Accelerants: Twelve Strategies to Sell Faster, Close Deals Faster, and Grow Your Business Faster

The Loyalty Leap for B2B. New Product Development For Dummies. Business Process Management and the Balanced Scorecard. Marketing in the Round. Guerrilla Marketing in 30 Days. The Successful Marketing Plan: Channel Distribution Sales and Management. Selling in a New Market Space: Strategic Continuous Process Improvement. Manager's Guide to Business Planning. ROI of Social Media. Changing the Sales Conversation: Connect, Collaborate, and Close. The Supply Chain Revolution.

The Customer Experience Edge: The Project Management Coaching Workbook. The Creative Business Guide to Marketing: A Guide To Corporate Sponsorship.

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Social Media Metrics Secrets. Designing a Document Strategy. Managing Business Analysis Services. Land The Job You Love. Lean Sales and Marketing.

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How to Negotiate Anything. Great to Excellent; It's the Execution! Perfect Phrases for Perfect Hiring: Business Succession Planning For Dummies. Why Use Joint Ventures. Selling Through Someone Else.

The Weird Mindset Shift That Will Help You Close More Deal - Dan Lok

How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long.

The title should be at least 4 characters long. This is a very frustrating book as it never really gets into the details of how the system works, just that it does work- trust us, preferring to never miss an opportunity to pitch the unique values of the author's company to offer customized solutions to your company.

The last four chapters? Unfortunately if you go to his website, it offers even less information, so you have to get the book to get anything! I could not help but think that the author goes out of his way to sell so often that he ruins what started out as a useful book. Since I already know how these "Rules" do work to maximize the return, I obtained very little new at the end of the day.

If you had to pick one book or the other, go with this one as this chapter alone is worth the price of both books.

  1. Accelerants: Twelve Strategies to Sell Faster, Close Deals Faster, and Grow Your Business Faster.
  2. Healing a Friends Grieving Heart: 100 Practical Ideas for Helping Someone You Love Through Loss (Hea;
  3. ACCELERANTS by Michael A. Boylan | Kirkus Reviews.
  4. See a Problem?.
  6. Young Musicians in World History.
  7. Reward Yourself.

There are a ton of sales books on the market today, but a limited number really outline an actionable system to produce consistently at a high level. I strongly recommend this book to anyone thinking of getting involved or already involved with selling products, services, or ideas to other businesses.

Executives would benefit themselves by reading it too as there is a lot to be learned about why your sales organization doesn't consistently grow revenues or meet their targets on a regular basis.

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Accelerants: Twelve Strategies to Sell Faster, Close Deals Faster, and Grow Your Business Faster [Michael A. Boylan] on *FREE* shipping on. Accelerants: twelve strategies to sell faster, close deals faster, and grow your business faster / Michael A. Boylan ; [illustrations by Jerry Begley].

In the investment arena, the information and processes contained in Accelerants could be the difference in meeting or exceeding analysts' and customer expectations. Insightful ideas in the pressure cooker of needing to do more in less time From Amazon Mr.

Boylan insights about how to close sales faster are astounding. He shows you how to create deeper stronger relationships with the senior executives in your prospects that takes you down a straight forward path insuring they clearly understand your companies' key deliverables.

His approach turns upside down some of the old tried and true principles of sales This book really digs into the psychology of the sale and shows you simple tools to win bigger deals faster in a style of respect and integrity. Accelerants provides a clear step by step analysis of how to sharpen your sales and marketing effectiveness in an increasingly competitive landscape.


I found a number of things I could do to help understand my prospects better and close some opportunities that were "stuck" before I finished the book. The principles are simple common sense that have eluded many of us in our traditional PSS tools that try's to get customers to tell us where they have pain.

His step by step approach of understanding the basic buying needs and personalities of prospects is so logical they will clearly compress the sales cycle. How could some of these ideas and solid strategies eluded us for so long before being put in print?

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From Amazon I do not know Mr. Boylan personally, but the concepts and ideas that thus far have made up the body of his work: In fact, I attribute fifty percent of my annual income to following specific steps laid out by Mr. Boylan in his books. If you take your organization's sales approach seriously - and unfortunately not everyone does - I would highly recommend that you consider implementing his no-nonsense methodologies into your sales framework. For those who cannot afford his organization's custom training options, Mr.

Boylan has in my opinion given more practical, tangible value in his books than almost any other sales author in print, BUT you'll need to roll up your sleeves and do the following work: Boylan knows what's going on when it comes to complex strategic sales. It's up to the reader to put his principles to the test and not only profit from them but to morally and ethically be a more solid corporate citizen by being a good steward of others time. We use cookies to offer you a better browsing experience. Make sure to accept our cookies in order to get the best experience out of this website.

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