Blame It on the Raging Hormones

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Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! Oasis of Crazy Fish: Ratings and Reviews 0 0 star ratings 0 reviews. Overall rating No ratings yet. How to write a great review Do Say what you liked best and least Describe the author's style Explain the rating you gave Don't Use rude and profane language Include any personal information Mention spoilers or the book's price Recap the plot.

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It is really 0 star. Expect nothing more than sexual adventures and very shallow thoughts. If that's what you like, you might as well surf sex blogs. Blame it on the Raging Hormones is a fun to read, engaging coming of age tale. The format is epistolary and blogs are used entirely.

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This can be both good and bad for a novel as the narrator is inherently biased and the story is always told to you versus shown. There are a couple of technical mistakes such as tense changing and the language used is conversational with numerous emotes rather than a more polished, sophisticated style. However for those that enjoy reading blogs and like a casual st Blame it on the Raging Hormones is a fun to read, engaging coming of age tale.

However for those that enjoy reading blogs and like a casual style may find this particular story endearing. The narrator is Nicky, a 20 year old young man desperately hoping to find true love.

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Nikky is not always a sympathetic narrator. Sometimes quirky, sometimes tearful, but always wonderfully real. Nicky is a sweetheart, a confused boy who fumbles his way through relationships, hook-ups, friendships and life. Chasing of our dreams and ambitions? Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! There are no discussion topics on this book yet. How to Flirt with Your Husband:

The timeline jumps around, sometimes every day and other times going weeks or months as Nikky tries to find himself, his confidence, and his path. The language is very conversational, as fitting a blog style of novel. Sometimes the tense tends to change from past to present and back again awkwardly but the sentence construction can be awkward as well.

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This brings up the question of narrator reliability but Nikky comes across as honest in his recounting and open, instead of guarded and potentially lying. However the story does a commendable job in trying to present very different types of people and the problems they realistically face. There is Dave and Daniel as a long time monogamous couple that suddenly are facing problems. Then there is Nikky, desperately wanting love so badly but always choosing the wrong guy.

Nikky is not always a sympathetic narrator. He makes some appalling choices, terrible mistakes, horrible decisions, and kind of drops his friend Dexter in a terrible time of need. But this is a coming of age story and any young man is bound to make mistakes, missteps and wrong turns. Eventually Nikky understands his motivations and needs and comes to his own choices. I do feel that the ending is somewhat weak and Nikky settles for something safe instead of what he really wants.

Sometimes blog formats can be repetitive and empty, halfway peeking into a life and situations without knowing the other details. Yet this novel manages to do so in a very endearing and easy to read way. February 10th, Publisher: Tincture Lethe Page Count: Directly from publisher for review This coming-of-age memoir of an ordinary gay boy from Singapore, in the form of an online journal, is brutally honest, endearing, poignant and raw.

Blame It on the Raging Hormones by Nathan Goh

Nicky's deepest of revelations and rawest of desires are revealed in his popular online blog. His voice is childishly honest and in the beginning, painfully innocent.

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Blame It on the Raging Hormones has 16 ratings and 5 reviews. Songhua said: It is really 0 star. Expect nothing more than sexual adventures and very sh. Blame it on the Raging Hormones (): Nathan Goh: Books.

As the story -- and his life -- progresses, he begins to learn just how vicious society -- but more importantly, love -- can be, and we read along his journey of maturing and discovering the real world. Reading a personal blog like Nicky's makes me feel really attached to him as the main character. I feel Nicky's frustrations about relationships and school, and think Goh did an excellent job portraying the daily life of a Singaporean gay male not that I would know the life of a Singaporean gay male.

Nicky's quest to find true love and self-realization are heartbreaking and uplifting, alluding that true love comes at the price of heartbreak. The annoying thing about this book is how Goh writes it in the dialogue of a Singaporean boy, and therefore includes improper grammar and spelling to make it seem realistic.

While this is thoughtful, it's a little irritating. It doesn't at all impede the flow of the book; in fact, it's a very easy read. However, just knowing that Goh wrote mistakenly on purpose oxymoron! Would it have been too much for Nicky to be a Singaporean who excels at English? If a fluent English-speaker in Singapore is rare, couldn't the novel have been written in Chinese, then been translated? Blame it on the Raging Hormones is Goh's authorial debut, and I really have high hopes for him as an author.

His take on fiction doesn't hold against anything; it not only includes the horny gay men constantly having sex yay , but also the unkempt truth about gays socially and mentally, which is something normally completely overlooked in contemporary gay fiction. I wonder what life is really about though.

Blame It on the Raging Hormones

Chasing of our dreams and ambitions? A journey in search of 'true love'? To find true 'happiness'? I still wish to have what Daniel and Dave share with one another but I wonder if I will ever get there. Jun 05, Merith rated it really liked it. Blame it on the Raging Hormones is different - kooky and sweet, real with enough power to draw you in and make you care.

Nicky is a sweetheart, a confused boy who fumbles his way through relationships, hook-ups, friendships and life. He seeks what he seems to not be able to find and morns for the changes life hands not only him, but his friends as well.