Bound and Determined

The emotional moments were strong, but not angsty, and t I'm not someone who finds BDSM intrinsically appealing, but there a few authors who can make me feel why and how it works for their characters. The emotional moments were strong, but not angsty, and the ending was satisfying. The relationship between Owen and Sterling is really fully explored with emotion and the sex scenes were well done with purpose to the story and not as hardcore as some other books I have read.

The only thing stopping me from giving it 5 stars is there were a few scenes that occurred off page, but were referred to, that seemed important enough to the relationship that I would have liked more than just a passing reference to. View all 4 comments. BDSM books are hard for me to review, well those that are done in a serious mode, because though on an intellectual level I understand and accept kinks and fetishes among consenting adults but I can't help but start off HATING the Dom.

So who's the masochis BDSM books are hard for me to review, well those that are done in a serious mode, because though on an intellectual level I understand and accept kinks and fetishes among consenting adults but I can't help but start off HATING the Dom. So who's the masochist? There was a nice slow build up to the relationship and I don't mean the sex where I as a reader believed that these two in spite of their different ages, family histories and general interests could embark in a lasting relationship.

The BDSM scenes where also done in a credible way that didn't feel done just for prurient reasons or to titillate but rather to illustrate the feelings aroused in both MCs during the scenes and how they fulfilled needs and desires on both ends. I was convinced that Owen truly loved Sterling and would also serve as a good steward in their future life together which Sterling definitely needs.

Owen is not and did not turn into a sappy sentimentalist which was a huge relief. I hate it when people just up and change completely who they are or are suddenly free of all emotional baggage after good sex. Sterling still has issues but he is in good hands with Owen and that is such a relief after meeting his parents. His hateful and awful father and his mother who commits the sin of omission or being a doormat to her husband. My only peeve was how quickly Sterling went from wanting to be a Dom to a complete Sub, but he is young and only just beginning to explore BDSM when he meets Owen so not totally unbelievable.

On the other hand I was quite happy that it took some time to convince Owen to enter into any kind of relationship with Sterling. It showed him to be a responsible and thinking man. Nov 12, Danny Tyran rated it really liked it Shelves: This novel follows the beginnings of Sterling sub before and after his meeting with Owen college professor and Dom.

I usually love novels of apprenticeship wherein we follow the evolution of a young sub who does not know much of the BDSM Community, but very eager to learn. He does so through his mistakes and successes. The authors also show how a young inexperienced Dom Kirk may commit involuntarily significant physical and psychological damage.

This story contains a character who's a total novice but goes actively searching for what he feels he's been missing. It covers the difficulties too: He's determined to snag Owen by researching not only BDSM, but also the specific things Owen is into--even after Owen has turned him down. He's a stoic Dom the vast majority of the time during the initial phase of their relationship, but he's losing his heart a piece at a time.

Quite a nice payoff, too, when it finally happens. The characterization is solid, and I found the story sweet but not overly so. Owen and Sterling's interactions had me hooked right from the start; their preconceived notions about each other make for some deliciously charged scenes, both sexual and non-sexual. The needs of the Dom, Owen were perfectly balanced by the needs of the sub, Sterling. This is a book that I will happily read again and again. I'm a huge fan of these authors and this story does nothing to change that view.

What I most especially like is the smaller touches that bring the story home. Always the characters are flawed - but not fatally and not in any way that prohibits the love from growing. The way actions are described makes them very visceral to me. In the beginning half there is a point when they are going upstairs for the first time and Owen grabs Sterling's hand and he holds it tight and in that moment I was back a I'm a huge fan of these authors and this story does nothing to change that view. In the beginning half there is a point when they are going upstairs for the first time and Owen grabs Sterling's hand and he holds it tight and in that moment I was back at a time where my Dad did that with me before we did something important.

That slight squeezing of the hand that tells you someone else is there, cares, and you are not alone. Those types of things mean that I really feel the characters.

bound and determined

Although Sterling is a bratty sub to some extent you sense it is not out of a need to be contrary but a need to know. That let me treat and see it differently. The relationship develops slowly sometimes painfully so but it never left the station in spite of the issues. Oct 22, Betryal rated it it was amazing. In this story Owen is an overpowering presence that Sterling needed in his life especially with a Father who thought he could rule and control Sterling, using his influence and power to control his son. Asshole had another thing coming.

bound and determined to (do something)

Sorry, had to put that out there. I admire the way Owen the Dom was written up in this story and Jane in her own way wrote Owen and Sterling's relationship uniquely. Even for those of you who aren't into reading these types of stories I would still recommend reading this one. I was absorbed and drawn into the story and the details I felt like I was myself the Sub. Made me want to be there. Jane mastered it, brought it to light, gave it and pulled this story off magnificently.

Oct 21, Lily rated it it was amazing Shelves: Sterling and Owen are wonderful characters and the relationship between them was very well written, from that first awkward meeting at the club to the beautiful and romantic ending their story touched my heart. Mar 12, Vivian rated it it was amazing Shelves: Poignant journey for a young man finding his way and the pseudo-reluctant man who guides him. In truth, it is a road taken together for like they say, "You can never step into the same river twice.

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It is touching and quite beautiful to watch unfold. Dec 10, Ula'ndi Hart rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: One of my favourite Owen Moments: So Alpha, which of course is a weakness of mine. Another where he tells Sterling that he knows he is his fairy godmother. I really lik 4. I like the little things in-between the scenes, the everyday life and the feeling and emotion.

I would have honestly liked a longer path with these two has I felt that some of the stuff could have been a little more rounded maybe? I would not have mind a chapter or two more just maybe bringing everything full circle but all and all I really enjoyed this. It made me WANT to read. Sometimes I find myself reading something because I NEED to read, and not because I really want to know and experience more with the characters.

I really liked the feel. I liked that he talked back, not blatantly disrespectful but he spoke his mind when he felt the need. It played such a big part in who Sterling is and what makes him tick. I think the big turn off in BDSM for me is when the sub is pathetic and needy in a bad way. This was such a breath of fresh air because Sterling was spectacular. View all 7 comments.

Bound and Determined

Good Lord I was so turned on by this book. This is flaming hot! Professor Owen makes me feel all melty inside. A profession and student theme is always one to trip my trigger.

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This one was absolutely fabulous! I recommend this to all new to BDSM who want to read how it works. I was rather impressed with Ms. I felt such sorry for Sterling due to his asshole father. What a jerk off! I can see why Sterling does what he does.

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I'm glad he didn't substitute Owen as a father figure. What I liked most about this story is the give and take between Owen and Sterling. I liked how they adjusted to each other. It made it feel so much more real. I don't know if Ms. Davitt is in the lifestyle, but what she wrote was pretty dead on. Either she did good research or she's in the lifestyle. She wrote it in a realistic way which I can relate to and be totally turned on by. I'm glad I came across her book. I want to read more. View all 3 comments. This book is nothing like I thought it would be. To be honest, I was a little frightened of it.

It is my first BDSM experience and my first male-male book. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to relate and therefore get nothing out of it. Boy, was I wrong. Owen and Sterling are such a sweet couple. The trust that Sterling had in Owen made their sub-dom relationship romantic, caring and loving. Not at all frightening, demeaning or cruel. I am so thankful to my friend for recommending this This book is nothing like I thought it would be. I am so thankful to my friend for recommending this book. It was way outside of my comfort zone and may never have read it on my own. The funny part is from page 1 on I never felt uncomfortable.

This book is a tale of love. It's a great lesson in trust and devotion. If only we could all be as lucky as this couple. May 08, Wynne Katherine marked it as to-read. Not big on BDSM, but this one seems promising. I am down to give it a try. I write reviews here too. Nov 14, DarienMoya rated it really liked it Shelves: His intention is to find someone to teach him the ways, and his teacher will come in the most unlikely person. When a scene between a Dom and a submissive starts playing out in the club, Sterling recognizes the need to be on his knees, the need to submit.

Talk about a ruination of his career if anyone was to find out. Sterling is one not to be ignored; he wants Owen and is determined to have him. With a little coaxing stalking Sterling finally gets Owen to take him on as a submissive, and the things that lie ahead will be difficult for both men. Owen is a seasoned Dom, so he knows what he is doing.

All the fun he will have teaching Sterling some discipline, and making him his submissive. The book unfolds with Owen and Sterling both learning from each other. There are a few shaky situations along the way. Sometimes Sterling tries to get Owen to do things his way, and that often causes a bit strain in the developing relationship. I really enjoyed reading this book, though a bit wordy at some points and many unnecessary tidbits about mundane things.

bound and determined

Very focused and devoted to completing a particular task or goal. My brother has been practicing all summer because he's bound and determined to make the. Bound and determined to definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation. Look it up now!.

The book is an honest look into the world of BDSM, the slow development between Owen and Sterling is the highlight of the book. With that said, I became very disappointed with Sterling at the end of the book, and I felt he was forgiven far too easily for what he did. I felt like the whole lesson of the book was lost in that situation; everything Owen had taught him was thrown out the window.

Whether he was hurting or not, I realized that he never learnt a darn thing and once again proven his immaturity. It could have been a higher rated book, just felt like the ending was unnecessary. I found it far too predictable and unnecessary. SideNote 2- Really liked Owen he was a perfect Dom, able to recognize his mistakes and fix them. Oct 21, Sarah rated it it was amazing Shelves: Beautifully written, Bound and Determined is a book that does not disappoint. Sterling is such a brat and I loved his spark and innate cheekiness.

The conflict was well written with the focus centered on the characters internal struggles. It was easy to read a Beautifully written, Bound and Determined is a book that does not disappoint. The relationship between Sterling and Owen is what carries this book. Nothing was rushed and the authors seemed to allow Sterling and Owen to stick to their own timetable. The slow building of sexual tension as a result was off the charts and appealed to me immensely.

It was totally hot and made for magic reading. A lush, intense and engaging read I got totally wrapped up in.

One of my favourite reads this year. Jun 02, J. Rock rated it it was amazing. And prickly Owen is a fun Dom—I found myself as eager as Sterling for the moments of tenderness Owen sometimes allows himself. The BDSM scenes are incredibly hot and cover a good range—spanking, wax play, speech restriction, nipple clamps, and more. Absolutely a must read. Jul 25, Susan rated it liked it Shelves: A mediocre BDSM novel. It took me a while to finish this. It was at times overly detailed and therefore felt like this book lasted forever. I am always one to rate my books mostly on how I liked the characters.

My main problem with this book was Owen. He was just too Dom-ish for my taste. He was so stern and so correct. And the way he sometimes talked to Sterling.. If I were Sterling I probably would have tried to throttle him Sterling was a great character, I liked him a lot, but I just didn't feel like Owen deserved him. I was pretty bored most of the time. And being bored in a BDSM novel, never a good sign Submitted by Sean Ryan Petoskey - U.

Bound And Determined by The Marshall Tucker Band (from Searchin' For A Rainbow

Share this topic on. Topic imported and archived. It's a similar connotation to the previous thread Meaning that "it's already been decided. Ken is usually very adroit at this Reply imported and archived. Ken a shot in the dark..

bound and determined to

The use of more words than are required to express an idea; redundancy. Ken is usually very adroit at this Sierra Cartwright gives the reader a wonderful story in which all the characters are bound by something; some by history and family lore; or by fear of being constricted and confined; and some by what they learn about their sexual needs and responses. Owen's protective centered intelligence and Sterling's sweet, needy passion, really came together as good chemistry. The way actions are described makes them very visceral to me. All the fun he will have teaching Sterling some discipline, and making him his submissive.

Your results show more than I thought you could or would and I think your number two nails it properly. I think the dictionariests are loosing meaning on this one. Your sources show delineation of " Oregon bound " and " outbound " which M-W, I think does not. Your connection of 'redundancy' with 'pleonasm' prompts reminding of my serious question on proper grammatical use of 'redundant' that I will resubmit when I get my ducks in a row.

By the way, the Dictionary. The use of more words than are required to express an idea; redundancy. An instance of pleonasm. A superfluous word or phrase. As much as I abhor its often blatant misuse, I have to admit that this chaos is somehow endearing. Ok, I have my ducks in a row, and for those needing a reference, please see " Punctuation question" in next column. I realized that I was attempting to miss-apply the adjective 'redundant' to 'twin' and 'clone' because it is probably unresolvable as to those object's "superflousness".