Inside the Third World Village

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10 Of The Worst Prisons In The World

Tags What are tags? Public Private login e. The mother must also participate in numerous interviews and sign a final adoption decree. Even with these strict guidelines, United Nations officials estimate that 4 percent of all adopted children come from questionable sources. Kids in Ratanakiri, Cambodia As of , an estimated 1 billion children were still deprived of adequate food, shelter, clean water, and health care according to UNICEF.

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However great advances have been made reducing the number of deaths among children and getting kids into schools. An estimated 24, children under five die every day of preventable causes such as pneumonia, malaria , measles and malnutrition. Nearly million children are malnourished and million are forced to work. In addition, millions of girl and boys are subjected to sexual violence. Only two countries have not ratified it: Refugee children in Chad About In developing countries 1 of every 10 babies born dies before reaching the age of 5 compared to 7 out of 1, in Scandinavia.

Many young children die before the age of five from treatable diseases like diarrhea. Many are born with a low birth weight, an indicator of maternal malnutrition and predictor of children dying before they are five.


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Undernutrition remains a root cause of 53 percent of deaths for children under five. Nineteen percent died of pneumonia between and Things are better than they used to be. The number of children under the age of five that died world wide declined from 13 million in to 9. Aid groups encourage breast-feeding because studies have shown that it produces healthier children. Breast feeding is credited with saving the lives of six million babies a year, but the number could be even higher if more mothers used the method.

Lack of awareness among mothers and lack of support from health workers and communities, is largely to blame. Hutte headman Respect for elders is often the basis for the way society is organized.


Older people are respected for their wisdom and most important decisions are not made without consulting them. To pay respects to the older generation, children are often named after their grandparents in a special ceremony. Old age is supposed to a time when the elderly can kick back and relax after a lifetime of hard work and have their children take care of them.

But in many cases old people have been abandoned by their children or have been put in charge of raising grandchildren while children go to the cities to work.

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Many villages are inhabited almost exclusively by old people. Most of the young families have moved out. In some cases they began leaving as soon as good roads to the village were built and a means leaving became available. One aging expert told U. News and World Report. In the developing world the trend is reversed. This site contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been authorized by the copyright owner.

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Inside the Third World Village

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Child Brides Face More Mental Illness Harem scene Child marriages, more often than not involving girls, are fairly common in some developing countries. Reuters August 30, ] Based on a government survey from and , the study estimated that as many as nine percent of U. Village Families Family in Honduras In the developing world everyone seems related to everyone else and cousins are often encouraged to marry each other to keep farms and orchards in the family.

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