheap feeding methods.


Is anything safely edible anymore? That being said, all of those toxins are unavoidable at moderate levels throughout our lifetimes anyway, as we are too fast-minded and too fast-paced. Those additives listed are in everything that one can imagine. The only things that anyone can personally do—without overly stressing about it—is to pray, avoid these things as much as you can right now maybe even plan a personal garden , and plan your retirement with getting land, raising your own animals, and hunting in mind.

Meanwhile, one should also benefit by mitigating those damages to the body—as much as one can—by checkups; taking herbs, vitamins, and minerals designed to counteract or lessen problems created by the toxins; and by leading a healthy lifestyle. This oil is kept refrigerated in the shops and at home. The problem with fish oils is all the heavy metal, PCB, and dioxin content….

I had thought that was a necessary part of the healing process. Can anyone clarify this for me? Are you familiar with AAT? Chris, what do you know out corn allergy? Definitely nothing processed by the USDA, and so far I can only find farmers in my area who are willing to process a few chickens for me with only water. Hopefully this will be enough, but the chickens are fed a grain diet with corn. We have our own chickens, but we have yet to find a diet for them that is safe enough for my son to tolerate via their eggs. So no meat, no eggs…he is on an extremely limited diet and still reacts.

Thanks for putting the info out there. Know this is a long shot but I am a student of Chinese Medicine in the UK and am keen on the paleo diet. I would really appreciate some feedback from you on the effects of the Paleo diet on Spleen Qi over time. However, I cannot be certain as there is a lack of classic Spleen nourishing foods like white rice in the diet. Even though you recommend sweet potato and potato, they play a small part. I would just like to know what your clinical experience has shown? Is there an adaptation period? If Spleen Qi is week do you emphasise less fats?

Any help would be massively appreciated, thanks. Tom, the paleo diet is a joke. Stick to TCM and your spleen qi will remain strong. All that fat will exhaust your liver and spleen qi and eventually destroy your internal organs, diminish jing, and shorten your life. Animal products are probably not necessary at all for most people to achieve optimal health. Check out Don Matesz at Primal Wisdom. Believed in paleo for 14 years before coming to his senses and becoming a vegan.

Btw, I was a former paleo dieter for several months, had loads of health problems. Suffered from fatigue, palpitations, anxiety, abdominal pain, heart pounding in my chest, excessive thirst. Paleo is pure delusional fad diet, stay away! The Chinese have had thousands of years and millions of brilliant and talented physicians to sort out empirically what kind of diet is most appropriate for every type of individual.

How can modern science, which is only years old compare in terms of wisdom derived from hundreds of generations of pure trial-and-error? Are they all really delusional? Could they have been deluded for thousands of years? These are all rhetorical questions, but you get my drift…. I would like to add one thing as well: It stands to reason that gluten may not be the only culprit or that it is only harmful in unfermented grains or that some other factor is responsible for celiac.

Quick question I seem to get gas after eating broccoli. When is part 2 of this article coming out? Cruciferous vegetables are FODMAPs, which are a class of food that has excess fructose, fructans or sugar alcohols polyols. The entire series is finished. You can get it delivered via email by signing up for the Beyond Paleo newsletter on the home page the series has been renamed Beyond Paleo. I am have already eliminated most of these foods because of the food sensitivities I have. Soy makes me hyper and sugar makes me crash for several days.

I recently cut out gluten products and immediately felt a lift in my mood and energy. Food sensitivities have pretty much forced me into eating the whole food way and I guess that has turned out to be a good thing. The one question I have is about mayonnaise. I have been eating a Safflower mayo that was suggested by another nutrition guru. What is a good mayonnaise to use. Would Canola be better? I do believe I am very intolerant to certain foods, toxins and even medicines. How much of a problem is the rice flour and also potatoes?

These would be my last carbohydrate and I used to love to bake, what could I use as an alternative? I guess I can answer this from my on symptoms. Hard to get used to, any advise or support much appreciated. Let us not forget, there are many very different yet effective ways that people achieve health with diet change and natural therapies. It has become apparent to me that blood pH is the most important focus for any person who wants to heal, although keeping in mind it can be a complex issue for some individuals, since such a goal must be personalized.

All grains are acid-forming in the blood. Chris I am sure you have discussed this but where does milled flaxseed fit in the toxin scale. I buy my seeds whole, strore them in the freezer and grind them just before I use them. Thank you for the insightful health guidance. It is making it very challenging to find healthy food choices. I am required to be on a rotational diet to prevent further allergies from developing. Honestly, my head is spinning. Seriously, I just need someone to provide a list of foods that are OK to eat.

Otherwise, I may be fasting permanently!

9 Steps To Perfect Health - #1: Don't Eat Toxins | Chris Kresser

Now that will truly bring me divine health! Make sure you research msgtruth. I had lists of oxalate foods, salicylate foods, acid vs. Every week I find a new food that was problematic,i am scared to eat, take vitamins, scared not to eat. Also, without grains I continue to lose weight, which I can no longer afford to do…. To me this sounds like a calorie counting issue.

If you read Brendan Braziers Thrive Diet it explains very clearly how important several servings of fruit are in a day. I eat fruit with very rich greens every day all day. I do not eat any type of grain or processed food, no dairy or soy. I think this post needs more information… Have u even tried it? If you watch the documentary Food Matters, you will be much more informed on choices of food and why.

First, a little background information…. I have been off most grains with the exception of the occasional white rice for quite a while now. What are your ideas on removing bran and subsequent effects on health? Besides gluten, the rest of the problematic components of wheat are in the bran and germ, correct? Would removing the bran and germ, help to reduce the problems with wheat? He is obviously lacking in references, but is there any truth to the idea that: I would like to add bread back into my diet if possible.

This bread would be for pure enjoyment, and not for the negligible micronutrients in bran- kind of like white rice. I guess my ultimate question is, do you think that, although not necessarily nourishing, this bread is harmful? Would eating it have negative repercussions? If any of my questions are unclear, just ask. I had a difficult time trying to phrase all of this.

Thanks for your help Chris. I truly appreciate your wisdom and blog posts. If evolutionarily speaking, grains are morphing to harm our stomachs becuase we digest the seeds that would otherwise propetuate their species, wouldnt all seeds that we can digest, start to change to harm us? This includes beans and nuts. I will have to respectfully disagree that all grain is bad. We, as a group, eat way too much of it. I follow, and recommend that others follow a simple rule of thumb. Olive oil is a monounsaturated fat, with a low-moderate amount of omega Olive is a fruit and low in plant toxins.

Hi Chris, thanks for writing this. By tubers do you mean sweet potato? Because as far as I know that is the only organic tuber commonly available in the US aside from potato. You gotta get your energy from somewhere, and in TCM, eating large amounts of fat is generally contraindicated because it can lead to stagnant liver qi. This has been my personal experience, although I understand that many do not have the same problem. It seems we only require about oz. Besides, there is a very well established ceiling for protein toxicity.

Vegetables supply a negligible amount of energy. While I understand that there is a lot of variation, primitive groups that eat a high fat diet Maasai, Inuit, Aboriginals, etc. I would be very surprised if the Maasai consume as much as the Inuit. Same thing for the Aboriginals. According to TCM, a high fat animal products based diet would probably be suitable for someone living in the polar regions. If you make the Maasai sedentary and have them continue to eat their diet, I bet they will develop stagnancy problems.

But when I am not that active, the same foods will immediately cause me to have stagnant liver qi. In my opinion, TCM is based on thousands of years of trial and error, and all those TCM practitioners could not have been totally delusional for hundreds of generations recommending grains as the energy staple for a sedentary, civilized human existence.

Rice has a very stable protein digesting enzyme inhibitor called oryzacystatin, which is another reason why consuming rice with meat is never recommended. Organ meats are the most concentrated sources of nutrition, but how much can a generally sedentary human being living in modern society consume before reaching satiety? Your protein intake would be much higher than oz.

In addition, organ meats do not supply all of the vital micronutrients that humans need for optimal health. TCM says that excessive depending on your constitution, environment, lifestyle, etc. Would love to hear your thoughts if you ever find the time. After spending a lot of money on shampoos and naturopaths and trying steroids from the doctor I have control I can eat small quantities if necessary but avoid almost all now as the joy of a healthy scalp is SO worth it. Can you shed some light on my confusion? I believe the issue is to avoid commercial sugars and sugar substitutes, and anything commercial or homemade that requires commercial sugar.

Natural sugar from fruits and vegetables can be balanced with adequate protein. To all of my patients and I adhere to this also , do not put a carb in your tummy without a protein to balance it. The key is balance. If calories is your metabolic setpoint, then you probably are doing OK unless you have physical symptoms suggesting otherwise.

On average I get about g of sugar on a calorie diet. ALL of this sugar comes from fruit and vegetables I eat on a daily basis, which comes to a large portion of my diet. Can you please clarify and please post reference to exactly what sugar we should be avoiding? Should I cut down on whole fruits? Do you always recommend to someone with gluten intolerance and autoimmune issues to also avoid the cross-reactant foods listed in the article?

If so, what do you recommend to those people who already cut all grains except potatoes and rice, what would be the alternative? Are sweet potatoes ok? What about goat milk? Really, This is the perfect content to perfect health. Ok, so its very possible, if not completely true, that Hunter Gatherer people lived to and around their seventies. Everyone seems skeptical of that fact, but if you carefully read the article Chris posted http: Are modern hunter gatherer people free of inflammatory deseases?

Have there been any studies that show that ancient hunter gatherer peoples from 2. You mention soy as a toxic food; what about phosphatidyl choline and serine which are derived from soy — do you still consider these to be toxic? However, I noticed in your list of oils that you did not list coconut oil. I prefer — and recommend to my patients — coconut oil because of the higher temperatures it can tolerate when cooking, without becoming rancid. Am I misunderstanding it? I took out all 30 something foods for this past year. My period are also very irregular. I was tested one month into doing this and my levels are improving.

The only ones I eat are: I am wondering if a person with gluten sensitivity also needs to avoid coffee enemas. And to Life Expectancy, Gosh, folks — look around. Instead, I want to be like the Tarahumara Indians where the grandfathers can out run their grandchildren. To Diana and similar, The carb cravings will last 4 to 8 weeks as your body transitions to running on fats, instead of sugars. I can even eat only 2 meals a day without cravings. There are many more problems with grains than just gluten.

As per Weston Price, the few healthy traditional people that ate grains, soaked them for up to a week, and processed them by fermentation or some such way, to make the grains edible without side effects. All plant foods have some toxins. I hate most food. If it was up to me I would only drink water. Then you would tell me it is unhealthy. There are soooo many opinions on what to eat for hundreds of years, it is ridiculous. Eat what ever you want …. Wiser approach might be learn to listen to your own body, and let it guide you! I take mg of Evening Primrose Oil and mg of omega 3 from whole body fish oil a day and I snack on a few handfulls of nuts and seeds a day.

It sounds to me that you are saying the Omega 6 from Evening Primrose oil is not a good idea. I have some bloating all the time. I eat almost no sugar, not much fruit about a banana, a quarter cup of blueberries and maybe an apple most days , and I have been experimenting with eating only sour dough rye bread.

I have also been asthmatic but I am not on puffers now and I think that is also under control. Should I stop the Omega 6 supplement? If you have trouble with bloat, it may be from yeast intolerance and any fermented food is to be avoided if you are. Look into Candida diet, and consider giving it a try. Another thing to consider, is Histamine Intolerance. When it is said that life expectancy now has grown and is much higher than it was a long time ago, it is important to remember that life expectancy calculations include: Casualties of war and conflict. Many regions of Africa have low life expectancy not from bad dietary habits but lack of diet altogether.

Diseases arising from poor hygiene. For example, diarrhea is the second most common killer of children worldwide, and has a lot to do with sewer-infested rivers. Lack of basic medical treatment and support services. Throughout history, you could easily die from a broken leg, tooth infection, diarrhea, and many other seemingly non life-threatening problems because of secondary infection.

Not to mention giving birth with no medical assistance. Since we have very little problems with the above in modern society, our life expectancy has gone up dramatically. However, we have developed a wide range of debilitating chronic diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, obesity, depression, heart disease, diabetes, attention deficit disorder, etc at a time when we should be living healthily.

Our ancestors faced many dangers, but it had little to do with the problems we have now. I eat gluten free, but if I were to go more Paleo, and avoid most grains, how should I deal with carbohydrate cravings? Sure I eat fruit, and I guess I should start eating more things like sweet potatoes, but I do love my gluten free oats, amaranth and millet, and quinoa. What do you suggest for carb cravings? Does your PaleoDetox program help the transition? Chris, Just so you know, transglutaminase is not a component of wheat. It is a protein expressed in the human body that interacts with gliadin.

In celiacs, auto-antibodies antibodies made against your own proteins are directed against transglutaminase. Please explain if you think I am wrong. Fruit was not our primary food source because in most places its seasonal. Fruit is a con job. Its as concerned with your health as you are with the condition of a u haul trailer once the job is done. Furthermore, modern fruits have been bred to be sweeter, which means more fructose. Unless you have serious metabolic disease, servings of fruit a day is not going to be a problem. Chris made that clear in another comment. Wondering what your thoughts are and if you might be covering this as a blog post soon.

Gonzalo- the food guide pyramid is developed by the US Department of Agriculture. Their primary goal is to promote and expand the agricultural endeavors of the country, not to keep your family healthy. Food for though, no? I wrote about this in a post here: My family and I are primarily on a gluten free diet. My wife brought up a good question because are children are not fully gluten free rice, and oats: If grain products are toxins, why are they promoted as a staple in any and all dietary guides available to the general public.

We are apprehensive to put our children on a pure grain free diet for those reasons. As you we are also Healthy Skeptics that would love an answer. On a related note, what about a GI-related toxin vs a respiratory or skin-related allergen? My husband is type 1 diabetic, and I have eternally fought with issues involving my immune system and Candida. Looking forward to the rest of the series! This just showed up in my inbox — a pro-high fructose corn syrup webinar sponsored by the corn lobby.

Where do I begin…? Barbara I think nobody doubts the fact that we have the genetic material, in the good conditions, to naturally live above What can be questionable is the amount of data which irrevocably proves that a majority of our hunter-gatherers ancestors routinely lived healthy lives to ish. Modern day evidence from existing hunter-gatherer tribes around the world shows that the living conditions of those people are such that few get the opportunity to get to old age. Worst thing about it is the title. How long could they keep that title if THEY had a forum?

I agree with this way of thinking. Sometimes I throw stuff out there to create additional discussion. Lots of times the articles simply serve as a great way to insight fantastic discussions on the comments board. The beauty is that you let people post whatever they want, so long as it does not directly violate the board rules, and then let people discern from it what they will. Despite the detractors, I find this article and the follow-on series to be very informative. Good declaration in support of pro-active and positive assertions, Ron Lavine. Definitely, someone has to step up and support something before there can even be a subject for a debunker to make a case against!.

I am heartily thankful that Chris has this information coming out and has allowed a forum to develop with respect to each newsletter. And also, not all replies are going to be debunking. And not all debunking is bad. Some replies may be augmentative, qualifying, or otherwise additions to what Chris provides.

And statements that present a conflicting view can be just as helpful to the reader as those initiated by Chris. It can be very difficult to evaluate evidence backing various sides of a debate. But sooner or later you have to decide that you stand for something — even if by standing for that thing you leave yourself open to others doing the debunking. I find all this stuff about how long people lived in the past is just silly. Infant mortality totally skews the total mortality rates as well.

We do know from the Bible and other ancient sources records left by Romans and Greeks in history that people in general lived to 70, and in many cases into their 80s as a matter of course. Last sentence of my previous post should have read: I had a good page and a half of repudiation typed up and ready to post with links and references. I also feel sorry for some of the people posting comments here and how far some people have been misled by articles such as this. I do appreciate that you responded to some of the dissenting comments, even if you stuck to what is false. I would encourage everyone to do your own research on eating in moderation, soy and why it is not bad for you , what sugars you really consume, and what gluten really is it is protein, it is not A protein, BIG difference.

I avoid all sugar and most meats, keep my portions reasonable, and exercise regularly. I do try hard to clarify a few issues that I find are continually receiving misleading guidance! It sounds like you are at least taking steps in the right direction. Good on you for that. You may want to look into HIIT. Chris wrote an article on here a few weeks back about the difference between long and ridiculous hours in the gym times a week versus short, intense workouts a couple times a week. Remember, eating fat will not make you fat. It will satiate your appetite better and you will not desire as much food.

I cut out gluten grains, omega-6 oils, sugar and soy over two years ago, and I have felt great ever since! And not been sick once since then — even though for the preceding 15 years I had suffered bad colds, bronchitis and pneumonia every single year. If only I could lose weight too! Increase your protein intake, and watch the fat come off. Amino Acid supplements work very well. I agree the chart could use a few more oils that people commonly eat, Ben. I read your referenced article. Back to the article you provided.

Its a little wrong here and there, and very misleading at times. For example, it says olive oil has a ratio of 10 to 1, omega-6 to omega Well, that might be true, but its insignificant because there is hardly any omega-6 or omega-3 in olive oil. I assume that means the omega-6 to omega-3 suggested intake ratio. This is just what the fish oil industry wants, and possibly has provided the fodder to the writer to load his canon with.

This is not the solution. The solution is to cut out the junk food, and anything that says on the contents that it contains any of the common vegetable oils. Just as Chris has guided us to do in this news letter. Anything short of getting off the commercial oils is NOT going to bring the best of health, including trying to get more omega-3 oils. These will come naturally in your food if you eat a Paleo diet. All foods have these oils, even green leafy veggies. Some of the toxins just act more instantaneously than others. Lots of plant foods are toxic in high doses, such as rhubarb leaves, potatoes that have turned green, vanilla beans, acki fruits and other tropical fruits that are toxic if not prepared correctly.

What we do know, based on solid and conclusive evidence of recent studies regarding modern grains, is that it is absolutely certain that grains cause many people to have severe health problems. Glenn, great points you make about shopping. I look forward to eating, whereas before, I often was annoyed by having to make time for it. Now that I only eat real, whole, nutrient dense foods and do not fear healthy saturated fats, I love my new food choices, especially since I handle dairy just fine.

That should start you down the right path. Here is what everyone is saying to you. Any excuse will work so long as you are making one. I live in a big city will all the food and drink trappings of modern life, and yet I have managed to almost completely cut out all of the garbage that we all have come to believe is normal and acceptable.

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And I never said you used those words. I am the one who used them to describe your comments. The amount of foods that have the ingredients you list in this article would mean that I would have to completely change the foods I buy and eat on a regular basis. One of your original points Jan. To give you examples of alternatives, well, you may not like it, but you are going to be eating green leafy veggies probably 3 times a day.

So just accept that. Yes, even for breakfast. Its way better than sugary fruits, or cereals. And even if you eat eggs for the protein and fat content, the greens are necessary. So your alternatives are going to be meals that consists of mostly green leafy veggies and either meat or dairy. Its a sure bet there were no vegans in paleolithic times, but if you are so disposed, you know what the additional limits would be.

But starches and fruits have to be minimized, because in my mind, and others, they really work as sugars in your body. Oh, and have a few nuts. So forget about studying labels. I think that its OK if good food is boring and eating it is just a simple repetitive task that you undertake just to get energy to live fully. Its modern salesmanship that has convinced many of us that a meal must be a thrill and an experience to write about.

The solution is to accept the fact that the choices of foods you will be eating is quite narrow compared to what is offered in the standard supermarket, but a bit wider and easier to come by than what our paleolithic ancestors had. Just some toxins to avoid. So lets all be patient and give Chris time to really get into the subject. Maybe he will still provide solutions. I admire your tenacity and your patience, but right now I feel the need to contribute in a way, which is counter to your thinking. Grains were developed from grasses in an effort to provide a food source, that does not require taking a life.

More over, Romans dragged grain mills along to their battles and they were quite successfull in the outcomes of those battles. They are also known for their road building, aquaduct building, their baths and generally for their highly developed society. This dentist has done a lot of research and has empirical findings, that support his conclusions and he is trying to educate everyone who wants to find the alternative to the present sad and unhealthy condition of the western societies.

Thanks again, Chris, I for one appreciate your efforts and your generous nature. May you continue to have the energy. Humans lived for millions of years without them, and I assure you there are millions of people living on all continents of the world that do not eat them now. I did notice that this is part 1 of the series as I read the introduction as well. Agrow Agrow is the single global source for all your crop protection business intelligence.

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