There Must Be A Person Under Those Asteroids Somewhere: A Guide To Understanding The Minor Planets

Small Asteroid 2014 AA Hits Earth

Since then, we've discovered new moons around Pluto — which can also be seen as dangerous obstacles for a spacecraft, if not accounted for. There are also ongoing debates about whether Pluto is a planet or not. The International Astronomical Union voted to change its status to "dwarf planet" in , following the discovery of several similarly sized objects in the Kuiper Belt.

However, New Horizons principal investigator Alan Stern has repeatedly said he is not in favor of the decision — especially after the flyby revealed more a more complex formation history than initially anticipated. In , a group of planetary scientists submitted a proposal to reclassify Pluto as a planet at the 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas. The image was released in Oct. New Horizons is the first of NASA's New Frontiers mission probes, which are medium-class missions designed to explore different destinations in the solar system.

Funding for the mission was reinstated after New Horizons was listed as a top priority in the Planetary Science Decadal Survey of —, which identifies scientific targets for future exploration. Spacecraft typically have a set design lifetime, similar to warranties on electronics or cars. Over time, solar particles , cosmic rays and other phenomena can degrade the surface of the spacecraft or mess up the electronics. This makes long missions such as New Horizons especially challenging, requiring backup systems and a source of power nuclear power to keep the spacecraft alive far away from the sun.

New Horizons launched Jan. A power outage and high winds delayed two previous launch attempts, but New Horizons made it safely into space on the third try. The spacecraft's first destination was Jupiter, in February and March New Horizons passed by less than 1. Among New Horizons' first pictures were some of Io, Jupiter's volcanic moon.

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The spacecraft captured the clearest pictures ever of the Tvashtar volcano on Io, showing volcanic fallout that was bigger than the state of Texas. Additionally, the spacecraft flew through a stream of charged particles swirling behind Jupiter. It found large bubbles of charged particles, or plasma, and also revealed variations in the stream. At the time, astronomers said the observations could help with understanding the environment around " hot Jupiter " planets found at other stars.

To conserve energy and lessen the chance of anything breaking, controllers kept the spacecraft in hibernation save for periodic wakeups for navigation and systems checks.

Solar System/Solar System Song/Planet Song/Dwarf Planets Song

It emerged from hibernation in December to get it ready for the Pluto encounter and sending data back to Earth afterwards. New Horizons was so busy gathering data in its July encounter that, as planned, the spacecraft didn't communicate with Earth during its closest approach to Pluto and Charon.

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Asteroid v Meteorite, what is the difference? Where z is the so called "zenith distance" or the distance of the object from the overhead point. This effect must be removed from the reduced data before attempting to determine a period. The most famous is probably the Johnson UBV system developed in the s. Congratulations to Rich Kowalksi!! Four or five is a good number as a compromise between averaging out minor differences in the measurement and creating addition work.

Controllers celebrated when New Horizons phoned home and they knew that data was on the way. Early pictures from New Horizons showed a surprisingly young surface, with a mountain range on Pluto as high as 11, feet 3, meters. Believed to be about million years old at most, this range likely pointed to recent geological activity on the surface, but how was a mystery.

A Guide to Minor Planet Photometry

More youthful terrain — a huge plain bereft of craters, just north of the mountainous range — popped up in pictures sent back in mid-July. The zone has been informally named Sputnik Planum and is a region of intense scrutiny, given that geologists are still trying to figure out what caused this. Later in July, team members presented evidence of a haze above Pluto's surface — another surprise. At the time, the models they had suggested the haze is created when sunlight breaks up methane in Pluto's atmosphere. Some of New Horizons' other scientific discoveries included evidence of a past subsurface ocean on Charon, and strange water ice hills on Pluto floating in frozen nitrogen.

In , one study suggested there may be an asphalt layer on Pluto , just beneath its surface. Some scientists have also suggested that Pluto could have the ingredients for life on its surface, even at its great distance from the sun. Ten years can be a long time in planetary science, and that is particularly true of Pluto. Since New Horizons left our planet in , we've discovered another moon near Pluto.

About Kelly Beatty

I have also been conducting serious research on Minor Planets, and bodies out past There Must Be A Person Under Those Asteroids Somewhere: A Guide To . This guide is intended to help you get started with measuring asteroid lightcurves . You should try to familiarize yourself with some of the basic principles and It's not critical that you have a deep understanding of photometry before you Much of what's offered in this guide is a summary of what these books have to offer.

Planners have made course corrections to keep the spacecraft away from Pluto's moons. Further, Pluto was demoted from its position as the ninth planet in our solar system. In August , members of the International Astronomical Union IAU — the global body that governs astronomy names and other matters — met in a general assembly to decide on the definition of a planet.

This vote was called in response to the recent discoveries of large bodies in the Kuiper Belt , an area beyond Neptune believed to contain trillions of objects. Pluto didn't meet all the classifications, and was reclassified as a dwarf planet.

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