Ma che folla cè in Salotto! (Italian Edition)

Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel 1896 by Various

I'll send you a postcard! See you soon, Antonella! Have a good trip and have fun! Now what do I do? If there were a way to do it, I would go too. If there were justice in this world, I too would admire the view from the Janiculum I too would eat tartufo in Piazza Navona I too would drink Pansellegrino water in front of the Coliseum Lost in the Woulds - The Conditional Moodfilename: Not only has his Futurometer been refurbished and re-installed, our learned friend has now provided Radio Arlecchino with another amazing device: Of course you would love to know how it works, and we would like to tell you, but if we did, we would have to Well, anyway, it does work, we think, but you needn't take our word for it.

Have your copy of the pdf with its transcript and notes handy and fire up your mp3 player of choice as you dare to get Lost in the Woulds Italian Balla-Balanzone la Signora Balanzone: Potreste andare in Texas come abbiamo fatto io e il Dottor Balanzone ma -- beati voi! Non preferireste allenarvi nella privacy delle vostre case? Il dottore ed io condivideremo con voi tutti i segreti della Square Dance nei nostri podcast. Non ci fareste l'onore di fare i primi passi con noi?

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Scoprirete tutti i segreti della Square Dance con i nostri podcast Balla-Balanzone! Il Condizionatore Dottor Balanzone: Tutto quello che il Futurometro fa per il futuro, il Condizionatore lo fa per il condizionale. Ecco il dispositivo che svela tutti i misteri di questo modo verbale!

Ce lo farebbe vedere, Dottore? Mi ha tolto il respiro! Ecco, lo metto nello stato neutrale. Ve lo spiegherei volentieri, ma Chi altro potrebbe spiegarvelo meglio? Ma prima, onde evitare che i codici segreti per la messa in moto siano nuovamente intercettati, dovremo adottare speciali misure di sicurezza. Le spiegazioni saranno in inglese e gli esempi in italiano Dottore, vuole continuare con le forme del condizionale o preferirebbe esaminare le sue varie funzioni? Prima di tutto, le forme. Poi potremo elencare le funzioni: Per questo sarebbe un'ottima idea consultare il Futurometro, nella puntata 19 di Radio Arlecchino: Il ministro annuncerebbe la nomina di un nuovo sottosegretario di stato.

Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel by Various - Free Ebook

Il ladro sarebbe entrato dalla finestra del salotto mentre i padroni di casa dormivano. Opinione personale Penso che tu debba chiedere la ricetta a Pulcinella. Dovresti chiedere la ricetta a Pulcinella. Avremmo dovuto evacuare lo studio prima che Pulcinella cominciasse a preparare la frittata.

L'esortazione Colombina, dovresti fare pace con Arlecchina. Fareste meglio a non tossire durante il monologo di Pantalone. Un'azione posteriore ad una passata Ha detto che avrebbe preso l'autobus numero 64 e che ci avrebbe incontrato davanti all'obelisco a mezzogiorno. Arlecchino ci ha promesso che il facchino avrebbe portato i nostri bagagli alla stazione e che sarebbe arrivato a prenderli prima del pranzo. Potremmo anche suggerire alcune indicazioni utili agli studenti. Quando avevo dodici anni, andavamo al cinema ogni sabato pomeriggio. Dottore, vorrebbe continuare o gradirebbe una pausa?

Io potrei continuare fino a tarda notte quando si tratta di modi e tempi verbali, ma una pausa sarebbe davvero gradita! Il signor Bisognosi, in una conferenza stampa, ha fatto la seguente dichiarazione: Nella stessa conferenza stampa, un'attrice della troupe, la signorina Colombina, ha aggiunto Colombina: Non so dove ti sei nascosto, Pulcinella, ma ti giuro, se avrai la faccia tosta di rimettere piede sul palcoscenico io Un portavoce del Teatro Pazzimpalco, scena del caotico scandalo zoologico, ha parlato con un nostro corrispondente: Non ne so niente di quel Pulcinella, ma vi posso dire Non avevo mai visto una cosa simile!

Chi avrebbe potuto immaginarlo? Nessuno mi aveva detto che nello spettacolo avrebbero recitato delle galline. Chi poteva prevedere che avrebbero invaso ogni angolo del teatro? Dietro le quinte, sul palcoscenico, fra le poltrone in platea Vorrei ben sperare che non ci fossero anche delle oche, ma insomma! State ascoltando il notiziario di Radio Arlecchino. English 'Balla-Balanzone' Mrs Balanzone: Dear listeners, I would like to let you know that dream of dancing the square dance with the necessary aplomb is now within reach! You could go to Texas as Doctor Balanzone and I did but -- lucky you!

Wouldn't you prefer to train in the privacy of your home? Now you can do it! Thanks to the new Balla-Balanzone podcast, anybody will be up to exploring the rhythmic motions of the Far West! The doctor and I will share with you the all the secrets of the square dance in our podcast. Wouldn't you do us the honor of taking your first steps with us? You'll discover all the secrets of the Square Dance with our Balla-Balanzone podcasts! The Conditionator Dottor Balanzone: Everything the Futurometer does for the future, the Conditionator does for the conditional. Behold the device that reveals all the mysteries of this verbal mood!

Would you show it to us, Dottore? It's truly a breathtaking sight! I know, if I do say so myself, it's quite beautiful. It's taken my breath away! Here, I'll put it in neutral. First of all, Dottore, would you explain to us, what is the conditional, really? I would gladly explain it to you, but Who else could explain it to you better?

Let's activate the Conditionator! But first, to avoid that the secret codes for setting it in motion be intercepted again, we must adopt special security measures. You, miss, will have to close your eyes and cover your ears; the radio transmitter will have to interrupt service for a moment while I perform -- There! The explanations will be in English and the examples in Italian Dottore, do you want to continue with the forms of the conditional or would you prefer to examine its various functions? First of all, the forms.

Then we will be able to list the functions. For this it would be an excellent idea to consult the Futurometer, in Episode 19 of Radio Arlecchino. Thank you, yes, I would, rather, we would like to continue now to examine the functions! The minister is expected to announce the nomination of a new undersecretary of state. The thief allegedly entered through the living-room window while the homeowners were sleeping.

Personal opinion I think you must ask Pulcinella for the recipe. You should ask Pulcinella for the recipe. Exhortation Colombina, you ought to make up with Arlecchina. You'd better not cough during Pantalone's monologue. An action subsequent to a past action He said he would take the number 64 bus and that he would meet us in front of the obelisk at noon. Arlecchino promised us that the porter would take our bags to the station and that he would arrive to pick them up before lunch.

A helpful tip Dottore, would you like to hear more conjugations of the conditional mood or would you prefer to listen to other examples of its use? We could also suggest some helpful tips to the students. The useful tips would be most appreciated! We would go to the movies tonight if we had not already seen that movie. When I was twelve years old, we would go to the movies every Saturday afternoon.

Dottore, would you like to continue or would you enjoy a break? I could go on until late at night when it's a matter of verbal moods and tenses, but a break would be quite welcome! We will now perform self-deactivation. The news broadcast continues Some of the audience members allegedly left with some of the chickens as well as numerous cows. The head of the troupe, Mr Pantalone de' Bisognosi, said that he would try to recover all of the fowl but that it would not be practical to search for the cattle dispersed throughout the city.

Mr Bisognosi, in a press conference, made the following statement: My intention is to rectify, as much as possible, the negative consequences of this deplorable situation. But I would like for everyone to know that without the negligence and complete lack of responsibility of a future ex-colleague of ours, a certain Pulcinella, this catastrophe would never have taken place! In the same press conference, an actress in the troupe, Miss Colombina, added: I don't know where you've hidden, Pulcinella, but I swear to you, if you have the gall to set foot on the stage again, I A spokesperson for the Pazzimpalco Theatre, scene of the chaotic zoological scandal, spoke with one of our correspondents.

I don't know anything about this Pulcinella, but I can tell you I had never seen anything like it! Who could have imagined it? Nobody had told me that animals would perform in the show. Who could foresee that they would invade every corner of the theatre? Backstage, onstage, among the seats in the house When I heard the trumpeting of that pachyderm going onstage, I got goosebumps. I would certainly hope that there weren't any geese as well, but after all! We haven't been able to contact Mr Pulcinella, whose failure to arrive allegedly set off the confusion at the Pazzimpalco Theatre, nor do we know for certain the number of wounded, human or animal.

You're listening to Radio Arlecchino News. If You Can't Stand the Heatfilename: The bad news is that the studio is currently in a noisy mess and apparently not a very safe place right now. So our trusty podcasters are hoping to find a more congenial atmosphere for this episode backstage at the Teatro Pazzimpalco, where our friends from the Commedia are about to raise the curtain on another show. Now what on earth makes them think that things would be any quieter there? It's time to contemplate that and many other perplexing hypotheses in this very special episode--IF we think we can handle it!

E ora, se ci accompagnerete a teatro, sentirete il periodo ipotetico in azione. Se non sbaglio, sono i nostri amici pod-- poss-- Come si dice? I nostri amici che fanno i podcast, insomma! Tutto pronto per lo spettacolo? Ci sono problemi, signor Pantalone? Pure scalza reciterai bene se sei proprio una brava attrice! Vieni qua, Arlecchino, se vuoi sapere quel che riesco a fare pure scalza! Pensiamo alla commedia, dai! Se non le trovi, Colombina, ti presto io delle scarpe Arlecchina, dobbiamo parlare un attimo se hai visto i cambiamenti al secondo atto!

Se qualcuno ha visto Pulcinella, me lo dica subito!

Sono tre ore che lo sto cercando! Non lo so e non m'interessa! Se non Le dispiace, Dottore, non lo spengo ma cambio il canale Buona sera a tutti! Se posso essere utile, sono a vostra disposizione! Ci mancava proprio lei! Spettacolo Stasera vi presenta un'intervista esclusiva! Eh, mo parlano del vostro spettacolo! Se mi permettete, alzo un po' il volume Inoltre, Spettacolo Stasera presenta ora un'intervista esclusiva con la superstar napoletana, in diretta, dal vivo, e live -- qui con noi nello studio di Spettacolo Stasera!

Buona sera, buona sera a tutti! Se avete delle domande, sono pronto a rispondere! Ma non si rende conto che qui il sipario sta per alzarsi tra--Voce all'altoparlante: Gentile compagnia, il sipario si alza tra due minuti. Tutti al loro posto, per favore Colombina, mia cara, non prenderai un po' di aranciata con me prima che cominci--Colombina: Quel cane porta fra i denti delle pantofole bellissime Mi serve per il primo atto! Ma come sono carine queste galline! Saranno brave nello spettacolo Chiamate subito la signora Balanzone!

Di chi sono queste galline?

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Oh, mio caro Balanzone, non ti preoccupare, vengo subito! No, no, le galline no! Le galline devono entrare dall'altra parte. Le galline sempre dalla sinistra! Arlecchina, mia cara, non prenderai un po' di aranciata con me prima che cominci lo spettacolo? Mi deve accompagnare adesso! Le mucche entreranno in scena da questa parte Dovresti mangiare qualcosa prima di andare in scena, dai Con Pulcinella o senza di lui!

Lo spettacolo deve andare avanti. Non credo che qui ce la facciamo a combinare niente! Lo dici a me? Avete visto quanta gente? Si alza il sipario! Ma gli attori della commedia sono famosi per la loro improvvisazione. And now, if you will accompany us, you'll hear the hypothetical statement in action. If I'm not mistaken, it's our pod-- poss-- What is it? Our friends who do the podcasts, that's it! What a pleasure to see you again! Everything ready for the show? If Saint Genesius will intercede for us, we will overcome this chaos as well. Are there problems, signor Pantalone? If that scoundrel who got away with my slippers doesn't bring them back right now, I'm not setting foot on the stage!

Even barefoot you'll perform well if you are really a good actress! Come here, Arlecchino, if you want to know what I can do even barefoot! Let's think about the play, come on! If you don't find them, Colombina, I'll lend you some shoes Arlecchina, we must talk for a moment if you've seen the changes to the second act!

Listen, Dottore, if you make any more changes to that scene, I swear to you that on stage tonight you'll see stars! If anyone has seen Pulcinella, tell me right away. I've been looking for him for three hours! Voice from the television set: If you know someone who has been poisoned by eating an Arlecchino Happy Meal, phone the law office of Truffaldini, Sborsagente and Cacciambulanza now! Haven't I explained to them a thousand times that it isn't my fault? If someone doesn't turn off that cursed device now, he'll regret it!

Listen, Arlecchina, have you heard with whom our dear Colombina went out last night? If that television set doesn't get turned off I'm coming down there with my hammer! I don't know and I don't care. But I'll tell you one thing, if she went out with Pantalone she didn't have a moment's peace.

That old man is an octopus! If you don't mind, Dottore, I won't turn it off, I'll just change the channel Is everything all right? If I may be of assistance, I am at your disposal! Just what we needed! Voice from the TV: Spettacolo Stasera presents an exclusive interview! If you didn't already know that tonight at the Pazzimpalco Theatre the super-famous Pulcinella will perform, we're letting you know now! They're talking about your show! If you don't mind, I'll turn up the volume a bit Furthermore, Spettacolo Stasera brings you an exclusive interview with the Neapolitan superstar, live and in person It's him, our own Pulcinella.

If that scoundrel is doing that show live, it means he'll be doing ours dead if his Saint Gennaro doesn't save him from my claws! Pulcinella on the TV: Good evening, good evening, everyone! If you have questions, I am ready to answer!

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You'll find out the questions that I'll be asking you, you scoundrel! If I'm not mistaken, he seems a bit plumper on television But doesn't he realize that here the curtain is about to go up in--Voice on the speaker: Dear company, the curtain is going up in two minutes. Is it possible to know where my slippers are? Colombina, my dear, won't you have a bit of orangeade with me before--Colombina: Signor Pantalone, for heaven's sake! What are we to do? That dog's carrying some beautiful slippers about in his teeth Is there an understudy?

Yeah, right, an understudy I'm not finding my Venetian lace handkerchief! I need it for the first act! You'll kill him only if I haven't already killed him! Now aren't these chickens darling? They'll be great in the show Where is my wife? Call Mrs Balanzone right away! Whose are these chickens? Oh my dear Balanzone, don't worry, I'm coming right now! No, no, not the chickens! The chickens must come in from the other side.

Chickens always from the left! Yes, yes, I'll turn off the television now Arlecchina, my dear, won't you have a bit of orangeade with me before the show starts? You must accompany me now! I am semper paratus! This is the last straw! The cows will enter the scene on this side You ought to eat something before you go onstage, come on But what are we going to do in the second act if Pulcinella doesn't arrive?

With Pulcinella or without him!

The show must go on! I don't believe we can get anything done around here! Have you seen how many people? There's not even one empty seat! What will they do if Pulcinella doesn't get here? But the actors of the commedia are famous for their improvisation. It's really Pulcinella who will need that talent if Pantalone gets a hold of him. Talking about the Future - Global Thermogrammatical Warfilename: Yes, we thought so too, until we got a nocturnal distress call from the Futurometer. You'll be happy to know that Global Thermogrammatical War has been narrowly avoided, no thanks to a group of clever but snoopy students who dared to match wits with Radio Arlecchino technology!

Join us for an unflinching look into the Future--conjugated and speculated just for you--in Episode 19! Italian Irruzione Voce dell'apparecchio: Per favore, introduca quattro monete canadesi di venticinque centesimi. Solo ai pesci posso cantar ripetendo il loro pianto. Il Futurometro parla Futurometro: Lo raccontano tutti i giornali.

Vogliamo fare una partita? Ti andrebbe guerra termogrammaticale globale? Non preferirebbe una bella partita a scacchi? No, giochiamo a guerra termogrammaticale globale! Scelga per favore un modo verbale. Scelga per favore un tempo verbale. Togliere la 'e' finale dell'infinito. Mutare la 'a' della desinenza dell'infinito in 'e'. Aggiungere le desinenze del Futuro, che sono sempre le stesse, per tutte le coniugazioni.

Essere, avere, andare, venire, vedere, porre, supporre, comporre, produrre, bere, tenere, tradurre, condurre, posporre, dovere, sapere, vivere, potere Il Futurometro fa sentire una puntata di Radio Arlecchino Futurometro: In cerca di Radio Arlecchino, trasmissione sul futuro Stasera Arlecchino e compagnia recitano in una nuova commedia. Stasera Arlecchino e compagnia reciteranno in una nuova commedia.

Arlecchino, pulirai i camerini, metterai via questi costumi, e poi aiuterai Pantalone a calcolare il guadagno. Futuro anteriore Antonella e Eric: Le belle ragazze ti prenderanno in giro e -- Studente alla tastiera: Scusi, ma credevo che fosse Lei il Dottore. Margherita, Non mi risponderai? Mezzo pazzo tu mi lascerai! English Break-In Voice of the device: Please insert four Canadian quarters.

The Futurometer speaks Futurometro: Student at the keyboard: I thought you were in the hospital. It's in all the papers. You know, it happens sometimes that even the papers get it wrong. Would you like to play a game? How about Global Thermogrammatical War? Wouldn't you prefer a nice game of chess? No, let's play Global Thermogrammatical War! Please select a verbal mood. Please select a verb tense.

The future, of course! Verbs ending in '-are. Remove the finale 'e' from the infinitive. Change the 'a' of the infinitive ending to 'e'. Add the future endings, which are the same for all conjugations. Verbs ending in '-ere' to rain, to squeeze, to explode Your example: Verbs ending in '-ire' to roar, to collide, to cough Your example: Yes, there are some I'll print a PDF that will explain the irregular futures The Futuromenter plays a Radio Arlecchino episode Futurometro: Searching for Radio Arlecchino, broadcast on the future Tonight Arlecchino and company will act in a new play.

Tomorrow Pantalone will go to the bank and the Dottore will give a lesson at the university. Next year Pulcinella will record a new CD. One day Pantalone will stop courting Arlecchina. Arlecchino, clean the dressing rooms, put away these costumes, and then help Pantalone to count the receipts. I wonder who that is I imagine it's Colombina, she probably wants us to help her learn the square dance. Who could be coming in through the window? It must be a thief, all our friends knock at the door. Future perfect Antonella and Eric: I will have eaten. I will have gone out.

You will have seen You will have come back. She will have come. We will have studied. We will have gone. You will have understood. You will have departed. They will have learned. They will have received their university degrees. When Pulcinella came back with his mandolin, Arlecchina had already gone away. When Arlecchino wins the Nobel Prize, he will already have received five Oscars. Why it's already three o'clock!

Where do you suppose the Dottore is? He probably stopped to pick up some Cheerful Meals before coming. What could have happened? General and Eastern Hemisphere: Downloads 9 downloads in the last 30 days. Similar Books Readers also downloaded…. Project Gutenberg offers 57, free ebooks to download. Avoid punctuation except as indicated below: Conferenze tenute a Firenze nel La vita italiana durante la Rivoluzione francese e l'Impero.

La delinquenza nella rivoluzione francese, conferenza di C. Italy, Vatican City, Malta. The Duke gives her his arm and leads her out. Rigoletto meets Ceprano, then the courtiers. Ceprano reacts with an angry gesture, then follows his wife and the Duke. Rigoletto says to the courtiers. He's fuming, did you see? Gaming and wine, parties, dancing, battles and banquets? Now he's laying siege to the Countess while her husband goes off in a rage. He leaves the room. He's no longer a monster? Who'd ever believe it? The Duke returns followed by Rigoletto, then Ceprano. And his dear wife is an angel!

DUKE Easy to say; but how? DUKE Not that either, fool. What else can you do with such a head? What's it good for? You always take a joke too far. The wrath you provoke could rebound upon you. Which of us nurses no grudge against him? I'm not afraid of them. No one dare touch a favourite of the Duke.

DUKE Ah, you always take a joke, etc. Which of us nurses no grudge against him for his cruel ways? What a party spirit! The dancers swirl into the room. Oh, just look, would you not say that this was the realm of pleasure? My voice, like thunder, shall make you quake wherever you go What mad impulse is this, that night and day you make complaint about your daughter's honour?

I shall disrupt your orgies; I shall come here to complain so long as the atrocious insult to my family remains unpunished. And if you give me over to your hangman, I shall haunt you as a terrifying spectre, carrying my skull in my hands, crying to God and man for vengeance!

You have provoked it, all hope is lost, this was a fatal mistake on your part. And you, you serpent! Monterone goes out between two Halberdiers. The others all follow the Duke into an adjoining room. Left, a modest house with a small courtyard enclosed by walls. In the courtyard, a large tree with a marble bench beside it; a door in the wall opens on to the street. Above the wall, a terrace over a loggia. From the second storey a door opens on to the terrace, which is reached by a flight of steps in front.

To the right of the road, a much higher wall surrounding the garden and one side of the Ceprano palace. Rigoletto enters, wrapped in a cloak. Sparafucile, a long sword beneath his cloak, follows him. You see before you a swordsman. And how is it that you can work so safely? I wait for my man at night; one thrust and he dies.

And how do you work at home? My sister helps me. She dances in the streets This is my instrument. It was you who made me evil and corrupt! I rage at my monstrous form, my cap and bells! To be permitted nothing but to laugh! My hate upon you, sneering courtiers! How I enjoy snapping at your heels! If I am wicked, the fault is yours alone. But here I become another person!

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The old man cursed me! Why should this thought still prey so on my mind? Will some disaster befall me? Ah no, this is folly! He opens the gate with a key and enters the courtyard. Gilda runs from the house and into his arms. Without you, what would I have on earth? What makes you so sad? Tell your poor daughter. If you have secrets, share them with her: She felt, that angel, pity for my sorrows. I was alone, deformed, poor, and she loved me out of compassion. Only you are left to this wretch O God, I thank thee for that! What can have caused such bitter tears?

Father, no more, calm down. This sight tortures me. Tell me your name, tell me what sorrow so afflicts you. I am your father, let that suffice. Perhaps some people fear me, and some may even hate me. My faith, my family, my country, my whole world is in you! I have been here for three months now, yet I have never seen the town: Tell me, have you been out? They could follow her, carry her off! Here, the dishonouring of a jester's daughter would be cause for laughter..

Giovanna comes out of the house. Mind you tell me the truth. Is the gate to the street always kept locked? O woman, watch over this flower entrusted, pure, to your keeping; be vigilant, that nothing may ever sully its purity. From the fury of the winds that have broken other flowers, protect her, and unstained restore her to her father. What do you fear, my father? In heaven above, at God's right hand, an angel watches over us. We are shielded from all harm by my mother's blessed prayers.

No hand will ever pluck or crush this flower so dear to you. The Duke, dressed as a commoner, appears in the street. There is someone outside! He opens the gate and, as he goes out into the street, the Duke slips into the courtyard and hides behind the tree, throwing a purse to Giovanna to ensure her silence. Always some new suspicion! My daughter, good night.

My daughter, good night! They embrace and Rigoletto departs closing the gate behind him; Gilda, Giovanna and the Duke remain in the courtyard. Do you dislike this young man, then? Sleeping and waking, I call to him, and my soul in ecstasy cries: Speak those dear words once more and a heaven of joy will open before me! There is no one here to answer me!

DUKE I am here, and my very soul answers you. Ah, two who love are a world in themselves! DUKE Whether angel or devil, what does it matter? Ah, the god of love has bound our destinies together, inseparably! Love is the sunshine of the soul, 'tis life itself! Its voice is the beating of our hearts. Fame and glory, power and thrones, are but fragile, earthbound things beside it. One thing alone is unique, divine: So let us love, my angel? DUKE You love me, say it once again. DUKE How happy you've made me!

Am I permitted to know it? Ceprano and Borsa appear in the street below. He and Ceprano leave. DUKE For the rest of my life He leaves, escorted by Giovanna. Gilda stands watching the gate through which be disappeared. Beloved name, the first to move the pulse of love within my heart, thou shalt remind me ever of the delights of love! In my thoughts, my desire will ever fly to thee, and my last breath of life shall be, beloved name, of thee. Taking a lantern, she walks up the steps to the terrace. Meanwhile, Marullo, Ceprano, Borsa and other courtiers have appeared in the road, armed and masked, they watch Gilda as she enters the house.

Rigoletto enters with a preoccupied air. How can you get in? We've got it all arranged Ah, my terror was unfounded! This is his place. Give me a mask. He puts a mask on Rigoletto, at the same time blindfolding him with a handkerchief, then positions him by a ladder which the others have leant against the terrace. You shall hold the ladder. The mocker so insolent, so unremitting, will soon be a butt of derision himself! Stealthily, stealthily we'll kidnap his mistress, and in the morning the whole Court will laugh! The mocker so insolent, etc. Some of the men climb up to the terrace, force the door, open the gate from the inside to admit the others, then emerge dragging Gilda, gagged with a handkerchief.

As she is carried off she drops a scarf. He tears off the mask and the blindfold. By the light of a lantern left by Marullo's men, he sees Gilda's scarf, then the open gate.

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Free books cd online download Ma che folla c'è in Salotto! (Italian Edition) by Donatella Caione BRUMZ0 ePub · Details. German books download Ma che folla c'è in Salotto! (Italian Edition) BRUMZ0 PDF iBook by Donatella Caione · More.

Rushing into the courtyard, he drags out the terrified Giovanna and stares at her, stupefied, speechless, he tears his hair. Finally, after a great struggle, he cries out. There is a door on each side and a larger one at the far end flanked by full? In those few moments, before some inner voice made me hastily retrace my steps!

The gate was open, the house deserted! And where is she now, that dear angel? She who first kindled my heart with the flame of a constant affection? So pure that her modest demeanour almost convinced me to lead a virtuous life! She has been stolen from me! And who dared do this? But I shall be avenged. The tears of my beloved demand it. I seem to see the tears coursing from her eyes as, bewildered and afraid at the surprise attack, remembering our love, she called her Walter's name.

But could not defend you, sweet, beloved maid; he who would pledge his very soul to bring you happiness; he who, in loving you, envied not even the angels. Marullo, Ceprano, Borsa and other courtiers enter. DUKE What is it?

Episode 19: Episode 19: Talking about the Future - Global Thermogrammatical War

Tell me, how was it done? It was Rigoletto's paramour, but as soon as we saw her, she vanished. Our plans to abduct her were ready, when along came the jester himself, whom we convinced, the simpleton, that we were after Ceprano's countess. So once we had set up the ladder, he, blindfolded, held it secure. We climbed up and in less than no time had carried the young girl away. When he realized how we'd paid him out, you should have heard him curse!

It's her, my beloved! DUKE Ah, heaven has not stolen everything from me! I would give my crown to console her heart. Ah, she shall know at last who loves her and learn who I really am: How his mood has changed! The Duke hurries of fthrougH the centre door. Rigoletto enters, humming to himself and trying to disguise his grief. Only that you are more of a bore than usual. See how upset he is! So I dreamed it! Seeing a handkerchief on the table, he examines the monogram agitatedly.

Is the Duke still asleep? PAGE Wasn't he here with you just now? PAGE Without his escort! Ah, she is there, then! She is with the Duke! But I shall get her back After such a sweet revenge, what? There's nothing you won't do for money, but my daughter is beyond any price. A man will fear nothing on earth when defending his children's honour.

Assassins, open that door! He again attacks the door, is dragged away from it by the courtiers, struggles awhile, then gives up, exhausted. You're all against me! Marullo, my lord, you whose soul is as gentle as your heart, tell me, where have they hidden her? My lords, forgive me, have pity!

Give an old man back his daughter! To give her back can cost you nothing now, but to me my daughter is everything. Gilda suddenly runs from the room on the left and throws herself into her father's arms. I, though I wept before, now laugh. What do you mean? And if your Duke should dare approach, tell him not to enter, tell him I am here. They go out through the center and shut the door. Each holy day, in church, as I prayed to God, a fatally handsome young man stood where I could see him Though our lips were silent, our hearts spoke through our eyes.

Furtively, only last night he came to meet me for the first time. I asked infamy, O God, only for myself, so that she might be raised as high as I had fallen. Ah, beside the gallows one must raise an altar! But all is now lost, the altar is cast down! Weep, my child, and let your tears fall upon my breast. Preceded by an usher, Count Monterone enters between two halberdiers and crosses the back of the room.

Monterone is to go to the dungeon. He goes out through the center between the guards. The hour of your punishment hastens on, that hour which will be your last. Like a thunderbolt from the hand of God, the jester's revenge shall strike you down. They leave through the main door. On the left is a two? At ground level, beyond an arcade, the interior of a rustic wineshop can be seen and a rough stone staircase leading to a loft with a small bed which, since there are no shutters, is in full view.

Downstairs, in the wall facing the road, is a door that opens inwards. The wall itself is so full of cracks and boles here that whatever takes place within is clearly visible. In the background are the deserted fields along the Mincio, which runs behind a crumbling parapet. Beyond the river lies Mantua It is night. Gilda and Rigoletto, both ill at ease, are standing in the road; Sparafucile is seated at a table in the wineshop.

You shall be avenged, o Gilda. He leads her to a crack in the wall. She looks through into the wineshop. The Duke, wearing the uniform of a cavalry officer, enters the wineshop through a door on the left. DUKE A room and a bottle of wine! He goes into an adjoining room. DUKE Women are as fickle as feathers in the wind, simple in speech, and simple in mind. Always the loveable, sweet, laughing face, but laughing or crying, the face is false for sure. If you rely on her you will regret it, and if you trust her you are undone!

Yet none can call himself fully contented who has not tasted love in her arms! Women are as fickle, etc. Sparafucile returns with a bottle of wine and two glasses, which he puts on the table; then he strikes the ceiling twice with the pommel of his sword. At this signal, a buxom young woman in gypsy costume comes jumping down the stairs. The Duke runs to kiss her, but she eludes him. Meanwhile, Sparafucile, having slipped out into the road, speaks softly to Rigoletto: Is he to live or die?

Sparafucile moves off behind the house in the direction of the river. I asked someone about you and was told that you live here. Let me say that ever since, my heart has been yours alone. And of twenty others that maybe you're forgetting? I think my fine young man is a bit of a libertine. DUKE Ho, what a fuss!

DUKE Be nice to me, don't play hard to get. Good behaviour doesn't exclude jollity and love. I want to marry you DUKE ironic Sweet little maid! DUKE Fairest daughter of love, I am a slave to your charms; with but a single word you could relieve my every pain. Come, touch my breast and feel how my heart is racing.

That really makes me laugh; talk like that is cheap enough. Believe me, I know exactly what such play? I, my fine sir, am quite accustomed to foolish jokes like this. O wretched heart betrayed do not break for sorrow. You are now convinced he was lying. Hush, and leave it up to me to hasten our revenge.

  • Parents Guide to Beijing.
  • The Lovesick Frog.
  • Not Found (#404).

It will be quick, it will be deadly, I know how to deal with him. Listen to me, go home.