Lets Hear It for the Boy

"Let's Hear It For The Boy" lyrics

All that is in a very good read, you will find in bucketfuls in this book.

Deniece Williams - Lets Hear It For The Boy Lyrics

I re-lived every moment in Matthew's painful past as if I were there personally I cannot recommend this book highly enough, and I warn you This short story is a must read!!! If I could give it more than five stars I would!!!! I'm not sure that I can put into words how wonderful it is!!! Patrick's story was really sad and I could feel Matthew's love for him!!!


View all 63 comments. Aug 08, Nick Pageant rated it really liked it Shelves: This brought back a lot of sweet, sad memories of some sweet, sad boys who I don't think of often enough. I'd write more but I've got a bad case of the boo-hoos at the moment. Mar 24, Christy rated it it was amazing. I was a teenager back in , and my best friend was Patrick Holton. I knew he was the love of my life. He was my boy. No Romeo, but he was my love and one man show. A beautiful, powerful, and emotional story. A story about friendship, love, and loss.

View all 12 comments. Apr 07, Mo rated it really liked it. Short read but still a good one. Have read this author before and he knows how to spin a yarn. We were so ignorant of the facts - had no education about it, especially if one was from the West of ireland. We literally thought you could catch HIV by being in the same room as somebody who was s Short read but still a good one. We literally thought you could catch HIV by being in the same room as somebody who was suffering from it.

Hopefully the education of younger and older people has come a bit further since back then but I doubt it, especially in some corners of the globe. Will definitely be checking out more books by Mr. Of course, soppy old me wanted an epilogue to see how things were going about a year or two down the line but then sometimes it is better to be left to our own imaginations. Thanks Rosa for the recommendation. Mar 21, Macky rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Some authors excite me and some authors have me chomping at the bit for more of their works, TA Webb does both but he also does something to me emotionally with his writing, that makes me fan girl him more than a wee bit and that is touch me deeply and honestly.

When he makes me cry, and he never fails to do so, its like I'm crying not because this is a character in a book who touched me but because I feel like I'm reading about people who I've really got to know- almost like we've met in the fl Some authors excite me and some authors have me chomping at the bit for more of their works, TA Webb does both but he also does something to me emotionally with his writing, that makes me fan girl him more than a wee bit and that is touch me deeply and honestly.

When he makes me cry, and he never fails to do so, its like I'm crying not because this is a character in a book who touched me but because I feel like I'm reading about people who I've really got to know- almost like we've met in the flesh, so the emotion is REAL and the tears are heartfelt. This wonderful story is no exception, I devoured it through leaky eyes from the first word to the last but regardless of its poignant and heartbreaking central message, I was left sniffing and smiling because like all Toms stories it ends on a note of hope, for the two main characters and for the future.

Bringing back palpable memories of an era for me that was full of some great and some not so great moments in my younger life that helped define me I was transported back to a carefree time where clubbing and having a good time was all we tended to think about, but lurking in the background was an awful disease that nobody wanted to acknowledge was happening, so they laid blame on lifestyle choices and sexual preferences, and pointed fingers instead of giving comfort and support emotionally - and medically- to the poor souls afflicted and most of us were oblivious to the true horror of it all!

Its obvious that Mr Webb has written this with not only in depth knowledge but also his heart and soul and I can't recommend this enough. If I could I'd make up a rating that truly befits all his books, because IMO 5 stars doesn't even begin to do them justice Thank you Tom for making reading , for me personally, a very special experience.

View all 13 comments. This is story the of Matthew and the love of his life, Patrick. This is very short novella, but it moved me beyond words. It's about sacrifices, forgiveness, loss of innocence, and above all love. Just writing this review is causing me to tear up again. This is a story everyone should read for I think we all can learn from it.

View all 21 comments. Dec 19, Melissa rated it it was amazing Shelves: Just finished my 2nd read and it was even better because I could pick out things I missed or didn't think were important before. This was such a good story. Heartbreaking but it ends on a very happy and hopeful note. I so, so wish we could have had a longer ending with Matt and Paul.

They had so little on page time together and yet I don't doubt they will have a happy life. They both lost their soul mate early on and it's so special they could find each other. I wasn't expecting the story to be a Just finished my 2nd read and it was even better because I could pick out things I missed or didn't think were important before. I wasn't expecting the story to be as short as it was, or I was that engrossed in it I didn't notice the passage of pages. Either way I didn't want it to end and will think about all these characters in the days to come.

Actually, I think I will read it again, it was that good. The characters were written perfectly, never once did I doubt the authenticity or realism of the actions or dialogue.


This was so real, and deep. But it's still scary and it breaks my heart how people were treated early on. I totally understand why they were treated so - people just didn't know enough about the disease or how it was transmitted. Nobody wanted to contract it so they kept their distance. I don't blame them for that. I do blame people who shunned their loved ones and turned them away. This story is just one possible tale of a boy who didn't turn away from the boy he loved; who held him and kissed him and loved him wholly.

They didn't get to live the life they wanted, but one of them did get to experience all that life had to offer. And Matt did his best to pay it forward and use his resources towards HIV research.

  1. Rational Expectations and Economic Policy (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report).
  2. An Episode at the Library;
  3. Let's Hear It For the Boy;
  4. About Deniece Williams.

I didn't cry, but that's because there wasn't on page description of Patrick's passing. Lord save me if there had been. Read it, read it, read it!! View all 4 comments. Mar 22, Ingela rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: Every romantic reader - it's a must read!

  1. Alien Influences.
  2. Let's Hear It For the Boy Lyrics!
  3. Let's Hear It For the Boy Lyrics - Rusty, Ariel, Irene, Doreen - Soundtrack Lyrics;

Recommended to Ingela by: Written May 20, 5 Stars for a heartbreaking shorty about the first love and life's destiny - gripping beautiful - I love it. I became 20 year , and I remember all the hype about the new horrible disease. I didn't really know what it was all about most interested in fun parties, discos and guys then but then all that happened thereafter was just so very terrible, even here in always so liberal Sweden.

No one was completely unaffected. Many of the famous people who had "come out" a few ye Written May 20, 5 Stars for a heartbreaking shorty about the first love and life's destiny - gripping beautiful - I love it. Many of the famous people who had "come out" a few years earlier was hit and everyone was so scared.

It was strange rules, quirky ideas about kissing, sneezing, etc. Luckily, we are a bit sensible here, and the hysterical fear and the worst prejudices against gay men were normalized a few years later. Now the last years , several, especially gay men, talked and have written some good novels about their experiences, from the eighties.

Worth thinking about is how the disease is still affecting their lives. It's so very sad - a lot of young men died The love of his life. Now many years later is the journalist Paul interviewing the biggest, baddest drag queen, Auntie Social, in the dressing room one evening before the show is to begin again It is touching, sweet and strong. I can't hold back the sobs when my tears start flowing.

Beautifully written, with such a beautiful message. And there is hope - love is strong! Mr Webb, Thank You for a moving and memorable novel. Thanks to always so sweet Rosalinda who invited me. View all 33 comments. This book is the very reason I am glad that Goodreads was created This is Matthew and Patricks story, it's a story about friendship and love. It's a story that broke my heart but at the same time gave me hope. It's a story that devastated me but at the same time inspired me. It's a story that provoked tears as well as thoughts.

So I'm not going to tell you anymore about this story because let's face it you can read the blurb and no amount of words I write will do this story justice. I'm This book is the very reason I am glad that Goodreads was created I'm also not going to provide you with any quotes that give you a glimpse of how truly remarkable this story is because I think its important that you experience it firsthand for yourself.

No all I'm going to do is urge you to read it. It's a short read, you just need to find thirty minutes in your day to sit down and immerse yourself in this story. I promise you won't regret it and I promise you it will be one of the most thought provoking thirty minutes you've ever spent Reading this book reminded me why I am thankful to Goodreads for opening my eyes to the world of short stories and to a new author who has the ability to have such an emotional impact on me with words alone. I've never really seen the point of short stories, I always thought short stories couldn't give me a story that felt complete and characters I could form an emotional connection to.

This story proved I was wrong. I got more from this story than some of my more recent pages books I'm especially thankful to my GR friend Rosalinda who not only recommended I read this book but actually urged me to do so.

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It was her passion and enthusiasm for the story and the authors writing ability that made me pick it up, and now like Rosalinda I can honestly say that it is not often I find an author who can give me such a powerful and moving story, who can evoke such emotion and connect me the reader to the story and the characters in thirty pages. Muchas gracias, estoy muy agradecido. View all 16 comments.

Apr 23, JR rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: I read this last night. I cried myself to sleep and I cried when I woke this morning. This is one of the most brilliant pieces I have ever had the privilege to read. If you have not gone through the dark days that were the beginning of the AIDS epidemic, then you must read this. This story conveys the terror, the hopelessness, the waiting, the sad journey to the end. This story brought to light memories that I had hidden away for many years.

If you were not old enough to know those days or were I read this last night. If you were not old enough to know those days or were not touched by them, you should still read this. It will enlighten you, it will teach you.

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"Let's Hear It for the Boy" was the second number-one song for Deniece Williams and appeared on the soundtrack to the feature film Footloose. It climbed to. Let's Hear It for the Boy is an album by American recording artist Deniece Williams released in for Columbia and CBS Records. The album reached.

You will not regret reading it. Loss is usually a personal thing, but this book proved to me that others survived this hell, while the ones we loved did not. There are not enough stars in the universe to praise this story. Found this song, so had to add it to this review. I have no words. I cried my way through it, and my heart feels tight in my chest. This is not about sex but love, the best kind: I will never forget Patrick, and I'll give up all my wishes for Matthew's happy ending.

View all 6 comments. Apr 18, Trisha Harrington rated it it was amazing Shelves: Beautiful, heartbreaking and stunning! Not many words can describe this book. A Webb has done a wonderful job delivering such an amazing and heart-wrenching short story. I was skeptical about reading this. I find these books don't normally appeal to me.

But for once I saw why I should be a bit more open. This was done with taste and had an amazing character that showed what love is. It was that simple. It was such an inspirational st Beautiful, heartbreaking and stunning! It was such an inspirational story and there were many times that I could feel my heart jumping. The love in this book is amazing. The next day he was gone. If you never believed in real love you should read this. I have always believed you cannot "move on" when someone dies. Only live with what they left with you, their heart.

They should be embraced and loved as if they were alive. Patrick showed that one time without can lead to horrible things. What if I get the clap? My dad will kill me. It's not one that can or should leave you. It shows what HIV can do to someone and how it can leave many devastated. Let's hear it for the boy Oh, let's give the boy a hand Let's hear it for my baby You know you gotta understand Maybe he's no Romeo But he's my loving one man show Let's hear it for the boy!

View all 10 comments. May 07, Shelley rated it really liked it Shelves: I had no idea it was going to be like this: I wanted him, so fucking badly, but even then, as a dumb kid, I think I knew there were no more powerful words than that. More than attraction, greater than sex, he loved me. How one moment changes everything - I'll never forget it. View all 22 comments. May 15, Ele rated it it was amazing Shelves: You got me again T.

And just so you know, I'm scared shitless to read your books. Mar 24, Lauraadriana rated it it was amazing Shelves: This story tugged on my heartstrings like nobody's business. So touching and so incredibly raw and honest, with a strong helping of optimism. I usually don't like shorts too much, because more times than not they feel unfinished. This genre however has authors that can really pull off a fantastic short story.

This is one of those stories. It did what it was supposed to, it gave me big emotions, a tight arc in a short time and left me thoughtful, but satisfied. Auntie Social is a bit of an en This story tugged on my heartstrings like nobody's business. So Auntie Social, or Matthew Trammell, before one of his shows sits down with Paul and tells his story. Matthew lost the love of his life to AIDS back in the 80s, and it changed his life forever.

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May 15, Ele rated it it was amazing Shelves: I do agree with juliusmacmulius's opinion. General Comment He's not much of a talker. General Comment This is such a funky little song!! Worth thinking about is how the disease is still affecting their lives. Auntie Social is the biggest, baddest drag queen in Atlanta—she knows what she wants and she gets it.

He was a young man then, about to start college and that first love was one that marked how he would live his life. This story is short, and not perfect but it is such a raw and honest account of this man and what it was like for him to live through losing someone he loved at such a young age. Not just that but also the fear and the shroud of silence with which so many men had to live through watching the people the loved the most waste away. I cried for Matthew and for Patrick, for what they were able to have and for what they lost. It was such a scary and awful time in the history of this country, so many men dying alone, withering away when they should have been in the prime of their lives and the people who the left behind in despair.

The shame they were made to feel, the condemnation from family and even those that were obligated to treat them This is a story from that time that shows us just how tragic all that was. Those men were warriors, heroes, champions and it's a shame how little credit they get. Loved this short, ugly cry and all. Another fantastic book Tom Webb! Retrieved from " https: Articles with hAudio microformats Music infoboxes with deprecated parameters.

Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 26 August , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Columbia , CBS originally Sony. Deniece Williams , George Duke. Let's Hear It for the Boy Hot on the Trail Hot on the Trail Dean Pitchford , Tom Snow. Barry Mann , Cynthia Weil.