Jenseits des Meeres liegt die ganze Welt: Roman (German Edition)

Audur Jónsdóttir

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It was a birthday celebration for an industrialist, who, together with invited guests, partied 2 for three whole days at a manorial estate. Day two was launched with a Mormon brunch, which the men attended in beards and hats with the ladies appearing in country costume. Later in the day a gentleman's broth 3 was served in tobacco leaves whilst the ladies enjoyed a soup garnished 4 with Laura-Ashley roses - those with the luscious petals - flown in specially from England.

In fact, as Balzer emphasises, he remembers each and every one of his events right down to the decoration and the order of the menu — and there have been many throughout the years. Gesticulating with his hands, Balzer's eyes sparkle as he talks: What's the nicest thing about his role as host? The Goose Bump Guarantor is a literal translation and is only just on the edge of being acceptable. I have been noticing a shift of emphasis in English with goose bumps being reserved more and more for the reaction to cold or horror whilst 'the hair on the back of one's neck standing up' is being used more often to describe the feeling implicitly referred to in this article.

Maybe it would be best to find another title altogether — maybe 'The Earl of Entertainment' or something like that. I have used italics for particularly colloquial terms such as might be used in a magazine article, especially in an article of this sort that wants to sound up-beat and 'with it' 3. Changed to 'broth' avoid the repetition of 'soup' in close succession and because it somehow sounds more masculine. My assumption is that the soup was garnished with roses rather than being made of them — can you eat roses?

Editor's Note to The Transnational Vol. The Transnational wird immer eine kleine Nische in dieser Welt finden: Unsere Worte werden bestehen bleiben. Einige tragen ihn als file auf ihrem Memory Stick mit sich herum oder er steht im digitalen Buchregal, an das keiner mit Hammer und Bagger ran kann. Und selbst wenn sich die Wut der Hacker irgendwann auf die Literatur richten sollte, so kann niemand vermeiden, dass der ein oder andere vielleicht noch seinen unangetasteten Memory Stick oder seinen External Drive irgendwo rumfliegen hat, auf dem The Transnational schlummert, bis ihn wieder jemand entdeckt.

Die Worte der Autoren des Transnational sind konserviert. Die Moderne schenkt ihr die Grundlage und ihr schenkt ihr dieses Leben.

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Since the creation and development of a network of autonomous systems in the form of the Internet, humanity has changed faster and more radically than ever before in the course of history. We know things today that our parent's generation never even dared dream of. We live in hash-tag Twitter societies in which people not only transmit information in mere seconds, but can also disseminate it around the world. I often catch myself thinking back nostalgically to the days when people still wrote more letters than emails and simply drove over to see their friends rather than texting them.

Every innovation relating to the further expansion of high-tech' social media seems to be accompanied by the increasing scorification of the human collective, which goes hand-in-hand with the rape of the private sphere to which we give our willing consent.

According to German Sociologist Harald Welzer, our modern societies are not only heading towards a new totalitarianism, but are also in the throes of an, as yet peaceful, revolution in the prevailing form of rule in which social platforms and corporations, such as Google and Co. As a student of totalitarianism, Welzer knows that, in order to be better able to control people in the longer term, the first things to be dispensed with under any dictatorship are the private sphere along with all things secret and hidden.

Google and their ilk have already been working towards this abolition privacy for many years, and already control not just the mountains of data within the Internet but also, with our acquiescence, our private lives. We empower them to create new standards and values — to dictate to us what is normal and appropriate, what is cool or uncool, what is beautiful and what is ugly — what is desirable and what is not. Yet, over the past few weeks and months I have had to relativise the way I view this new digital world to some extent.

For it strikes me that, as dangerous as it may be on the one hand, the retention of online data counteracts a radically different development — the destruction not only of data, but also of our collective memory — the erasure of the historical record. The upshot is that burning books no longer poses the same threat to today's self-proclaimed advanced civilisations as it once did.

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During the past month I've relocated to Potsdam, a beautiful town with more UNESCO World Heritage Sites than you can shake a stick at, which somehow manages to seamlessly connect the eighteenth and twenty-first centuries. Just how well it does so becomes obvious when one takes a leisurely bike ride passed the Sanssouci Palace gardens every morning whilst simultaneously keeping abreast of how ISIS is systematically annihilating the common heritage of humanity in other, but not too distant, parts of the world.

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Yet, the very fact that such a heinous act of cultural vandalism inevitably leaves a trace in the digital world ensures the ultimate survival of, at least, images of the sites in question, even if the physical remains are reduced to dust and rubble. As long as mankind is able to read the digital record, nothing it contains can be lost forever. I love the idea that The Transnational — and your contributions to it — will always have a niche of their own within this nebulous universe of computers, servers, external drives, and social media: Our words will remain.

Much like some antibody, they are immune to destruction by outside forces because The Transnational is swimming through the vast ocean of data that is the Internet in the form of an e-book. Some carry it around as a file on a memory stick. Others stow it away on some digital bookshelf. Either way it is safe from jackhammers and wrecking balls. And even if the hacker community should ever turn its destructive gaze on literature, somebody somewhere will always have a pristine copy of The Transnational on some form of removable media, just waiting to be rediscovered.

They are chiselled into the very fabric of the Internet and will continue their 'careers' for as long as anyone cares to read them, listen to them, share them or comment on them. So literature, one of man's earliest achievements, has found a way to survive. Modernity itself furnishes it with the means to do so, but it is you, the contributors, who give it life. In this edition, 38 authors come together to comment on life, to allow us a glimpse into their various mind sets, and to draw our attention to the things that move them as individuals and which may, or perhaps ought to, move others.

Thus, they gift to us a piece of eternity. We may agree or disagree with these utterances. We may formulate our own thoughts on the issues in question or we may expand upon existing ideas — we can do all of that, but no one can destroy them. They cannot be eradicated. We are in the process of creating our own cultural heritage in words, sentences, and opinions. My heartfelt thanks to all contributors. All the best to you all from Potsdam. Excerpt from Daimon Humanitatis. Das Ende der Sprachlosigkeit.

Und so warfen sich die Derangierten in die Arztkittel und vertauschten frech die Rollen. Das war ihr Marsch durch die Institutionen. Felix Krull im Vergleich war da nur ein Hotellaufbursche. Was bedeutet das konkret? Hier wird im Schnellverfahren jeder bis in seine Existenz hinein mit ideologischen Fallbeilen guillotiniert. Hemmungslos verschlingt der falsche Leviathan die Demokratie samt freier Marktwirtschaft.

Translation - English The loony left - what's it all about? The basic concept, en vogue since when the sons and daughters of the bored-oisie found their vocation in hooliganism, seems convincingly simple and goes like this: And so the misfits promptly donned white coats and insolently switched roles. Since then a whole host of these patients have managed to penetrate to the highest echelons of power cleverly disguised as therapists: Felix Krull was a mere errand boy by comparison.

Wege, die das Leben geht: Roman (German Edition). Kindle Edition. $ Jenseits des Meeres liegt die ganze Welt: Roman (German Edition). Kindle Edition. Jenseits des Meeres liegt die ganze Welt on Hardcover; Language: German; ISBN ; ISBN ; Product .

So what does it all mean in practice? Ironically enough, this is all been done by those very people who have traditionally stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the most vocal advocates of paedophilia. But it's in the battle of terminology that the loony left is able to fight with such bravura.

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Ich pflegte ihn, doch es gelang mir nicht, ihn zu retten. Das hatte noch mehr Strophen als die Rheinfrage. Es war ein letzter, verzweifelter Versuch gewesen, das Schicksal zu bestechen. Und selbst wenn sich die Wut der Hacker irgendwann auf die Literatur richten sollte, so kann niemand vermeiden, dass der ein oder andere vielleicht noch seinen unangetasteten Memory Stick oder seinen External Drive irgendwo rumfliegen hat, auf dem The Transnational schlummert, bis ihn wieder jemand entdeckt. A city which, in stark contrast to my home country, appears less bound by than liberated from the chains of its past. X Sign in to your ProZ. Many aspects of German literature and modern journalism must appear to be obscure or confusing to any translator not having experienced a similar level of exposure to contemporary German culture.

It's their insidious euphemisms and masterly displays of outrage that have such a mesmerising effect and drag the disoriented masses into the maw of the all-encompassing, all-controlling, and all-knowing state, that very state now garrisoned by these same sons and daughters. After all, their illustrious careers derive precisely from their Samaritan-esque embodiment of the state, masquerading as the benefactors of the needy and healers of the helpless.

And so it is that this false state, with its counterfeit doctors, infiltrates every sphere of public and private life. All that remains to be done is to silence a few dissenters, to intimidate and browbeat all the non-believers, who bravely continue to cling to the principle of personal responsibility. All hounded to their very souls in summary hearings and dispatched under the ideological guillotines, while, with wanton abandon, this treacherous Leviathan gobbles down democracy along with the free market economy.

The loony left is the bloodhound snuffling out the "victims" in need of its aid. The more it learns how to distil "hardship and helplessness", "cold indifference and exploitation" from the tiniest of scratches, the more aid workers need to be recruited to provide succour to the "victims".

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The monstrance of tolerance is extolled by the high priests of the loony left and borne aloft through the streets as a means of creating ever more victims. Only, now a sudden breeze blows in from the desert, bearing tidings of long ago. Standing outside the gates in the form of an impoverished child it laps up the nourishment and care lavished on it by the loony left that protects it and raises it as if it were the fruit of its own loins.

It's the innocently smiling child that came from afar and will one day deal it the death blow. Die Stadt by Theodor Storm General field: Translation - English On dreary beach, by grey sea shore And not far off the town; The fog bears down on roof and floor, Through quiet night resounds the roar Drearily round the town. No forest rustles, birds don't cry Without a rest or pause in May; And just the goose with raucous cry Does cross on Autumn nights the sky, The grasses wave all day.

Yet all my heart remains with you, O dreary seaside town; Enchanted youth for ever true Rests smiling still on you, on you, O dreary seaside town. Das deutsch-deutsche Lesebuch, published in General field: Willst du die Stummel nicht haben? Ich hoffe er wird dich ohrfeigen, wenn du mit den Litzen auf der Schulter nach Hause kommst. Translation - English It was just getting light as we reached the German border: It became quiet in the goods wagon.

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The train advanced slowly along the patched up tracks, passing shot-up houses and splintered telegraph poles. The youngster 1 crouching next to me took off his glasses and carefully wiped them. And as we stopped at Nijmegen just as the dawn was breaking and someone said we'd soon be coming to the German border, he had nervously asked around if anyone would swap some thread for a couple of cigarette ends; and when no one had responded I had offered to rip off my collar patches — or flashes as I believe they were called — and turn them into dark green thread.

I took off my tunic and watched him as he carefully removed them with a piece of tin before picking them apart and then actually beginning to stitch the officer cadet braiding around his epaulettes. Now, as we pulled into Cleves, he interrupted his sewing and crouched next to me, Tom Thumb dagger in hand. Don't you want the cigarette butts? I hope he thumps your ear when you turn up at the house with those braids on your shoulders. However it is clear from the further context that it is the person's inexperience and unperturbed idealism that stands in stark contrast to the narrator's more jaded frame of mind, so I have used 'youngster' in the English rendition to emphasise this difference.

I have therefore taken the liberty of varying it slightly when it seemed appropriate to do so. This is a matter of taste and is the sort of thing that I would ordinarily discuss with a living author or alternatively with the commissioning editor. I think 'Tom Thumb's dagger' rolls off the tongue with slightly more ease. Ich pflegte ihn, doch es gelang mir nicht, ihn zu retten.

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Gestern habe ich ihn begraben. Denn wir sind alte Rivalen: Medizinisch gesehen handelte es ich um den letalen Ausgang einer akuten Infektionskrankheit: Translation - English A few days ago a person died in my house, here on the heath. I did not know him, had never met him before, and of his life's story I only gathered as much as he blurted out in his delirium, as he had already been sick when he came to me.

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He lay in this room for nearly two weeks, fantasising, declining and fighting his way through pain and confused dreams to his laborious death. I nursed him but I could not save him. I buried him yesterday. He is lying under a hillock rising out of the plain covered in ferns, anenomes and meadow-grass.

I dug the grave parallel with the track that cuts across the heath from East to West. In accordance with his wishes I positioned his head towards the sinking sun; he had said he wanted to lie facing the morning. This was neither my first burial nor the first time I had seen a person die without being able to help him. For we are old rivals; death and I. From the medical perspective it was the fatal result of an acute contagion: The ability to survive this illness is individually highly variable. By Harrison Chase Set sooner or later, Leviathan is a well timed and troubling satire of postmodern politics long gone awry.

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