Unlimited Prospecting How To Magnetically Attract A Flood Of Fresh, Qualified & Highly-Interested Pr

Here are some quotes from reps I have worked with when I asked them what they learned about their day:. This is a new question I have added to the end of the day de-brief. Bregman suggests taking a few moments to think of whom you interacted with that day? Customers, vendors, prospects, co-workers, other departments?

Is there anyone you should update? This is a brilliant and powerful question. It can create value. It can make you more efficient and effective. It gives you an edge. It shows appreciation; courtesy; thoughtfulness. You should de-brief yourself at your desk before you leave. Do it in your work environment in case you need to take care of something see Question 3.

Unlimited Prospecting How To Magnetically Attract A Flood Of Fresh, Qualified & Highly-Interested Prospects Whenever You Want (Kindle Edition). Unlimited Prospecting How To Magnetically Attract A Flood Of Fresh, Qualified & Highly-Interested. FreshEntrepreneurshipStoreBusinessMoneyKindleSilver.

You could de-brief with a co-worker. This works well because it forces you to verbally articulate the answers and in an odd way, it holds you more accountable. Seven minutes is an unusual time so you tend to remember it.

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Take five of those minutes to reflect on the questions. Take the last two minutes to communicate to those who matter if required. Send an e-mail or text. Write a thank you card. Get into this simple routine. It gives your focus and direction so that the next day is a little bit better.

You CAN be as successful as you want by following these three secrets. And eventually, they got it down pat. The first secret is to discover what they did and simply follow it.

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Replicate their system with obvious customization to your situation. A system is a repeatable series of actions. It means they can be copied, implemented and mastered. However, without a system, even extraordinary people find it difficult to predictably achieve even ordinary results. It means doing some homework. Seek out those who are very successful. Bob calls this O. Find a coach or mentor you respect and pick their brain. Find out precisely what they do. If it resonates with you then model it. Duplicate what they do. Basically there are three reasons.

Our natural tendency is to avoid it. I get all that. I feel these things myself. But if you want to further succeed then the price you pay is facing your fear, finding the time and dealing with the discomfort of change. Follow the diet and you will inevitably lose weight. Admittedly, it can be tough but when you DO follow it, pounds fall off. The same is true with your tele-sales success formula. You need to stick to it; persevere; carry on; stick to it. Just get back up. You WILL get stronger. And you WILL succeed. Quitting is just so dang easy to do go here http: You need to fight that.

There you have it. In less than words I have given the formula to becoming more successful in tele-sales. It really, really works. Start your success journey today. But suppose you knew. Suppose you knew the moment the prospect got your e-mail and opened it. How would that impact your approach to following up and selling? Well you can do that now with a cost effective software program called Contact Monkey.

Think about this now: Armed with this knowledge, a salesperson has valuable and actionable insight to make better and more informed selling decisions so they can focus on the most promising prospects and opportunities. The idea for ContactMonkey emerged when Scott Pielsticker, a serial entrepreneur, was frustrated with not knowing if his sales pitches were getting read or were resonating. Suppose you send a proposal to a prospect. After the e-mail has been sent, you will be able tell if and when the e-mail has been opened.

Another feature within ContactMonkey is knowing if a message was opened on a mobile device, within the Chrome browser or Outlook. If an -email is originally opened on an iPhone, and then opened on Chrome or Outlook, it could mean the proposal generated solid interest. The same approach works for location.

An e-mail opened by recipients in Toronto, Boston and London is another indication of good interest. For you, this information makes it easier to focus on better prospects interested in their email, while you can quickly ignore prospects who paid little or no attention to the e-mail. In other words, it points you in the right direction. Your prospect or customer is unaware of the notification.

But so far, I get notified on about half the e-mails I send. It currently works with Gmail for Chrome and Outlook and Outlook For people who want to get more out of their email, ContactMonkey offers an attractive return on investment. Hey, if you close one deal, it would more than pay for an annual subscription. Your investment was minimal. Go here for more information. The Notre Dame University football team the Fighting Irish have a large sign posted above the doorway as they exit their dressing room onto the field. Apart from all the folklore and legend behind the Irish and that little sign, the real message to the players is to play and act like a winner champion …despite the odds…despite what others may think…despite the record… despite adversity.

Sell like a Champion Today. In other words, go out there and act like a winner Champion despite the odds…despite what others might think … despite your sales record … despite adversity. What does this mean in day-to-day terms? It means when you walk in the office, behave and look like a champion sales rep.

Avoid the sad sack, whoa-is-me bedraggled look of someone who is lagging behind. Others around see it. Your boss sees it. But more important your inner self sees it … and responds to it. It senses defeat and acts accordingly. Act like a winner, a champion. Walk a bit quicker; with purpose. Hold your shoulders higher. Be conscious of your facial expressions at your desk, at meetings, at lunch … anywhere!

Think about what you say and how you say it. What would a champion do? Sometimes holding your head high is a real battle when all you really want to do is collapse. Choose to fight it. More significantly, choose to look and behave like a champion. In other words, be conscious of your behavior: Controlling your sales destiny is a matter of attitude and choice. With the right attitude you can choose to succeed. Win or lose, you can bet the Irish will play like champions. Maybe we fear embarrassment.

Maybe we worry about admonishments. Or perhaps we are just shy. They have them because coaches make them better, provide objectivity, and ultimately hold them accountable. Take control of your sales destiny! Put another way, they fail to consistently take effective action on those tasks and activities that have the most significant impact on their sales.

Or put yet another way, they have the tendency to procrastinate on key priorities. For instance, active and ongoing tele-prospecting business development, cold calling …whatever you want to label it is often a task that is delayed or whittled because it is not always pleasant. Yet we all know how important and vital it is to success.

You see the problem is it gets easy to get caught up in the thick of thin things. It gets easy to clear up our e-mails instead of picking up the phone and calling a prospect. At the top of the list are actions like: Successful reps — the top of the heap reps- have a propensity for action. They clearly know their priorities and they make the habit of acting on them. Identify the top priorities in your selling day. These are those important, sales building and sales sustaining activities that will produce consistent sales results.

Do it right now! Block out chunks of time. Get it over with. Schedule these activities for the next four weeks. Put them in your Outlook or CRM or whatever you use. Discipline yourself to follow your plan. Resist the urge to do something less important or trivial. It means definitive action of those items that are significant and important. This is an important but often uncomfortable topic. Very important because it directly impacts your success — or lack thereof- in sales. Uncomfortable because most almost everyone is guilty of poor time management and would rather avoid the topic.

At some level, it whittles away your energy, drive, focus, and motivation. It is something they learn. Tonight, stay late and thoroughly clean your desk and work areas. Ruthlessly purge the clutter. File things properly and neatly. Scrub — literally — your desk clean. Organize your pens and pencils. Get rid of those boxes of crackers, bags of chips, chocolate bars and old cups of coffee. Second, it gives you an immediate sense of accomplishment. And third, when you arrive tomorrow you have a fresh clean environment and this, by itself, gives you a sense of clarity and purpose.

Just twenty minutes — that all. Do some research and then invest in yourself by buying a book or two. Refer to Tip 7. But not only does it help you in your sales career, it helps you in your life. Do I really have to tell you to set sales goals? Everyone knows that goals are destinations and without them sales reps are not certain precisely where they are going, how they are going to get there, and when.

They give us focus. In some cases, the goals are dropped in our laps while in others we establish them ourselves. Your goals can relate to those actions and activities that contribute to that revenue goal. In tele-sales it includes things like live connects, leads and conversions to sales. Suppose you have a goal of 5 new contacts a day.

Identify the key activities and establish goals. But what you also need to do is keep score. Keeping score is gauging where you are relative to those goals and where you should be. You see, the score alerts you. It tells you of the variation. It reminds you to act.

It creates instant accountability. Do what you need to do. Goals and keeping score is nothing new. It means invest some of your own money in a venture or task or assignment. In the case of this post, it means investing some of your own hard-earned cash on your sales education and development. If you need training, invest in yourself. Typically you feel compelled to read that book or listen to that MP3 or try a new technique.

You pay closer attention. You try a little harder. Skin in the game also applies to time. Invest the time to learn. Create a learning budget. Put twenty bucks aside every week or every two weeks. Sometimes it gets easy to fork out the investment and then put it aside. Budget 30 minutes a day to read, listen and use.

Try the techniques right away. And then give it a fighting chance and apply the skill or techniques twenty or thirty times. That will help you develop a degree of mastery. If you invest in yourself, you are investing in your own personal development, growth and success. As much as working harder Tip 5 is a good idea, I have seen hard workers fail. Working hard can translate into flailing about and working hard on the wrong things.

Temper working harder with working smarter. Working smarter means doing the right things to help you achieve your sales destiny. Here are three action items you can implement. For example, your consultative opening statements get whittled to a quick second pitch, or you begin to cut back on your qualifying questions until they no longer exist, or you stop asking for the sale and assume the prospect will say yes.

He did this because he knew how easy it was to cut corners. Review you skills and techniques. Record and listen to your calls. Ask your manager to review your approach. Over the last couple of years I have been surveying telephone reps and asking them how many had bought a book on selling. To date, of the reps surveyed, 9 have purchased a book on selling. How can you control your sales destiny if you do not develop and nurture your selling mind?

A third more or less of your day is spent selling. Should you not devote a little time to developing that which will make you more successful, more effective? Obviously, if you are reading this, you are one of the few who take your sales destiny seriously. I know that you — the reader- are not a quitter. I know that you keep plugging away making your prospecting calls on a regular and continuous basis. There are five reasons why they quit doing the tough stuff. First, quitting is easy.

Take cold calling, for example. All you have to do is stop dialing. The net effect of quitting is not readily apparent. It only shows up some where down the line when your sales pipeline is empty. Fourth, taking action means change. You have to change your routine to take control of your sales destiny. Change is sometimes frustrating; downright hard at times.

So we quit rather than change. Not quitting is sometimes tough. Not quitting means having faith in your strategy such as having faith that cold calling will yield results. Not quitting means having discipline. Easy to say, not always easy to do. Think about visualize, if you will the consequences of quitting a particular sales task or activity. Think of all the ugly, uncomfortable things that could happen on the job, with your boss, and with your career.

Understand the worst case scenario. Do the thing you dislike most first. Do the thing you dislike most well. Doing it and doing it poorly is the same thing as quitting. Persistence at tough tasks pays dividends. Over time it makes you stronger and better. Elbow grease means work harder. Do a little more.

One class of islanding detection methods, known as impedance measurement-based methods and voltage change monitoring-based methods, are implemented through injecting irregular currents into the network, for which reason they are defined in this paper as irregular current injection methods. They literally stock hundreds of items. It wrecks your psyche and eats away at your resolve. Whatever you like; an expression of yourself. When you bellyache you annoy many others around you who just want to hunker down and get to work and be successful and guess what? Try discussing your situation with your manager because, in all honesty, sometimes the problem is that reps flail about making calls without the least bit of thought, research and planning. It gives you an edge.

Push a little harder. The old college try and all that good stuff. A simple tactic that can pay big dividends. Do you stay after quitting time? Do you sometimes work through lunch? Do you take work home at night to clear up a few things? Sometimes we get complacent. At other times we get down-and-out lazy.

I know I do every now and then. And when that happens productivity takes a hit. We all know what hard work is. Here are two action items that are easy enough to implement and manage. Apply the Principle. This means arrive 15 minutes earlier and start making cold calls. Take 15 minutes less at lunch and make some calls. Stay 15 minutes later in the day. That translates to minutes a week or a little less than 4 hours more a week. Do work at home. Write thank you cards. Read a sales newsletter. Visit and research the websites of your prospects.

Check out Linked in profiles. Do all this from the cozy comfort of your home. Elbow grease increases your odds of success by giving you more opportunities. In the fantasy world of the Harry Potter novels by J. They find or make up fault and flaws in your product. They loudly report how much better your competitors are.

You know the people I am talking about, right? Sales Dementors create a toxic environment with their relentless negativity. The more you hang around them, the more likely it is to affect you. They poison your mind and deplete your spirit. They slowly drain the energy out of your selling effort. At some point you begin to rationalize poor performance: You feed off each others discouragement. You stop taking action.

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And one day you wake up with nothing but a sense of bitterness … and no sales. Dementors drag others down with them. Create a positive selling environment and get your sales on track. The precise moment that you accept this reality is the precise moment you will have taken full control of your sales destiny. Start behaving like your job was YOUR company. Would I saunter in five or ten minutes late every day? Would I spend a good portion of my day complaining or goofing off? Make it big or small, fancy or plain but whatever you do, post it somewhere visible maybe next to your Whiner Resignation Form?

When things get tough look at your poster. Get on the internet and find a new list? Hey … I know things in sales sometimes get overwhelming and discouraging. If it really gets tough, allow yourself 10 minutes of self-pity and misery. Scream to the sky. Pull your hair out. Look desperate and beleaguered. You will be back in control. Your sales destiny is on the right track. I am tired of the finger pointing and excuses. Look, if you want to be successful in sales or if you need to break out of a slump, the very first thing you MUST do is stop the lamenting.

Lamenting is costly and selfish. When you bemoan your lack of success, you heap more onto the fire of despair, and at some point your will to succeed falters. It begins to eat away at your attitude and motivation. When you bellyache you annoy many others around you who just want to hunker down and get to work and be successful and guess what? Lamenting is a way of releasing pent up frustration. It sometimes acts as a safety value when the pressure gets too high.

The only trouble is it grows and grows until it becomes a habit. It becomes easier to complain instead of act. First, make a choice. You need to choose NOT to lament. That means stop the verbal complaining and whining. Choose to keep your mouth shut. Second, print the declaration below and sign it. I know, it looks and sounds silly. I acknowledge that lamenting does not improve things and in fact, makes them worse. I recognize that others find lamenting destructive.

Third, post it at your desk. Publicly declare your intention. Silly as it may sound you will inspire yourself and others! The precise moment that you take these 3 simple steps is the precise moment that you have established control of your success and your destiny in sales. Your voice mail message needs to be short and intriguing. It needs to reference a problem or concern that your prospect might be experiencing but it should not pitch a solution.

And finally, it should reference the e-mail that you sent which will get them to scan their inbox. By getting them to interact with their e-mail you tend to create a stronger impression of you and your offer. For instance, your voice mail might sound like this,. I have also sent you an e-mail. In the mean time, my number is xxx xxx xxxx. The message is quick and to the point. A problem is cited hassle, headache and cost and a solution is implied without a pitch. Finally, there is the reference to the e-mail.

You can bet that most recipients of this voice mail will check their e-mail if only to gather more information about you and your company. Your e-mail should echo your voice mail so that the prospect quickly relates the two. It starts with the subject line. A nifty subject line is simply this:. This e-mail is a follow up to the voice mail I left you regarding an idea I have that might reduce the hassle, headache and perhaps even the cost of hiring a more effective and successful sales rep.

Look at how short and simple this message is! If a quality rep is an issue with the prospect, there is reason to call if only out of curiosity. The action request is simple. It appears a little tedious. More prospects will notice your message and remember it. A certain percentage will act upon it. And that means more selling opportunities. The fact of the matter is you can increase the volume of return calls simply by combining your voice mail message with an e-mail message.

Integrating voice mail and e-mail gives you a punch in terms of messaging. You get the audio power of a voice mail message combined with the visual power of an e-mail message. This article will show you why this works and how. Every sales rep seems to leave one cluttering up the voice mail box.

Consequently, prospects have become skeptical if not jaded. Many barely listen to the message; some ignore them completely. The net result is a low pay off for you. Voice mails have some additional drawbacks to consider. Voice mail tends to be an 8: In other words, the majority of business people tend to access their e-mail only during business hours. Finally, responding to voice mails can be a bit of a pain. Often it means jotting down a number and calling you back. Who needs the hassle? In B2B, e-mail is still the darling of the business world.

First off, e-mail provides a visual message. It is something prospects can SEE. It creates a degree of tangibility because it is on a screen or sometimes printed out on paper. Increasingly, e-mail is becoming the preferred method of communication if only because it is fast and convenient. Of course, it can easily be deleted. Your prospect probably gets more e-mails than voice mails so they are adept at scanning and deleting more quickly.

But the point is obvious: The next step is to provide your prospect with a visual and verbal message that compels them to take action or to be receptive to your follow up call. A paraprodokians is a figure of speech in which the later part of the sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected. Since light travels faster than sound … some people appear bright until you hear them speak. Buses stop in bus stations. Trains stop in train stations … On my desk is a work station.

Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut … and still think they are sexy. Now, get back to work! Few technologies are as complicated to explain as 4G LTE. Last year I worked with a group of leaders for the division of a global, publicly traded company who were responsible for pitching the technology to potential customers. The leaders in this particular division were responsible for pitching the technology to public safety agencies. Their audience knew a lot about police work, but had little knowledge about wireless broadband.

Imagine if the head of a public service agency heard something like this: Instead we created a pitch that started with this sentence: The audience got it in one sentence. The message was so simple and effective, the company landed several multi-million dollar accounts after their first meetings and they credited the message map for helping them pitch the idea in a simple, yet compelling way.

The message map gave everyone sales, marketing, executive leadership a roadmap for the customer conversation. A message map is the visual display of your idea on one page.

It is a powerful and tool that should be a part of your communication arsenal. Building a message map can help you pitch anything a product, service, company, or idea in as little as 15 seconds. Here is the three-step process to using a message map to build a winning pitch.

For this exercise you will need a notepad, word document, PowerPoint slide, or whiteboard.

How-to use magnets to remove magnetic sands from gold concentrates.

The headline is the one single overarching message that you want your customers to know about the product. Make sure your headline fits in a Twitter post — no more than characters. If you cannot explain your product or idea in characters or less, go back to the drawing board. As I discussed in a previous article, the human mind can only process about three pieces of information in short-term memory.

Specifically outline the three or, at most, four benefits of your product. Draw three arrows from the headline to each of the key supporting messages. Add bullet points to each of the three supporting messages. Instead write a few words that will prompt you to deliver the story. Remember, the entire message map must fit on one page. You can create a message map for any product or a brand. Lets use the example of soap. If you can sell soap, you can pitch anything.

Lush is a global chain of stores that sells soaps and cosmetics. It has about locations around the world.

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They literally stock hundreds of items. This video illustrates the steps outlined below: We make handmade soaps and cosmetics. Everything in the store is fresh, environmentally friendly, and part of our profits support ethical campaigns. Under Fresh , Lush might include the fact that all the products made from natural ingredients and they are handmade daily and shipped the next day. Under Environmentally Friendly , a Lush sales associate might say that products are made from ingredients not tested on animals, they are mostly unpackaged, and contain little or no preservatives.

Under Ethical Campaigns , Lush might highlight some of the environmental causes championed by the brand. A message map can be used in several ways. You can make copies and hand it to all your employees who talk to customers. You can use it to outline a longer presentation to customers, investors, or stakeholders. You can, and should, use the same language in all of your marketing and advertising material.

I cannot emphasize enough how well this works. In fact the more complex your idea, the more important it is to create a message map. You need to pitch your story simply, clearly, and concisely. The message map is your winning ticket. His new book, The Apple Experience: Follow Carmine on Facebook or Twitter. When the athlete describes the Zone, he or she talks about being swept away, losing track of time, and becoming completely absorbed in the activity. Some experts have speculated that some athletes for instance, Wayne Gretzky can actually see events unfold a second or two before they take place.

This place of seemingly effortless productivity and success can be achieved by virtually anyone in any area in life, including tele-prospecting. The trick to achieving a zone-like state is to have a process or method that when applied consistently and with discipline produces superior results.

While the results of being in the Zone can be almost mystical, getting in the zone is not so mysterious or profound. There are five steps you can implement that will lead you to the Zone when prospecting or selling:. Aaron Rogers does not walk onto the field seconds before the game and start throwing completions. He gets ready for the big game long before that time.

Have your notes, call guide, job aids — whatever you need- ready to go. Typically, he goes into a hurry up offense. The flow is there. His job is to maintain it. Pick up the phone and dial. Watch how closely his fellow Tigers leave him alone. To be in the Zone you have to stay focused on the task. Find or create a spot to make your calls that is free of distractions and temptations. Turn your back away from your fellow workers to avoid visual distractions.

Ever watch LeBron James on the court? He has an innate ability to exploit weaknesses in defenses. He makes the most of time and space he is given. Same thing in tele-prospecting: You want to exploit those good times like LeBron exploits his defenders. For instance, the best time to reach higher level decision makers is earlier in the morning or later in the day. To get into the Zone you may have to start calling at 7: You increase your odds of success. The best time to reach your decision makers may vary. Keep track of your results.

If you discover a good time, exploit it. Quarterbacks have ratings stats they would like to achieve because it gives them perspective on where they are and what they must do. Zone-ready athletes are goal oriented. Give yourself an objective that is meaningful. If that means fifteen more dials, then make fifteen more dials Step 4. Track those dials and decision maker contacts. Track the ratio of decision maker contacts to sales or appointments.

Track the time that you called to see if there is a better time Step 3. Do what it takes. At the height of his game, Sydney Crosby did it all. He takes hits and gets up. He fights for position in front of the net. He does not quit. Go through your master list. If you go through your list in a half an hour, start dialing again. Tom Brady sometime throws five interceptions. Verlander sometimes lobs balls that get smacked out of the stadium. Sid the Kid and LeBron have missed easy shots and lost games because of it.

The point here is that you go into every call session with a Zone plan. You do everything you can to get into the Zone. You do everything to make it happen. You are in control. Depending on your target market and the product or service you sell, a needs analysis is quite possibly the most important activity in which you can engage. Needs analysis help you AND your prospect identify areas of opportunity and areas of challenge.

In other words, it is the key to sale. First of all, this exercise gets you to stop and think. It makes you more thorough in your thought process because you have the time. Second, and maybe more significantly, this exercise begins to imprint the questions on your conscious or subconscious mind. It will help you remember them and conjure them up when conducting your needs analysis. You can do this step in conjunction with Tip 1. Where possible, group your questions into categories. This makes them less random, easy to access and easier to remember.

Categories create another level of focus for you and help with the imprinting process. These might be fundamentals such as number of employees, number of locations, types of niche markets, the machinery they use, the processes they follow, the software applications etc. Of course, these are important questions because they uncover needs and motivators. By now, you should have a pile of questions.

Re-write those questions that you absolutely need to have answered on another sheet of paper. Write these in RED. Keep them in their categories. Review your revised list and think about how your prospect might feel when asked. Some questions, particularly questions that probe for problems and concerns can be sensitive in nature. Some might feel defensive.

Others might feel embarrassed. He becomes less self conscious. This makes it easier to truthfully answer. In addition, the phrase explains why the question is being asked and implies a benefit for the prospect. Use colored paper, use colored ink. Hand write it or use Word and cut and paste. If required, paste two 11 x 17 sheets together. Make your needs analysis sheet big, bold and brassy. No one can see it but you. Post it where it is easily accessible and visible so you can reference it. The last tip is to drill, practice and rehearse your needs analysis. You could do this with your manager, or a co-worker, friend or spouse.

You can rehearse it in your mind. The idea is to familiarize yourself with the questions and get comfortable with them. Use your cheat sheet and get comfortable with it too. The objective of this entire process is NOT to ask every single solitary question, one by one, like conducting a survey. The idea is to ask the appropriate questions when required. You might begin with a few situational questions, then segue into a motivator question, then back to a situational question or two, and then move on to an analysis questions.

No one can teach you the flow of questioning. That is a factor of the client and the information that he or she gives you. But KNOWING the questions ahead of time having them imprinted on your mind makes asking the appropriate question at the appropriate time much easier. Good needs analysis differentiates you from your competition. Your prospects tend to see you as more consultative.

You will get better, more relevant information. This gives you a distinct opportunity to sell more. Take the time and do it right. Read the e-mail and see my comments in bold. Inquiry Localization Services Okay, not bad. A quick glance at the length of the e-mail staggered me.

Look at the length of some of those paragraphs! Who has the time to wade through all this? I read it only because I felt an article brewing deep inside me. Hope this finds you well and on a great path! Get down to business. What do I get out of it?

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Talk about me, not you! Are you kidding me? Look at this long, rolling paragraph! Am I supposed to be impressed with these features? We have saved thousands of dollars for our clients by rightly managing the source files such as externalizing content in XML files allowing customers to easily and more affordably perform localization of all titles. If the rep had told me this up front, I might have been a little more interested. I suspect that Can you imagine the telephone pitch or the voice mail that this rep might deliver?

Who would open it? I would like to trade 30 minutes of my ideas with 30 minutes of your time. Later works well too. I know I was being somewhat sarcastic and flippant in my remarks. This article belongs to the Section Sustainable Energy. Open Access Article SwarmGrid: Complutense 30, Madrid, Spain. This paper focuses on a multi-agent coordination for demand-side management in electrical grids with high penetration rates of distributed generation, in particular photovoltaic generation.

This coordination is done by the use of swarm intelligence and coupled oscillators, proposing a novel methodology, which is implemented by the so-call SwarmGrid algorithm. SwarmGrid seeks to smooth the aggregated consumption by considering distributed and local generation by the development of a self-organized algorithm based on multifrequency agent coordination. The objective of this algorithm is to increase stability and reduce stress of the electrical grid by the aggregated consumption smoothing based on a frequency domain approach.

The algorithm allows not only improvements in the electrical grid, but also increases the penetration of distributed and renewable sources. Contrary to other approaches, this objective is achieved anonymously without the need for information exchange between the users; it only takes into account the aggregated consumption of the whole grid. The solid line represents the mean of the crest factors for the simulated seeds. The shaded area is between the maximum and the minimum value obtained from the simulated seeds: Carbon emissions and environmental protection issues have brought pressure from the international community during Chinese economic development.

The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region is an important regional energy consumption center in China, and its energy structure is typically coal-based which is similar to the whole country. Therefore, forecasting energy consumption related carbon emissions is of great significance to emissions reduction and upgrading of energy supply in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Thus, this study thoroughly analyzed the main energy sources of carbon emissions including coal, petrol, natural gas, and coal power in this region. Secondly, the kernel function of the support vector machine was applied to the extreme learning machine algorithm to optimize the connection weight matrix between the original hidden layer and the output layer. Thirdly, the grey prediction theory was used to predict major energy consumption in the region from to The results showed that the proportion of energy consumption seriously affects the amount of carbon emissions.

Therefore, accelerating the upgradation of industrial structure will be the key task for the government in controlling the amount of carbon emissions in the next step. One class of islanding detection methods, known as impedance measurement-based methods and voltage change monitoring-based methods, are implemented through injecting irregular currents into the network, for which reason they are defined in this paper as irregular current injection methods.

This paper indicates that such methods may be affected by distributed generation DG unit cut-in events. Although the network impedance change can still be used as a judgment basis for islanding detection, the general impedance measurement scheme cannot separate island events from DG unit cut-in events in multi-DG operation. In view of this, this paper proposes a new islanding detection method based on an improved impedance measurement scheme, i. The simulations and experiments verify the stated advantages of the new islanding detection method. In order to reduce the taxiing time of departing aircraft and reduce the fuel consumption and exhaust emissions of the aircraft, Shanghai Hongqiao Airport was taken as an example to study the control strategy for aircraft departure.

In this paper, the influence of the number of departure aircraft on the runway utilization rate, the takeoff rate, and the departure rate of flight departures under the conditions of airport runway capacity constraints are studied. The influence of factors, such as the number of departure aircraft, the gate position of the aircraft, and the configuration of airport arrival and departure runways, on the aircraft taxiing time for departure is analyzed. Based on a multivariate linear regression equation, a time prediction model of aircraft departure taxiing time is established.

The fuel consumption and pollutant emissions of aircraft are calculated. In renewable energy generation applications, phase locked loop PLL is one of the most popular grid synchronization technique. The main objective of PLL is to rapidly and precisely extract phase and frequency especially when the grid voltage is under non-ideal conditions. Despite its success in certain applications, the transient response is still unsatisfactory, mainly due to the fact that the time delay caused by MAFs is still large.

This challenge has been tackled in this paper. By applying the proposed technique, the settling time is reduced to less than one cycle of grid frequency without any degradation in filtering capability. Moreover, the proposed PLL can be easily expanded to handle dc offset rejection. The effectiveness is validated by comprehensive experiments. An accurate calculation of short-circuit current SCC is very important for relay protection setting and optimization design of electrical equipment.

The short-circuit current for a doubly-fed induction generator wind turbine DFIG-WT under excitation regulation of a converter contains the stator current and grid-side converter GSC current. The transient characteristics of GSC current are controlled by double closed-loops of the converter and influenced by fluctuations of direct current DC bus voltage, which is characterized as high order, multiple variables, and strong coupling, resulting in great difficulty with analysis.

Existing studies are mainly focused on the stator current, neglecting or only considering the steady-state short-circuit current of GSC, resulting in errors in the short-circuit calculation of DFIG-WT. Based on Fourier decomposition of switch functions and the frequency domain analytical method, the fluctuation of DC bus voltage is considered and described in detail.

With the proposed DFIG-WT short-circuit current analytical model, the generation mechanism and evolution law of harmonic components are revealed quantitatively, especially the second harmonic component, which has a great influence on transformer protection. The accuracies of the theoretical analysis and mathematical model are verified by comparing calculation results with simulation results and low-voltage ride-through LVRT field test data of a real DFIG. The movements of overburden induced by mining a thick coal seam with a hard roof extend widely. The effects of breakages in the hard strata on the strata behaviors might vary with the overlying strata layers.

For this reason, we applied a test method that integrated a borehole TV tester, borehole-based monitoring of strata movement, and monitoring of support resistance for an in situ investigation of a super-thick, 14—20 m coal seam mining in the Datong mining area in China. The results showed that the range of the overburden movement was significantly high, which could reach to more than m.

The structural instability induced intensive and wide-ranging strata behaviors that lasted for a long time two to three days. Support in the working face were over-pressured by large dynamic factors and were widely crushed, while the roadways were violently deformed. This paper presents a synchronous resonant control strategy based on the inherent characteristics of permanent magnet synchronous generators PMSG for the control of power converters to provide stable operating conditions for the power grid under high penetration of renewable energy resources RERs.

The proposed control technique is based on the small signal linearization of a dynamic model with grid specifications, load-current-based voltages, and power converter currents. A combination of the linearized dynamic model with the PMSG swing equation and resonant controller leads to a control technique with synchronous features and appropriate inertia for the control of converter-based power generators. As the main contribution of this work, an extra functionality is proposed in the control loop of the proposed model to solve the inherent inconveniences of conventional synchronous generators.

Also, a comprehensive collaboration between interfaced converter specifications and PMSG features is achieved as another contribution of the proposed control technique, and this can guarantee accurate performance under various conditions. A current perturbation curve is introduced to assess the variations of the grid frequency and voltage magnitude under operation of the interfaced converters controlled by the proposed control technique.

Moreover, by taking into account the load-based voltages, the effects of the current perturbation components are investigated. When operating a stand-alone micro grid, the battery energy storage system BESS and a diesel generator are key components needed in order to maintain demand-supply balance. Using Unit Commitment UC to calculate the optimal operation schedule of a BESS and diesel generator helps minimize the operation cost of the micro grid. While calculating the optimal operation schedule for the microgrid, it is important that it reflects the actual characteristics of the implanted devices, in order to increase the schedule result accuracy.

Ambient temperature affects the performance of a battery power system and its accuracy in state-of-charge SOC estimation for electric vehicles and smart grid systems. This paper proposes a battery model that considered ambient temperature, cell temperature, hysteresis voltage and thermal aging on capacity due to multiple charging and discharging. The SOC is then estimated using an extended Kalman filter.

Several forms of validation were tested on an actual cell battery under specific ambient temperatures to verify the battery cell model, terminal voltage and SOC estimation performance. User consumption models help one understand a more intelligent power provisioning and clustering the load data is one of the popular approaches for building these models.

Similarity measurements are important in the clustering model, but, load curve data is a time series style data, and traditional measurement methods are not suitable for load curve data. To cluster the load curve data more accurately, this paper applied an enhanced Pearson similarity for load curve data clustering. By introducing a weight for Pearson distance, this method helps to keep the whole contour of the load data and the partial similarity. Based on the weighed Pearson distance, a weighed Pearson-based hierarchy clustering algorithm is proposed.

Years of load curve data are used for evaluation. Several user consumption models are found and analyzed. Results show that the proposed method improves the accuracy of load data clustering. This article belongs to the collection Smart Grid. Similar to many fast growing countries, the United Arab Emirates UAE witnessed fast population and urbanization growth. Schools, led by Abu Dhabi Educational Council ADEC , are governmental buildings and aim to attain a higher level of achievement three out of five pearls. The objective of this paper is to explore the sustainable performance of one representative school that did not reach the desired green rating level, with the objective to assess opportunities for an enhanced performance.

This is done through testing the performance and the application of three RE systems comprising of photovoltaics PV array, an absorption cooling system and a geothermal cooling system through Transient Systems Simulation TRNSYS software. Furthermore, system integration of RE into the existing school were also considered. Results indicate the significant potential of integrating RE systems in future schools in hot climatic contexts, for an improved energy performance. Generating energy from combustion is prone to pollutant formation. In energy systems working under non-premixed combustion mode, rapid mixing is required to increase the heat release rates.

However, local extinction and re-ignition may occur, resulting from strong turbulence—chemistry interaction, especially when rates of mixing exceed combustion rates, causing harmful emissions and flame instability. Since the physical mechanisms for such processes are not well understood, there are not yet combustion models in large eddy simulation LES context capable of accurately predicting them. In the present study, finite-rate scale similarity SS combustion models were applied to evaluate both heat release and combustion rates.

The performance of three SS models was a priori assessed based on the direct numerical simulation of a temporally evolving syngas jet flame experiencing high level of local extinction and re-ignition. Locally, Model A captures better major species, while Model B retrieves radicals more accurately. Different filter widths are applied: This paper examines existing and future direct current DC distribution systems with a wide range of applications in data centers, telecommunication systems, commercial buildings, residential homes, electric vehicles, spacecraft, and aircrafts.

DC distribution systems have many advantages and disadvantages over their alternating current AC counterparts. There are a few surviving examples of DC distribution systems; among them are the telecommunication systems and data centers that use the low-voltage 48 Vdc systems. However, recently, there has been a move towards higher DC bus voltages. In this paper, a comparative study of different DC distribution architectures and bus structures is presented and voltage level selection is discussed for maximizing system efficiency and reliability, reducing system costs, and increasing the flexibility of the system for future expansion.

Furthermore, DC distribution systems are investigated from a safety standpoint and the current global market for these distribution systems is also discussed. This paper derived the analytic expression of the radial electromagnetic force for PMSM in the air gap based on the Maxwell stress equation and summarized its sources. The electromagnetic and structural finite element models of the motor were established, and analyses of modal and harmonic response were carried out. Furthermore, in order to guarantee the low amplitude of stator vibration under rated load for DRPMSM, the width of the small teeth should be smaller.

As the exploration and drilling of oil, natural gas and geothermal wells are expanding continuously, research into high-efficiency rock drilling technology is imperative. High-voltage electro pulse boring EPB has the advantages of high rock breaking efficiency and good wall quality, and is a new and efficient potential method of rock breaking. The design of electrode drill bits and the selection of drilling process parameters are the main obstacles restricting the commercialization of EPB.

Accordingly, it is necessary to determine the influences on high-voltage EPB. In this study, based on the equivalent circuit of high-voltage electro pulse breakdown, a mathematical model of high-voltage electro pulse discharge in rock is established. Meanwhile, a numerical simulation model of high-voltage EPB of hard granite is established based on a coaxial cylindrical electrode structure, which is often used for electrode drill bits. In addition, the influences of electrical parameters on high-voltage EPB are calculated according to a model of high-voltage electro pulse discharge in rock.

Finally, it is demonstrated that high-voltage EPB is influenced by granite composition, electrical parameters, electrode spacing, and electrode shape, and the relationships between these factors are obtained. This study is of guiding significance for improving rock breaking efficiency, reducing energy loss, designing electrode drill bits and selecting drilling process parameters. Specific information about types of appliances and their use in a specific time window could help determining in details the electrical energy consumption information.

However, conventional main power meters fail to provide any specific information. One of the best ways to solve these problems is through non-intrusive load monitoring, which is cheaper and easier to implement than other methods. However, developing a classifier for deducing what kind of appliances are used at home is a difficult assignment, because the system should identify the appliance as fast as possible with a higher degree of certainty.

To achieve all these requirements, a convolution neural network implemented on hardware was used to identify the appliance through the voltage and current V-I trajectory. For the implementation on hardware, a field programmable gate array FPGA was used to exploit processing parallelism in order to achieve optimal performance.