Stupid Laws of Florida: Funny Laws in FL From the Past and Present


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The strange laws of Destin

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Dumb State Laws 7, AR, MI, FL, TX

Books by Jeffrey Fisher. Trivia About Stupid Laws of Fl No trivia or quizzes yet. And those are only a sampling of the strange laws that can be found among the thousands of ordinances in the city's code book. Doug Rainer, public information manager for the city of Destin, did not know the history behind any of the strange laws, but he did say the laws are enforced "as best as possible.

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To ask other readers questions about Stupid Laws of Florida , please sign up. Ever thought about taking a jar of sand home from the beach? We have catalogued hundreds of haunted houses across the United States and throughout the world. Almost every city and state has some outdated, old-fashioned or even nonsensical laws on the books, and they can come about for a variety of reasons. It is illegal to take a jar of sand home with you. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read.

The Log compiled the list below of the top nine strange laws on the books in Destin. The code section and title are in parentheses next to the law. It is illegal to give away baby ducklings and bunnies in front of a store.

City Laws in Florida

The intent behind it seems to be in the right place, but we have to wonder why these particular animals are specified in the law. It is illegal to change clothes in your car or in a bathroom.

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In one episode, Mayor Quimby is surprised to find out the town charter mandates that all ducks wear long pants. Often, "dumb laws" as reported on websites and in humor books have been shown to be inaccurate.

This sometimes happens because a real, sensible law has been exaggerated or misunderstood, turning into something that sounds silly or ridiculous. Other times, it is simply the result of a hoax being repeated enough times to gain some kind of credibility.

One more step

If you think any of the laws on this page are not accurate or do not remain active in Florida, let me know in the comments below. Key deer It is illegal to molest a Key deer. Sexual relationship Having sexual relations with a porcupine is illegal.

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Elephant on the parking meter If an elephant is left tied to a parking meter, the parking fee has to be paid just as it would for a vehicle. It is illegal to sell your children.

Local Gems

Enjoy this collection of more than 50 funny, stupid and often bizarre laws from the state of Florida. This includes a selection of both past and current laws. GMT Dumb Laws in. Florida. Crazy Florida. Laws. We have weird - PAST AND PRESENT ENGLISH EDITION DOWNLOAD stupid laws of.