The Original Classic PRIDE AND PREJUDICE [Illustrated]

Pride and Prejudice - The Original Classic Edition by Jane Austen

After reading the first few chapters The chapters are very short of Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" I wondered how anyone could be interested in such pompous, egotistical, aloof and self serving characters? After reading on I said, "Wow! How could I be so interested in such characters? By the end of the book, I fully realized what a magnificent piece of writing I had just read. In fact, this wonderful book might not be as relevant today as two hundred years ago, but there are still many traces of such societies throughout the world, today.

It was not all that long ago in America, where marrying outside of your religion, or ethnicity, was looked down upon. The book is full of wonderful characters, but Elizabeth Lizzy Bennet is, in my opinion, the star. Her character is so wonderfully and fully realized that at times I felt her jumping off the page and directly into my life. Liza, a fellow member and friend on Goodreads, informed me that she had read the book twice and still was not sure if the ending was 'sad' or 'funny.

Quite an amazing book. This book is just gorgeous! I already own a few copies of Pride and Prejudice so I didn't need another but this was too cute to pass up. It's a generous size, the colors are bold and bright and the illustrations are whimsical and fun. A great gift for any jane Austen fan, even if she already owns a few copies ;. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Up until about page one hundred I found this book vexing, frivolous and down right tedious. I now count myself as a convert to the Austen cult. I must confess I have been known to express an antipathy for anything written or set before I just cannot get down with corsets, outdoor plumbing and buggy rides.

Whenever someone dips a quill into an inkwell my eyes glaze over. This is a shortcoming I readily own up to but have no desire to correct. So I admit to not starting this book with the highest of hopes. I did really enjoy Ang Lee's "Sense and Sensibility" however and so when my friend threw the gauntlet down I dutifully picked it up.

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Boy did I hate him at first. To get anywhere with this book one has to immerse oneself in the realities of life and marriage in the nineteenth century. At first all this talk of entailment and manners just left me cold. I liked the language to be sure. Austen's dialogue is delightful through out but dialogue alone no matter how delicious does not a great novel make.

A hundred pages or so in though I started to see what a shrewd eye for character this Austen woman had. Collins was the first person I marvelled at. His character springs forth fully formed as a total but somehow loveable ass. From that point on I found much to love about this book. I was so into it by the end that I was laughing at some characters, sympathizing with others and clucking my tongue at an unhappy few.

  • Pride and Prejudice (Great Illustrated Classics): Jane Austen: Books.
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In short I was completely absorbed. In conclusion I must now count myself a fan of Miss Austen's novels and not just their fim adaptations and do so look forward to acqauinting myself with more of her work in the future. There must be many thousands of digital versions of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I got this because I wanted to compare it with another that I had, and didn't realize until it was on my kindle that the name of the author on the cover page is incorrect!!

Classics Unfolded: Pride and Prejudice

This is so inexplicable and appalling a mistake, I had to write and mention it so that it can hopefully be corrected. The rest of the text is fine. I don't want it on my kindle, and have deleted it. This is a review of the Splinter Classic Lines edition. These beautiful watercolor illustrated editions are a must have for all JA fans who are collecting. The cover is in the style of a French fold with a smooth buttery paper texture. The inside paper is a light-medium weight in that slightly grainy texture and there are hints of tiny threads in it like the kind you'd find on paper dollars.

All in all, It will be great on your shelf and for reading as well! This edition which lists Marco Pedulla as translator is a fraud. Pedulla lists himself as translator, but Austen wrote in English, and this is published in English, so all Mr. Pedulla has done is to appropriate public domain material and misrepresented his role to generate sales for himself.

The book is great, but buy another edition of it. Buying the edition which Pedulla claims he translated supports fraudulent activity. I love that this is still relevant in these times. The snarky humour and wit make me smile to myself when I read the lines. What Elizabeth thinks of her mother, Bingley's sisters, her cousin Mr. Collins and Charlotte Lucas all make me think that I'm a bit Lizzy'ish myself. Lydia is a riot: Although I've seen 3 screen adaptations, I still prefer to read the book, at least once every couple years.

Jane Austen was quite young when she wrote this, but she had an amazing understanding of human nature and class distinctions. See all 4, reviews. See all customer images. Most recent customer reviews.

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Published 2 days ago. I will side with Mr. It amazes me, I confess; for, certainly, there can be nothing so advantageous to them as instruction. Questions for conversation and a short biography of the author. But that is my pithy or not take. They are very user friendly and not scholarly pedantic or religiously didactic. So sorry Mary Bennet and Mr.

Great for a new readers, or fans that just want to squee along. The supplemental material includes: Great for students who want a bit more explanation with notes that are presented in the back of the book highlighting historical, cultural and personal references to Austen and her family throughout the text. Pleasure readers will appreciate the compact size and beautiful design.

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Bennet as parents is blamed for Lydia's lack of moral judgment; Darcy, on the other hand, has been taught to be principled and scrupulously honourable, but he is also proud and overbearing. Marvel has also published their take on this classic by releasing a short comic series of five issues that stays true to the original storyline. Write a customer review. Aug 05, Emilee M. Atikah Oh, Hello Books! Pride and Prejudice Collins Classics.

It is not often that when a new edition of a classic novel is re-issued that it also includes an introduction from a previous edition from thirty years ago. This volume is very similar in size of supplemental material to the OUP edition mentioned above.

In quality and purpose, they are neck and neck, with OUP having slightly more info and this edition the better introduction. Either one is an excellent choice for students and pleasure readers. Note on the text of the novel; Chronology of the novel; Bibliography and Maps. The book is easily navigated with the text on the left hand page and the annotation on the right. This makes for a hefty volume of pages of pure text and facts culled from innumerable resources. I like having so much information at hand in one volume. First time readers, student and veterans love this edition. Johnson and Susan J.

It is an impressive Austen achievement and a solid chunk of Pride and Prejudiceism , but the average pleasure reader could read this till the cows come home and not understand it all. Great list — looks like I have some reading to do! I often go to the bookstore, stand in front of the Jane Austen section and stare at all the editions, wondering which one to buy. Perhaps I should read some of these and just…choose a couple!

I greatly enjoyed it once I got used to reading the annotations.

Nice list,Laurel-I also have the Modern Library edition as well as the Penguin Classics the non deluxe one and the Annotated,which is extremely extensive! That last one I bought during my one and only trip to England so far,anyway in a little bookshop at Lyme Regis. And so I thought I knew enough of the historical background and daily facts social standings, money equivalents, food, etc.

Reading now with the Anchor annotated edition has made a tremendous difference and enhanced my pleasure immeasurably. I sometimes disagree with the opinion and analysis, but that just makes it more fun, almost like having a teacher and a book club all in one. My dad laughed at me when I bought it, but I really and truly love it. I loved the list. I love my annotated version best. But I have two others. I love the cover detail espescially that you gave. What a great list! Everytime I go to the bookstore I take a few minutes and look for any new cover that strikes my fancy.

Lovely list, Laurel Ann! I personally love the Annotated version of Pride and Prejudice. I love how the entire novel is on the left hand of the page and the annotations are on the right hand side of the novel — that way you are not constantly flipping to the back.