The Spirit Orb (The Resurrection series Book 1)

Severian is lost and eventually encounters the Autarch himself, to whom he swears service, upon being shown a portal to another universe. Talos, and Baldanders, who are preparing to once again perform the play they put on in the first book.


Severian participates again, but the play is cut short when Baldanders flies into a rage and attacks the audience, revealing that aliens are among them. The band is scattered and Severian finds them a distance away the next morning, heading north. Talos and Baldanders part ways with Severian and Dorcas at a crossroad, Severian heading toward Thrax, and the giant and his physician headed toward Lake Diuturna.

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The waitress Jolenta tries to have Talos take her with him, but he has no more use for her now that the plays are no longer necessary, and Severian is forced to take her. As they head north, Jolenta is attacked by a "blood bat" and becomes ill. It is revealed that she had been scientifically altered by Dr. Talos to be gorgeous and desirable, but is quickly becoming sickly and unattractive.

Soon the trio meets an old farmer who tells them they must pass through an enigmatic stone city to get to Thrax. Upon arriving at the ruinous city, Severian sees a pair of witches initiate a dream-like event in which ghostly dancers of the stone town's past fill the area and engage with the witch's servant, who is actually Vodalus's lieutenant Hildegrin. The book ends with Dorcas and Severian emerging from a stupor in the stone town, Jolenta dead, and the witches and Hildegrin gone. Having completed the journey he was sent upon when he was exiled from the Citadel, Severian takes up his position as the Lictor or Master of Chains of the city of Thrax.

His lover Dorcas falls into depression, in part because of her position as the partner of a reviled and feared figure in a strange city. She is also becoming increasingly upset by her mysterious past, and convinced that she must unravel its secrets, however disturbing they may turn out to be. Escaping an exotic creature that incinerates things, which seems to have come to Thrax to find him, Severian finds himself again showing mercy to a condemned prisoner and is forced to flee the city. He and Dorcas separate, and he journeys alone into the mountains in search of the Pelerines, whom he believes to be the rightful keepers of the priceless relic which he carries, the Claw of the Conciliator.

On the road, he battles his enemy Agia, and the Alzabo, a beast which acquires the memories of those it consumes, as well as a gang of men who have opted to become as animals. In the wake of this violence, he takes an orphaned boy, little Severian, into his care. They encounter a village of men who claim to be sorcerers, and who possess more power than Severian at first believes. Escaping amidst the threat that yet another dangerous creature has been set upon his trail, Severian discovers a monarch from the past, Typhon, in an ancient city.

Typhon tries to manipulate Severian during a complex confrontation. Little Severian is killed. Continuing his journey, Severian is drawn into a local conflict on the side of a group of islanders being enslaved. He then discovers that his old companions Dr. Talos and Baldanders are the enslavers, and is forced to battle the giant Baldanders.

In the wake of this battle, in which his sword and the Claw are both at least apparently, in the latter case destroyed, Severian seeks to digest a series of revelations: As he does so, he finds himself approaching the edge of the war in the North. Severian finds himself wandering around when he first happens upon a dead soldier whom he revives with the Claw. The soldier remains unable to speak as they make their way to the Pelerines camp. In the camp, Severian suffers a fever and is treated along with others injured in the war.

While recovering, Severian judges a story telling contest. Before leaving he returns the Claw by putting it in an altar. Outside the church Severian is tasked to visit a friend of the Pelerines in the mountain, to bring him back from the danger of the war to the safety of the camp. Severian arrives to the man's house but, due to time-travel related phenomena, the man disappears as he is led away. Upon returning to the camp, Severian discovers it has been attacked and abandoned. Severian soon finds the new camp where most of those he met during his stay are dead or dying.

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Eventually, Severian is drawn into war against armies of the North composed of people known as Ascians. Severian nearly perishes but is rescued by the androgynous spy he met in the House Absolute, the Autarch of the Commonwealth. Severian is nursed back to health and converses with the Autarch about his role in the Commonwealth. They board a flier and while heading out over the war zone, they are shot down. The Autarch is dying and tells Severian to consume the alzabo vial around the his neck and consume his flesh, as Severian is to be the next Autarch.

Severian does so and thus he acquires hundreds of consciousnesses that the Autarch once had. Before the Autarch died, he messaged Vodalus that the Autarch was aboard the flier. Thea and a group of Vodalus' men descend on the crash site and rescue Severian from the Ascians. Severian is held prisoner and is visited by Agia who attempts to kill him once again. He survives and is rescued by the green time traveler whom he rescued earlier in The Claw of the Conciliator.

The green man opens a passage through time in which Severian is then visited by an alien who takes the form of Master Malrubius and Triskele. Malrubius tells him that he must one day face a challenge that will either allow man to return to the stars if he succeeds or strip him of his manhood, leaving him infertile, and unable to produce an heir if he fails.

Severian realizes that the last Autarch must have failed which feminized him and gave him his androgynous looks. After the meeting, Severian is left on a beach. He discovers a bush covered in thorns.

He claims the single black one, grown from a species of bush that grow exclusively white Claw shapes, and ponders the meaning of the Claw in relationship to higher beings, time-travel and the New Sun. Severian makes his way back to Nessus aboard a ship whose crew revere him on sight. He visits with people of his past and assumes the role of Autarch. He returns to the waiter who slipped him the note in the Shadow of the Torturer saying that Agia had been there before. The note was meant for Dorcas who reminded the waiter of his mother.

A picture of Dorcas in a locket around the waiter's neck confirms this suspicion. Severian also notes that the waiter very much resembles himself and it is implied that the waiter is Severian's father.

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The book ends with Severian exploring the citadel and retracing Triskele's steps through an underground building. Seeing the dog's footsteps and his own he follows the latter, returning to the Atrium of Time. The book is yet again a continuation of Severian's narration of the aftermath of his ascent to the throne and subsequent journey "between the suns" to be judged and win back the fountain of life that will rejuvenate the slowly dying sun and revive life on Urth. When the book begins, Severian has already rewritten his accounts of before and is beginning his new log aboard the spaceship that will take him to Yesod, an enigmatic planet, home to the godlike beings who have the power to grant Urth and its sun a new lease on life.

Aboard the ship, Severian meets Zak, a mysterious being, who begins small and soon develops human form and turns out to be the all-powerful Tzadkiel of Yesod. Once in Yesod, Severian faces an immense task of facing all the deceased people he has encountered since his childhood, including Thecla and Master Malrubius. When he faces the tribunal to be judged by Tzadkiel, he is told that the trial was already successfully passed. Severian is made the New Sun. After his return to Urth from Yesod, he finds the sun still dying, and that the New Sun is still very far, far away, but nevertheless moving relentlessly.

He learns that many years have passed backwards. He also learns that he possesses healing power that he once attributed the Claw of the Conciliator. He encounters an earlier version of Typhon who attempts to kill him. He manages to escape via the Corridors of Time. There, with the aid of a version of Tzadkiel, he travels back to the future. In his palace he finds his wife Valeria sitting on the throne attended by his old enemy Baldanders who has grown enough to match the size of an undine.

Shortly after Severian reveals himself, an apocalyptic flood washes away the citadel and much of the land of Urth, thus bringing destruction and rebirth.


Severian, the main character and narrator to the series, can be interpreted as a Christ figure. His life has many parallels to the life of Jesus , and Gene Wolfe, a Catholic , has explained that he deliberately mirrored Jesus in Severian. He compares Severian's profession as a torturer to Jesus's profession as a carpenter in The Castle of the Otter: It has been remarked thousands of times that Christ died under torture. He had sex with her despite knowing that her child would become the devil because he is a genetic super hero and she is a genetic super hero and apparently superhero hormones are strong.

The son being a child of two genetic super heroes and also having drunk the super hero water is a super hero to the 3rd or is it 4th power. Lillith and her son convince their followers to leave the sky city, aka heaven, and go down to earth, aka hell. And this earth has no oxygen no growing things and the only thing that nourishes them is an old tree with glowing orbs. Most of these now super intelligent enhanced humans can see what a wonderful idea this is and they do it. Then over the years they are tortured and changed by Lilith and son to become hideous semi human monsters.

Jacob and Mother have some adventures and by that I mean they walk, get lost, walk some more, get more lost and then separated. Jacob comes upon an albino angel dragon raping a woman. When trying to rescue her he finds out that the woman is actually Lilith. And not from the way it was written he was not just pretending to have sex with his mother. Jacob gets caught and brought to the tree with the glowing orbs.

We find out that Lilith controls the tree and feeds the orbs to her followers. They in turn worship her and her son as gods.

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Meanwhile Dominique finds her way to where Jacob is being held. A fight breaks out, Jacob kills both Dominique and her son but is fatally wounded. We find out that the tree was actually Mick, that Lilith, her son and all the followers are actually dead and just spirits or energy or I don't know I stopped caring. And as he dies Jacob somehow cleans Lilith's soul. The aliens put Mick in a virtual reality program and explain to Dominique that he was in the tree for thousands of years being tortured by Lilith and that he was the source of the glowing orbs.

He needs to recover and they offer to link her up to his mind so she can help him gain his sanity back. She agrees and is also put in a coma. The wise white men then set their ship to travel back to the beginning of the space loop where they can once again set up the world to survive the apocalypse, but this time their ship goes off course and most of it explodes leaving a small fraction orbiting Mars. The fraction a couple of million years later gets called Phobos and is falsely identified as a moon of Mars.

Inside Mick and Dominique are still connected in a still functioning VR system alive and having freaky mind sex. I really wish I was making this up but no this is the story the best as I understood it. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Please note The Mayan Resurrection is the direct sequel to The Mayan Prophecy and the following review will likely contain spoilers for those that have not read the first novel.

The prize was our salvation. The price was his soul. After sacrificing himself to preserve the human race, Michael Gabriel is imprisoned in a torturous, purgatory-like dimension in the Mayan netherworld. Yet it also carries a warning. Born on the same day as the twins is a dark force that threatens their destiny. This, the Abomination — the female yin to their yang — represents evil in its purest form, and will not yield until they succumb to its temptation.

The 21st December , the winter solstice has come and gone and the prophecised apocalypse has been averted by Michael Gabriel. He has saved all of humanity by sacrificing himself. Michael and Dominique take a back seat in this novel, as it is Jacob and Immanuel Manny that the story focuses on. The Twins are worshiped by some, and derided by others. The brothers are polar opposites of one another.

Though they are both hyper-intelligent, Jacob is completely consumed with his mission to travel to the stars and free his father. Manny, meanwhile, has no desire to accept that his fate is predetermined. He wants to live a normal life, as far out of the limelight as is possible. In this novel the reader is also introduced to the character of Lilith, The Abomination. Raised by a crazed foster grandfather from an early age, she is abused and used by everyone around her.

These experiences shape her fragile mind into something terrifying, and she learns that in order to survive, she needs to manipulate and kill. By the time the Twins and Lilith finally meet, she has become a powerful psychotic sociopath. Like its predecessor, this novel blends South American myths and theology, with intricate thriller action, and a liberal dose of science fiction.

I think it is fair to say that the same observation I had with the first book still exists here. If you are a fan of standard action thrillers then you may find the science fiction and Mayan theological elements a trifle far fetched. Personally, I enjoyed this but I can appreciate that not everyone will feel the same way. This is a novel that really does span a couple of genres.

At six hundred and forty two pages the novel does feel a little over long. There seems to be a lot of exposition that I think could have been removed, or at the very least trimmed down. For example, in the midst of a thrilling chase, a group of characters travel to Cape Canaveral but the flow of the story is jarred by multiple pages describing the history of NASA at the Cape. Some of these inclusions feel like additional padding and they are a trifle unnecessary and only succeed in detracting from the main narrative.

This novel was originally published under the title Resurrection back in When I read a fictional work I am not going to be put off by out of date scientific information, the occasional error, or amendment for dramatic effect. This novel is being sold as is science fiction not science fact, and should be treated as such. Overall, I enjoyed The Mayan Resurrection. It suffers the unenviable task of being the middle book in a series, but manages to keep up the momentum of the story quite well. Will I be back for the final book? Yes, I think I will. There are enough unanswered questions that have peaked my curiosity and I need to have them answered.

If that sounds like your kind of thing, I suggest you check it out. The Mayan Resurrection is available now from Quercus Books. The Mayan Destiny, will complete the trilogy in March Nice to see that the final novel will be released well in advance of the end of the world in December Jul 19, Dario Sepulveda rated it liked it Shelves: Resurrection is a misleading title.

It gives a sense of reanimation and life, but one discovers its meaning is more like giving freedom to what's already dead. The story was particularly different from its predecessor. After reading Domain three times and enjoying every line of text, I suppose I always held the sequel in high regard. I thought it would live up to the promise that Domain gave and would reveal the mysteries that peaked my attention from the moment I read the first page. Resurrecti Resurrection is a misleading title. Resurrection was the second stage in love that Domain opened up between Mick and Dominique, but in a crude, hardcore way.

It is a graphic, sexual novel that creeps into your mind without invitation. It takes people and twists them into sexually-driven, hungry souls who abuse small, innocent children. A side of Steve Alten I hadn't seen before in past books. The story deviates from our main cast, and it completely ruined it. At first we are presented with Dominique during the aftermath of Mick's sacrifice and how she is holding up for the moment with a new identity, but then we are given a complete new story about Dom and Mick's twin boys throughout their childhood and adolescence.

At times the story would completely forget about the basic plot and give more information than what was needed.

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It prepared us for an ending that didn't even happened even after all the "It's our Destiny, Manny" speeches. It entangled and killed itself describing the ending even with all those eloquent big words , but alas I finally got to the last few pages of the book, the few pages I had looked for throughout the entire volume. The story finally started to get back on track and gave back our star-crossed protagonists who are yearning to be together, and it also peaked my curiosity once again with the new, perplexing plot and that gave me hope for the third sequel.

Sep 27, Diana Vera rated it it was amazing. White-haired, azure-eyed Jacob, blessed with inhuman physical prowess, intelligence, and insight into What happens to us when we die? Aug 01, Patrick Ellard rated it it was ok. If ever there was a book written that could be described as having far too many things going on at once then Resurrection would be that book. Resurrection should have expanded on that story but instead we are treated to a book that starts off well but from the mid point on becomes almost unintelligible due to far too much informatio If ever there was a book written that could be described as having far too many things going on at once then Resurrection would be that book.

Resurrection should have expanded on that story but instead we are treated to a book that starts off well but from the mid point on becomes almost unintelligible due to far too much information being thrown at you and not enough explanation. The plot becomes far too convoluted and I become lost many times, in fact I even forgot parts of the story as I struggled to remember so much information.

It's almost as if Alten wanted to show off how much research he had done and tried to put every little piece of information he could think of into the story. Steve Altan is one of the top 3 most amazing authors I have had the pleasure to read. This book, just like its predecessor, The Mayan Prophecy, does not disappoint. It is extremely well researched, shockingly good, brutal in many senses of the word! Packed full of action and a race against time in a series of mind boggling time travel.

A book with great merit, from a fantastic Author. Nov 10, Ronell Snyder rated it really liked it. Jul 01, Chichi rated it it was ok. I just couldn't connect with this book. Jul 15, Louise Lowe rated it it was ok. Brought this one as quite enjoyed the first one but was really disappointed with this one.

Oct 10, Linda Munro rated it it was ok.

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Too many things going on at the same time. Jul 10, Ilaria rated it liked it. Pensavate di essere salvi? Che la profezia Maya non si fosse avverata?

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Che il mondo fosse tornato a girare come prima? Avevamo lasciato, nel precedente libro L'ultima profezia. Per non bastare, lo stesso giorno della nascita dei gemelli Gabriel, avviene un altro parto. Tutti assieme riusciranno a salvare nuovamente la Terra? Oct 14, Jan rated it really liked it. The twins, that are suppose to save the world, Jacob and Immanuel have been separated for many years. The world believes they are dead. They have been living under assumed names. One twin, Jacob, works hard on developing his strengths, the other twin wants nothing to do with it.

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Immanuel is selfish and all about me, he uses his powers to become a big football star, only realizing it is the power, and not him, that make him the success he is. While his brother is fighting de The Saga continues While his brother is fighting demon's of the earth and sky, Manny is getting engaged, partying and playing football. The twins have an evil cousin, who Manny has no idea exists, however she seduces his brother Jacob, who has been warned about her, but can not resist her.

He falls for her, her name is Lilith and she begets a son by him. The son is evil beyond words, Mother and son set out to destroy Earth and humanity and of course, the twins and all they love. Jacob beseeches his brother to join him to save humanity, but Manny scoffs that there is any danger.

As Jacob fly's off in a space ship to try and save the world, their mother takes Manny's place, knowing her son Jacob, can not face the demon's by himself. As the space ship leaves, Mannie's future bride is killed by a bullet intended for him, shot by one of Lilith's henchmen. Manny goes into hiding, and Jacob and his mother fly into space to save the day. You will have to read, be forewarned, the saga continues still in book number three.

Will Immanuel grow up, and follow his grandfather, father and brother into an adventure of the past and future? Roll on book 3. Gawd, what a plod. Second tome of this Mayan based sci-fi saga centres, in the first part, on the growth and development of the Gabriel twins in preparation for the boss fight with chief protagonist Lilith. The second part is pretty heavy sci-fi and features the rather unconvincing battle between them. The early chapters are nicely spaced over time as the twins' characters and powers are built amidst a reclusive existence.

This lurches along for two thirds of the book, until the last third just goes off the scale. All the usual suspects are here: Well, what's not to like? It's just dull and after page after page of complex explainations that my brain couldn't possibly compute I found myself wishing it would come to an end, and the prospect of a thirs novel in the series daunting.

Yes, it's not an easy read at this stage. Yes, there is action with yer snakes and flying angels and so on, but I just found my brain wandering off to my next read and couldn't get through this quickly enough. Not boring, but very long and I shan't be diving in to the third volume anytime soon. For months after I got nothing but garbage pulls. My friend has had it worse though he went almost 6 months with no new characters and mostly goldens. Yama was obviously a dupe.

Rng and gambling in general can be brutal. If you want to up your chances only pull on double rate banners. I used in total orbs for pulling at the TYBW2 banner. All of them were golden showers im serious, i will make another video for pulling , i did made a post about my salt but the moderator removed it. I thought my luck would have been changed after pulling at the SS banner but it didnt. I have been also having decent or maybe better luck in the past gachas I have been participating in: I- to be honest, I don't care much about that but only that if I have to be then let me be unlucky RNG gods, but not right now.

Please not right now. I need Unohana, and if possible Banken, Broken and Grimmjow. Otherwise I probably will have to stay out of PVP. Don't quit on me now. Let this not be among my sick days. Rainy days are sometimes cool and nice with rainbows, blankets and warm bowl of noodles, tbf.