Mobility, Sexuality and AIDS (Sexuality, Culture and Health)


This innovative volume explores these issues in a variety of ways. It highlights historical and newer forms….

What was once a set of specialist concerns has been steadily mainstreamed. Edited by Peter Aggleton , Richard Parker. All over the world, men as well as women exchange sex for money and other forms of reward, sometimes with other men and sometimes with women. In contrast to female prostitution, however, relatively little is known about male sex work, leaving questions unanswered about the individuals involved: Over the course of the past thirty years, there has been an explosion of work on sexuality, both conceptually and methodologically.

From a relatively limited, specialist field, the study of sexuality has expanded across a wide range of social sciences.

Yet as the field has grown, it has become…. Over the past two decades, population mobility has intensified and become more diverse, raising important questions concerning the health and well-being of people who are mobile as well as communities of origin and destination. Ongoing concerns have been voiced about possible links between…. This new work surveys how rapid changes taking place at the start of the twenty-first century in social, cultural, political and economic domains impact on sexuality, health and human rights.

4 editions of this work

Triumph of the City Edward Glaeser. Trans-Europe Express Owen Hatherley. Bringing together a range of cross-cultural and cross-national contributions, the book reveals both similarities and important differences that mark sexuality… Paperback — Routledge Sexuality, Culture and Health. This new work surveys how rapid changes taking place at the start of the twenty-first century in social, cultural, political and economic domains impact on sexuality, health and human rights. From a relatively limited, specialist field, the study of sexuality has expanded across a wide range of social sciences.

The relationships between men, women and children are changing quickly, as are traditional family…. Edited by Richard Parker , Peter Aggleton. What are VitalSource eBooks? For Instructors Request Inspection Copy. Over the past two decades, population mobility has intensified and become more diverse, raising important questions concerning the health and well-being of people who are mobile as well as communities of origin and destination.

Ongoing concerns have been voiced about possible links between mobility and HIV, with calls being made to contain or control migrant populations, and debate linking HIV with issues of global security and surveillance being fuelled. A series of interlinked chapters prepared by international experts explores the experiences of people who are mobile as they relate to sexuality and to HIV susceptibility and impact. The various chapters discuss the factors that contribute to the vulnerability of different mobile groups but also examine the ways in which agency, resilience and adaptation shape lived experience and help people protect themselves throughout the mobility process.

Mobility, Sexuality and AIDS recognises the complex relationships between individual circumstances, population mobility and community and state response. It is invaluable reading for policy makers, students and practitioners working in the fields of migration, development studies, anthropology, sociology, geography and public health.

Migration and HIV infection: What does data from destination countries show? Leaving loved ones behind: Negotiating migration, gender and sexuality: Ethnographic reflections on Dominican social geographies, Mark B. The Last London Iain Sinclair. Happy City Charles Montgomery. Trans-Europe Express Owen Hatherley.

Sexuality, Culture and Health

Change Here Now Adam Brock. The Priority of Injustice Clive Barnett. Grounded Authority Shiri Pasternak. Limits to Decolonization Penelope Anthias.

Bestselling Series

Triumph of the City Edward Glaeser. Art, Space and the City Malcolm Miles. Prisoners of Geography Tim Marshall. Social Justice and the City David Harvey. Nature is a Battlefield Razmig Keucheyan. Nonstop Metropolis Rebecca Solnit. The Blue Zones Dan Buettner. Geographic Thought Tim Cresswell. The Cay Theodore Taylor. Other books in this series.

Dying to be Men Gary Barker. The Gay Science Kane Race.

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Mobility, Sexuality and AIDS (Sexuality, Culture and Health) [Felicity Thomas, Mary Haour-Knipe, Peter Aggleton] on *FREE* shipping on. Mobility, Sexuality and AIDS - CRC Press Book. Series: Sexuality, Culture and Health. Routledge Published September 24, Reference - Pages - 6.

Culture, Health and Sexuality Peter Aggleton. Table of contents Introduction: