Fitting In, Standing Out

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Fitting in vs. standing out

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In American high schools, teenagers must navigate complex youth cultures that often prize being "real" while punishing difference. This book makes the case that the social dynamics of high school for teenagers who do not fit in socially can disrupt educational trajectories after. His new book "Fitting In, Standing Out" (Cambridge University Press; April ) provides new and disturbing evidence that socially marginalized youth.

Sign In Forgot password? Don't have an account? Sign in via your Institution Sign in. Purchase Subscription prices and ordering Short-term Access To purchase short term access, please sign in to your Oxford Academic account above. Adults may view such social turbulence as a timeless, ultimately harmless rite of passage, but changes in American society are intensifying this rite and allowing its effects to cascade into adulthood.

Integrating national statistics with interviews and observations from a single school, this book explores this phenomenon. It makes the case that recent macro-level trends, such as economic restructuring and technological change, mean that the social dynamics of high school can disrupt educational trajectories after high school; it looks at teenagers who do not fit in socially at school — including many who are obese or gay — to illustrate this phenomenon; and it crafts recommendations for parents, teachers, and policymakers about how to protect teenagers in trouble.

The end result is a story of adolescence that hits home with anyone who remembers high school. With bullying reaching a crisis level in U. His new book "Fitting In, Standing Out" Cambridge University Press; April provides new and disturbing evidence that socially marginalized youth, including victims of bullying, are less likely to go to college, which can have major implications for their adult lives High Schools as Contexts of Development: Pressures on teenagers and their schools 2. A day in the life 3. The two sides of high school 4. Updating and expanding our perspective Part II.

The stakes of social marginalization 6. Teenagers at particular risk 7. How teenagers know what they know and why it matters 8. Sources of resilience Part III. Helping Teenagers Navigate High School: Solutions within schools Looking to parents and other adults In search of theory and action. His research focuses on the ways in which the educational pathways of children and adolescents are connected to their general health, development and personal relationships and how these connections can be leveraged to explain demographic inequalities in educational and socioeconomic attainment.

Grant Foundation and the Foundation for Child Development. This multidisciplinary journal is devoted to the publication of original, empirical, theoretical and review papers….

"Fitting In, Standing Out" -- General Overview (teen bullying)

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Fitting in/Standing out

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The Mathematical Gazette is one of the leading journals in its field, publishing important and influential articles…. The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences is the official publication of the four member societies of the Canadian…. Published on behalf of the Paleontological Society Impact Factor: Business Ethics Quarterly BEQ is a peer-reviewed scholarly journal which publishes theoretical and empirical research…. The aim of the journal…. Global Sustainability is a new Open Access journal dedicated to supporting the rapidly expanding area of global sustainability….

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