Entrepreneurs in the Southern Upcountry: Commercial Culture in Spartanburg, South Carolina, 1845-188

Entrepreneurs in the Southern Upcountry: The Case of Spartanburg, South Carolina, 1815-1880

Historical re-enacting and affective authority: Essays and books published as American Studies have in large part treated Civil War reenactment groups as politically reactionary heritage cults. Farmer observed the audience cheering victorious Confederate reenactors at an event in South Carolina, leading him to propose that the main purpose of the performance appeared to be 'to celebrate a symbolic blow against the hated enemy of their ancestors and, perhaps, against what they see as that enemy's modern counterparts: Living history and leisure.

Lain Hart Bethnal Green London. Paths to pleasure in hobbies and leisure.

Eelman follows the evolution of an entrepreneurial culture in a nineteenth-century southern community outside the plantation belt. Bowen and Garth L. Edited by Ellis L. Latewood radial growth of longleaf pine has been strongly linked to late summer rainfall that would include TCP Devall et al. Inside Tucson business [electronic resource]. Wildland Arson as Clandestine Resource Management: Symposium on Automation and Society.

War culture and the contest of images. Militarization and modernization in the American south.

Playing Rebels: Reenactment as Nostalgia and Defense of the Confederacy in the Battle of Aiken

Violence and Historical Reenactment: Rituals and remembrances in a postmodern age. Civil War Roundtable and Re-enactment Societies.

Archaeologies of the recent past and the Soviet remains of the cold war in Poland: Jan Archaeol Rep. Re-Enacting the American Civil War: Conflict, Simulation and the Sacred. Discover more publications, questions and projects in Civil War. He noted the year as one of the driest in the past ca.

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Suwannee River flow variability — CE reconstructed from a multispecies tree-ring network. Additionally, fire likely would not have been spatially or temporally constant as the recommended year burn interval suggests. Dendrochronology data indicate that average fire return intervals within longleaf pine ecosystems may have been from 2.

These variable fire frequencies would have provided variation in vegetative structure and environmental conditions, including areas similar to LLP reference sites, and areas containing more hardwoods and increased structural diversity. A review of the effects of prescribed fire on vertebrates in the longleaf pine ecosystem. Further, this method does not provide a means to assess the amount of TCP.

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Latewood radial growth of longleaf pine has been strongly linked to late summer rainfall that would include TCP Devall et al. The only published study Lodewick that has specifically examined the timing of longleaf pine radial growth found that latewood formation occurs from approximately mid-June through mid-October and is consistent with our field observations in North Carolina.

Tropical cyclone rainfall variability in coastal North Carolina derived from longleaf pine Pinus palustris Mill.

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Historical evidence for traditional management fires in Southeastern landscapes is vague, but generally suggests that fires were set ''annually'' from late fall through spring dormant to early growing season Demmon ; Green ; Pyne ; Stoddard Dendrochronological evidence establishes annual to sub-decadal frequencies with most fires occurring sometime over the dormant season Flatley et al. Previous research suggests that unauthorized fires are spatially clustered and, in accordance with traditional fire use in the southeastern United States, unauthorized fires in Georgia predominantly occur in the dormant to early growing season Coughlan Wildland Arson as Clandestine Resource Management: Prior to European settlement, the mean fire-return interval for longleaf pine forests was 2.

Fire frequency drives understory composition in pine flatwoods with herbs favored at shorter fire-return intervals Brockway and Lewis, Effects of dormant and growing season burning on surface fuels and potential fire behavior in northern Florida longleaf pine Pinus palustris flatwoods.

Commerce and economic resources of our outlying territories and possessions: The un-politics of air pollution; a study of non-decisionmaking in the cities [by] Matthew A. Crenson Crenson, Matthew A. The battle for clean air. The politics of air pollution: Who pays for clean air: The health costs of air pollution: Inside EPA's clean air report [electronic resource]. Willard Miller, Ruby M. Economic costs of air pollution; studies in measurement [by] Ronald G.

The cost of clean air: The economics of air pollution; [papers] edited by Harold Wolozin.

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