MicroRNAs: From Basic Science to Disease Biology

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Identification of miRNAs in the plant Oryza sativa. Inhibition of translation initiation by a microRNA. In situ analysis of microRNA expression during vertebrate development. MicroRNAs in disease biology. Dysregulation of microRNAs in human malignancy. High throughput microRNAs profiling in cancers.

Roles of microRNAs in cancer and development. MicroRNA function in the nervous system.

MicroRNAs : from basic science to disease biology

MicroRNAs and the regulation of leaf shape. Computational biology of microRNAs. Computational prediction of microRNA targets in vertebrates fruitflies and nematodes. Identification and potential function of viral microRNAs MicroRNAs in the stem cells of the mouse Blastocyst The role of miRNA in hematopoiesis MicroRNAs in embryonic stem cell differentiation and prediction of their targets Generation of single cell microRNA expression profile.

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Martin, Thomas Preiss, Diana K. Yatskievych, Sean Davey, Jay H. Torvik, Sakari Kauppinen, Hatim T.

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MicroRNAs: From Basic Science to Disease Biology

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Molecular diagnosis of diseases with biotechnology.

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Please re-enter recipient e-mail address es. Foreword Foreword Introduction Part I. Martin, Thomas Preiss, Diana K. Remain logged in to website. Find resources associated with this title. From the discovery of miRNAs and their functions to their detection and role in disease biology, this volume uniquely integrates the basic science with industry application towards drug validation, diagnostic and therapeutic development.

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MicroRNAs: From Basic Science to Disease Biology: Edited By: Krishnarao Appasani | NHBS Book Shop

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