Acting Black: College, Identity and the Performance of Race

What she discovers through their stories, mirrored in her own college experience , is that the college campus is in some cases the stage for an even more intense version of the racial issues played out beyond its walls. The interviewees talk about "acting white" in some situations and "acting black" in others.

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  • Acting Black: College, Identity and the Performance of Race.

They treat race as many different things, including a set of behaviours that they can choose to act out. In Acting Black, Willie situates the personal stories of her own experience and those of her interviewees within a timeline of black education in America and a review of university policy, with suggestions for improvement for both black and white universities seeking to make their campuses truly multicultural.

Acting Black College Identity And The Performance Of Race

In the tradition of The Agony of Education Routledge, , Willie captures the painful dilemmas and ugly realities African Americans must face on campus. Blacks in College Past and Present.

1st Edition

Acting Black: College, Identity and the Performance of Race [Sarah Susannah Willie] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Sarah Willie asks. Download Citation on ResearchGate | Acting black: College, identity, and the performance of race | Sarah Willie asks: What's it like to be black on campus.

The Ivory Tower Life at Northwestern. Having been socialized in a predominantly White environment and through attending predominantly White Haverford College, Willie elaborates on the complex racial dynamics that she experienced, particularly as they were intensified by a semester exchange program at Spellman College, an HBI for women.

She realized with amazement, on her return to Haverford, that her White classmates [End Page ] were oblivious to the ways in which race influences society.

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This experience as an undergraduate became the motivating force for conducting the study. In two separate chapters, Willie discusses the experiences of the Black Northwestern alumni in the study and the Black alumni at Howard.

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She focuses on the Northwestern alums' ambivalence toward the prestige of their alma mater, as well as the segregation between the White and Black students and the unfriendly campus climate regardless of when they graduated. Black alumni at Howard, on the other hand, discuss positive experiences, which included working with professors who thought students could learn and their appreciation for the presence of other Black students that created a strong sense of confidence.

Negative experiences at Howard centered on those familiar to undergraduates at all institutions: Willie uses different experiences of the alumni to discuss the dissipation of Black cohesion that took place on campus after the civil rights movement. She notes changes in Black students' attitudes at Northwestern, ranging from a cohesive utopia to social disunity.

Alumni at both institutions perceived changes in the Black student cohort that enrolled shortly after them. Some believed the new cohort's make-up was a result of strategic admission policies that favored middle-class versus working-class Blacks. Because students from nearly all time periods reported noticing a change, however, Willie suggests that the perception was more a result of the students' changing racial identity than of a generational shift in admissions.

What she discovers through their stories, mirrored in her own college experience , is that the college campus is in some cases the stage for an even more intense version of the racial issues played out beyond its walls. The interviewees talk about "acting white" in some situations and "acting black" in others. They treat race as many different things, including a set of behaviours that they can choose to act out.

In Acting Black , Willie situates the personal stories of her own experience and those of her interviewees within a timeline of black education in America and a review of university policy, with suggestions for improvement for both black and white universities seeking to make their campuses truly multicultural. In the tradition of The Agony of Education Routledge, , Willie captures the painful dilemmas and ugly realities African Americans must face on campus.

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Table of Contents 1. One Black in College: Methodist Northwestern and Congregationalist Howard: Request an e-inspection copy. The Bookshelf application offers access: Offline Computer — Download Bookshelf software to your desktop so you can view your eBooks with or without Internet access. The country you have selected will result in the following: