Taking Action: 30 Specific Strategies for Overcoming Emotional Eating

Preview — Taking Action by Katie M. In this straightforward, accessible guide, writer Katie M. McLaughlin of the popular blog Health for the Whole Self outlines a collection of tools and tips for overcoming emotional eating and making peace with food. All of the strategies included are ones that she herself has successfully used in her personal battle with emotional eating.

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After finishing the book, you will no longer feel helpless when faced with food; instead, you will be empowered to eat in a balanced, healthy way that is based on physical hunger instead of on soothing difficult emotions. Kindle Edition , 46 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Taking Action , please sign up.

This Is How To Overcome Emotional Eating And Take Back Your Power With Food

Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. LC rated it liked it Mar 25, Tara rated it really liked it Mar 06, Jacqueline rated it liked it Oct 31, Think you might want to write one someday? Yes, I have purchased many e-books before. I just purchased yours and read it. I am so proud of you!!

Taking Action: 30 Specific Strategies for Overcoming Emotional Eating

Thank you so much, Christie! I bought your e-book and found it to be a comprehensive package of many of the tricks I already use and some new ones that I plan to use. Thank you so much for your comment. As a fellow English nerd who also always dreamed of writing a book someday, I can only imagine how proud you and Dave!

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No doubt in my mind you will write a book someday! Learn more about the e-book and purchasing it here!

I would love that! And please feel free to give your honest opinion. Its a very interesting read and I am finding that many of the tips are quite relevant to my own situation. And that is [ I just bought mine!

8 Emotional Eating Tip

You are very inspiring. You should definitely do it, Cara! Katie- I bought it last night and finished reading it this morning. Really terrific- so much sounded like it came right out of my head, the way those urges work, the kinds of foods ,the kinds of emotions… but you had the guts and patience and talent to put it all down and share it with us, thank you so much.

A Journey Toward Balance for Body, Mind, and Spirit

Where do you experience the emotion in the body? Most people try to stuff away the emotion in the hope it will goe away. This is likely to compound its intensity when it later returns. Soon enough, you have given in to the craving owing to a collapse in willpower. I must state, it is not your fault since you are following your biological drive to satisfy your urge. With increased awareness and practice, you will identify the feeling and sit with it instead of immediately respond to it.

The feelings you experience are a like taming a new puppy eager to gnaw at your slippers. However, by distracting it with a toy, you draw its awareness to something of equal pleasure and soon enough it has learned to stop chewing at your slippers. To be with the emotion means to experience it mindfully rather than defer or ignore it.

See a Problem?

People often find this process challenging since they attach a storyline to the emotion and try to give it meaning. Rather than dwell on it, move into your body and feel where the emotions resides.

Learn more about the e-book and purchasing it here! Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. The feelings you experience are a like taming a new puppy eager to gnaw at your slippers. In this straightforward, accessible guide, writer Katie M. Kristen marked it as to-read Jul 14, Its a very interesting read and I am finding that many of the tips are quite relevant to my own situation.

Are they in your stomach, heart, throat or head region which represent the main chakra points? Bring an open awareness to this area and observe the emotions without assigning them meaning or judgment. Emotional eating is a call to deal with your emotional self that seeks to be acknowledged. Stuffing the emotion adds more energy to it until it overwhelms you. I can assure you, once the waves of emotions have passed as they will , you will no doubt regret indulging in the cake.

You have the power to control what you eat without feeling guilty, so be patient and compassionate with yourself foremost while changing your habit.