Whose Voice Are You Listening To?

Whose Voice Are You Listening To? - Daily Hope with Rick Warren - August 8, 2018

One of the all-time basic questions that many have is what about all those good people — who are grounded, compassionate, generous, hospitable, just people but who are not Christian? And so I ask you: What voice are you listening to?

Whose Voice are you Listening To?

What are you hearing? I think these words of Jesus can even be helpful to many folks here in this church — people who instinctively do the right thing, and live the life that is worth living — gentle and powerful lives of service and joy and hope and giving and yearning and learning. These words help when I stumble and bumble and get all worked up. Benedict said that; a mixed body metaphor but it works — we know what it means. That which we take in through the ear needs to be translated by our hearts — our hearts being a way of asking: Where are you grounded?

How do you look at the world — what gives you ultimate meaning?

August 2018

It is a little bit like the chicken and the egg — does your hearing shape your reality or your reality shape your hearing? A heart grounded in suspicion is going make you skeptical of what you hear and it will shape your outlook. You know what I mean. I find it interesting for example what people listen to and how they perceive it and then appropriate it.

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I say this humbly but I feel as if I have to say it — this is the problem I have with what I hear from the Tea Party movement — I hear fear, suspicion, hatred in some corners — and it shapes reality. It is different than political disagreement with policy. Same on the left as well. But that is just me. So what does Jesus say to you? No matter your politics, we are church, the community not shaped by unanimity of opinion but on an unswerving desire to listen and follow… and so listening for Jesus becomes the MOST important thing.

April 25, 2018

For Christians no other voice takes precedence. The articles and scripts have been written by Dr.

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Ann Shorb and the book is available for purchase as a paperback, or as a PDF download. Mail will not be published required. Includes 15 scripts by Ann Shorb that can be used with puppets or acted out by children, plus five articles about running a puppet ministry. Available as an electronic PDF download or as a paperback. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. Get the Devotionals by Email Enter your email address to subscribe to our weekly devotional: David simply came to the camp with fresh thinking, which made a new outcome possible.

One simple truth, or God thought can help you defeat the giant you are facing. Get Spirit-filled content delivered right to your inbox! Click here to subscribe to our newsletter. You may already have a relationship with God through Christ. God is good to you because He is simply good to you. God's goodness to you does not depend on your behavior but on the nature and character of God alone.

By Whom are We Controlled?

I love to read a passage I am really familiar with and see how God and His Spirit challenge me in new ways. Giants in your life are always signs you have arrived at your next place of victory! How do you look at the world — what gives you ultimate meaning? Overcoming your personal mind wars, whether in relationships, on the job, or even regarding your spiritual maturity, depends on the slow sip of God thoughts in your life that form your mental framework. People want to be in control and have everything go their way. Please consider the following statements pertaining to comments posted by you and other visitors to our website: They are internal, and you must call them what they are:

Let that thought saturate your thinking for eternity. Simply refuse to sip the cups of the giants in your life. Stop drinking the sulking, negative, fearful thoughts of a giant that you are supposed to defeat.

Intersection of Life and Faith

He won't define your victory. The drips of your own failures were poured out on Christ on the cross. He took all the judgment and punishment for your sins, so stop trying to act like your own messiah.


Whose Voice Are You Listening To? ~A teaching on the importance of discerning the sources of the differing messages in today's world~. Have you noticed that the moment you establish a goal in your life, The antidote to the voices of doubt is to instead listen to the voice of God.

He came not only to save you but to give you all authority over the enemy. The reality is that you have already won in Christ. Negative thoughts, lies, and predictions of failure will always be dripping onto your daily life. No one is exempt from facing giants! Fight like David and resist the thoughts trying to block your destiny. Remember you are fighting for an effective and overcoming life. And when you become stronger, you will begin to see that good thinking actually pushes back the enemies of your life. It's not you and it sure isn't me! Let awareness of what's really happening foster courage and boldness.

You will win this fight, and the victory will emerge from a place of right thinking about the challenging situations in your life. No matter the seriousness—whether it's cancer, relational trouble, a vocational crisis, or even a crisis of belief—there is a God who cares and has a thought of encouragement for you.

Who are we listening to?

This Goliath, the mind war you are personally experiencing, may lead you into a brand-new and exciting discovery of a world filled with the thoughts of God. Most likely you've already had the first thought that will lead to the next thought that births the new future God has intended for you. When Christ is your security and safety, your thoughts can lead to personal freedom and contentment. Listening to what you say is critically important. The words that come out of your mouth reveal whether or not your thinking and your actions are in alignment with how God views you.

Few people connect this as an actual power at work in their lives.