The Flag Of Distress

Country in Distress: The Upside Down Flag

We the people are suppose to run this country and they are suppose to do our bidding.

Upside Down Flag

In stead they sell us out to become millionaires. Gay marriage,transgender restrooms and race baiting this what they give us. And show me anywhere in the constitution where it states separation of church and state. Few people fly the flag upside down any longer.

Guess most people are getting the message. I took mine down, folded it correctly, and tucked it safely in a drawer. Some day I may have the heart to fly it again, if and when our democracy is ever restored. I leave the flagpole empty in protest. That would seem rather counter-productive not to fly the flag.

Numeric Pennants

If you are going to protest do a real protest. A requirement of separation of church and state comes directly from the First Right in the First Amendment: After all, the 9th makes it a legal requirement for ALL citizens to not only know their rights, but use them to the best of their abilities.

Distress signal

I was driving down hwy 5 near eugene oregon and saw someone right off the hwy flying two American flags upside down. Just wondering what that meant. It means someone is having a crisis. In liberal Eugene it might mean that someone is in a panic about Trump. On January 20th, I will display my flag upside down until the threat to our nation is removed from office.

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Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Posted on December 31, by Admin. Klansmen protest Obama election in Occupiers fly desecrated American flag with Marxist and anarchist flags. Mexican flag flown over inverted American flag. Islamists destroy inverted US flag in embassy takeover in Egypt. Iranians desecrate modified US flag with only 14 stars.

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December 31, at 5: Miss Anti-colonial Badass says: June 26, at 6: Steve the Observer says: July 19, at 9: June 27, at 6: July 13, at 1: July 19, at 8: T Mack Jones says: December 19, at December 19, at 4: August 4, at 5: November 8, at July 21, at 9: July 22, at 6: A floating man-overboard pole or dan buoy can be used to indicate that a person is in distress in the water and is ordinarily equipped with a yellow and red flag international code of signals flag "O" and a flashing lamp or strobe light.

In North America, marine search and rescue agencies in Canada and the United States also recognize certain other distress signals:.

American Flag Hand Made! Distressed, Rustic

When activated these EPIRBs rapidly report the latitude and longitude of the emergency accurate to within m. In situations with a high risk of "man overboard", such as open ocean yacht racing, PLBs may be required by the event's organisers. PLBs are also often carried during risky outdoor activities upon land. EPIRB registration allows the authority to alert searchers of the vessel's name, label, type, size and paintwork; to promptly notify next-of-kin; and to quickly resolve inadvertent activations.

A Mayday message consists of the word "mayday" spoken three times in succession, which is the distress signal, followed by the distress message, which should include:. When none of the above-described officially sanctioned signals are available, attention for assistance can be attracted by anything that appears unusual or out of the ordinary, such as a jib sail hoisted upside down. During daylight hours when the sun is visible, a heliograph mirror can be used to flash bright, intense sunlight.

Battery-powered laser lights the size of small flashlights electric torches are available for use in emergency signalling. For hundreds of years inverted national flags were commonly used as distress signals. Other countries have flags that are inverses of each other; for example, the Polish flag is white on the top half and red on the bottom, while Indonesia 's and Monaco 's flags are the opposite—i. A ship flying no flags may also be understood to be in distress. If any flag is available, distress may be indicated by tying a knot in it and then flying it upside-down, making it into a wheft.

To avoid pointless searches some devices must be reported when lost. This particularly applies to EPIRBs, life buoys, rafts and devices marked with the vessel's name and port.

Expired flares should not be set off, as this indicates distress. Rather, most port authorities offer disposal facilities for expired distress pyrotechnics. In some areas special training events are organised, where the flares can be used safely. The civilian aircraft emergency frequency for voice distress alerting is Aircraft can also signal an emergency by setting one of several special transponder codes , such as A "triangular distress pattern" is a rarely used flight pattern flown by aircraft in distress but without radio communications.

The recognised mountain distress signals are based on groups of three, or six in the UK and the European Alps. A distress signal can be three fires or piles of rocks in a triangle, three blasts on a whistle, three shots from a firearm, or three flashes of a light, in succession followed by a one-minute pause and repeated until a response is received.

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Three blasts or flashes is the appropriate response. In the Alps , the recommended way to signal distress is the Alpine distress signal: A signal may be anything visual waving clothes or lights, use of a signal mirror or audible shouts, whistles, etc. The rescuers acknowledge with three signals per minute.