The Surf Diet: (Not just for Surfers. For everyone maintaining optimum health, wealth, and beauty!)

8 Weeks to Optimum Health

I recently started doing jiu-jitsu, and I've been really enjoying the challenge of trying something new. And naturally, she looks to the great outdoors for movement inspiration. When I'm home I like to stand-up paddleboard and hike. When I'm traveling I like to explore wherever I am by going on a run. As the science and benefits behind breathwork continue to enter the mainstream conversation, "I've always used my breath to focus and create calmness throughout my entire body," says Mainei about the benefits of breathwork.

Never underestimate the power of music, says Mainei. Jamming out and warming up to my favorite song at the moment is always a part of my preheat regimen. Mantras can be the driving force behind action-oriented decisions in our lives. For Mainei, the theme of empowerment serves as a major source of inspiration. Inspired by Mainei's wellness-centered approach to surfing? Learn how one surfer's near-death experience taught her about intuition. Group 8 Created with Sketch.

Group 7 Created with Sketch. Group 9 Created with Sketch. Group 10 Created with Sketch. Group 4 Created with Sketch. Email Created with Sketch. Group 11 Created with Sketch. Read below for her pre-ride rituals, wellness beliefs, and more. Self-care allows her to navigate tricky waters.

Avocado toast fuels her long workouts. Restorative practices are key for optimal relief. Relaxation is best when simplified. New workouts keep her engaged and challenged. Breathwork is vital to her technique. While you are soothing your aching feet with a massage, you are also helping to improve circulation. Research has shown that massaging your feet for 10 minutes a day can dramatically improve blood flow to your lower extremities.

Not only is this especially important for people with diabetes, but it can also help to improve the appearance of varicose veins. You also get the benefit of improved heart health with better circulation.

Avocado toast fuels her long workouts.

Regular foot massage can also help to lower high blood pressure that is often caused by stress and tension. A Danish research study found that a short foot massage three times a week was effective at reducing high blood pressure and treating migraine headaches. Here at Hawaiian South Shore, we like to stay on top of the latest advancements in board design and construction.

So, it is a no-brainer that we would want to carry Firewire boards, which have been an industry leader in strength, weight, and sustainability for over a decade.


As of June , Firewire boards have been added to the Hawaiian South Shore quiver—and we are pretty excited about the models on our rack! When it comes to thinking outside the box to develop the latest in high-performance shred sticks, this is about as good as it gets. His GoFish is a high-tech twist on the retro fish, while the Moonbeam, Midas, and Creeper are hybrids that combine the functionality of modern performance boards with the user-friendly volume and outlines of trim-happy older designs. Whether you are looking to improve your vertical attack or simply find a new way to keep your surfing fresh during the summer doldrums, Firewire has you covered—and we have your next Firewire!

Stop by the store to check out the new additions to our quiver and see what all the hype is about! As soon as I was near the ocean, I started to surf whenever I could. Moving around in the Navy made it harder at times to surf. When I got out of the Navy, I moved back to Dallas to be close to my family. After 5 years of not being able to surf at all, I moved up to Washington and would go surf once a month.

Surfing there was a weekend commitment, with a mile drive, 6 hours on the road, and degree water. No crowds and you float really good with all that rubber on. I played in bands for 10 years in the Seattle area and I still play the guitar occasionally. I saw Brett surf him out at Diamond Head on a bigger day, and he was stoked on it. After doing some research, I thought it would be a great fit. It surfs just like I wanted it to.

I like how it reacts when I give it some juice. The board is faster than I expected, and I feel like I have a lot of room to grow with it. I ended up trying a set of the new FCS2 Firewire fins. Thanks for the interview. Keep up the good work! It uses simple ingredients that you can pronounce and understand, not harmful chemicals that are toxic for your skin and the coral.

Real Suncover Sunscreen sits on top of the skin rather than absorbing into it and uses organic zinc oxide as its base. For those of us looking to save our skin while conforming with the new law, Real Suncover Sunscreen just might be the answer! We use our products, and we only bring in products we believe in. When we get reviews from customers it assures what we be-lieve in.

Also, it lets our members know how great the products really are. Thank you for the constant reviews, we always appreciate the support. If you like a product from our store, please send us a review! Remember to shake the tube before applying and re-apply after 2 hours. I used it frequently when I went to the beach with my friends but always had eye irritation. I was reluctant to purchase it right away because of the price and the size of the sunscreen small. So, I decided to give it a try. After two months of usage, I regret not buying this product earlier.

The best thing about this sunscreen is that you will NOT get an eye irritation. Korea when they visit me, and they love it too. One thing though, I use a makeup removal oil to remove the sunscreen off my face completely. I definitely recommend this sunscreen to anyone whether you surf or not, because this product protects not only your skin but also our environment. The Hawaiian model — Coming Soon! First time hearing about this model? Not many know about it, so read on to find out a little more!

Donald Takayama has been a legend of our sport for decades, enjoying a success-ful competitive career and a second career as an influential shaper. He surely touched thousands of lives throughout his lifetime. I was fortunate enough to be one of those people. The time I spent chatting with Donald made for some of my favorite memories and taught me so much about surfing and surfboards in particular. A few years before Takayama passed away, I had an opportunity to chat with him about board designs. At the time, his In-the-Pink model was one of my favorites.

However, on bigger, windy days, I found that the nose would sometimes get caught in the chop. I mentioned this to Donald and he decided to put together a new model. This sort of bridged the gap between the In-the-Pink and DT-2 which was his all-rounder model. The lower crossed syndrome LCS is the result of imbalances in the lower half of the body. In LCS, there is an overactivity and hence tightness of hip flexors and lumbar extensors lower back muscles. In addition, there is an underactivity and therefore weakness of the deep abdominal muscles and the gluteus maximus and medius butt muscles.

Hamstrings are also commonly tight. The muscle imbalances create joint dysfunction ligamentous strain and increased pressure especially at the L4-L5, and L5-S1 levels, as well as the sacroiliac joint and hip joint , joint pain lower back, hip, and knee , and specific postural changes such as: It can also lead to increased thoracic kyphosis and increased cervical lordosis.

Type A is the type I see most commonly in surfers and nearly everyone who has a sit-down job at work. So, if your posture looks like either A or B, you probably have lower crossed syndrome, and may have back problems, hip, or knee problems. These can often be worked out in physical therapy, mostly focusing on specific stretching.

Let me know if we can help. We had a lot of local pros show up and the shop was packed the entire time from 3: This is the first time in the last 21 years, experiencing something like this. Yu San, the man that is behind the technology for Thunderbolt is a former pro surfer. I watched and listened to these guys for a whole week during our big event and they collaborate well together. They offer each other advice on board designs and performance. This has been an experience like no other. A little fun fact to add is that Ben Skinner is a new addition to the Thunderbolt line of boards.

Here is a little story about Ben:. She was in town for a con-test and he offered her his board. Right now, she is 1 in the world, so she has some credibility for sure! During the time they were here during our event, I was able to surf with them and trade out boards. The flex on these boards is really incredible. You can pump them and get a lot of drive. The boards are light when you carry them, but they are not corky, so on windy, choppy days, they can handle well.

Again, thank you all of you for attending our event, we had a great turnout and we appreciate your support! Stoked to meet Jerico of LivingTV! I had all the pros come in to talk story with us as well. He has been on the cover of Thrasher magazine two times and used to be a pro skate boarder. Man, it was really cool to see Brian, CJ even got photos with him!

Download PDF by Greg Horn: Living Well: Six Pillars for Living Your Best Life

One of the convenient perks of being a surfer is that we are often inspired to travel. Although we may plan most of our trips around swells and specific waves, the travel that we do in pursuit of surf, exposes us to a wide diversity of cultures, which broadens us and makes us better informed and more tolerant.

Self-care allows her to navigate tricky waters.

While it is common to find different cultures in different countries, many people fail to realize the cultural diversity that is present in different regions of the same countries! As you know, I have spent a lot of time in Japan over my lifetime. In the past few years, I have been visiting an area that I had previously missed, the historical capital of Osaka. While Tokyo and Osaka are both on the same island Honshu , I have been amazed at the cultural diversity that the two cities exhibit. Tokyo is the quintessential Japanese metropolis, a melting pot where commerce and city living bring people together and things operate in a surprisingly orderly fashion.

The people tend to be refined and up on the latest trends, but perhaps a bit cooler and more reserved, likely due to the business focus in the area, and the fact that the city has a huge influx of foreigners, which might cause the locals to feel a sense of protectionism. Osaka, on the other hand, is a bit rougher around the edges. While not as edgy as Tokyo, Osaka is known for its warmth and humor. The people are less reserved and prone to laughter. While the culture may be difficult for outsiders to understand, once they integrate, they find that relationships are deep, and trust is highly valued.

Interestingly, the differences extend beyond personal interactions. Food is different in the two regions, particularly when it comes to the popular Udon dish. The Udon in Tokyo is darker and stronger, while the Udon in Osaka is called Kansai-fu and is much lighter. Even the languages differ in these two regions, despite how close they are to each other. In Tokyo, people use the standard Japanese dialect. But in Osaka, they prefer the Kansai dialect known as Kan-sai-ben. When people come from Osaka to Tokyo, they often opt to maintain their home dialect rather than integrating into the common language used by Tokyo locals.

This pride in their home culture is yet another characteristic of the people of Osaka that cause them to stand out from the Tokyo population, which despite being culturally diverse, is largely homogenized. At the end of the day, any time we get exposed to new cultures, it is an opportunity for exploration and growth.

Whether we are traveling to new countries, or simply new regions of the same country that have different traditions, this diversity is what makes travel worthwhile. So, the next time you pack for a surf trip, remember to pack an open mind as well. We have hosted a lot of fun events here at Hawaiian South Shore over the years, but the one we have scheduled for July 14th is going to be one for the books.

After carrying a range of CJ Nelson Designs boards for the past few years, I am super excited to have CJ himself stopping by for a meet and greet. CJ is arguably one of the best traditional noseriders of the modern age, and an innovator when it comes to surf-board design. Yu Sumitomo will also be stopping by, and available to talk about his revolutionary Thunderbolt Technology, which CJ uses in his line of boards producing what CJ calls the most cutting-edge logs in existence.

Skinner hails from Cornwall and is not only one of the best longboarders in the UK, but also a shaper with his own line of boards—Skindog Surfboards. Rumor has it that Skinner will soon be joining the Thunderbolt team with a few signature models of his own. He will undoubtedly be an interesting character to sit and chat with on the 14th. To top it all off, Rainbow Drive-In will be here as well, making sure we all have enough to eat while we sit and chat about all things surfing.

This is shaping up to be one of the biggest events of the summer, and I am so stoked that Hawaiian South Shore will be hosting it. I hope you can all make it down to the shop on July 14th for an afternoon of boards, design, and talking story. The event starts at 3: My dad got me in to surfing when I was just a young kid. I recall watching my dad surf Magic Island as a young kid with my mom and remember him taking off on a bomb. Not sure when, but I missed the feeling of riding waves. There is nothing purer than that. Where is your favorite place to eat after surf?

In High school after surf sessions our go to place would be Highway Inn. I try to play golf LOL. I used to play softball as well. What do you do for work? I read some reviews and it just felt like something I was looking for. It meets all of my expectations. It paddles awesome, flies down the line and turns just how I want it too. I would just like to say thank you to David, Brett and the team at HSS for always making me feel welcomed at the store with smiles and stoke.

Always helpful with pure aloha! While many people think of the single fin as old fashioned, it is still relevant, especially for people who are looking for stability and trim. When surfing a single fin, you are somewhat limited by its necessary size and slow changes in direction. If you try to get too radical and snappy, the board will either refuse to turn with you or spin out, depending how much power you put into your turn.

Take a cue from Morning of the Earth and surf your single fin as it was intended to be ridden, with big, swooping turns that feel as classic as they look. Twin fins and quads operate on the same principle, thrust and drive of water being channeled between opposing rails and fins, but without the control or drag of a middle rudder. This makes them fast and loose, but prone to spinning out if over surfed.

The key with twin fins and quads is to let the board surf itself. Rather than forcing the board to perform deep, abrupt bottom turns at the base of the trough and go vertical into the lip, surf it more laterally on the face, in the middle of the wave. Full rail carves and speed lines into airs are the meat and potatoes of the spaceships, so allow them to surf the way they were designed.

As you become more comfortable with them, especially quads, you will learn to draw your bottom turns out to fit the wave and board, which will eventually lend itself to a more vertical approach. Just try not to force the board to turn against its will, or it will leave you spun out and powerless. The thruster three fin is the setup most people think of when they talk about high performance surfboards. Thrusters sacrifice some of the drive of a twin fin to add the control of a middle fin, thus enabling them to turn on a dime and be easily controlled by the surfer.

In essence, they are a compromise between a twin fin and a single fin, combining speed and lateral flow with the ability to drive off the bottom, except more radically. If a single fin is a classic Cadillac and a twin fin is a drag racecar, a thruster is a Porsche: They are normally surfed top to bottom and are characterized by the vertical off-the-lip maneuver.

A five-fin board is a compromise between a quad and a thruster. It normally includes a standard quad setup and a small trailing fin where the normal third fin of a thruster would be. These take the speed and skatey feel of a quad and add a touch more control so that they can be surfed off the bottom and vertically, like a thruster. When most people think about the surf industry, they think surfboards and accessories like leashes, wax, fins, and deck pads.

This surf fashion has become a multi-billion-dollar, in-ternational phenomenon, from mainstream brands being sold in the Midwest to boutique artists releasing their own lines of designs. As private boutique lines become more and more popular, many artists are looking for alternative printing options, ways to get their designs out there without breaking contracts or having to print warehouses full of apparel. Here at Hawaiian South Shore, we have been collaborating with a number of these artists for years, and Freedom Artists has been helping us make it happen.

Freedom Artists is a bespoke printing firm that helps artists and individuals bring their designs to life. For years, they have been helping produce the apparel that we carry right here at Hawaiian South Shore. These exclusive collaborative designs are printed on mineral washed t-shirts, providing a soft, com-fortable, worn-in feel and a groovy look.

Art is all about creativity and inspiration, and nothing is more inspirational than nature. As surfers, we are surrounded by the ocean on a daily basis, so it is no surprise that so many amongst our tribe are artists. How fun that we can wear our art to the very beaches that inspire us! They wanted to have a real Hawaiian company at the event, and authentic Hawaiian food, and asked me if I could help.

I ended up going with them and hosting a clothing booth at the event. By the end of the trip, we had developed what ended up being a life-long friendship and business relationship. They always bring fun to the festivities, not to mention delicious food that is sure to please the crowd. Rainbow Drive-In is well-known throughout Hawaii for its top-notch barbecue dishes and local classics like Loco Moco. Whenever Rainbow Drive-In shows up at our events, you know you are in for a heck of a day. Our next event is the CJ Nelson and Harley Ingleby Meet and Greet on July 14th, and as usual, Rainbow Drive-In will be on hand to make sure that everyone has enough ono grinds to keep them chatting all afternoon.

With such an iconic eatery keeping things fresh, the event promises to be another epic one. I have always appreciated my relationship with the Rainbow Drive-In crew and am excited that they are still with us after all of these years. Stop by and grab a bite of Hawaii! I am always super stoked when people like Colleen Wilcox stop by and get a board from us. She picked herself up a Cory Colapinto board. I personally like this board. I usually shortboard, but this is one of the few boards I make an effort to grab from the store and surf it on smaller days.

WOW, a Legend stopped by! It was my first time meeting Eric Arakawa and I was super stoked and honored to have an opportunity to meet him. Our Good Friend, Santosha wanted a board that he could knee paddle. My wife was watching a documentary, and asked me if I knew what it was, or that it was possibly the reason Hawaii has had such wonky weather over the past few months. The Kuroshio Current is a north flowing current located near Japan.

It is essentially the western part of the North Pacific Gyre, and typically flows in a pretty normal pattern. But every once in a while, that pattern changes. Five times in the past 50 years, the current has deviated from its normal path, the last deviation being in But now, for the first time in 12 years, the Kuroshio Current is deviating from its normal pattern, and that has a lot to do with the strange weather Japan and other areas have been experiencing this year.

The interesting thing is that this was actually forecasted. Weather experts have become pretty good at predicting Kuroshio Current deviations, and in it was predicted that the current would go askew this year and affect the weather in the Pacific. The current is expected to remain anomalous into the winter of , and for Japan that means a lot more snow than normal, higher tides, and the potential for big typhoons, tides, and flooding.

See a Problem?

When first learning to surf, many people choose to learn on longboards, as they offer better paddle power and more stability, which makes it easier to learn the fundamentals of wave riding. Variety in your quiver always makes you a better surfer, but when transitioning to a smaller board, it is important to keep a few things in mind. First of all, your shorter board is going to paddle a lot slower. Less volume means less flotation, so your board will be farther underwater when you paddle and will not travel as fast through the water.

Thus, when moving down in length, it may be wise to look for a board that still maintains a decent amount of volume. While these boards are shorter than your average longboard, they maintain a full template through the nose, which keeps the volume up so that you can paddle faster and get into waves earlier.

Another thing to keep in mind is that your shorter board will ride faster and be more responsive. While this is a good thing, it can be a bit difficult to get used to at first. There are as many different types of boards to ride as there are conditions to ride them in. When the conditions call for high-performance ripping, then by all means, pull out that shredstick. And whatever you end up riding, remember to have fun!

One of the most unique and exciting things about surfing is that it is one of the few sports where we often have the chance to meet and play with our heroes. This small, close-knit community is what makes surfing such a special sport and is why we opened Hawaiian South Shore nearly two decades ago. On Saturday, July 14th at 3: CJ Nelson and Harley Ingleby are two of the best longboarders in the business.

Known for both their traditional noseriding abilities and their progressive, competitive successes. Both surfers will be spending the evening at the shop to talk about their various models, plus do a meet and greet with surf fans and surfboard aficionados. In addition to an evening of talking story with the pros, we will also have a bunch of the CJ Nelson and Harley Ingleby boards available for people to check out, including the new Wayne Rich model known as the Haven. Rainbow Drive-In will be serving food, and hopefully the Pacific will be serving up a dose of south swell as well!

This is shaping up to be one of the most exciting events of the summer on Oahu, and we are thrilled to be able to host it. We were really stoked to have Jeff Yokoyama visit us. As soon as he came in, I knew who he was.

  1. Getting to Maybe: How the World Is Changed!
  2. 8 Weeks to Optimum Health by Andrew Weil.
  3. .
  4. The Farmers Boy - Illustrated by Randolph Caldecott;

Also, to get compliments about the shop from someone like this is really an honor. Stephen demoed a Libtech and he was blown away in surprise with the flow and performance, he picked up a Puddle Jumper. The color came out muted, so it looks kind of retro, so it looks really nice. The people that like pink came out of the wood work and snagged them up.

We recommended the 9. We love getting reviews, it help us get better at what we do. When it comes to the history of surfboard design, there are a lot of important names out there. These innovators not only shaped the boards that we ride, but the surfboard industry as a whole. As it turns out, that encyclopedia exists, in the form of Santa Barbara shaper Wayne Rich. Rich grew up under the tutelage of all of the legendary shapers listed above, in addition to dozens of others.

With mentors such as these,.

This ROXY Surfer Makes Wellness A Priority On And Off The Waves - mindbodygreen

Rich has worked with some of the best athletes in the industry, including logging legend Joel Tudor, whose surfboard line included a number of Rich shapes over the years. Most recently, Rich has begun to collaborate with CJ Nelson, considered by many to be the best traditional noserider of the modern era. It noserides well, carves the face, and even caters to those who need a more user-friendly design. For those of us who grew up around the ocean, especially in the tropics, coral reefs are a way of life. We surf over them, snorkel through them, fish from them, and yes, occasionally scrub chunks of them out of cuts.

Coral plays an integral role in the health of our oceans, the shape of our waves, and the state of our tourism-driven economy. Unfortunately, a variety of factors are contributing to the ongoing bleaching of coral, a process that is happen- ing at an accelerated rate all over the world. Millions of tourists come to Hawaii every year, and those millions of tourists use a lot of sunscreen. If that bill is signed into law by Governor David Ige, it would phase out use of any sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate by , making Hawaii the first place to ban such products.

It uses simple ingredients that you can pronounce and understand, not harmful chemicals that are toxic to your skin and the coral. Real Sun Cover Sunscreen sits on top of the skin rather than absorbing into it and uses organic zinc oxide as its base. So, going all nat- ural is a better choice. Purchase a Real Sun Cover, use it, then give us an honest review on what you think about the Sun Cover. You need to turn in your Review by July 10, 7: So, I moved to Hawaii about 20 years ago, I had no thoughts of surfing, but then someone took me to Waikiki and put me on a longboard and I was hooked.

They say that you are what you eat, and the same holds true for surfers just as it does for everyone else. Although we often think of it simply as a fun pastime or hobby, surfing is a sport, and the more fine-tuned your body is, the better you will perform and the more fun you will have! This involves more than just training—particularly as you get older, your diet is actually the most important factor in your health and body composition.

A few decades ago, pro surfers were better known for partying than they were for training and eating right, but these days the guys at the top are super health conscious, and many even have dieticians. There are reports in the media that Kelly Slater recently went vegan, and Laird Hamilton is famous for saying that pizza is the devil. The average surfer can paddle out primed and ready to shred by following a few simple diet rules. Try to avoid drinking anything with lots of sugar or chemicals that includes a lot of energy drinks and soda, but even too much fruit juice.

These might give you a quick kick of energy at first, but the high glycemic index means you will crash shortly after. Assuming you want to catch more than just a few waves in your session, load up on water, then get your nutrients and calories from real food. Make sure you eat enough to fuel you for your entire session. But in order to properly recover, you have to provide your body with the nutrients it needs to rebuild.

These include protein to rebuild muscle and vitamins and minerals, most of which are available in green leafy vege- tables and a variety of fruits and veggies. Replace rice or other starches with quinoa, which has a better protein-to-carb ratio. Blending gives you all of the nutrients of fruits, but without skyrocketing your glycemic index by eliminating the fiber. There are nearly infinite smoothie recipes you can come up with, including green smoothies, fruit smoothies, and those that include protein powders and even probiotics such as kefir.

After all, even the best in the world only manage to catch a handful of waves when the swell is huge, so the longer you can stay out the better. That means fueling adequately for the day by having a big, healthy breakfast. But the last thing you want to do is take a footer on the head 20 minutes after you filled your belly.

Most guys are up long before dawn when preparing for big wave sessions, and will make sure they eat that big, healthy dinner a few hours before they are going to paddle out. You can then power up with a smoothie or a healthy bar or two shortly before go-time. Superfoods are all the rage these days, from acai to kale to hempseed and chia, all of which can be pretty expensive. Yes, acai and kale are superfoods.

Eat whole foods veggies, fruits, whole grains, and responsibly caught, lean fish and meats and avoid sugar, chemicals, preservatives, and too much sodium and saturated fat, and guess what? It will already be full of them. Supplement your surfs with cardio workouts to keep your heart strong and your weight down. And most importantly, explore yoga or other forms of stretching, which will help you remain limber and mobile, and help to prevent injuries.

And a happy, healthy body is a major step in the right direction. But it was his skills on a log that brought Corey the most attention, and that resulted in sponsorships and the ability to surf full time. So many see this boards outline and instantly fall in love with the shape.

Many on board the ship had them, and I was open to the idea of getting one. I have one on my chest and another on my leg. After being on board the ship and learning how things worked, I got really intrigued about how to operate the sailing vessel, and that led to getting my first tattoo on my leg, then the one on my chest was just on a whim. After opening Hawaiian South Shore, tattoos became the mainstream and many people around me were getting sleeved. My manager Keith had one, and I wanted one as well. I really thought about it.

I was planning one out with the help of a friend.