Lady of Light and Shadows (The Tairen Soul Book 2)

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Published November 1st by Leisure Books (first published October 30th Lord of the Fading Lands by C.L. Wilson Lady of Light and Shadows by C.L. Lady of Light and Shadows has ratings and reviews. Mirany said: Normally I'm ok with these types of books, over the top romance, angst, and unb.

Wilson does a much better job on the not-villains, especially Lauriana, Ellie's mother and Gaelen. From a reader's perspective, Lauriana is just plain annoying.

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  • Lady of Light and Shadows (Tairen Soul, #2) by C.L. Wilson.
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But she makes sense as a flawed character. She is working from a place of utter belief that what she knows and what she is doing is right. And then there is Gaelen. His arrival gave the book a much needed shot of adrenalin. I thought the first half of the book was still a lot of lead-up. Coming after what was pretty much all set up in the first book, this was pretty frustrating. And then at the mid-point of the book things start to cook. The pace picks up considerably, plot threads start to converge, and Gaelen arrives. Gaelen is a nicely realized character.

He is not a good guy at all, but he has honor and purpose.

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And I love the sense of impatience and mild contempt that the author has given him for his own people. Given this character's background and experiences, it strikes just the right tone. The second half of the book is superb. Tightly plotted, suspenseful and most of all there is some real forward momentum going into the next book. Aug 17, Duchess Nicole rated it really liked it Shelves: I am torn about what to rate this. It took me forever to get through this book, and not just because it's long. There is a lot of explaining and world building.

I mean a LOT. And while I suppose most of it is pretty necessary, it made for an extremely boring read at times. That being said, the parts that weren't boring were freaking amazing.

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I was fist pumping in my mind and grinning like an idiot. There are a couple of mini-battles that are so well-written, it felt like watching a movie in slow I am torn about what to rate this. There are a couple of mini-battles that are so well-written, it felt like watching a movie in slow motion. Wilson really knows how to make you visualize her world.

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Guess that's where the world-building comes in. Rain and Elysetta's soul mate love story is poetic and almost cheesy. But the cheesiness is welcomed in this case; in fact, it fits perfectly. They need this epic romance to go with the epic fantasy aspect. And this book furthers their relationship in major ways. I love what Elysetta says to Rain when he feels ashamed for wishing for his his 'true mate' when he was a child.

We are all born missing the connections that make us complete. What an insightful statement, and how true. It's the connection with people that truly makes us who we are. There is also something to be said for the males protecting Elysetta. She constantly has new males pledging their life to her, though for most of the book, she's done nothing to deserve the honor. That changes, though, and she finally becomes a major player between the Fey and Eld war that is a-brewing. One more quote that I thought was great: Elysetta thanks Rain for honoring someone that is very important to her, though also very nearly betrays her.

Rain says, "If honor were reserved only for those who never err, none of us would be worthy. The last few chapters were enough to make up for the first few monotonous ones. I have a feeling that Rain and Elysetta will be one of those couples that I can't stop thinking about until I finish their story. Aug 27, C. Always, she had feared the magic. Always, she had fought the dark visions. Always, she had dreamed of the lover who could save her… Since her earliest memories, Ellysetta Baristani has feared magic, even as she has been inexorably drawn to all things Fey, especially the poetry and legends of Rain Tairen Soul.

The Hig Always, she had feared the magic.

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The High Mage of Eld wants to capture her. And her enemies will corrupt even the people she loves most in their quest to claim her magic for themselves. Apr 07, Felicia rated it really liked it Shelves: I just read 1 and 2 in a row and 2 moved a lot better I think. Lots of really good stuff happens in this book! The world is more developed, the bad guys get REALLY bad, I started to like the main character more because she grew into her own more.

It was less Cinderella, more High Fantasy. Still juicy romance stuff though. Lots to offer, definitely liked it! Buddy read with Aly! Jan 29, Kathleen rated it it was amazing. This book truly did amaze me. It was exciting, thrilling, emotional, imaginative and so much more. At the end of the book I had chill's all over and they actually stayed there for a short while, it was THAT good. Those of you who like their romances with fantasy type paranormal elements with good verses evil would really enjoy this series. Mar 30, Wendy Higgins added it.

Amazing plotting and world building. I am just in awe. Apr 12, Hanife rated it it was amazing Shelves: Ellie'de bu deneylerinden biri. D Ne denir ki? I'm glad I didn't abandon it. Ok I get why I'm having a hard time with this book at the moment. It's the same reason I couldn't fucking finish the Mists of Avalon.

In Mists of Avalon it was Guinevere or however the fuck Zimmer wanted to spell it , and in this it 3. In Mists of Avalon it was Guinevere or however the fuck Zimmer wanted to spell it , and in this it's Lauriana, Ellie's mother. It is infuriating and for some reason it always needs to come in the form of religious beliefs. And I am not exaggerating. My father is a pastor. I have had to deal with this shit for my Entire. It is fucking impossible to talk to these people when you have a conflicting view.

Tairen Soul Series

You can try and be conciliatory but if they think you are going to hell or that their entire framework of belief is based around these issues and values, and you deign to disagree, they have already dismissed every word that may or may not come out of your mouth. However, the problem with these characters in all stories is that it is always used as a plot device to sow conflict. That's fine, as long as it is used well. One, they never talk to the person who makes them afraid, who they don't trust, OR the person they are afraid FOR be it their soul, their safety, their health, whatever.

And two, if by some miracle they do have a conversation about it that isn't just hints here and there, or completely wrapped up in double meanings, this devout person needs to listen and actually hear what the other person is saying instead of picking and choosing their words to essentially confirm their already-formed opinion. And finally, when it's all said and done, the story ends up with the fearful devout person doing the exact opposite thing they should and then finally realizing their mistake until its too fucking late.

This was mostly just a giant-ass update because it wouldn't fit into the update box. I'll still try and read the rest of it tomorrow but I have a limited supply of patience at the moment and this is testing it. Sep 15, Tom rated it it was amazing Shelves: It almost makes me want to change Lord of the Fading lands to a 4 just to distinguish how much better I felt this book was.

This book picks up where Lord of the Fading Lands left off. The romance dominates the story in the very beginning of the book and then there are multiple plot lines that spring up and the fantasy overtakes the romance. Of course the tension with her mother and queen Annoura was frustrating but another plot line that thickened. And then there is Ellie herself. I thoroughly enjoyed it from start to finish. So although I can see how it might drive people crazy, I totally could see her having reservations on everything that she was going through. The villians are truly hated and the heroes are just that, heroes.

The nobles still have way too much power and I would have loved for Rain to pop one of their heads off with a sneeze early on to stop how arrogant they are but Rain does get his say in the end. Ellie has to endure more than I would have liked and I wish she found her strength a little sooner than she did. Taking in the timeline of events it was all very believable her reservations of who and what she is. Although there is plenty of places to take the story there is some finality to this one.

View all 12 comments. Anyone who loves romantic fantasy deluxe! Stacia the club. Reading for the second time I thought the first book Lord of the Fading Lands was great, but this second one was even better. It put new meaning into the "could not put it down" category. If you love fantasy, magic, romance, action, intrigue and great writing then I highly recommend this book, and I am on to re-read King of Sword and Sky. In the first book the Tairen Soul, Rain, king of the fey, literally dropped from the sky to claim Ellysetta as h Reading for the second time In the first book the Tairen Soul, Rain, king of the fey, literally dropped from the sky to claim Ellysetta as his truemate.

He has left the Fading Lands of the fey on a mission to find a way to save both the fey and the Tairen knowing that what he seeks lies in the city where he finds Ellysetta. As the mortal daughter of a woodcarver she has been fascinated with the fey all of her life, but now is thrown into a world she never dreamed of being a part of. Haunted from childhood by dreams and visions she has never understood, it is in this second book that we come to understand just what is hidden in her past and is a threat to her future.

This author has the ability to write in a way that introduces many characters in a complex world and yet somehow it is not difficult to understand their world. The characters are amazing from the fey warrior who allows a kitten named "Love" to ride around on his shoulder because she is afraid of magic to the incredible battle scenes that use magic and physical skill in a way that you simply see it all happening.

The fey in this book are simply wonderful. There is a theme among these warriors of honor, loyalty, and love that makes them so real. As fighters, they are to put it mildly, bigger than life. I find it amazing that there are so many things going on in this story including political intrigue, terrible magic ability of the mage's who plot against Allysetta for reasons one must read the book to find out, the beautiful sensual love story and this book is NOT YA , and yet it all flows as one great tale.

Goodreads friend, Stacie, was right when she said that Rain and Ellysetta are equal to Jamie and Claire as the best of all romantic couples. I tried leaving this series when I finished it a few weeks ago and just had to pick up Lord of the Fading Lands and go back to this incredible world. This is a series that I will re-read many times.

As the nobles of Celeria foolishly contemplate opening borders for the traitorous Eld, Rain must find a way to show that the Eld are still as evil as they were years ago and keep his soul mate Ellie safe. Ellysetta also has her own battles to face as she discovers her origins that have the power to turn her truemate Rain away from her. This series just gets better and better! Rain and Ellysetta are fast becoming one of my favourite romantic couples.

What I like about their romance is that al As the nobles of Celeria foolishly contemplate opening borders for the traitorous Eld, Rain must find a way to show that the Eld are still as evil as they were years ago and keep his soul mate Ellie safe. What I like about their romance is that although it is a fated-to-be-mated plot line they still have doubts, Ellie based in her insecurity about who she is and Rain through his past experience of love the consequences of which literally scorched the world.

So, although they are soul mates I like the slow build up of trust between them and watching Ellie's feeling going from hero-worship and fear to something deeper. Having said that, the first two books are set over 10 days, it just feels much longer as those days are jam packed with life altering events! Not only do Rain and Ellie make these books for me, but the secondary characters in this also come to vivid life from C. As well as the romance between Rain and Ellie and the characters, what also draws me to this series is the pending war between the Eld and the Fey.

I can't wait to see what happens next this book gives you a lot more details on the Mage's activities and I can't wait to see what happens next. I am particularly looking forward to see how Ellie is meant to heal the Tairen. This is a great series a blend of romance and adventure, magic and swords and I can't wait to start on the next one.

Favourite Quote They could not fight. They could not win. But with each moment left for them to live, they could love. That was the greatest gift the gods could ever give, and it was worth the price they would have to pay. I was worried because I liked book one so much I thought, "How in the heck could it get any better? Hold onto your seats readers - this bumpy ride of amazingness is about to begin. So we left book one with the first thread of a bond, an allusion to Ellie's heritage, and lots and lots of secrets.

Book Two Plot Summary: Betrayal of the acutest kind. Doubt of a lover. Death of a friend. The answer to the question: Who is Ellie Really? A culmination of brilliance and intricate plot lines. Lots of sexy time. I can say nothing more specific without giving things away but holy cranberries on toast.

Rain tries his best to deserve her - fails a little - but makes up for it in kind. The mages plot is revealed and accomplices unveiled. Just go read it now. You can thanks me later. Feb 18, Gemma rated it it was amazing Shelves: I usually wait a day or two to review a book, just to get what I thought of it clear in my mind so that I can give a fair assessment of it.

L I have to say, the previous book, Lord of the Fading Lands, was a littl I usually wait a day or two to review a book, just to get what I thought of it clear in my mind so that I can give a fair assessment of it. L I have to say, the previous book, Lord of the Fading Lands, was a little iffy for me. So I started on this book, unsure what the future held for Ellie and Rain, but needing to find out. And bloody hell, I'm happy I did! When all the stuff that I just know is going to happen happens, I'm gonna feel so smart. Seriously people, I cannot remember the last time a book had me that on tenterhooks, gasping and squealing and generally in a state of hyperactivity as this book just did.

The action, the excitement, the magic It was just fantastic! Sure, there wasn't anything really original I suppose, but this book improved so much on the last one.

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Just when I thought I had it all figured out - Ellie's heritage, the mages, the fey - it all got turned around and around so many times I had no idea what was actually going to be the truth. When he turned away from Ellie, I was indignant - honestly, I probably would have broken my laptop if I had the cojones. L But what I love about this series is the feeling of hope in it; things can get really dark sometimes, and a lot of death occurs in this book, but I'm sure that the HEA will be bestowed in the end.

It won't come easy, but it will come, and I can honestly say I can't wait to read the third book and finally see what the Fading Lands are like. I probably would start ASAP, if not for the fact I've been up all night ooh-ing and aah-ing over this one: Ellie is a great heroine - there was hardly a time when I thought what she was doing was silly, or unrealistic, something that is rare nowadays for heroines. Add all three to Cart Add all three to List.

Lady of Light and Shadows

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Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention fading lands lord of the fading lady of light tairen soul light and shadows high mage sword and sky king of sword fantasy romance second book highly recommend read the first book soul series world building queen of song book in the series even though song and souls story line main characters.

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If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? I can read them in peace, without having to wait for the next book to come out. As the final battle draws nigh and evil tightens its grip upon her soul—will Ellysetta secure the world for Light or plunge it into Darkness for all eternity? I have a feeling that Rain and Elysetta will be one of those couples that I can't stop thinking about until I finish their story. Refresh and try again. The romance dominates the story in the very beginning of the book and then there are multiple plot lines that spring up and the fantasy overtakes the romance.

Please try again later. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. Lady of Light Series: High Fantasy Sub Genre: Each young Fey boy must undertake a Soul Quest, a physical and spiritual journey, to discover the nature of his magical gifts and gain an understanding of his true soul.

Upon completion of that quest, the tairen present the boy with his sorreisu'kiyr "Soul Quest crystal" a magic-amplifying stone made from Tairen's Eye crystal that is uniquely tuned to the magical frequency of the boy who receives it. Among the Fey, men and women mate for life. There exist two separate and distinct mating bonds: E'tanitsa is a bond that can be chosen between two Fey who love one another. Shei'tanitsa, the truemate bond, is a rare and singular joining of perfectly matched souls.

It forms only between two people of equal magical strength, and only where deep and abiding love can form. Shei'tanitsa bonds ensure fertility, and truemates are the only Fey couples capable of bearing female children. Fey magic is composed of four elementals and two mystics, although all Fey are prohibited from wielding Azrahn, one of the two mystics.

Azreisenahn, more commonly called Azrahn. Azrahn is the soul magic, the unmaker, the magic that can control and manipulate souls of the living and the dead, including demons. Azrahn appears as shadowy black threads when woven, and the eyes of a person wielding Azrahn appear as black pits sparkling with red lights. Fey are forbidden, upon pain of banishment, to wield this dark, dangerous magic, and very little is known about its uses or limitations. The Eld Mages, however, wield it freely. Through Azrahn, the Mages can claim souls and force them to do their bidding as well as summon and control demons.

All Fey wield one or more of the four Elemental magics of the World and the mystic Spirit, though with varying degrees of mastery. Magic is spun as threads which are woven into a pattern. Multiple branches of magic can be interwoven to great effect. Fivefold weaves, which combine all four elementals and the one mystic controlled by the Fey, are extremely powerful, and the only defense against demons.

The Elves closely resemble the Fey in appearance except for their tapered ears and golden-brown skin. The Elves are woodsmen, hunters and bowmen of great renown. They are led by their prince, Galad Hawksheart, Lord of Valorian, whose home lies in the heart of Deepwood, and by his twin sister, Illona Brighthand, who lives in the cloudforests of the Silvermist mountains.

The Elves follow an ancient and complex prophecy called The Dance, through which it is said all the secrets of the World can be revealed. The groves and marshes of Danael serve as home to an elusive race of beings called the Danae. Although the Danae came to the aid of the Fey and Elves during the Mage Wars, they prefer to remain isolated from the rest of the world. Mortal lore is full of caution about Danae tree and water spirits who delight in luring intruders to their doom. The Eld are a race of long-lived mortal beings ruled by powerful sorcerous Mages who devote their lives to mastering the darkest magics of the world.

Unlike the Fey, who will live many thousands of years barring a mortal blow or the death of a bonded mate, Eld do eventually age and die, but the Mages have learned how to extend their already naturally long lives through magic. Instead of the normal Eld lifespan of two hundred years, Mages can live nearly a thousand years in each of up to six incarnations.