Why He Hates You! : How Unreconciled Maternal Anger is Destroying Black Men and Boys

‘What Black Men Think’ documentary debunks common ‘truths’ about black men

You did an excellent job breaking it down. I was taking all those quizzes in my mind and kept answering them wrong. The white board explanations really helped to drive home your message, too. The funny thing is that I come from the music business.

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I used to run a record label about 20 years ago, but at the same time, I worked in healthcare. So I just got this funny background of being able to discern and decipher studies and information, data, and all that stuff…I learned to cut music videos about 10 or 15 years ago.

So, to me, films are basically extended music videos. Take all of the editing skills you need to make a music video, and you can make a movie.

Why He Hates You!: How Unreconciled Maternal Anger Is Destroying Black Men and Boys

That got into some really nasty and vitriolic places because they begin to talk about homosexuality, the down low brother. They talk about the incarcerated brother. They talk about the brother who marries outside the race.

Janks and I went to church that afternoon. Absolutely fabulous, finally the real truth.

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Would have like to see what occurs in white American with the black professional. I as many, have some great stories to share with you if you decide to proceed down that path. Time limit is exhausted. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Subscribe in a reader. This is an example of a widgeted area that you can place text to describe a particular product or service.

You can also use other WordPress widgets such as recent posts, recent comments, a tag cloud or more. Did you get any feedback from them once it was released? A generation of young black children have been raised exclusively by single-mothers. Morton acknowledges while that some of these children's antipathy may be directed towards the non-residential fat Janks Morton in his semi-autobiographical work tackles head on the taboo subject of maternal resentment in the African American community.

Morton acknowledges while that some of these children's antipathy may be directed towards the non-residential fathers, predominantly the object and the focus of a young black boy's rage is directed squarely at the person responsible for their guidance, their direction, their socialization, their joy and their pain. Their primary care givers and providers - their Mothers Paperback , pages.

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Jun 20, L added it Recommends it for: Janks Morton did an excellent job of showing some of the ways that Parents negatively impact children. In particular the relationship between mothers and sons. Janks was refreshing honest with his personal experience.

The Book Presentation title, cover, synopsis i give 1 star 2. Book Price i give 1 star 3. Character Development i give 1 star 4.

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Storyline i give 1 star 5. Book Editing could have been better.

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