SNOWFLAKES (Short writings)

The Snowflake (short story)

I wanted to hear about you. I would like for you to make something of your life, and getting good grades is a step in the right direction. You know, in wars and stuff.

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Just something that happened to someone else. I imagine that most people cling to their lives while they can. Madelynn looked at her in alarm, but Grandma smiled gently. My grandma promised she would wait for me. Madelynn hugged Grandma hard, and a snowflake landed right in front of her. Avid writer and reader, especially of fantasy. Learning about social networking and always interested in honing my writing skills. Contact me at cathleentownsend. Like Liked by 1 person. To me, a story is incomplete if no one else enjoys it.

From a snowflakes perspective

Full online text of Snowflakes by Louisa Campbell. Other short stories by Louisa Campbell also available along with many others by classic and contemporary. novelist Randy Ingermanson teaches his wildly popular Snowflake Method for designing and writing a novel. Life is too short to write like that! There is no.

It now has a reason for its existence. Bittersweet story; poor Madelynn, I hope she realizes God is not like Santa. This story hits home. Right now we think my grandpa might die Christmas Day or soon after…. Like Liked by 2 people. One is going to be 89 in a couple months. The younger, my mom's mom is leaking brain fluid out her nose and they can't tell from where it's coming, while they assume it's a pinprick of a hole in the lining.

A Collection of Poems and Short Stories

I'm so very thankful for my grandmas. Your story was bittersweet, but warmed my heart all the same. My grandmother was a huge influence in my life, and I lost her last year, a week before Christmas. I wanted to give her a fitting homage. This was the best I could do.

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I can play with words, too! They argued over a dog. She wanted paws in the house, eager eyes, something to cuddle. He saw picking up poo and having to drag out to the park in the cold. That Christmas, she had a silver dachshund charm 'and that's the only bloody dog you're getting'. The following year she had a little silver high-heeled shoe.


She didn't wear high-heeled shoes. She assumed his secretary had been sent out to shop for it. That was the last charm. The solicitor said she could not have the car, but she could have the house, the typewriter and the dog.

Snowflake method for short stories

The heart was mangled anyway, she no longer wanted that. All she really wanted was the snowflakes. If you liked this story, please share it with others: My Name is Electra. The star-snowflake's essence remains, however, and takes the form of vapors and she begins her ascent into the sky.

Stories, Songs and Everything Else!

I can play with words, too! A story about a star-snowflake's journey from heaven to earth. Madelynn looked at her in alarm, but Grandma smiled gently. The spruce and cedar felt a magical presence as the garments of their deep green boughs were dressed with sprinklings of sparking white. An old man is about to die.

She lingers for a while upon the mountain, and there tries to decide if she will follow the rain clouds—that will pour forth their blessing of sustenance, as they drench the forest's earth—or she may continue to rest upon the mountain peak and be carried by its flowing rivers that end in the water's fall into a still-glass lake, that will replenish the lower terrain in a later season. All serves its purpose in some way, and gives its blessings to the earth.

Although "snowflake" knows that in time her path may follow such avenues of sharing her essence, at this time, however, her heart longs to return to her home in cosmos, so that she may spend some time in the silvery light of the starry skies. Her wisdom tells her that her heart is always showing her the way, in each moment, and so she honors her heartfelt wishes and sails home, through the ethers of Mother Earth, and takes her place, in her true form, as one of the many stars that fill our skies.

Join the Forum to Rate this Topic. You are very good story teller. Calabasas enjoyed reading your story,it was well written ,gave a 10 for your effort god bless. Thanks prince charles for taking the rime to read my story. It is a nice story 'Morning Star'. Very good in expressing slowly, step-by-step. Liked the flow of the story and the content.

Snowflake–A Christmas Short Story | Cathleen Townsend

Lovely written story, Calabasas. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for sharing it.

Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Story for Kids

I give you a ten because you are a star indeed!