A Short Course in Intellectual Self Defense: Find Your Inner Chomsky

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A Short Course in Intellectual Self-defense: Find Your Inner Chomsky

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Militant anarchist and educator Normand Baillargeon teaches the fundamentals of education and museum studies at the University of Quebec at Montreal. Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. Wether the information comes from a book you're reading or the news Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. Visit Amazon global store.

Close Report a review At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. Would you like us to take another look at this review? Part One then goes on to explain the basic construction of a logically valid argument and why some arguments are invalid purely by their construction regardless of the merit of the issue being argued for.

This is followed by an explanation of the common fallacies in argumentation and is great stuff because the author explains most of these fallacies very well.

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After this, Part One deals with math specifically probability, statistics and graphs, etc and how it can be used to manipulate people. That said, let me rush to add that this isn't a math textbook so it's not heavy-duty. However, there is enough to give you a grasp of some of the basic issues that will help you to develop a healthy scepticism of the reported results of opinion polls and quasi-scientific research.

Part Two of the book is possibly more challenging. Not because the theory is difficult actually, most of the theory is relatively straight-forward but because it uses the latest research into human perception, memory and judgement to challenge what you think you see and hear. And, if it does, you'll certainly be more sceptical about what other people tell you that they saw and heard. In the end, you'll find that people just can't be trusted - Not because they're liars but because they're oh so human.

Other books by Normand Baillargeon

A Short Course in Intellectual Self-Defense: Find Your Inner Chomsky [Normand Baillargeon, Charb, Andrea Schmidt] on donnsboatshop.com *FREE* shipping on. A Short Course in Intellectual Self-Defense “With charm, with, lucidity, and expert knowledge, this 'short course' carries the reader in easy steps Noam Chomsky Readers are sure to discover that its lucid analyses and discussions assist.

Do I think that there is anything wrong with the book? Well, yes - There are a few minor problems but none that would stop me from buying the book. First, the author can be a little patronising at times especially in Part One. I doubt that he feels superior necessarily. I just don't think he realises that his audience is reading the book because they're already clever enough to have a sense that something is wrong and they've come to book because they want to do something about it.

Second, I'm not sure whether it's the fault of the author or the translator but, unless you know the definition of words like coda, dissemble, utilitarian, etc, you'll need to keep a dictionary close by though mostly for Part One of the book, Part Two is much better in this regard.

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Third, although the author's examples are valid, some can be a little silly. For example, one that he uses throughout the book involves the New York Police Department and a rather silly brand of "billy club" which I presume is a baton.

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Couldn't he think of a more inclusive example?! A very well documented look into the human psyche - and how people think in order to further how to become a better person. Some do not like to read things like this because they find them liberal or conservative - but the fact still remains - all actions by humans fit any of the Critical Thinking flaws documented in this book.

It give them to you, and gives you some direction to defend against them. Going into a a depth of study on Critical thinking I for one have not endeavored to enter into in times past this book really does give one some basic tools where by one can make better every day examinations of the evidence of events and ideas presented before them on a daily basis I highly recommend this book to all Book as described, fast shipping, etc.

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