The Advanced Mythology of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Offers Insight

Sources orientales II, Paris, MacEoin, From Shaykhism to Babism. LXI , Qom, n. Sources orientales II, Paris, , pp. Sprenger, Calcutta, , pp. Submitted tags will be reviewed by site administrator before it is posted online. If you enter several tags, separate with commas. Topic select a topic In the Persian tradition. Idem, La divination arabe, Leiden, a. Hossein Ziai Originally Published: December 15, Last Updated: December 1, This article is available in print. Sometimes the standing at the edge of a cliff is to face your fears. Aspiration, growth, and achievement.

What are you trying to get to or escape from? A sense of urgency or plenty of time could be interpreted through clocks or watches. The ticking of a clock could represent your life passing by or the beat of your heart. A stopped clock may indicate the death of something or if it is racing, a sense of urgency. It can also be about the restrictions we place on ourselves i. With a door, it could mean you have closed yourself off to something or someone. The stance we take in social situations. It is our identity and our self-image. What we put on to the rest of the world see face.

It is also what we put on to hide our real selves as well as a cover up or a symbol for hiding something. May be about the upper versus. Might have something to do with opinions or thoughts.

  1. 9 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Dreaming | HuffPost;
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May indicate the private self and your sexual identity. Indicate one's grounding and connection with the world. Would be mysterious or suggest something hidden or to be revealed. Depending on whether it is a bright or dark day, they could either be uplifting or depressing. What contains the end of something or someone, a reminder of your mortality. To put someone into a coffin might suggest that you want to get them out of your life. Something of small value; things of little concern. Missed warmth or holding back of emotion. There is a feeling of neglect in this symbol, as in "being left out in the cold.

Emotions, especially when they are vibrant. The vitality of something or of the self. Separation, the unconscious, evil, depression, the shadow side of the self. Depression if it is dark; intuitive awareness, almost spiritual in nature if it is light blue. Something of great worth. Sometimes symbolizes the soul. Can also be an aggressive color as with anger. Lightness, vitality, hopefulness but also cowardice or cautionary, depending on context. Color meanings are a bit iffy. You should be especially careful to interpret their meanings based on the resonance and meaning for you.

Color interpretation is also cultural in nature. The above meanings are western in nature. Leadbetter also created a chart in his book, Man Visible and Invisible that doesn't seem to follow any of the current cultural or western definitions. A similar color chart was used to interpret Auras, or what the Theosophist's Annie Besant and Leadbetter described as "Thought forms" believing that thoughts are things, radiating vibrations and floating forms.

These ideas were presented in their treatise, Thought Forms Though in all fairness their definitions were slanted toward his understanding of the spirit world and the concept of auras. My symbol interpretations tend to be somewhat more prosaic. Note that the musical scale is an ascending chromatic scale where the frequencies range from low to high on both the visual and auditory scale.

The zodiac symbols don't follow a consistent pattern, however, in that there are many zodiac color wheels with all being different. This attempt to coordinate color and sound to affect an emotional state is nothing new, both Isaac Newton and Pythagoras created their own scale. There is a story that Pythagoras noted a young man bringing hot coals to the door of his lover's house so as to burn it down as retribution of her having scorned him.

A man playing a flute nearby was playing an energetic little song that seemed to be spurring the young man on. When Pythagoras asked the flutist to play another song that was much more soothing, the young man seemed to come to his senses and removed the coals. It is highly probable that the Greek initiates gained their knowledge of the philosophic and therapeutic aspects of music from the Egyptians.

Pythagoras realized the emotional and therapeutic aspects of both music and color. Also see "music" below. Impending change; birth of something new. It is also a messenger and an awakening or something just passing through. An attempt to find your direction in a situation or in life. Communication or the rational, unemotional mind.

A fear of differences an attempt to control what you fear or find distasteful, to keep these uncomfortable feelings out of sight. To work in harmony. Work on yourself or building something new in life. The way one transforms the unpalatable to the palatable. Where are your decisions and choices leading you? The familiar house of the self. The resolution of conflicts though in some cases it might refer to either justice or injustice, pain or resolution, redemption or loss. A regressive movement that might suggest the taking of one's time. As in a crazy person appears, you might be feeling threatened.

As yourself, you might be thinking about controlling your behaviors. There is a loss of control element herewith, perhaps an aspect of falling apart or going out of control. Being limited or disabled in some way emotionally, socially, physically, or spiritually. For millennia, the cross has been a symbol with special spiritual meaning. The cross has four points symbolizing the four cardinal directions, the four seasons, the four winds, the four archangels, and the four gospels. This symbolism is also seen in the Native American medicine wheel. In Christian tradition, the cross can mean resurrection as it does with the Egyptian Ankh.

To be chosen or recognized. The noble side of yourself. A high achievement a 'crowning achievement. A release or grief. Sometimes if held back during the day, the dream can act as a pressure release. This can be a cleansing or healing. Feelings associated with death. A place of hidden forces and perhaps a connection with the unconscious. Things feelings or thoughts "buried. A substitute for personal support. A sense of weakness or being incapacitated. Feminine aspect of nourishment.

A cup, cauldron or the Holy Grail is a ritual object of feminine gender. Bran's life-restoring cauldron and the Grail. In physical essence the cup in ritual is often crescent shaped. There are many symbolic references to the feminine, the Holy Grael being one of them. Though descriptions of the Last Supper of Jesus speak of a cup in which Jesus poured wine and offered it as his own blood and that they should drink it in remembrance, the famous painting by Leonardo DaVinci shows no cup on the table, only a plate, or dish.

Was the plate, or dish the original Grael? Whether a dish or cup, both might represent the feminine aspect of nourishment. It has a life restoring quality to it. The cauldron is the symbol for the goddess. To see a cauldron in your dream, may imply that you are undergoing some transformation, It could also indicate destiny or some magical, spiritual force. Consider the symbolism of what is in the cauldron and its importance. To see a cup in your dream, might also represent love, nurturance and the womb. The cup may also signify healing, rejuvenation, and healing.

Alternatively, it could indicate transcendence into a realm of higher consciousness. Is the cup half-full or half-empty? Do you see life from an optimistic or pessimistic point of view. To see a cup with a broken handle, suggests your feelings of inadequacy and anxieties of being unable to handle a particular situation.

Perhaps you feel unqualified or inadequate in dealing with a situation. If the cup is a chalice, it could represent your need for spiritual nourishment.

9 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Dreaming

You are on a search, or quest, for your individual self and for a more meaningful existence. You can either open them to reveal or close them to hide. To sever connections with someone or some feeling or desire. Aggressiveness, anger, force, or hatred. Can also represent a penis. Feeling at one with someone or something or with yourself. In harmony with the world and ourselves. One's dance with life. The unknown, secrets hidden, mystery, potential, or a place of fear. What is hidden to you? Some person or aspect in your life that has died and you are dealing with it.

Dealing with grief of the death a loved one or your own future death and its inevitability. What has ended in your life? Death, suicide and murder could all fit under this symbol. Suicide and murder in a dream can symbolize the need for a conscious choice on the dreamer's part to make a change in their lives, their perceptions, reactions, and circumstances. It's the "active" ending of something.

It is the symbol for actively overcoming something. Some Dream Analysts claim that thoughts of suicide in the waking state are symbolically similar to the sleeping state and can be analyzed in a similar manner. These gestures, or "parasuicides" can, however, lead to accidental death or physical harm. A shocking statistic is that nearly half of all suicides began with suicidal gestures.

Anyone spending too much time thinking about death should consider consulting a counselor, or should be referred to a counselor. There's also the section Death and Resurrection on this website. Need to work on communication, as in what do you fear to hear or what are you refusing to hear? If on you then perhaps you are feeling "shit on" or feeling you're not worth a 'shit' i. A feeling of being or having said something dirty, negative or undisirable.

If you're trying to defacate and can't perhaps you are having difficulty letting go of something or perhaps you are too controlling. To find a bathroom covered in feces might suggest that there are some messy feelings that may need to be cleaned up. If it's a public toilet then perhaps you are worried how something may be looking to others see urinate. Past traumas or just getting more down to earth and pragmatic about something. It can also mean a loss of status or importance. Something being searched for. Something hidden that needs to be revealed, some problem to be solved. Do you rely too much on the opinions of others?

Are you being too all knowing? Uncovering the truth or burying it. How about the pun: An outdated idea, or way of being. If chased by one, are you feeling as if you're no longer needed? Need to approach someone, or some situation, with great care and tactfulness. Successful completion of something. A recognition for something done, or done well. Giving or taking criticism, or accepting or being in authority.

Need to assume more control over a situation, or that you already are; is it enough, or too much? Lost your power or direction in life? What part of your body is disabled see body? If people are disappearing this could refer to your fears and anxieties of people leaving you, or dying.

These people could also represent aspects of yourself that you have ignored and that are disappearing. If you're disappearing, are you being ignored, or overlooked? Real life dissapointments, or depression. Thwarted intentions, or expectations. Being trapped or a means of escape, a means for "draining away" your emotions.

Emotional or spiritual healing. Something needs patching up. With a large lock, it may indicate defensiveness or some hostility. Locking could also be about your feelings of self-worth what are you hiding? A very small door may be limiting access to yourself. An open door might represent accessibility and openness. The back door could represent your private life, the front door theefor might represent your public self, while going through the side door could be about escaping or avoiding.

Revolving doors could be about how your life is going i. A doorbell ringing could be like a knock at the door i. Dreaming of dreaming might suggest your awakening to an inner reality. To be asleep in a dream might suggest that you need to wake up to something because you're not paying attention. Being overwhelmed by emotion. Being out of control, or shutting something painful out. A pain in the ear can symbolize bad news. If cut off perhaps you are tired of listening to others or of what they are saying about you or someone else.

If they're turning red perhaps you're feeling shame, guilt or embarrassment? If someone is whispering in an ear perhaps you need to pay closer attention to something or perhaps there's a secret that needs to be told? A fly in the ear may represent rumors or something that you don't want to hear or perhaps you've overheard something you shouldn't have? Are you turning a 'deaf' ear? Do you need some peace and quiet? Or are you isolating your self from something or someone? The image of earwax can also be a metaphor for this. If they are someone elses could they be a memory of that person or is it they that you need to listen to?

Can be about listening carefully or that you're the only one who's getting the message or perhaps you're not being heard or it could be about listening to your intuitive sense. One's roots; your connection with the physical world. A breakdown of anything, such as relationships, attitudes, or points of view. Literally a "shake-up" of your world. They can also represent renewal or the restoration of some aspect of the self.

East as a direction: Ancient truths, one's beginnings, the mysteries of the unconscious, renewal, enlightenment, source of life, birth, religious aspect, and inner wisdom. As with all directions, one might ask, "Where am I heading? What are you eating? Are you overeating or starving? One's potential or any potential, what you may wish to develop as in the seed to something new.

A cracked egg may suggest a failure to achieve potential, or if a chicken is being born, it could suggest the beginning of something new see birth , pregnancy. This can suggest a lack of something in your life see death , or killing. Consider the pun "Know it all" smarty-pants or wise-guy. Anything that has the potential to change your life as you know it. For example, leaving home, menopause, moving from adolescence to adulthoo, having children, loss of a job or someone you love. This can show up as an 'end' to anything such as an end to a path or road also look at trapped, death, west.

What's the condition of the engine or motor?

Advanced Topics in Dreamwork — Part Three

A clue to dream meaning: Much of twentieth century dream theory was influenced by three approaches: Yes, there are common dream themes, but no, they don't all mean the same thing. Perhaps you need to be more moderate in actions? Sometimes it may be speaking to some potential in you you add the judgment of whether the potential is good or bad. Visions of animals imparting hidden knowledge has been around for some time.

This is frequently a denial of something within yourself that you have a conflict with. A part of yourself that you have not accepted and are struggling with. There may be some upheaval in your life. If going up then perhaps you are addressing emotional issues or moving through your spiritual journey, if down, then perhaps you are repressing or experiencing a setback.

The image may also relate to ones transformation or need for it. Ascending might also suggest attainment of a higher way of thinking or experiencing e. Are you refusing to face your problems? A failed escape might suggest that you're feeling trapped or feeling helpless. If adapting then this image could be about how well you are adapting to some situation. It could also reflect high energy.

Be more objective in your evaluation of something or someone. Trying to destroy some aspect of the self that is unwanted. An ordeal or test, self-criticism, or a test of self-value. Missed exams can be about anxiety. A way out of something, like escape. Sudden and violent change or an explosion of emotional material and its concomitant release of energy such as anger; social upheaval. If you just hear the sound then perhaps something is about to be exposed from your subconscious. Stand up to your weaknesses?

Spiritual insight, as in "the eyes are the windows to soul. It can indicate seeing something unseen before or someone or thing watching. The early church in England used to place an eye above the entrance to ward off witches; Greeks created eye beads or amulets to ward off the evil eye. A closed eye or eyes could suggest that you are shuttng something or someone out see shutters. If your eyes you see in a dream are a different color, then perhaps you need to see something from a different perspective. If you're or someone else wearing an eyepatch perhaps you are being one-sided in your view of something i.

There's a message in the fable, a lesson, a moral to be learned. If you are living a fable perhaps you need to face reality more directly, face whatever situation that you need to deal with. If it's torn it could suggest that you need to mend or heal some situation or relationship. The image that you put on something, what you want the world to see this can include the facade of a house, or building. It can represent the masks we wear to hide and protect ourselves. One's identity and self-image i. The mask we put on to the world vs. If it's flawed perhaps it's about erupting emotions. Perhaps there's a lie being covered up?

Two faces might suggest being two-faced i. What we hide behind see clothes and mask. It can also suggest that you are feeling better about yourself. What is painted could also reflect your mood in your waking life. An old way of doing things e. Alternatively it could be about your productivity.

Native American Dream Songs, Myth, Memory and Improvisation

An empty factory could be about leaving the meaningless monotony of your routine for something new. Perhaps you're managing something badly? Perhaps you need to let your inhibitions go? Are any of the side shows reminiscent of parts or aspects of your personality e. A nature spirit, a realm beyond the every day.

If it's evil, then perhaps some part of yourself needs to be set free? The Celtics included elves and fairies in their concept of the Otherworld, the world of a new beginning, paradise. It is also a symbol for the feminine positive or negative. A fairytale might suggest that you are, or need to, explore your own limits. Do you need to show more of your true self? Some kind of deception? Someone not who they say they are? Perhaps you want to feel admired and are not?

Loss of power, confidence, social standing, or control or the fear of failure, maybe even moral failure. It can also suggest a "falling out" in some relationship. This could be about your internal value system. The father is the authority figure representing your ability to manage and control the external world.

He can also represent the negative by being dominant and aggressive. Your mother might represent your nurturing, emotional side, and relationship sides, though the negative aspect of domination through emotions may also be present. Siblings, sons, and daughters often reflect aspects of ourselves. Grandparents in a dream may represent the role that traditions play in your life, though they may also represent the archetypes of the wise old man, or woman see archetypes. An unmet need for spiritual nourishment? Need for love and attention and emotional support?

Alternatively the need to be more realistic or practical. Perhaps it's a goal that you think can't be obtained? Perhaps you, or they if it's someone else, need to be more direct? Perhaps you need to look more within. Being in a hurry, impatience, or efficiency. To move something fastforward perhaps you need to slow down or look at the consequences of some planned action. Perhaps you need to be more moderate in actions? Consider the pun, "It ain't over until the fat lady sings. The control of emotions by turning them on or off. Is it leaking or broken and running water is everywhere perhaps your emotions are out of control or you are losing control.

Perhaps you are emotionally overwhelmed or drained? Maybe you desire to be 'wanted'? If you're the agent perhaps it reflects your sense of honor and integrity, and ordiliness. Your own attitude about the FBI will add much meaning to this image as well. How much does it run you? How much control of your emotions do you have? What are you afraid of? Sometime fear can represent unexpressed love.

Anxiety, or fear is probably the most common emotion in dreams. All the events of the day that have vexed you can come up as fearful elements in the dream. Remember that every thing in a dream is an aspect of you. If you're being chased by some monster, it's yourself that you're trying to escape and given that you can't escape yourself you might as well confront this aspect and find out more about it. Start by defining the feeling so you can get clarity on what it is you're avoiding.

Sometimes going over the events in your life that may be generating your fears in the waking world can help to difuse the emotion attached to them. When working with both adults and children I used to have them relax into a meditative state and imagine that they were walking down a long, dark hallway. At the end of this hallway was a huge door of heavy wood and banded in iron. Imagine that behind the door there was the most frightening creature you have ever experienced and that you have to open the door and confront it head on. I then instruct them to grab the handle and pull hard, swinging the door wide.

Be with it, don't run. Defiantly ask it what it wants. Go into conversation with it and see what you get. This exercise works well as a guided meditation so having a trusted confederate lead you through it helps. If you're hungry during a feast perhaps you're putting others needs ahead of your own? Often represent the powers or nature of the bird it came from, e.

A social barrier or what you use to segregate. If you're constipated it could be that you're being overly controlled, or controlling i. Sense of independence, keeping ones self grounded e. Consider the pun, "putting you foot in your mouth" making a verbal blunder e. Washing someones feet or having your feet washed might be about forgiveness. Follow some feet might suggest you aren't taking your own path in life or in some activity. It's a metaphor for the walls you put up to protect your self or to keep others out, or even shutting your self out. Falling from a fence could mean you're over your head and fear failing with some endeavor.

Fences in water can symbolize emotional barriers water is often a symbol for ones emotional state. If the person is unknown it could be a conflict with your self. Spiritual transformation or alternatively something that is left undealt with will transform into something else, possibly even more negative. Absorbtion of knowledge food for thought.

Or you're trying to escape the everyday. An open area away from people where you can be with your natural self. Freedom fgrom social pressure. A feeling state, or the general career you find your self in e. Anger and frustration, a release of pent-up energy, violent resolution, or just fighting for something such as your honor or autonomy. Something lost then reintegrated into the personality or that needs to be.

Passion, spirit, energy, or cleansing. A desire to destroy or to be renewed. Desire to rid oneself of something hurtful to self or others. I recently had a friend talk of a dream where there were "walls of fire" that stood in his way from continuing down a road. Some of these walls he could overcome, but one was intractable. The "Wall of Fire" could be an event or a person that has become an obstruction to your forward progress. Overwhelming emotion of any kind, such as negative emotions or fear see also tidal wave , hurricane and water below.

One can also be overwhelmed by circumstances and dream of floods. Jung saw the rose as representing the Mandala, a symbol of the unconscious self. He thought that dreams with roses were very spiritual in nature. Lilies might represent the Trinity or the Virgin Mary, Easter, rebirth, or royalty as in the fleur di lis. Flowers were used by mystics for metaphysical purposes. Lavender is a flower placed under a pillow to encourage dreams.

Look to see what flowers mean to you in your daily life love, sex, commitment, recognition, relationship, spiritual, sympathy, or celebration? The flower symbolism associated with poppies is beauty, magic, consolation, fertility and eternal life. Tulips mean eternal life and are heralds of spring. Tulips also are symbolic of fame and perfection. Foxglove flowers have both positive and negative symbolic meanings.

They are said to sometimes hurt and sometimes heal. In the language of flowers, foxglove is associated with insincerity. The morning glory is appropriately named, because the flower blooms in the morning and dies by the afternoon. Georgia O'Keeffe brought the calla lily to prominence with her series of close-up paintings of single calla lily flowers.

She wanted the viewer to look closely at the fundamental form of the flower without any preconceived notions. Many of her paintings are considered by some to be spiritual in nature. The concept of "seeing" something with no preconceived notions is often the Eastern way of seeing somethings true nature. The idea that our judgments and expectations obscure reality.

Also, her paintings of all flowers were quite sensual in nature. F lowers and their essences are often used to deal with depression St. John's Wort , sleeplessness and stress reduction Passion Flower, though Chamomile works well also. For the incubation of dreams Mugwort, Lavender, and Chamomile are the most frequently employed. They can be used as an oil, tea, or in a fresh floral display. Often Lavender is placed as a sachet under a pillow before sleep. Independence, sometimes hard fought for. The overcoming of obstacles. Freedom from being grounded in the ordinary or chaotic emotions of life.

Flying can also represent the gaining of spiritual insight, the transformation of conventional thought and eluding the limiting effects of gravity. Confusion; to obfuscate or hide from sight. Something to obscure or confused; mysterious. Is the fog frightening or oppressive? Is there something in your life that you can't quite see that is bothering you? Fruit may be sensual, meat about animalistic desires, vegitables about health though it could also be about self-worth or feeling paralyzed , frozen foods can be about a cold personality, citrus can be about a sour personality or that something has "soured" you prejudiced or resentment.

Oranges or apples can be about sweetness or in the apples case about temptation, or health. Bad tasting food can be about intense emotions. Certain foods are attached to memories good and bad, some are comfort type foods while others you find distasteful. The world of the unconscious and strange yet magical forces of your inner nature. You may be exploring abetter understanding of yourself. If lost in the woods, it could indicate your mental state of being lost, or confused, or being without direction. Walking through it could indicate that you are changing, you might want to follow your instincts as you go.

If you're afraid or lost, perhaps you aren't ready for the change whereas to be happy about where you are might be an indication that you are ready for the change. Perhaps you're having difficulty expressing your thoughts or feelings or ideas. Are you neglecting some part of you? Defense or defended self. The need to defend, or consider the need to fortify steel yourself, or to nourish yourself , or to add some suplement to your diet or life. Emotional coldness or rigidity. To hold something rigid in time, or place. It could also be a health warning.

The end of something. To bury the past. Attitudes and beliefs from your childhood, your identity, what you show to others about you. If in a chair off to the side you may be feeling cast aside. If you can't find it are you having difficulties with your intimate self?

Sections in this entry

If floating up from the bed you may be feeling disconnected from those around you. Do you need to tone yourself down? If wetting the bed you may be feeling out of control with some part of your life. Do you worry about being accepted? If it's dim then you may be feeling a little overwhelmed and are having trouble finding your way. If in a religious dream a dim light could refer to the dimming or loss of ones faith.

This image takes on meaning when you explore what you feel when in your own garage both in the sleeping and waking dream. Cleaning up and throwing away. What are you ready to give up or get rid of? Garbage could also refer to how you are feeling about yourself. Do you feel useless, like so much garbage? The inner self, the soul, and your personal attributes and their growth and development.

With weeds, you may want to look at parts of your self that are disagreeable and need to be pulled out. Because it is part animal bird and part human it may also speak for the need of balance between ones animal body and human intellectual natures. Because it is a significant character in the Hindu and Buddhist religions it may also speak to the spiritual nature of the dreamer.

5 Myths About Lucid Dreaming

If it flies off perhaps you are experience spiritual freedom or a desire for independence. If it is attacking, especially if it's attacking you, then perhaps you are experiencing some inner spiritual conflict. A gate, or a door, can represent the passage from one part of your life to another, or between levels of maturity. Often teens that are about to graduate and enter adulthood have dreams of gates, or a ship that is about to leave port and embark on some journey. Basically, gates and doors suggest the transitions, or changes, in our life. They also are metaphors for our social, emotional, and psychological openness to others e.

Some entrances represent boundaries, or limits, to be overcome. In the houses of our dreams doors are entrances to different aspects of our self e. Some doors, or gates, lead to unknown spaces and thus represent an opening to the unconscious. People knocking at our door can be a metaphor for opportunities being presented, or for some new relationship, or experience.

Things that haunt us. If the ghost is a person that you know, it could represent the influence they might still have over you or be giving to you. It can also refer to guilty feelings. It could also be unfinished business from the past see haunted house. Power; inferiority if you are small and intimidated by the giant. The yin aspect of self and the receptive, nurturing quality of self. Whereas a girlfriend is the feminine ideal. What qualities of the ideal are you willing to take into yourself?

Could represent invisible yet real barriers between you and something, e. The divine masculine and feminine, e. Men can be the god in their own story much as they are the hero of their story. For women, the goddess can represent that connection she has with all women. What governs your actions? External control, regulation, and influence in your sense of well-being. Is there something you would like to bury, or keep hidden, or left in the unconscious? Aggressiveness, violence, and power.

It's also a phallic symbol and a male dominance symbol. Divided, incomplete, ambivalence, or partial awareness, as in "half the man I used to be. Access to different parts of you see tunnel. Tied to home, unwilling to venture out? Note if it's a calm harbor, or stormy. This can affect the safety factor. Childhood or childish fears. Past fears or guilty feelings.

It's also possible that the 'house' of your being is haunted by something from the past see ghost. Someone, or something, is causing you pain or anguish. Something important or significant to become aware of. A loss of love, support, or of being accepted. It could also about your own health. Secrets, withholding of yourself, withdrawal, denial, repression, avoidance, or self-protection.

Native American Dream Songs, Myth, Memory and Improvisation - Persée

Expanded awareness; taking the larger view or gaining greater understanding e. Anger not expressed, whereas a hit and run could be your conscience regarding an old guilt. The start of change. This could be the entrance into the underground, i. See Down the Rabbit Hole for more info. Are you blowing your own horn somewhere i. Or do you need to "blow your own horn" more often? A hornet's nest may be a lingering threat that you may want to avoid. Is there any particular sign that stands out? What does that sign mean? This info will help interpret the message. The flow of emotions.

It may indicate how well you communicate emotions. Body, or mind healing, or the worries you may have about your health. It can also be a symbol for fear. The meaning of this symbol can also be affected by your experiences with hospitals. Imprisoned, controlled, as in "holding yourself hostage.

Each room in a house may represent an aspect of your personality see below. It may represent all our emotions, ideas, beliefs, and creativity. The condition of the house will provide clues as to your current state of well being e. Higher consciousness spiritual self or the stored past. A cluttered attic may suggest that you need to organize your thoughts better. Access and mobility, threshhold to change are you being invited in or shut out? Is the door open or locked?

Is the door large or small, inviting or intimidating? These aspects of the door will help decipher its meaning. If eating with others it can be your acceptance of others in your life, to eat alone might mean the opposite. What you have built your life upon. How sound is it i. It's also a place of creation and transformation. Where you meet the world. Where you are approachable. Protection this includes our philosophy and beliefs that we use for protection. If standing on the roof, there is a heightened awareness of something.

A roof garden may suggest mental growth and development, insight.

Awesome Facts About Animals In Dreams and Your Future

If it's a room not seen before or an extra room it may represent aspects of yourself e. Rooms without doors or windows could be about limiting access or parts of self that are shut off this might be true for locked doors as well. It's also not unlike a womb. Going higher, your aspirations. Going down, where you want to be grounded.

Steps toward a goal. A defense barrier or something you may have partitioned off from yourself or the world. What you are willing to see and allow others to see of you. A call for help. What has hurt you? Trying to find some part of yourself or something lost.

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The yang or yin part of yourself. Feared emotions, threats, and misery. When you see hate all around, you may be projecting your hatred of self onto the outside world, thus creating your own hell. Work on your well-being. Are you holding in some anger or resentment? Are you using sickness to gain attention? What old wounds need healing?

Something of value from your past. Something gained through a relationship. An attack or forceful intrusion. Made vulnerable, demeaned, overwhelmed. An invasion dream can include any overwhelming circumstance, emotional or physical, that produces stress and anxiety. This can be caused by too much stimulation over too long a period, or too little stimulation over too long a period. There are those who believe there are people who can magically project their ideas into your dream by entering it themselves.

Though I don't subscribe to this, T. Over time these images and suggestions begin to invade our conscious mind. They can be particularly noticeable during dreams. In this way advertisers and politicians have been 'invading' our dreams for years. Irritation, as in what is bugging you? The attributes of certain insects can be used to represent what is going on. For example, bees, though communal, are individually self-sacrificing. Spiders may indicate that you feel caught up in something see spiders , and fireflies can indicate inspiration, as in a light turning on.

Loss of self or being dispassionate and uninvolved. Solitude or wanting to be separate, or feeling lonely, or to escape something. Sometimes it represents the self rising out of the unconscious. One can isolate themselves by identifying too strongly with some belief, or group of people. If on an island in a stormy sea perhaps it represents a place of stability and strength in the middle of emotional chaos.

Anything that restricts self-expression, such as guilt or self-criticism.

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  • Brothers: 26 Stories of Love and Rivalry.
  • MYTH #1. You can get stuck in lucid dream limbo.!

Things that you or your unconscious mind might hold dear, such as your honesty or the eternal aspect of self, your dignity. The inner critic or your conscience. Wisdom and decision making. A jury might indicate that you are in the process of making decisions or that you have made a decision but have not faced it yet.