Quaternary Glaciations - Extent and Chronology: Part III: South America, Asia, Africa, Australia, An

Climatic patterns in equatorial and southern Africa from 30, to 10, years ago reconstructed from terrestrial and near-shore proxy data.

Quaternary Science Reviews , 27 , — Eiszeitalter und Gegenwart , 41 , — Implications for high altitude slope processes. Geografiska Annaler , 81A , 1 — Stone-banked lobes and environmental implications, high Drakensberg, southern Africa.

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Permafrost and Periglacial Processes , 11 , — Characteristics and palaeoenvironmental significance of relict sorted patterned ground, Drakensberg plateau, southern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews , 21 , — Thermal regime through a sorted circle and stone-banked lobe, Drakensberg, Southern Africa. Alpine turf exfoliation pans in Lesotho, southern Africa: Geomorphology , , — Spatial associations between longest-lasting winter snow cover and cold region landforms in the high Drakensberg, southern Africa.

Geografiska Annaler , 91A , 83 — Periglacial and Glacial Geomorphology.

Departmental Research Projects

In The Geomorphology of Southern Africa , ed. Sun Press , pp.

Glaciation in southern Africa. Glaciation in southern Africa and in the sub-Antarctic. Quaternary Science Reviews , 22 , — Stratigraphy, depositional controls, and glacial dynamics. Geological Society of America Special Publication , , pp. Lithos , 98 , — The shape of glacial valleys: Comment on Hall South African Geographical Journal , 94 , 1 — 3.

Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa , 48 , — Late Quaternary glaciation in southern Africa: Journal of Quaternary Science , 16 , — The evidence for cirque glaciations in Lesotho. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes , 2 , 21 — Observations on some valley forms and deposits in the Sani Pass area, Lesotho.

South African Geographical Journal , 53 , 96 — Hertzian fractures in the sub-Dwyka Nooitgedacht striated pavement, and implications for the former thickness of Karoo strata near Kimberley, South Africa.

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Debris ridges along the southern Drakensberg escarpment as evidence for Quaternary glaciation in southern Africa. Quaternary International , , 61 — Recognition and palaeoclimatic implications of late Quaternary niche glaciation in eastern Lesotho. Journal of Quaternary Science , 24 , — Late Quaternary moraines along the Sekhokong range, eastern Lesotho: Contrasting the geomorphic history of north- and south-facing slopes.

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Geografiska Annaler , 91A , — Shifting westerlies and precipitation patterns during the Late Pleistocene in southern Africa determined using glacier reconstruction and mass balance modelling. Quaternary Science Reviews , 55 , — The late Quaternary glaciations of Africa: Quaternary International , —, 32 — Synthetic reconstructions of southern African environments during the Last Glacial Maximum 21—18 kyr and the Holocene Altithermal 8—6 kyr.

Berliner Geographische Studien , 26 , Terrestrial fossil-pollen evidence of climate change during the last 26 thousand years in Southern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews , 32 , — Ten volcanic mountains rise to altitudes of just over m, but on only three has Quaternary glaciation been substantiated by published field observations.

  1. Department of Geography : Departmental Research Projects - Durham University.
  2. Archibald Wavell: The Life and Times of an Imperial Servant.
  3. The Paradox of Third-Wave Democratization in Africa: The Gambia under AFPRC-APRC Rule, 1994-2008.
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On the Bale Mountains m , a previous report based on limited evidence proposed an ice-cap extending to km2. Based on aerial photographs and ground surveys, this paper reports evidence of a more complex situation. A wide spread of large erratic boulders on the plateau records a central ice cap of 30 km2, though ice probably extended for a further 40 km2.

On interfluves between them and on the open north slopes are moraines from an earlier stage of the same glaciation or from a distinct older event. Altogether about km2 may have been glaciated. Cores dated by 14C from inside and outside the glaciated area suggest that at least the northern valley glaciers may date from the Last Glacial Maximum.

Estimated equilibrium line altitudes for these glaciers and the ice-cap are m.

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  • Quaternary Glaciations and Chronology - ScienceDirect.
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Reconstruction of equilibrium line altitudes for tropical and subtropical glaciers. Bonneville C, Hamilton AC, Quaternary and late Tertiary history of Ethiopian vegetation. Geomorphological applications of cosmogenic isotope analysis.

Soil Erosion: A Historical Perspective

Progress in Physical Geography Geological Society of America Bulletin Geology of the Dodola area. Memoir 10, Geological Survey of Ethiopia; pp. Geological Survey of Ethiopia. Debris deposits in the high Drakensberg, South Africa; possible indicators for plateau, niche and cirque glaciation. Glacial and periglacial phenomena in Ethiopia: Permafrost and Periglacial Processes Glaciation in southern Africa.

Ehlers J, Gibbard PL eds. Environmental History of East Africa: A study of the Quaternary. Pleistocene mountain glaciation in Ethiopia. Journal of Glaciology The glaciers of Equatorial East Africa. Quaternary glaciation in the Atlas Mountains, North Africa. Late Quaternary of Simien and other mountains in Ethiopia.

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Kaser G, Osmaston HA. Late Quaternary glacier advances, lake level fluctuations and aeolian sedimentation in Southern Tibet. Journal of Quaternary Science Postglacial vegetation of the Ruwenzori Mountains in Equatorial Africa. Ice on the Equator: