Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Stories (Censored: The News That Didnt Make the News -- The Years

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If you are like most Americans and don't read a daily newspaper because there is really no news in it, this book is for you. I actually do keep up with the news so I didn't read this from cover to cover, but I think it covers the bases - the big stories that got little or no coverage two years ago. Project Censored is a project run out of Sonoma State that keeps up with an publishes the important stories we don't hear much or anything about. It is also a website, and they've just come out with P If you are like most Americans and don't read a daily newspaper because there is really no news in it, this book is for you.

It is also a website, and they've just come out with Project Censored , so it probably makes more sense to read that. Sep 25, Heidi rated it liked it Shelves: I was excited about the book.

I enjoy the website and the ideas behind it. I was disappointed in the exaggeration used by the article authors. It felt less like media, and more like some of the more incendiary forum arguments I have stumbled upon. Yes, that is technically one way of looking at something - the most extreme and divisive way. Jul 07, Jack rated it it was amazing. May 10, Dave Peticolas rated it liked it. Also, you might enjoy plenty of student-quality writing! Jun 02, Kenneth "Well" Hung rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Dec 25, Rock Angel marked it as i-aint-sure Shelves: Nov 17, Richard Jespers rated it really liked it.

Incredible what the media leave out of the news that is except for Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow.

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Censored The Top 25 Censored Stories (Censored: The News That Didn't Make the News -- The Year's Top 25 Censored Stories) [Project Censored] on. Censored The Top 25 Censored Stories (Censored: The News That Didn't Make the News -- The Year by Project Censored Paperback $

Tony rated it it was amazing Oct 06, Melissa rated it really liked it Jul 12, Jessica rated it really liked it Mar 13, Adam rated it really liked it Mar 21, Ian rated it it was amazing Jun 27, Dan rated it really liked it Oct 01, Roberta rated it liked it Oct 04, Mark rated it did not like it Nov 02, John rated it really liked it Apr 07, DHP rated it really liked it Sep 20, Stuart rated it really liked it Jul 01, Ty rated it really liked it Apr 21, Naum rated it liked it Apr 12, Johnny Smith rated it it was amazing Apr 15, Niki Costantini rated it really liked it Mar 22, Please try again later.

Clearly the Bush adminstration took political advantage of the attacks, but they didn't engineer them or we'd have a Republican President now.

Project Censored - Wikipedia

One person found this helpful. Kudos to the program getting students involved in putting together this series. This is an excellent project especially since we are still in a democratic society. I hope more people get to participate in this.

If you have the accasional thought that runs along the lines of "well, maybe it's not too bad" - then you need to read this. Freedom of speech, huh!

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One person found this helpful 2 people found this helpful. In this book Dahr Jamail records witnesses to the assault on Fallujah in late who describe U. At the Fallujah General hospital and a hospital ten miles away, U. Jamail records the feeling of people in the Al Dura region outside Baghdad who report U. S destruction of their wells and fields and records witnesses to the civilian deaths of U.

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He notes that while violent crimes against women averaged about once every several months under Saddam, this increased to several per week by July under the blessings of American occupation. The Iraqi government commission on the media set up by Bremer has banned and threatened news outlets, which don't toe its line. The book has a section surveying abuses of freedom of speech and press in the world. In Tunisia, the country's press association was expelled by the International Federation of Journalists after the former gave an award for press freedom to the country's virtual dictator President Ben Ali, a notorious persecutor of opposition journalists.

In Afghanistan, journalists report that they heavily exercise self-censorship for fear of facing retaliation from the warlords, the real rulers of the country. The book points out the deception behind the Oil for Food scandal uproar. It notes that it was not the demonized UN leadership but the U. Another section deals with the situation in Haiti. The old barbaric military and police have regained power on behalf of the U. Rape has been a particular tool used by this regime..

Amnesty International has reported on the extreme violence of the new regime but the Bush administration, the Martin Government in Canada and the UN have engaged in lies and obfuscation about it. The leading Haitian human rights organization, like the rest of the groups in the "democratic uprising" was heavily subsidized by the U. Meanwhile in May , the government of the Dominican Republic, began arbitrarily picking up Haitian migrant workers and refugees in the country and dumping them across the border into Haiti.

More than a few of these tens of thousands dumped over the border appear to be poor dark skinned Dominicans arbitrarily classified as Haitians by the Dominican police. Domestic related matters in this book include a report on how Gale Norton's Interior Department has been blocking inquiry into the royalty accounts of revenues gained from resource extraction by corporations on Native American land since An investigator appointed by a federal judge estimated that, while many Native Americans live in third world style poverty, the Government had robbed Native Americans of over billion in revenues since The Bush administration successfully pressured that this investigator resign.

Another article deals with the proposals for dealing with illegal immigrants and it points out that recent proposals such as those by Senators Kennedy and McCain, at best resemble the previous "guest worker" program, the Bracero program that lasted from to During the latter, the government often withheld money from workers on the ground that it wanted to ensure completion of work contract, but that money was never released to the workers.

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An interesting article describes how the army of Ethiopia, ruled by virtual dictator Melas Zenawi, has engaged in a campaign of ethnic cleansing complete with the usual village burning, mass rapes, executions, etc. The region is a major source of oil and other natural resources for U. The Ethiopian Government receives major military aid and training from the Bush administration.

The author of the "update" section of this article makes a few questionable assertions but his overall point is fair enough. Other interesting items discussed include: Video and Audio propaganda produced by the White House and corporations that pass as real news on TV and radio stations and lack of safety against terror attacks at chemical plants.

Project Censored

Two articles seem to be centerpieces of the book. The first laboriously tries to prove that the Republicans stole the White House in The second points out problems with the official story about and implies some conclusions that I think are unwarranted at this point.. The team has delivered another volume of the most important stories of the year, which have been ignored or covered up by the mainstream media.

In an insult to American traditions of a free press and an informed citizenry, the corporate news industry continues to suppress important stories about corporate hegemony; the errors and crimes of elected leaders from the dominant party, that is ; and most importantly, any story about the modern assault on participatory democracy from the wealthy elite.

Uncovering these stories and describing their importance to regular citizens already makes the work of Project Censored incredibly important.

Censored 2006: The Top 25 Censored Stories

However, I have been diligently reading these annual guides for nearly a decade, and this year's edition continues the tendency of the books to undermine the importance of the uncovered news stories. The main problem is the large portion of this book that follows the year's top stories, in which the team attempts analyses of media behavior.

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However, a project that has a few hundred people working on it should have at least one or two technical editors on staff. Every year we publish a selection of books and pamphlets that address the key issues facing activists and trade unionists. Published on July 25, Trivia About Censored The book has a section surveying abuses of freedom of speech and press in the world. Jump-start action and reclaim your dream. Published on November 9,

With the exception of strong reports from FAIR and PR Watch, the media analyses here are at worst amateurish, or at best summaries of the type of work done by far stronger experts in the field of mass communications and political economy such as Ben Bagdikian or Robert McChesney, as just two examples. Here we get only slight introductions to a rich field of knowledge that would be much better explored in books by the experts, rather than the term papers by students that are predominant here. The more intricately researched, though sarcastic and hyperbolic, submissions from writers like Greg Palast aren't helping much either.

This running weakness is compounded by absolutely atrocious technical editing. This book is damaged by severe typos on nearly every page — for example, "to reminder us all," "Depart of Defense," or "February 29, What we have here is an unprofessional lack of the most basic proofreading, evidenced by the fact that essays by some of the writers contain very few typos, but others are so poorly typed that entire sentences border on incomprehensibility.

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This is especially a problem in the section that follows up the top censored stories from previous years, with updates written by various students and interns in the project. Sure, typing is a chore and it's not contingent on the believability of one's writing. However, a project that has a few hundred people working on it should have at least one or two technical editors on staff.

To avoid the perennial weaknesses of editing and analysis that might forever damage the annual books, it might be a good idea to just stick with the Project Censored website for what's really important — the censored stories themselves. See all 7 reviews. Most recent customer reviews. Published on July 25, Published on November 9,