Das Rätsel von Grünweide (German Edition)

Drama Grammatik: Dramapädagogische Ansätze für den Grammatikunterricht Deutsch als Fremdsprache

Tamasine do you agree, wouldyou have likeda test each week? Or would that have taken thefun out ofthings? No, I mean tests aren't fun but it's one way ofdefinitely learning it. I mean the fun was in the class so a little bit that's not as much fun [is okay] but you still definitely learning it. It's not so much fun but it's practical to see how much you've learnt each week. I could actually think ofa practical test, that you actually don't have to write, you have to do it. That would mean putting people on the spot but maybe from the second semester onwards you could do that once you got to Icnow each other.

It would have been good if you could have created a situation or something like just to act out a scene where you had to go in and you had to ask politely or you had to go in and make a comparison. Ifyou had like dramagrammar for another year and you could determine what kind ofgrammar topics you would like to cover. What would you wish for? I don't know, I mean I'd have to say repetition ofwhat we've done this year. Definitely do the subjunctive again. Definitely, I mean we learnt it both years at A level and both years that we've been here at Leicester I still need to take it in because it is one of the more complicated Are you trying to tell me that you don't know that, still?

Ifyou think back to the beginning ofthe course when everything was new and you kind of felt there were lots ofthings you didn't really understand the reason of Has your attitude to grammar changed over this year or has it more or less remained the same? No, I think back and I can look at the situation and I'm more able to think that, yeah I need to say this now. I need to phrase it like [this], if I need to be polite. Because I was writing letters to my German school the other day and I knew that I had to be really really polite so I was trying to think of things with 'hatte' and stuff.

I kind of look at where it's needed to be used now. Well I mean not so much ofthat you've learnt more but maybe your attitude to the whole grammar thing, becausegrammar is normallysuch a subject that nobodylikes. Well, the thing is I don't even really think ofit like that. Grammar is just oral workshop. IfI stayed here for another year and offered this course to the second years ofnext year and they would come to you having looked at the options and say we've got this really strange oral workshop drama grammar class with Susanne what am I going to expect, what would you advise us to do?

What would you tell them? To make sure that they go because there's people in our class who have missed a few sessions but if you do miss a session you do end up a little behind like I said there's continuation. You definitely have to go open minded. And get to know the people in your class because that way you don't feel as self-conscious or you don't want to sit out of it. You know, the class first thing in the morning, I often thought I'm not going but then - 'I wonder what's happening today, see what Susanne is up to. I mean there were some weeks when I woke up and I thought I really don't want to go to this, I'll just go in and sit at the back and watch.

You get there and look out of the window I think it was a waste of her day you know. I mean halfthe fun is making a fool ofyourself. So you would say definitely the more you got involved the more you got out ofit. Right, do you have any general comments at the end? Yeah I thought it was definitely worthwhile, a lot more than, urn, what's that class we have on Friday? We learnt a lot more in oral workshop than we did in grammar.

I mean how many did we have in the end, about six? It feels about that yeah, because it was basically every two weeks. Say the lecturer misses one class then we go for four weeks without it. I don't think so, no. It's just very good fun. It's been one of the modules that I've enjoyed most this year. I mean the type of module that it is has helped I mean knowing that it's fun and that you get a lot out of it, but it is dependent on personality as well.

So, I mean thanks to you, because it's been fun working with you, but I can think of other lecturers in the university that if we had the same class with, it would have been terrible, it would have been a disaster. So it's a lot on the part ofthe tutor that runs it, the effort that they put in. Well thank you very much. Ich danke Euch fur dies Gesprach. General impression Jill, what's your overall impression ofthis year's oral workshop and drama grammar class? I found it would be a lot more beneficial than just a normal grammar class where you just sit and write and it's tedious and it's a chore to.

Not just to write down the rules - anybody can do that. It's such a chore to actually learn it. I can't be bothered to do that, whereas this [class] is like an active process and don't actually realise that things are sinking in, because you have fun doing it and I found it really helpful for my assistantship. I'm going to incorporate a lot of the games that we played when I go over there to Germany. I just found it fun and was learning at the same time.

I didn't realise that, Konjunktiv II, I've never ever understood it, and now I think oh well actually. You know it was nice going back to the notes that I'd made and things and just saying 'oh that was the point of that lesson'. It was more than just learning grammar. Things like personal skills and you could sense the development of the group over the full year. Everybody became less inhibited as we got to know each other and because some of us have hadn't worked together before - well I certainly hadn't worked with half the people before -, that it was good Things got more relaxed and it grew from there.

So you said when you went over your notes 'oh that was the point ofit '. So you did actually go over the stuffthat we did. At the time the two hours just flew over and you didn't realise that it had gone and it might be the Wednesday night afterwards and I'm sitting up where we had to fill in the notebook and I used to think 'oh that's what we were doing'. Like when we passed the scarf to each other, informal and formal registers and that's always puzzled me. It's something that's typically German and typically French, it's something that I can't understand. But then I started to think about it and it's like you call an aunt'auntie such and such', and no matter how old I get I'm not going to call her Aunt.

I can't actually do it now. The things that puzzled us beforehand, because we'd done it in a totally different style, put it into a real life context then I could understand it more. Is there anything where you think you could have benefited more from it or areas where you didn't really benefit so much?

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I can't think of any specific instances where that is the case. Some of the exercises where people didn't really want to take part. That annoyed me because I thought that's why we're all here, but that was few and far between there weren't many times like that. But that was just to do with specific people. That wasn't the exercises that we were doing.

I can't think ofanything that could have done better. Some ofthem I thought 'why did we do that? There were some that I was unsure about but as a general picture it was good. So the style ofactive learning like when you recreate reality through drama, that style workedfor you? The instance that I can think that's most recent. When we were using formal register, you know how to meet people, that was so important because I'm going away to Germany [ Ifyou had another year ofthat kind oflearning what kind ofgrammatical areas would you like to cover? Because grammar learning, like since I was fifteen has been so boring there were areas where I would just switch offon.

Konjunktiv II, I hated anything to do with that. Are there areas where you would like to give it a go and say "well let 's see how it goes"? Well I think, I know it's basic but just tenses. You know like working from present to pluperfect. Having a dialogue where you have to incorporate every different tense. And I think [ But sometimes I think, well because obviously you know a lot about English grammar and you use terms and I think I did English'A' Level and I'm not bad at English grammar but sometimes I say hang on a minute, and I've got a book that's got English grammar compared with German grammar, and I think [something like] that would be quite helpful but it's not really drama.

That's ole, so tenses would help.

Basic things like that just to feel a bit more confident. The work we did on the Konjunktiv II was really, really helpful. It became so much clearer - how to pronounce the two [u and ill, that seemed crazy at the time but it makes sense now. It all becomes clear after the event! It's like a cloud lifts and you think 'yes that's why we did that'. You mentioned before that you had done grammar for '. A' Level and didn't like it and certain areas of grammar you'd just switch off. Do you think that your attitude to grammar has changed?

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In that I don't mind looking at grammar books [anymore] and I've got a basic idea now, because otherwise I would have just switched off and would have just guessed. I think hang on I'll just have a look in my book and it doesn't seem such a chore now. I feel it's obviously an integral part of learning German but I just used to think 'oh I'll get by, I'll get by without doing any Konjunktiv II and I'll just look at some examples and I'll try and copy those' and rather than [ Got my book and just went through and they had five exercises to do at the bottom and I did those and then checked my answers and then went back and I actually did more work than I had to do but for myself.

It's because it didn't feel such a chore. It's like you will benefit from it so why run away from it. So it has totally changed. It changed my attitude to learning French grammar as well. It just seems like "Jill, it's got to be done", because I just used to switch off and just didn't like talking German or French or the whole written process.

But now I'm thinking that I've It was just 'oh well I'll do some grammar revision', because we haven't actually had any grammar classes in French so I knew that it had to be done. I thought that my German grammar has improved and my French is still at 'A' Level and it gave me the motivation to sort my French grammar out as well, so it had a knock-on effect. Youjust said that grammar is an integral part oflearning German. Do youfeel now that you can integrate it more into your spoken German? I would hope so. I don't think that you can actually consciously do it, it's just a whole confidence thing.

You know, I feel more confident about speaking German, I feel more prepared to go to Germany in September and not to be [ Obviously I'm going to make mistakes and I'd imagined that people would be thinking 'oh her grammar's really awful' and like nit-picking. Of course they're not going to and the extra confidence that I've got knowing that my level of grammar has really improved I'm not bothered about making mistakes anymore, whereas I used to be. Because I was totally cut off from grammar.

Geboren am in Bützow; gestorben am in Schwerin. Johanna (Henriette Catharine) Klemm war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin. Vor allem. Johanna Klemm war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin. Vor allem ihre Publikationen für junge Mädchen waren in der Zeit vom Ende des Jahrhunderts bis in die.

I couldn't be bothered to do any. I knew that I was making mistakes so I would be like "well I won't say anything then", but now I don't care really and I just get on with it. What are we going to expect? I'd expect to be pleasantly surprised. It's nothing that they've encountered before. We all came out and I spoke to Stefan and he has dramagrammar on a Tuesday and he came out and said'jill, that was the craziest lesson of my life'. Like once you forget about all that and think I'll go with it, see what happens and I did that and then I thought "Yeah we do need to do warm-ups" and so I'd just say to them they'd be pleasantly surprised.

They might be slightly [puzzled], because it's such a different method. It's like you go in, you sit down, [the teacher] normally just says "right Konjunktiv II", and it's just writing over and over again and exercises. It's just something totally different that you haven't experienced before and are unlikely to again, but just enjoy it and you will benefit from it. Would you give them any advice, looking back now on the year? To make the most of it. I hadn't worked with these people [the other students] before and after Christmas Not to be too shocked or if you feel slightly that oh this isn't working for me, because all of a sudden you come out the other side and you think 'oh!

You've hit the brick wall again and again and then all ofa sudden it disappears. For them not to be put offand think "I'm not getting anything out of this, I'm not getting anything", because I didn't think that I wasn't getting anything out if it, but I felt that it was me personally, because I didn't think that I was interacting with people as well as I should have, but it was just building up trust and relationships with other people that I had never really worked with before and then as soon Not to be put off if they don't think it's working initially because it does do eventually Julie T.

Mai Hier sitzt Julie Trees Ok, Julie, just generally what was your overall impression ofthe oral workshop cum drama grammar class? From the beginning I started thinking that I wasn't speaking much German and that went straight through the year, but when you think about it I must have done something because I feel that I can speak German much more at the moment, and my confidence has gone straight through the roof.

It doesn't matter what you're doing because they're doing it as well. So it's helped me to do with that and it's helped me to stand at the front ofthe class and being able to do something. At the beginning it might feel a bit odd but then it just seems to happen. So your overall impression was like you weren't sure quite how much German you actually learnt but confidence-wise it was really helpful. You start thinking about two hours and what we're going to do. You think 'God two hours of speaking German' but you don't actually speak that much in the lesson.

You think you don't but I ended up leaving some of the lessons thinking 'right I'm thinking in German now, this is good. Are there any other ways where you think you've benefitedfrom it? Just confidence in general, because I was always in a group and I could just be myself in a group, but when you're with other people who don't know you quite so well with a teacher at the front ofthe classroom you just seem to be like 'oh I can't say anything, I'll stay quiet now'. And just over the years you get to know people better and you know I've become really confident now.

Did you also gain more confidence in terms ofthe foreign language? Well, before I thought that I could only string a very simple sentence together, and all ofa sudden it was like, relative clauses and God knows what else and it was all coming out. It may have been slow, but it came out. Somehow some of it has come together, and learning the grammar as well, I feel as though I've learnt so much more grammar in those lessons than I have in the actual grammar lessons.

It's just really good to be able to use it in context rather than just thinking 'ok, you have a sentence, put it in the subjunctive'. In what ways would you say that you maybe haven't benefited so much from it or what things could have definitely been improved? I thought a lot of the people, the usual people, like said their piece and Maybe just me in general, just try to speak more, but by then end ofthe year I felt there were more opportunities to speak, you went round like the group and said 'right what's this?

I always felt that when you were in a small group, say four or five people, then it's so easy to just speak English. Just because I'm stupid I want to speak German. So you would rather like to have less group work? Or different group work? It would be really good to be able to go off in different groups rather than working with the same group all the time. But somehow just when you've got 4 or 5 people it's really really easy to speak English, whereas a big group, like the whole class or whatever it doesn't seem to happen.

I don't know why that is. But there again I hate working on my own because I never have any ideas, so it's good to interact with other people and get their ideas. So I don't know how you can improve that one, sorry! Would you rather have smaller or bigger groups? That might work better, because we tend to do like as a five someone tends to say 'I can't say that' so they say it in English, whereas when you're one to one it doesn't really matter if you start making mistakes.

That's probably what it is - you don't want to make mistakes within your little group. So just by being one to one you could say 'oh what's that word? Did the overall style oflearning grammar through drama, did that suit you? Or maybe you can describe why it suited you and in what way. Right well, at the beginning I tended to think 'oh God what are we doing? So that warm-up thing was really good and then being able to put the grammar into context.

So you've got a situation where you might have to use it [ For some reason now whenever I think als ob it's 'ring ring ring' in my head I'm going to put the subjunctive in. So in that respect you just remember everything. I mean there were certainly people in the class that that style oflearning didn't suit them so well I think it's just like you do feel like a bit of a prat and you don't feel that you're learning German grammar or anything, you feel like you're there just to be having a drama lesson.

I think a lot ofpeople have sort ofsaid 'I'm not here to be doing drama I'm here to be doing grammar', but 1 think once you get the confidence to be able to do that then it does work because it just gets you into it rather than just sitting there behind a desk and going'ok, als ob plus subjunctive. Indirect speech, subjunctive' it's so boring. It just makes it more fun. When you look back over the year do you think that your attitude has changed? Yeah, in a weird way. Well before grammar was something I'm going to do the exercises and then hopefully I'll know it and if I don't then I have to do more exercises to learn it.

Maybe it's just because I do know more but it just felt as if we I'm asking that specifically because I know you as a person who is actually quite good at going away and learning things out ofa grammar book, then writing an essay and actually getting most ofit right, so this very cognitive style oflearning seems to suit you very well. Before it was 'oh God I must know that, I'll have to sit down and learn it' and now I think I don't have to do that any more and I can just ask other people and have fun with it.

It's made it less of a chore and I think grammar doesn't have to be boring like it was before, but I think my whole attitude has changed now. It's less of'l don't want to sit down and do that thing', it's doing something with it. Would you say that you as a person, you have undergone a development during the course? At the beginning, no matter what lesson it was, I'd be sitting there and I'd only contribute if I suddenly plucked up this huge amount of confidence and then went really, really quietly 'I think 1 know the answer' but I'm hoping that, I'm thinking that it's these lessons that we've had, you get to know the people in the lesson so well, that you can be confident around your little group and then as the year progresses I've suddenly noticed, even my mum and dad have said the same thing, there's been a complete change in the way 1 was at the beginning of the year and now at the end of the year, and I'm confident in everything now.

Before, I think I would have been thinking 'oh God next year I've got to stand in front of a classroom of 30 people. I'm not going to be able to do it. I know we've talked about this before but what would you describe as the most memorable incident? Oh come on, kangaroo! Just jumping around like a kangaroo. I think that has to be the time when I did suddenly click and thought 'oh sod this I'm just going to go for it. I don't care what other people are doing. Then you said 'go round the room as ifyou were a kangaroo' and I just did it and thought everyone else was doing it and to tum round to find that they're not actually doing it, 1 thought 'oh well never mind I'll just carry on doing it.

It doesn't really matter. If I stayed here for a year longer and I would offer the same kind ofcourse to the new second years and they would come up to you and say 'we've seen this two hours oral workshop and drama class by Susanne on the schedule, it sounds really weird, what can we expect and what kind ofadvice can you give us? Don't worry about it. We thought that at the beginning of the year, two hours of this oral drama grammar what? You know 'what the heck's this?

Just tell them that it's really really good fun. It's not like a lesson it's like you're going off for two hours, and two hours passes so damn quickly anyway, and I 'd just tell them to enjoy it from the very beginning. You do enjoy it but suddenly it all clicks and you enjoy it really, really lots when you get to the end of it so just tell them to enjoy it all the time and they' II learn more probably.

How can you get to the point where it clicks? I don't know what that is. I suppose as you get to know the group more and you get to know you more and just realising, pointing out all the It doesn't matter if they're jumping around like kangaroos, they're all doing it so it doesn't really matter.

And you realise that everyone makes mistakes as well. So you can just string a sentence together and it might not make much sense but people know what you're talking about. But ifthe secondyears come and ask you 'yeah but what kindofadvice would you give us? What are we supposed to do? Get into it and don't be bothered by what your friends might think, because in a way they're doing it as well, so they shouldn't care. Be yourself and speak German and don't be bothered about what it sounds like because once it gets going it will improve. You won't realise it but it will. And that's about it I think.

Towards the end do you have any other general comments? I've really really enjoyed it. It something really different to normal lessons. You might think 'oh my God what the heck are we doing? I wouldn't say that you could improve a lot of it because we have learnt a hell of a lot and it's that little aspect of me saying I don't think I spoke that much German, but just a little tickling in my head, going 'moun ok'.

How wouldyou go about altering thatifyou were me? I haven't got a clue. I suppose maybe if someone - it doesn't matter who, maybe you - had just said to me 'Right Julie you're not speaking much. But that's just the way I work, it might not work for other people. Also what about the size ofthe group? Yeah, because last year it was quite a small group, I know we weren't doing the same thing, but it was quite a small group and once I got to know everybody then I had no problem speaking out or whatever.

Yeah the sizeof the group. There's so many people that they jump in before you get the chance, and it's quite difficult to get a word in. And then when you want to say something, you have to get it right in your head before you say it and by the time you've done that, they've said it. Yeah so smaller groups maybe. It's something that still remains to be thought about. But I'm gladyou brought that up. Ok thank you very much Tim K. Generally speaking what is your overall impression of the 'oral workshop cum drama grammar' class?

Better than just sitting in a very dry atmosphere trying to do paperwork. It actually gets you using the language. It's been quite a contrast to the oral workshops that we did last year, when we were all sort ofjust sitting round and talking and stuff. I mean to start with it was, I think, I know I did and am sure that most ofthe people found it really quite strange, you know for that first week, everyone was just sat there thinking 'what's this? What is she doing? Go in, put all the chairs away, you know you're going to have to do something funny for a while.

It's been another way of looking at grammar and all that kind of stuff. It's been really good regarding like I think it will probably be quite useful for next year as well. You know like having to stand up and do stuff: I think 'Ok I'm going to look a bit stupid but you know you have to do it, so. As assistant teacher to Hamburg.

So I think it's been useful. I mean, all the grammar stuffhas been useful You get used to making a fool of yourself in front of other people. Are you going as an assistant too? You've stressed that there's been so much ofa change compared to any other class.

What are the things that you can say you have benefited a lot from? Could you pinpoint that? I've benefited from the grammar work. Things like the subjunctive, things like that. How do youfeel differently now?

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I think it's because the way we did it. We did it over, it wasn't like just one lesson do this, the next lesson do this, you know what I mean? I think it was good that we had set aside a few sessions and we'd start off with the more simple stuff maybe and then like a threeweek thing. You'd say that it was going to be three weeks so we're going to do this first and then we're going to do that and then that, so we knew what was going to happen. But it was broken down and it's always much easier when it's broken down. You don't have to face it all in one go. I think that was a help as well, to build slowly.

And although it's not really connected with German, it's helped my dramatics techniques a bit too. Like in what way did it? I'm a fairly arty person but mostly I like expressing it through music rather than acting though I'm a little more confident now, taking on a character or persona or a different version of me or whatever, and presenting that and getting ideas across with me without hiding with instruments or computers and things like that.

So you play music? And do you play on stage too? And would you feel more confident on stage now? I think I would. I mean with music the confidence hasn't really been a problem for me. I started doing it when I was 8 years old, so I've kind of got used to it. But with music you always feel as if you're hiding behind the guitar, the?

When you're acting or doing presentations or things you are the audience there's no psychological barrier between them. It's certainly good that you think that your dramatic abilities have improved. How do you feel about it? Well, I used to do quite well with drama, but I haven't done much since I came to university, but I used to belong to a drama group since about [the age of] 13 till I was about We used to do a lot of, it was quite intense and we use to have rehearsal every week and we used to do Shakespeare and stuff like that.

So I was quite familiar with some ofthe stuff like what tableau would work, so that wasn't new, I'd done that kind of stuff before. But it was good to do it again but in a different context. But I think that kind of acting is kinds different to the angle of doing it from the language, the German point of view. But that's the same kind of thing. Two different aspects of it, so it's been good to do a similar kind of thing but from a different aspect.

Was there anything that you felt you didn't benefit as much as you would have liked to benefit from? When we had that to read that book. I thought that was really good. The exercises we did on that were useful as well. We had four people playing one character and taking questions from the floor. Being made to improvise in the second language. Yeah all that stuff was quite good. I've done a bit ofstraight acting so it was nice to do someone out there with no script and no idea what you're going to do. It's good because you don't have a sheet, do you? Did you find a difference though?

Had you done drama earlier? Was that more structured and scripted or what? Or did you do improvisations? We used to do improvisations as warm-up exercises and things like that So that kind oftests you and makes you think. That was good as well as all the grammar stuff Certainly an improvised angle. The impro work get you thinking more in German, thinking a lot quicker.

Do youfeel that you can integrate f Yeah because the end result was that we learnt those grammar techniques and I the method of learning as the means to an end. No matter how you learn the technique, once you've got it mastered then you'll probably use it. Because I think learning it through drama got us using it a lot quicker than learning it on dry paper and converting it; very dry facts to real situations.

Because we're in real situations, imaginary real situations, from day one. So you're forced to use what you've learned the second you start learning it.

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Well ifi did that for another year ifyou were to partake in such a course for another year, what kind ofgrammar areas or grammar topics would you like to be covered? What other things did youfind difficult or that you always found difficult to put into practice?

I've always had this thing with cases. Der, die, das, die, den, die and so on. Something working with that would be useful.. I don't know how you'd work it into a drama situation but that's just me not knowing about the cases. Would you like to add anything, Tom? IfI hate anything then it's the subjunctive. You mean you could happily do more exercises on the subjunctive? Well perhaps, well yeah I think, probaby yeah. I always think it's useful to go back and revise something Not necessarily to the same amount of time that we spent on it, but just to refresh your memory.

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