Rasta Heart: A Journey into One Love

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  • Rasta Heart: A Journey Into One Love by Robert A. Roskind.

Please try again later. I didn't want it to end. This is a great book for anyone with an interest in Rastafari or anyone on a spiritual path of ANY kind because the basis for all spiritual growth is love. A big thank you to the authors for putting this inspirational, positive, life changing book together! Self-described ex-hippie Robert Roskind takes us on a journey to Jamaica, where we meet various practitioners of the Rasta philosophy and way of life.

The Rasta worldview can be summed up as a critique of "Babylon" - materialism, colonialism, racism, consumerism, and environmental degradation - in favor of a lifestyle based on cooperation, simplicity, vegetarianism, and spirituality based on the consumption of ganga marijuana as a kind of natural sacrament. Roskind's Rastamen are not "activists" or "leaders" in the usual sense, but rather ordinary men and a few women trying to live a natural lifestyle in a world dead-set against it.

Chief among these is a man known as "Scram," a middle-aged jack-of-all-trades who expounds the Rasta philosophy of "One Love" as he does his best to get by in a world gone mad. With few exceptions, Scram and the other Rastamen we meet are sympathetic figures, engaging and intelligent, kind-hearted and resourceful.

We also see, however, that there are hordes of "false" Rastas, outwardly projecting the image but inwardly full of the spirit of Babylon. Roskind is very much an enthusiastic convert to, and apostle for, the Rasta philosophy and way of life, and this perhaps leads him to promote views of African history, vegetarianism, and marijuana usage that are more debatable than he would lead us to believe.

For example, he rattles off a series of claims that meat-eating CAUSES malnutrition in the Third World because it consumes resources water, grain, land, etc. The reality is much more complex than that; if the entire USA were to become vegetarian, that would not in itself put one spoonful of food into the mouth of anyone in the Third World - much more would be required.

The transition from Babylon to Paradise would undoubtedly require a somewhat authoritarian political movement, and the mostly non-political Rastas are justifiably suspicious of that very thing. My other caveat is that - appealing as it may be in some ways - the Rasta way of life is not in and of itself a solution to the world's problems.

At one point, Roskind himself seems to acknowledge this.

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Solving problems of poverty, injustice, and environmental degradation will require scientific and technical expertise, and this will not be found by smoking spliffs and playing drums in the hills, villages, and slums of Jamaica. And even the spiritual benefits of Rasta are not inevitable or automatic for its practitioners. At one point, someone admits it's easier to love the whole world than one's wife or ex-wife, and several of the people featured in this book have that very problem. Despite these considerations, this book is an enjoyable read, and the people we encounter are generally lovable and memorable.

We can learn something from people who - despite centuries of poverty, discrimination, and even persecution - seem generally happier than people who superficially have so much more. Roskind's book means well, but quickly devolves into a platform to prove his spiritual superiority. The best, most useful parts of the book are transcribed conversations with real Rastafari people, when he or his wife don't interupt them with inane, well-meant comments. His interviews are poor journalism full of leading questions and unecessary commentary that distracts from the message of JAH's people.

Editorial Reviews

His insistance that old Hippies are American Rasta is disingenuous, simplistic and self-decieving. If you truly feel drawn to the way of the Rastafari, look deeper than this book. Also the 40 photos touted on the cover are mostly his vacation photos, including one of a deserted motel pool. They add little to the book. I enjoyed reading the book. Having said that the most intriguing question that comes to mind is that is there a chance for peace on earth today. Is there a solution to the world's problem.

There are currently 10 active wars and 8 military conflicts going on as of this writing. I believe some readers are automatically assuming that Babylon only refers to US or GB but it is not. Babylon refers to corrupt churches, mosque, synagogue and all forms of oppression imposed by mind control and powers to be all over the globe including in Jamaica itself.

Just look around you and you see a huge divide between simple ordinary people around the globe. Rasta word of wisdom as the great Dennis Brown put it is in the simplest mind and as great Mr.

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Gregory Isaacs put it is "only love will conquer the world". I salute Rasta for its great and kind contribution to human race. Peace and love and respect. One person found this helpful. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This is one of those books that brings you in right from the beginning.

I have read a few books on Rasta and own the Holy Piby and the Kebra Negast and while those are Holy texts this book speaks from the heart.

Rasta Heart: A Journey Into One Love: Robert Roskind: donnsboatshop.com: Books

The One Love message in this book is the essence of Rasta. It's not the locks or the ganja or the skin color.

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Rasta Heart: A Journey Into One Love [Robert Roskind] on donnsboatshop.com *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Since his pasing in , Bob Marley's music. Rasta Heart has 44 ratings and 4 reviews. Shalane said: This book has great perspective from the author but I had to force myself to read it. I feel as t.

It's in your heart, all of our hearts, Rasta is a way of coming back to the One Love we have all seen on newborns faces. The One Love we seem to forget as we grow. Rasta will bring you back to focusing on that bond that all living beings have, the fact that we are all alive at this time and space and we will all be gone at some time. But while we are here it makes more sense to celebrate life in One Love than to fight and argue and want more than our neighbor.

We all get caught up in that but One Love brings us back to center. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem.

Return to Book Page. Preview — Rasta Heart by Robert A. A Journey Into One Love 4. Since his passing in , Bob Marley's music, like tribal drumming, has been sending out a message of love and freedom for all humanity. Twenty years later, Julia and Robert Roskind traveled to Jamaica to learn more about Rastafari-the people and philosophy that inspired his music. Their life-changing odyssey through the towns, villages and mountains of this beautiful isl Since his passing in , Bob Marley's music, like tribal drumming, has been sending out a message of love and freedom for all humanity.

Their life-changing odyssey through the towns, villages and mountains of this beautiful island, revealed not only the Rasta way of life but an ancient mystery as well. An incredible adventure that reveals the true essence of Rasta! Dennis Forsythe author of "Rastafarians: The Healing of the Nations.

It grabbed my attention from the beginning and would barely let go for me to get some sleep each night. This book helped open my eyes about a lot of things in the world, and was a part in changing my attitude from depressed and hateful to optimistic, loving and caring. Kevin Bishop To date, Roskind, his wife, Julia, and their 25 year-old daughter, Alicia, have organized and hosted 74 of these "One Love Events" in Jamaica and on Native American reservations, colleges and at public venues in the U. All are non-commercial, involve no sponsorship funding and are free to the public. They are non-denominational, apolitical and bring forward a message of universal love for all.

Their latest event was on February 6, , Bob Marley's 60th Birthday Celebration, in Kingston, Jamaica with a live audience of tens of thousands and a TV and radio audience of almost two million.

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It included presentations by Bob's daughter, Stephanie Marley, many conscious civic leaders and talk show hosts and twenty well-known artists also performed including Bunny Wailer, Culture, Luciano, Ernie Smith and Abijah. In Jamaica, their 54 concerts brought a message of love to a country in turmoil. Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.

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Rasta Heart: A Journey Into One Love

Sep 02, Shalane Wallet rated it liked it. This book has great perspective from the author but I had to force myself to read it. I feel as though I am reading similar ideas over and over and that this book could have been easily condensed. I will say it is eye opening and I did feel inspired but I genuinely found this book to be slow and repetitive as a whole. This book would have made a great documentary film instead.

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Sep 30, Laura Phelan rated it it was amazing. I loved this book.