Pets (A my first picture e-book by T. Manley Book 3)

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Mar 15, Morgan rated it really liked it Shelves: Believe it or not, this girl was terribly afraid of dogs for most of my life -- now that I can't imagine my life without a canine by my side, I've always thought it would be a great topic for a children's book. Not feeling comfortable or safe around even the nicest of dogs was something I felt really insecure about -- but this sweet little story makes it normal and okay to feel nervous, and might show other dog-fearing kids that you can be brave and dogs can be kind.

Mar 09, Christiane rated it really liked it Shelves: Every day at the bus stop Hannah is asked if she would like to pet her classmate's dog, Sugar, and every day she says "No, thank you. Will Hannah be brave enough to help? I love the illustrations in this book; they really convey Hannah's emotions.

I know some kids are scared of dogs. Maybe this will help them be brave and make a new friend! Apr 16, Juliana Lee rated it really liked it Shelves: Sweet little story about Hannah, a girl who is afraid of dogs and Sugar, a dog who needs her help. May 10, Danielle rated it it was amazing Shelves: Mar 28, Kathy rated it it was amazing Shelves: I'll read this for a story time about pets. Apr 07, Devera Chandler rated it it was amazing Shelves: May 20, Jason rated it liked it Shelves: I love the full page spread that is a larger version of the cover of Hannah and Sugar staring at each other.

What strange relationships humans have with their domestic animals sometimes Mar 22, Heather rated it it was amazing Shelves: A sweet story for anyone but especially for those who need to conquer a fear be it of dogs or something else. Jan 16, Melissa rated it it was amazing Shelves: We discovered this book through Emily Arrow's wonderful "Storytime Singalong" album - and you can check out the accompanying video for her Hannah and Sugar song here: The story tells of Hannah who, every day after school, sees Sugar but is too scared to pet her.

But when Sugar goes missing and the whole neighborhood pitches in to look for her, can Hannah overcome her fears to save Sugar? It was a charming and sw We discovered this book through Emily Arrow's wonderful "Storytime Singalong" album - and you can check out the accompanying video for her Hannah and Sugar song here: It was a charming and sweet if unconventional tale of friendship with a heartwarming ending.

And the painted illustrations were wonderful! Oct 15, Hannah Feeney rated it really liked it Shelves: Hannah is afraid of dogs and doesn't pet Sugar after school like the other children. One day when Sugar goes missing, Hannah finds Sugar at night in a bush. She overcomes her fear and gets Sugar to come out of the bush. Everyone is so happy! This is a great story about overcoming fears.

The illustrations are simple yet brilliant. The black page where Hannah decides to overcome her fear is truly powerful! Jul 12, Diane rated it really liked it Shelves: Every day, Hannah sees Sugar at the bus stop. And every day, Hannah politely declines to pet Sugar.

One day, when she gets off the bus, she hears that Sugar is missing. She knew that if she was lost she would be sad. When she hears the strange noise, she summons up her courage and there is Hannah. A simple story about overcoming fears to which many students will relate. Aug 07, Earl rated it really liked it.

Wholesome Pictures That Show How Dogs Make Kids Life Better

A charming story about a girl who ends up facing her fears when one of her friend's dog goes missing. The Denver Diatribe hosted me for a discussion of the little league baseball and literary scenes in Denver. You can listen to the podcast here. You can sign up here. It's free to attend, and all are welcome. Steven Wingate interviewed me for Fiction Writers Review about being a book critic and a novelist.

New Pages reviewed The Ringer: And this is not news about me, but my family is so excited: My cousin Tommy Hottovy just got called up to pitch for the Red Sox after six years in the minor leagues! Read all about it here and here and here. I'd do a backflip if only I were able! Paris-based novelist Janet Skeslien Charles was kind enough to interview me on her blog.

Writing Short Comedy" and " Envisioning the Novel. The Ringer is " a compelling story that explores cultural and economic divisions, even as it makes clear they can be bridged through the most unexpected of circumstances. Come for the reading, and join me afterward for a drink at the Wynkoop Brewery! Westword interviewed me about my Denver novel crusade and was kind enough to invite everybody to my Tattered Cover book launch.

And my former employer, The Onion A.

See a Problem?

Club , gave a nice shout-out to my book: Check out the great review of The Ringer in the April issue of Magazine: The dramatic story, set against the backdrop of a Little League championship, follows two Denver families from different cultures--opposing teams off the field, but teammates during the game--who are forced to deal with the tragic repercussions of a deadly mistake.

Shank has a knack for writing prose that's both artful and detailed, and is bound to have a rewarding career as a novelist: This book was a semifinalist for the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. The Ringer is available in stores now! Image Journa l gave The Ringer a great review: Tune in to I'll post the links on the Events page as they appear. Small Press Reviews loved The Ringer: I'll do a baseball-themed reading in honor of the Rockies' opening week. Hilto n about their new novels for New West. I break down my top 25 state by state in Part 1 and Part 2 , and narrow it down to my top 6 Western books of the year here.

Curtis Manley grew up in western Pennsylvania and then lived in Ohio, Arizona, He knows that books are doors to special places that you can't always get to on your own, His first picture book, THE SUMMER NICK TAUGHT HIS CATS TO READ, is a Jennifer E. Mo. Showing 3 Results Books: Advanced Search. 7 Results I and my two brothers were raised by our mom on her own. times AND make sure the dream I had shelved long ago isn't forgotten and The First Gambit ( Tales From Wheat Hollow) Thieves Honor (Tales from Wheat Hollow Book 3) Books by Timothy Manley . Digital Educational Unlimited Photo Storage.

And let me know if I forgot any festivals, conferences, or workshops. I also interviewed him for New West, here and here. My review of Pam Grier's memoir, Foxy: Then, our paths diverged: Also, guess which one of us Snoop Dogg visits when he passes through Colorado? New West April Fools' piece "Dr. According to one ranger, the piece has "circulated like wildfire around the Forest Service.

Check out my picks on New West for the best books in the West for Part 1 and Part 2 , as well as my top five books in the West.

Hannah and Sugar

November - December Thanks to Barrelhouse for selecting my short story "L'Homme de ma Vie" as one of its two fiction nominees for the Pushcart Prize. After you read it, I have a five-part customer satisfaction survey for you to fill out.

It's a low-residency MFA, perfect for those with busy lives. They're accepting applications now! The Ringer is one of 12 semi-finalists out of entries for the first Book Pipeline contest, which sought books to connect with production companies for film or television adaptation. Inside the Facebook Book Club. September - October To celebrate the World Series, I joined nine other authors of baseball-themed fiction and nonfiction books on TheBaseballReader. March - April My essay, "No Longer A Cowtown," about dragging my French husband around my hometown in an effort to convince him of Denver's greatness, appears in the new issue 3 of Offline , a magazine you can download for iPad or iPhone for 99 cents.

January - February I'm so pleased that my short story "Signing for Linemen" is featured on FiveChapters this first week of the new year! November-December I'm an editorial curator now for the new website NationSwell , which is in its beta phase currently. May-June "Welcome to My Nanobrewery! September I've been busy reviewing books this month. July Thanks to Michael Merschel, my fabulous editor at the Dallas Morning News, for this shout out for being one of the "guys" who writes reviews for his fine book section.

Click through for the details: Order it from the Tattered Cover here.

Hannah and Sugar by Kate Berube

He calls it " one of the best overlooked books of This my latest book called: How to train a wild puppy dog name Manley is now in the review process at Amazon's Kindle scout. This is the latest story about Manley and friends, as told in the book: Welcome to the spot. Hello everyone, E Lloyd Kelly the poet here saying a haughty welcome to you. E Lloyd Kelly is an Author, poet, and blogger. It is my intention to use this space to expound the virtues of my latest book called: Jamaica has got to become self-sufficient says Garvey. The white economic structures is going to have to change.

Jamaica has got to be prepared for that, where we've got to be self-sufficient, at the present time we import even somet. All about sex, and love. Looking for a good romance novel to read? January jump-off Free book promotion. Here comes January jump-off, the free book promotion Free book promotion is here for the New Year.

This is my way of celebrating my birthday and saying thank you to all of you my loyal supporters. Go to the bookshelf now at: January ninth is my birthday,. The Black blood story, now told. Whether I'm Jamaican in the diaspora or at home. Come on now, let's take you on a wild ride down Jamaica way, with Black blood. Picture of the site of the black blood story, and the book cover What is black blood, the story? A people without a history of themselves is like a tree without roots, as the saying goes This point was made very clear in the speech made by Dr.

Garvey to an appreciative audience in Montreal recently. Garvey spoke very eloquently on the life and work of his illustrious father and what it was that had motivated him into action and launched him on a mission to redeem the black man and to reconstructing the African civilization. Dr Garvey with patrons at a heroes day b.

A poem that hits the spot. Here's a poem that hits the spot Via; telegraph. I lay no claim to the ownership of this material, it is used only on my understanding of it being in the publ. Here is the poetry piece as seen through the eyes of the poet himsel.

Usain Bolt swims with the sharks. Legendary Usain Bold, the fastest man to ever walk or run this good ole Earth is no stranger to high stakes games or being in the danger zone. Go see Books on The Poet's Bookshelf Being in the danger zone may have taken on a different meaning if one is to go by appearances and the appearances are daring to say the least. Usain Bolt who was among 20 other world class athl. Poetry of famous spoken word artists from way back when. Learn the thought process of Marcus Garvey as a poet or dancehall DJ. It was published under the heading: Free read book giveaway.

In this short Poem I make no attempt at answering the questions, but just to provoke dialog. Flip or Flop Flip A Coin. Flip or Flop, we had to go backand do it right. Flip a coin on this one to see what the outcome may be. Some of which we believe was caused by issues with our transmission software or processes We were being a bit overconfident in the processe. The wanted poem you need to hear right now from the poet himself.

Here is the poems for your reading p.