Photojojo: Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas

It is a combination of easy, inexpensive photo projects and ideas for different ways to use your camera - designed to inspire creativity. It did supply me with a few ideas for projects I might consider. I liked the suggestions at the end of the book for playing with the camera in new ways - take a picture a day for days photo daily journal , create a fish eye lens from a peephole, a diffuser from a white film canister, choose an adjective and shoot This book was a fun and interesting read.

I liked the suggestions at the end of the book for playing with the camera in new ways - take a picture a day for days photo daily journal , create a fish eye lens from a peephole, a diffuser from a white film canister, choose an adjective and shoot pictures that describe it, have a photo scavenger hunt with friends I will say this was unlike any photo book I have read before.

The writing style is off the wall and a little bit crazy with lots of side comments - makes it a fun read.

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There is also a website of course! Dec 04, jess rated it it was ok Shelves: If this book was published in , it would have meant a lot more to me, but it came out in It's not that the ideas don't have their place, but they are not especially my style or taste.

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The first half is focused on projects you can do with the photos you take - make a photo montage for your wall, for example, or a photo display rail or a stamp out of your photo. The second half is supposed to be inspirational - in case you are out of material, inspiration or motivation to photograph thin If this book was published in , it would have meant a lot more to me, but it came out in The second half is supposed to be inspirational - in case you are out of material, inspiration or motivation to photograph things.

I think the second half is more interesting because I know more photographers who struggle with motivation and inspiration than those who struggle with how to display or use their photos. BUT unfortunately, the exercises run just shy of interesting suggestion: Dec 17, Emily rated it liked it Shelves: I have occasionally seen posts from the photojojo blog and forum on a craft blog I frequent, and I have been taking pictures for about 8 months for a project I saw on that blog, so I was excited to see the same people had come out with a book of still more projects.

Photojojo Book Flip-thru

There are some great ideas here, and many that I want to try. There is also a section on taking better pictures, and ideas for stretching yourself as a photographer. Me, I was really just looking for the craft part, and I certainly f I have occasionally seen posts from the photojojo blog and forum on a craft blog I frequent, and I have been taking pictures for about 8 months for a project I saw on that blog, so I was excited to see the same people had come out with a book of still more projects.

Me, I was really just looking for the craft part, and I certainly found inspiration. Dec 27, Jenna rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: It took me nearly the entire month of January to read this book because it's not a "sit down and read all in one sitting" kind of book. In fact, it's really more of a reference book for when you're feeling creative which I was not this month.

Photojojo!: Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas

What makes it better than a reference book is the humor, random facts and great photographs within the book. I almost feel inspired to start working on some projects. I will once the weather is better and I'm not overtired and grumpy! May 26, Nikki rated it liked it Shelves: I liked this book. It was well done, with projects ranging from display ideas to making a tripod out of a water bottle.

I'm sure people who consider themselves 'serious photographers' will not get much out of this book.

The main focus is having fun, and they say as much when they recommend getting a point and shoot even if you own an SLR, because most people don't throw an SLR in their bag every day. Overall a fun interesting read.

Mar 30, Gothicbunny Groves rated it liked it. Plenty of neat ideas and tips on how to improve your photography and how to use the photos. Some projects are super easy, like turning a empty tea light tin into a photo stand. Other projects require the use of camera that has an adjustable shutter speed. All in all, it's a good book to take a peep at to get the creativity juices flowing. Dec 01, Jessietaylortanner rated it liked it Shelves: Mostly of the Ready Made magazine feel for me.

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Which means I liked it, it offered some ideas and inspiration, but was mostly not my style. It did give me some ideas for photo gifts for the men in my life I can't sew for. Even if it wasn't all my style it was still a fun read and very nicely designed, organized, written and compiled. Dec 21, J rated it liked it. This is the "crafty" end of photography, namely all kinds of things that you can make using your photographs, digital or otherwise. No particularly my cup of tea. On the other hand, there are interesting techniques and cheap hardware hacks that could be useful or, at least, stimulate ideas.

Sep 09, Phoebe rated it really liked it Shelves: This book has some surprisingly great ideas and inspirations. Also, the tone is fun, funny, wry, and upbeat. Now off to start my own photo project Dec 20, Renda Dodge rated it really liked it. I love photojojo's ideas, but most of the ones in the book weren't meant for dSLR users, it was as if they were trying to appeal to the 14 year old girls out there. Also, each project would have cost a lot of money in quality printing to do right.

Jan 23, Jen Johnson rated it it was ok Shelves: Dec 23, Laura rated it liked it.

Apr 30, Vy rated it really liked it. There are some really great ideas in this book for taking interesting pictures and making some creative photo-related goodies. Apr 22, Andrea rated it really liked it. Mar 14, Denise rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a little dated in spots where am I supposed to find a sheer film canister these days!

Jul 04, Poppy rated it liked it Shelves: The ideas in this book are a little child-crafty, but they are creative enough to use as a launching pad for your own ideas. Nov 07, Elizabeth rated it really liked it Shelves: Here are some of my favorite projects from this book: Investigate the world from a canine perspective with the amazing doggie cam, or grab your friends and head out on a photo safari. Make a sneaky hidden jacket camera and turn string, a washer, and a screw into a monopod that fits in your pocket, MacGyver-style.

Learn how to motivate yourself to take a photo every day with project , or get the little ones involved with Photojojo's head-spinning photography method: Yep, photography just became a whole lot more fun. The creative force behind Photojojo! Many of the DIY projects require only general crafting skills such as cutting and gluing and so are accessible to all.

Photojojo!: Insanely Great Photo Projects and DIY Ideas by Amit Gupta

The 50 projects tackle home decor, personal accessories and gifts, such as a D. Fun photographs illustrate projects throughout, helping to inspire creative thinking inside and outside the pinhole! Gundry Hardcover, Illicit Scheme to Clear Hillary Clinton.. Paperback Frederick the Great Books. Great Britain Paperback Cookbooks. Great Britain Illustrated Paperback Cookbooks. Paperback Frederick the Great Books in English.

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