PARENTING Guide to Toilet Training

Potty Training and Your Preschooler

He needs to know to stop playing, and stay focused until he gets to the toilet. The child also must have the motor skills necessary to take off his clothes, and then relax and go. She needs to be independent enough to take care of her own potty needs.

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A child needs to be aware that others are using the toilet and want to imitate that behavior, which can happen once they hit preschool and why sometimes, a second child may learn faster than her first-born sibling. When a child has developed enough to reach these milestones, it's up to the parents to watch for signs that their little one is ready for the next step.

Generally, your kids will offer you subtle -- and not so subtle -- clues that they are ready and willing to start the process of potty training. Your job is to make sure you notice them. When your privacy goes out the window.

PARENTING Guide to Toilet Training: Parenting Magazine Editors: Books

If your child is constantly asking to go to the bathroom with you -- let him. This is an obvious clue.

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Use it to your advantage and let your child use the bathroom instead of a diaper, suggests Wolraich, who is also the editor of the American Academy of Pediatrics Guide to Toilet Training. If she tells you after, start talking to her about telling you before she needs to go. Usually when a child is getting ready to go to pee or have a bowel movement in a diaper they look for some privacy, or quiet down as they get ready to go. This is a sign parents have to watch for and anticipate.

Like every skill a preschooler tries to master, this one takes time.

Potty Training Clues

For parents, staying positive and keeping your eye on the prize -- no more diapers! Here are tips from experts and a mom whose child recently conquered potty training:. Create a regular schedule throughout the day when you can give your child some time on the toilet, suggests Wolraich, such as when he gets up in the morning, before preschool starts if he attends in the morning, when he gets home, before dinner, and before bath and bedtime.

Understand that this will be a time commitment for parents and caregivers that you need to commit to -- each trip to the bathroom could be several minutes, Wolraich says.

Your pregnancy and baby guide

You can wait and try again later when your child is ready and willing. Potty training How do I potty train? From potty training to public bathrooms.

Preschool Does your child suffer from constipation? Potty training Is your kid ready to potty train? Find the best strategy for you.

How to potty train. Early potty training. Is my child ready to potty train?

Potty training Twitter party: Join our BathroomRoutines Potty Training chat. I can go potty by myself!

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Potty training Funniest potty-training stories ever. Potty training Flush with success: Your most-asked potty training questions answered. From potty to playtime. Preschool Preschooler toilet troubles. Potty training Toilet training trouble. Toddler behaviour Is my toddler ready? Family health Toilet training basics.

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