Sacred Marriage Participants Guide

Harney, Sherry; Harney, Kevin G.; Thomas, Gary

Sacred Marriage Participant's Guide and millions of other books are available for Amazon Kindle. In this six-session small group Bible study (DVD/digital video sold separately), Sacred Marriage, writer and speaker Gary Thomas invites you to see how God can use marriage as a. The Sacred Marriage participant's guide is designed to accommodate and enhance the six teaching sessions on the DVD. Small group ice-breakers, discussion questions, Bible study and guided prayer are only a few of the many helps provided to let your marriage become a doorway to a.

Our Bucket List Adventures: A Journal for Couples. A fun bucket list journal for couples: Gary Thomas Closer to Christ. The Best of Gary Thomas. Can You Influence Your Husband? How Raising Children Shapes Our Souls In Sacred Parenting, bestselling author of Sacred Marriage Gary Thomas explores why caring for children is an effective discipline that shapes our souls and forms the character of Christ within us.

The One Word that Changes Your Marriage A countless number of marriages right now consist of two people just going through the motions. About the Author Gary Thomas is a writer-in-residence who also serves on the teaching team at Second Baptist Church in Houston, Texas, and the author of eighteen books, including the bestselling Sacred Marriage , that have sold more than a million copies worldwide and have been translated into a dozen languages.

Zondervan; Gld edition August 4, Language: Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. A great inspirational gift. The Dating Playbook For Men: How to attract the women you want, effortlessly talk to women, flirt like a pro and be the strong grounded man that she can't stop thinking about.

God's Design and Why It Matters. Discover how to rethink sexuality that has been distorted by a confused culture. How We Love, Expanded Edition: How We Love will bring vibrant life to your marriage. Are you ready for a new journey of love? Need marriage or relationship advice? The Four Noble Truths of Love: Buddhist Wisdom for Modern Relationships.

What happens after you fall in love? Discover the secret to a full life and the joy and freedom that abounds when we know deep in our hearts that Jesus truly is enough. Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review.

Read reviews that mention gary thomas sacred marriage highly recommend must read make us happy make us holy small group great book recommend this book god designed read this book ever read married couples thought provoking years ago marriage to make holy more than to make getting married bible study designed marriage.

There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. This is the marriage book I needed right now. Rather than tell me how I can change my marriage, this book talks about changing my heart.

Sacred Marriage Participant's Guide

I really loved reading the history put into his writing. Sacred Marriage shifts the focus from marital enrichment to spiritual enrichment in ways that can help you love your mate more. Thomas keeps pulling the reader into living authentically before God and your spouse. Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Everything about your marriage—everything from the history you and your spouse create, to the love you share, to the forgiveness you both offer and seek by turn—is filled with the capacity to help you grow in Christ's character. How We Love, Expanded Edition:

Too many marriage books assume that both spouses are going to participate in reading and enacting the steps given in the book; this is all about how my relationship with God is imaged and expressed through my marriage relationship. I feel the author "gets it". There are no easy steps, no how-to-fix this, just a heart-to-heart talk about what marriage is really about.

This is a breath of fresh air in a crowded and stuffy room full of advice and "answers". This book has left me speechless. Considering how the world views marriage, especially in America, it's easy to get swept up into assuming marriage is all about you and romance and the surface stuff. This book gives you Heavens perspective on marriage. It will challenge you, but give you context for the challenges. Where things that I've endured in my life have seemed pointless and have left me questioning, this book punctuates all that you'll face in your marriage so that it makes sense spiritually and naturally.

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It gives you the wisdom, understanding, grace and strength that you'll need to press on through the rough times. It gives meaning and purpose to the obstacles that the enemy will use to try and destroy what God has called together. Gary Thomas nailed it! God bless this man for allowing God to use him to speak into the lives of so many married and soon to be married couples.

I will read and reread this book for the rest of my life! Gary's teaching on marriage is one of the best out there. Almost every other writer makes similar points but Gary was one of the first in our time to talk about it. I like Kellers book and Driscoll is ok. In the end, this is our go to for couples and pre-marriage.

Sacred search is another great book for pre-marriage. But this is a DVD So having a DVD series on the topic was a great idea. Now I will say Gary is not the most engaging teacher. He can be a little dry. He has some humor in it but his teaching style can be a challenge for some. If your a leader you understand that even with rest material, presentation can make or break a groups ability to engage. So just be aware your not getting a lively presenter. Just a guy, sitting in a chair in front of a window in what looks like his home. Its well filmed and produced and the content is good.

Now all that being said don't get the idea its a huge bore. Just saying if your used to a guy like Jimmy Evans or even a Mark Gungor you might be disappointed. I always tell people that besides the Bible this is the best book I have ever read.

Product Description

Completely life altering for me. It changes the way you view your marriage and your parenting.

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We have a problem in our culture because Christians view their marriages as an institution designed to make them happy and when they are aren't happy they try to find a way out. But for the Christian life isn't about being happy all the time and if you live your life that way you are going to be greatly disappointed in not just marriage but anything. So Gary poses this powerful question What if my marriageis designed to make me holy more than to make me happy?

This book is good but it just didn't seem to keep my interest up throughout the book. But then again, I'm not an avid reader either. It did make you stop and examine yourself and your motives in your marriage. It also made you thing about how God views marriage vs how today's society looks at it and has cheapened its meaning to "what's in it for me. This gives some different perspectives to marriage that ALL should read. Yes, what if God did design marriage to make us holy rather than happy?

Often the counseling is about communication ideas and such. This is a must-read for all. This book can cause a personal heart change followed by a great marriage.

But then, the first big fight comes along and we decide that we are incompatible. When the truth is this fight is only exposing our own bent toward selfishness. If we open our hearts a bit, we can learn the lesson and improve our image of God and subsequently have an improved marriage. The Sacred Marriage participant's guide is designed to accommodate and enhance the six teaching sessions on the DVD.

Small group ice-breakers, discussion questions, Bible study and guided prayer are only a few of the many helps provided to let your marriage become a doorway to a closer walk with God.

Sacred Marriage Participant's Guide

A Focus on the Family Recommendation. God's Purpose for Marriage: Your marriage is much more than a union between you and your spouse. It is a spiritual discipline ideally suited to help you know God more fully and intimately. Sacred Marriage shifts the focus from marital enrichment to spiritual enrichment in ways that can help you love your mate more. Whether it is delightful or difficult, your marriage can become a doorway to a closer walk with God. Gary Thomas is Writer in Residence and serves on the teaching team at Second Baptist Church, Houston, Texas and the author of 18 books that have sold more than a million copies worldwide and have been translated into a dozen languages.

He and his wife, Lisa, have been married for 30 years. What would you like to know about this product? Please enter your name, your email and your question regarding the product in the fields below, and we'll answer you in the next hours. You can unsubscribe at any time.