The House on the Borderland (Penguin Classics)

The House on the Borderland

The book is available in soft and hardcover and contains an introduction by British comic writer Alan Moore.

  • My Precious Big Bang, My Shameful Central Sun — Everything Is Scary;
  • The House on the Borderland (Trilogy of the Abyss, book 2) by William Hope Hodgson?
  • Retribution! (The Champion Chronicles Book 1).
  • The Tomb of Destiny;
  • Spaceport: The Supernova Affair.
  • The House on the Borderland – William Hope Hodgson | tomcat in the red room.

Revelstroke updated Hodgson's initial "manuscript discovery" frame to Ireland, and while he made an effort to retain most of the original plot and dialogue, excepting the very last page, the climax is purely Revelstroke's invention. In the credits, Revelstroke listed himself as a "Carnacki Fellow" currently "teaching at the Glen Carrig School of Nautical Horticulture", both direct and fictional references to Hodgson's other literary works. The song expresses a feeling of camaraderie with "William" and includes the lyric: As part of their debut EP Los Wattsons: In , BBC Radio released a two hour long, four episode dramatization of the novel.

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My Precious Big Bang, My Shameful Central Sun

January Learn how and when to remove this template message. This section possibly contains unsourced predictions , speculative material, or accounts of events that might not occur.

The House on the Borderland (For H. P. Lovecraft Fans), Horror Audiobook by William Hope Hodgson

Information must be verifiable and based on reliable published sources. Please help improve it by removing unsourced speculative content. April Learn how and when to remove this template message. Supernatural Horror in Literature , "Archived copy".

Archived from the original on 12 October Retrieved 10 March The House on the Borderland. Retrieved from " https: EngvarB from September Use dmy dates from September Articles needing additional references from January All articles needing additional references Pages to import images to Wikidata Articles containing predictions or speculation Articles with Project Gutenberg links Articles with LibriVox links.

Views Read Edit View history. Aspects of its plot, style, imagery and characterology are strikingly apparent in works by writers as diverse H. There are commas absolutely everywhere!


Red Classics The House On The Borderland (Penguin Classics) [William Hope Hodgson] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. From the. Buy The House on the Borderland (Penguin Classics) by William Hope Hodgson (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and.

I came across the piece of piping, I had torn from the wall, lying among the long grass, underneath the broken window. Then, I returned to the house, and, having re-bolted the back door, went up, to the tower. Here, I spent the afternoon, reading, and occasionally glancing down into the gardens.

Hardback Editions

I had determined, if the night passed quietly, to go as far as, the Pit, on the morrow. Perhaps I should be able to learn, then, something of what happened.

Paperback Editions

Supernatural Horror in Literature , "Archived copy". Mad book — I bought it post talk. A building, constructed across an invisible chasm of space-time, fated to witness the very end of the world, is waiting with open doors for anyone who dares to enter it. It is absolute cosmic horror and yet, it is at this point that the book lost me. The prose style is deeply irritating, and I would not have finished it if the story and atmosphere had not been so striking. We know that HPL did not read Hodgson or this novel until by which point Lovecraft had written virtually all of his major fiction. He witnesses the death of our planet and the solar system before floating, bodiless, before a great green sun for three isane chapters of hallucinatory void-gazing.

Still, in spite of my reasoning, I had an uneasy feeling, that this theory did not satisfy my sense of the probable, and yet, was any other, that I could suggest, likely, to be half so plausible? Pepper had been sitting on the grass, while I conducted my examination. The comma-abundance is ubiquitous; it pervades the direct speech of every character, the narration, excerpts from diaries and all other types of textual representation.

The house on the borderland / William Hope Hodgson - Details - Trove

I gave up trying to make sense of this punctuation at about mid-way through the book, and instead attempted to just read through all of the redundant commas. It begins in what is now the classic mode of weird fiction: The Recluse [my caps] lives in big a house overlooking a precipice in a recognisably Bronte-esque wilderness that acts as an early visual signifier for the gothic tone of the novel.

He dreams about a journey to a strange otherland in which he encounters a mirror image of his own house, along with various religious representations of death. Upon waking, the Recluse finds his house is being assailed by hordes of naked, pig-headed creatures emerging from the chasm beneath.

What follows is an over-long and over-violent sequence that reads like an extrapolated horror version of a tower defence videogame.

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The second half of the novel, by comparison, entails a dramatic shift in both tone and narrative action. Time begins to accelerate, the Recluse looking out of his window to discover that night and day are passing so quickly as to have blurred into a perpetual half-light gloaming. As millions of years pass, his surroundings crumble, the sun expands and goes out, and the Recluse, now floating in space, witnesses the end of the world.

The entire sequence is highly reminiscent of H. Easyread Edition Author s: Spirit Lake Press Availability: House on the Borderland Dark Fantasy Author s: Constable and Robinson Availability: Grafton Books, London Availability: House on the Borderland Panther horror Author s: HarperCollins Distribution Services Availability: William Hope Hodgson Publisher: